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Found 15 results

  1. Hello, I have 2006 RSTD and am interested in changing out the handlebars. Last fall I took a 3,500 mile trip and when I got back my shoulders/neck were sore for quite awhile, I think from extended holding in that low/wide position. A fellow biker said he prefers having his handlebars chest high, as he feels it makes for better circulation. The stock handlebars on my RSTD are wide (36 inches at the ends) and positioned low in relation to the gas tank. I have looked into installing risers butI am not sure if that will bring them up as much as I want. Also, risers will not change the width. Has anyone repositioned their handlebars using risers or switched out handlebars altogether? I appreciate any feedback/suggestions you have. Thank you very much, Rickman in WA.
  2. A co-worker has a V-Star 950 and is wiring up a radio but wants it to come on with key in accessory position. He is hooking it up thru a relay but not sure where to wire it in for "ignition switched" for this situation. Anyone have a soft copy (file) of the shop manual or have any background in this? Thanks !
  3. My radio seems to dislike the cold. A couple of days ago, I could not get the radio to turn on. When I got home, I turned on the CB... ok. Then the radio...ok. Switched them all off... ok. Today, on a rode, I was slowing for an intersection, and heard loud but garbled voices. The CB had switched itself on. I cannot turn it off, change the channel, or switch to headset. I also cannot get the radio to come on. Is this a fair weather radio I have on my 08 Venture? Is there a quick fix? Or is this a guarantee job?
  4. When I switched to Mobile1 20w-50 synthetic, I went from a whine (never had a chirp) to a scream. Dealer just switched my basket to an "I" and put me back on Yamaha lube 20w-50 (at my request) and I'm back to a gentle whine at a different pitch and almost no whine in 5th. I can actually hear my mufflers now. I had an "F" basket and according to Rick Butler I probably should have tried a "G" basket, but don't want to push my dealer too much. At the next oil change I'll probably go back to 10w-40, but no more synthetic for me.
  5. I am not sure if it is a bug, I missed something or I imagined it. I would swear there was a multi quote button in the threads. I switched to the venturerider theme and did not see it when on that theme either.
  6. I was just thinking. (you say uh-oh)Since the standard on-off switch for the auxillary lights is so dinky, has anyone ever tried using the cruise control on-off switch under the cassette player to turn on and off any auxillary lighting you might have installed? You'd have to bypass the switch for the cruise, but I leave that switched on all the time anyway. It sure would be easier to reach than under the fairing by the aux outlet.
  7. Here is a link to a recall on the new HD gas tank mounts. Just in case anyone has switched over to the other side. LOL HD Recall Gas Tank Mount Spotsy
  8. I can turn on my radio and the control functions just fine but I'm not getting any sound out of my speakers. I switched between SP and HS and nothing. When I plugged in my headset and switched to HS I can barely here music coming through my helmet speakers. All fuses are fine. I don't see anything loose under the fairing which is split right now. HELP!!!!! Thanks in advance, Carl
  9. went to AUTO-ZONE today to get a can of sea foam. price has DOUBLED in the past 3 months! now paying $11.78, per can! needless to say, i have switched to "Coleman camp fuel"a gallon costs about the same as a pint of sea foam. just jt
  10. Hey Folks, Some know, but Lonna and I aren't going to be able to make it to the International this year We have a double room reserved at the Hub for Aug 2nd thru the 6th and if anyone wants it let me know and we'll get it switched into your name. This will be handled on a first come basis. The 1st email or PM I get will get the room.
  11. Finally tried starting around 6 PM and no spark. Did a little troubleshooting and found no ground to the ignition module. Something must have gotten lost in the translation, so I added a ground to he line, and it started, but running very rough. Checked coil wires on right side, and looked OK but in reality they were switched. It would have seemed that the long plug would have gone tlo the short coil line, and vice versa, but Noooooo!! Switched them and it fired right up and ran great!! Wife came home, so I started it for her, and it ran a few seconds and died!! No spark again! Sooo, to make a long story short, I have 2 spare modules, one for an '83 and one for later models. Well, the one for the newer models ran for a short time, then started missing like crazy. So, tried the one for the '83 and it ran fine for a short time then died. Put the other one back in, still missing. Tried the '83 once more, it started, and is still running. Not real confident in things as of yet. Supposedly mine, being an '84, uses the newer style, but it's "Born On" date is actually 11/83, so I'll have to pull the one in it to see the model code that is in there. I also have a module in the '85 but I'm suspecting that is what's wrong with the '85 in the first place. Bottom line, we're caging it up to Carl's tomorrow, and I will have to see how things are before I try to make it to MD next weekend. May cage it there but hopefully we are riding here. Just gotta gain some confidence first! That and put all the plastic back on and get an inspection...
  12. Howdy. I'm ready to spend the cabbage and make my roadliner more tour-worthy. Having second thoughts, as there are great deals on the venture and rstd around... Has anyone switched over, or own both. You're feedback would be appreciated. Thanks Mike
  13. This is a waterproof XM radio. I've thought about getting one of these for awhile but since it's a Harley product, the price is a ridiculous $250.00. I found this one used on E-Bay for $75.00. The guy switched to Sirius. http://buzznet-86.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Road_Tech_Radio_004--large-msg-120942759465.jpg He didn't have the handlebar mount since it was attached to his fairing. It was perfect for me since I already had a Hoon hardware mount for my Delphi Roady 2. http://buzznet-58.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/XM_Radio_002--large-msg-120896983532.jpg It has a built in 1/8" audio output jack so that is perfect. The power supply had a plug but the owner had cut it. He included the plug but it didn't work for me anyway. I simply hooked it up to 12 volt switched power and everything worked great. I must say that it's a very nice unit. Totally waterproof and has big buttons so that you can use it with gloves. I think price of a new unit is too high, but if you can find a used one like I did, it's money well spent.
  14. Read the thread stating any available brown wire is a switched power wire. I've added the amp and some lights to the fender bolts. Got the tank off and power run to the lovely relays. Now I just need switched power. Tap the headlight wire? Or something convenient? The Yamma instructions for adding lights don't give me a warm fuzzy.
  15. I just put an add in the classifieds, but for you guys who don't go there, I'm building a xs650 bobber and need some mirrors, well I looked over at my 05-RSTD, and the mirrors looked like a perfect fit, so I took one off and put on the xs, and it is just what I need. So any of you guys who switched to billet mirrors and have your old stock ones collecting dust, I can use them. Thanks, Steve
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