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  1. I still cannot believe what Sleeperhawk, Jacque and Riderduke did for my birthday! To have pulled off a surprise birthday party for me that now I know has been in the works for several months, is so incredible. I have never had a birthday party, much less a surprise one and this birthday has been the bestest ever!:cool10: I thank all of you for this wonderful surprise. I also know that several of you were planning on coming but couldn't make it. It would have been great to see you, but I know you were there in spirit. The surprises started early on Friday. My friends at work "birthday'd" my office. I came home after work and George had a birthday cake with candles waiting for me. We went out to eat at El Chico's. At 3:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, Sleeperhawk woke me up and said to come out to the living room. that he had a surprise for me. Jacque, Brock, Jimmy and Ben were standing there! I wasn't sure I was seeing or dreaming! They had been at work all day and drove all night from Huntsville! I was on cloud nine. (And now I know that several of you traveled so far on Friday and Saturday to be there!) Saturday around noon, Jacque said she was going to find a nice restaurant to take me out for lunch, so she and Jimmy took off. George, Ben, Brock and I were visiting and then we took off. I was told we were going to Hueller's German Black Forrest Restaurant. I had not heard of it but it sounded good. We walked in, and there were our VR family, my family and some of George's co-workers! I was absolutely speechless!!! and with happiness to see everyone! I will never ever forget the time and love that went into making this birthday happen for me, in planning and coming to the party. I love you all and am so thankful grateful for each and every one of you. :bighug: http://s7.beta.photobucket.com/user/venturerider/library/2012/Sleeperhawk%20Mechanics%20Surprise%20Birthday%202012
  2. http://s760.beta.photobucket.com/user/etcswjoe/library/Bobbie%20Surprise
  3. In east Tennessee, we have had the wettest July on record. It did surprise me because the first part of the month was dry. RandyA
  4. After we hit the deer last night (See other post), as we waited for the police and tow truck, several cars went by and some of them slowed to look at the deer and our car, but none stopped. A young guy on a crotch rocket pulled over and asked if we were OK or needed any help. Doesn't surprise me a bit that a motorcyclist was the only one to stop. Had a car stopped, I would have expected the driver to also be a motorcyclist. Makes me proud of us! Andy
  5. So I finally was able to connect with the owner of the bike junkyard and finalize the deal for the 2 MK1 carcasses he had rotting away in his yard. Got a big surprise though.. I had been wanting to buy the blonde and a frame that had the motor and rear drive train but not much more. When the owner directed an employee to help me " load the two Ventures" we walked out to the yard. I went looking for the frame as they had cleaned up and moved things around. The employee pointed to the gold one and said that one and this one... I was still looking ion the other direction for the frame. When I said " they moved it ... I can't find it.." He said "it's right there..." He was pointing to a different Venture with a lot more parts on it. I hadn't seen that one before. He said " that's the two the boss said to load" . So, I got both. A better deal than what I thought I had. The first picture is the frame I thought I was getting... the purple bike is what I got. Here are the pictures:
  6. I went on a Veterans MC charity ride... and I won best trike
  7. I big trike with (I presume) small block chevy engine. And 'surprise' the city has added some motorcycle parking.
  8. Discovered a slash on my left front tire on my SUV. It started leaking air as I arrived at work last night.Truck needed tires soon anyway so I went to the tire dealer. I had looked up the price online and set my appt there as well. Over 600 bucks. When I got the bill it was under 500 bucks with a mail in rebate as well. Took me a minute but I realized then that they pro rated my old set. That saved me over 100 bucks. It was a pleasent surprise.... Next week, the car!!!!
  9. Bet they were not expecting this
  10. A bit of a surprise for me,,, I couldn't believe what rolled into and then out of my driveway,,, it took me a minute,,,ya
  11. I am looking for a pair of ladies boots for my wife. She needs to feel comfortable riding behind me. Also, she just got her own license and so would do so much better if she had a good pair of boots of her own. I would wish for a pair of women's 9 1/2 Gortex zipper boots for a narrow foot. While I'm wishing, I want it all for under $100. It would make a nice surprise for her if I could pull it off for a surprise. Any ideas ladies. Iowa Guy
  12. I put a new windshield on my bike this weekend and took the opportunity to split the faring for the first time. Figured since it's an '03 that all the connectors in there, etc would need some attention. The first surprise was the chrome windshield trim still had all the tabs intact, couldn't believe it after the stories I've read on here. Second surprise was that it was spotless inside, all of the connectors were clean and in great shape. I did hit all of them with a little dielectric grease since I was already in there. Needless to say, I was doing the happy dance.
  13. Now, something to class up this website a notch! THIS IS TRULY A BEER BOTTLE BAND--IT WILL SURPRISE YOU. Ya gotta hear this beer bottle band!!! [ame= ] [/ame] Mike G in SC
  14. Yesterday my wife was rushing about packing away the tons of Christmas trinkets she puts up every year. After a while she sits down , looks at me and says she thinks she is loosing her mind. To which I replied. Well honey it doesn't surprise me, afterall . . . . . . . You have been giving me a piece of it everyday for 32 years. Hospital Visiting Hours are 10 AM to 8 PM
  15. I thought I better be consistent and post these pictures from our trip to Virginia for Clare's surprise party here! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y26...y%2022%202010/
  16. Why are there so many accidents? Check this video out from Springfield (where ever that is?) it will surprise you....but then again, maybe not. Scary stuff? http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1418565565?bctid=70368898001
  17. Guest

    Thanks and surprise

    I want to thank everyone for all the spline reading and tech on greasing them, also on removing therear wheel it was a breeze after reading how, also the carbon one stand with legs is neater than slice bread too, so thanks for all the contributed to the tech section.. Now I'm kinda tick and not surprise when I took the rear wheel off there was not enough grease on the grear splines nor the pins in the hub to cover a eraser, I mean zip none, this bike has less than 8k miles and to be as dry and they are was joke, I'm such thankful I read about it here.. Get the E3's on tomorrow and back together tomorrow night then I get to look at my new tires and wonder how they would ride, 80% chance of rain Sat. and Sunday..
  18. Here is the link to the bucket containing pics of the whole group growing older :rotf: [ame=http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20Birthday%2020100305/]Sleeperhawks Mechanic Birthday 20100305 pictures by venturerider - Photobucket[/ame] Again, thank you all for the surprise birthday M&E.:bighug:
  19. Here's the link to the pics I took at Sleeperhawks birthday surprise. I'll add the link and two pics on the page of when he came in. I tried my best to get plenty of shots for Bobbie. [ame=http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Mini%20Sleeperhawk%20Birthday%20March%202010/]Mini Sleeperhawk Birthday March 2010 pictures by venturerider - Photobucket[/ame] Margaret
  20. This is a great vid of Tom Brokaw explaining Canada and Canadians to Americans. There may be some things that will surprise some of our US friends. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYoTJItSPt0]YouTube- Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans[/ame] Brian
  21. I took the faring off today do some wiring and to my surprise a nest of insulation. Nobody was home so I cleaned it up and surprise again wires to speakers chewed up. I repaired the speaker wires and my intended repair. Before I put it back together I was going to put some dryer sheets in there. I am also looking for any other methods to keep the little creatures out. I would also say if you get a chance you may want to check yours. I am also going to check under all my covers and air intake.
  22. :7_2_104[1]:Bongo Bob really does now own a 2nd Gen!!! Grand spankin new '09 Sandstone and Raven with now around 300 miles on it!! Surprise, surprise!! Yes, I'm going to keep it, and no, I did not get rid of Goldie!!! I'm keeping both!
  23. Just thought that I'd pass this on I went to Meijer's today in Taylor Michigan and they had several cans of Seafoam in stock for $7.99 so I bought 2 cans which came to $15.98 When I checked out I got a big surprise when they applied a discount of $4.00 bringing the total to $11.98. (before taxes) What a deal. db
  24. ...and looking for company on the road to Don's. We are staying at the Inn. Anybody want to ride along?? I'm bringing a surprise to the meet...
  25. Actually, that's wifey's new ride....her nice new/old 1100....but, guess who's doing the maintenance. Anyone know of/have a link to an online repair manual? I'm already suffering the "surprise" of having to practically dismember the right side of the bike just to get at the oil filter. Wondering what other joy I'm in for. Thanks, guys. P.S. Didn't know what forum to put this in.
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