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Im seriously thinking about having knee replacement surgery within the next year. I wanted to wait about 8 more years as I got closer to retirement but the pain is getting to be a drag. Has anyone here had it done and if so, how has it affected your riding. Recovery time? Flexability?
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Hey All, This is a running thread about the condition of GAWildkat as she goes through her adventures in Gastric Bypass. We got here about 7:30 and they performed all the standard pre-op stuff they do up here. She was just taken back to the OR at 10:50 and I'm told that it'll be about two and a half hours for her to be done. step in the waiting game.
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Wednesday we drove out to Greensboro NC, Muffin had to be at the hospital for 6 am and it's a 4 hr ride. His surgery started at 7:40 and lasted 2.5 hrs, then recovery about as long. Here's a pic of his foot all wrapped up pretty on the ride home yesterday. I have a few more pics I'll add just have to scan them. The doc gave them to me when he came out to chat after the surgery. Boy he was young looking. Jeff had DeNovo surgery, he had an accident at work in April it killed the cartilege in his ankle. The surgery uses donor tissue to replace what you've lost. The doc said it was more extensive then he thought. So Muffin is on his butt for about 6 wks, in 2 we got back to the docs office. So no bike riding for him, but it could have been worse. Just can't seem to convince him of that. Anyway thought I'd let you all know. It's been a long year so far since this all started. Once this is all over he can go back to work. I'm really really looking forward to that day. Margaret
I am looking for help from our Venture rider friends in Georgia. We just bought our first American Mastiff Puppy. There is a family in Georgia that purchased theirs one month earlier. The family has 5 children ages 17-3. Just found out the mom has had surgery and will be out of work for at least 8 weeks and the Dad just had his knee cap dislocated and is looking at surgery and unable to work at this time. Our American Mastiff friends are looking to help out by donating gift cards, money and presents for the kids. I need to know what grocery stores, clothing stores, ext.. are in Georgia. The family is having to get rid of their new Mastiff puppy which is heartbreaking for the family, If my family can help Corie and Adam give their kids a better Christmas they will be so much appreciative. Thank you Georgia Friends. God Bless Tinystar
Ive seen and heard the words before but didn't know anything about it till now. Ever since I got back from SD my 2 middle fingers on my right had are numb. My doc wants to send me for surgery . Anybody have it done , was it worth it and what was your down time . I was going to wait but was told you can get permanent damage.
We were going to see Paul for dinner on Tuesday night but he could make because he was ill and a little dizzy. The flu has been going around here and nobody thought much about it. Last night his sweet wife took him into the hospital and they found a golf ball size, nonmalignant tumor in his stomach. Needless to say, they kept him for a little under the hood tune up work. They schedule surgery for this afternoon. I stopped in to see him first thing this morning and the nurse was getting him ready to go to surgery, schedule changed. After a few minutes of chatting, I rode down the elevator with him to the surgical wing. He had reached his wife and she was on the way to be with him. The faith and prayers of those here would be appreciated. Dave (Utadventure)
Well, we were looking forward to finally getting some riding time in again after my 2 knee surgerys. But it looks like I will be putting it off for even longer now. The VA has finally decided my knee needs to be replaced and waiting any longer is pointless. Guess it helped that I had to have 2 surgeries inside of a year. Course the bad thing is my last surgery was June 1st, now I have to have the replacement on Sept. 20th. Oh well no rest for the wicked. So I have a quesion for anyone that has gone through this, how long were you down? How long after that was it before you were comfortable riding again? TIA Joe
This site is very informative and worthwhile! Which ever diseases you click-on it gives you a video explanation! Interactive Sites For Medical Information The tutorials listed below are interactive health education resources from the Patient Education Institute. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition in easy-to-read language. You can also listen to the tutorial. JUST CLICK ON A SPECIFIC AILMENT NOTE: These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or Above... If you do not have Flash, you will be prompted to obtain a free download of the software before you start the tutorial. Diseases and Conditions Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Acne AIDS Allergies to Dust Mites Alopecia Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Angina Anthrax Arrhythmias Arthritis Asthma Atrial Fibrillation Avian Influenza Back Pain - How to Prevent Bell's Palsy Brain Cancer Breast Cancer Burns Cataracts Cerebral Palsy Cold Sores (Herpes) Colon Cancer Congestive Heart Failure COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Crohn's Disease Cystic Fibrosis Depression Diabetes - Eye Complications Diabetes - Foot Care Diabetes - Introduction Diabetes - Meal Planning Diverticulosis Endometriosis Epstein Barr (Mononucleosis) Erectile Dysfunction Fibromyalgia Flashes and Floaters Fractures and Sprains Ganglion Cysts Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Glaucoma Gout Hearing Loss Heart Attack Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Hypoglycemia Incisional Hernia Influenza Inguinal Hernia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Kidney Failure Kidney Stones Leishmaniasis Leukemia Low Testosterone Lung Cancer Lupus Lyme Disease Macular Degeneration Malaria Melanoma Meningitis Menopause Migraine Headache Mitral Valve Prolapse Multiple Myeloma Multiple Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Otitis Media Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cysts Pancreatitis Parkinson's Disease Pneumonia Prostate Cancer - What is it? Psoriasis Retinal Tear and Detachment Rheumatoid Arthritis Rotator Cuff Injuries Sarcoidosis Scabies Seizures and Epilepsy Sexually Transmitted Diseases Shingles Skin Cancer Sleep Disorders Smallpox Spinal Cord Injury Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) Tennis Elbow Tinnitus Trigeminal Neuralgia Tuberculosis Ulcerative Colitis Umbilical Hernia Uterine Fibroids Varicose Veins Vasculitis Warts Tests and Diagnostic Procedures Amniocentesis Barium Enema Bone Densitometry Breast Lumps - Biopsy Bronchoscopy Colonoscopy Colposcopy Coronary Angiogram and Angioplasty CT Scan (CAT Scan) Cystoscopy - Female Cystoscopy - Male Echocardiogram Echocardiography Stress Test IVP (Intra Venous Pyelogram) Knee Arthroscopy Laparoscopy Mammogram MRI Myelogram Newborn Screening Pap Smear Shoulder Arthroscopy Sigmoidoscopy Ultrasound Upper GI Endoscopy Surgery and reatment Procedures Aorto-Bifemoral Bypass Cardiac Rehabilitation Carotid Endarterectomy Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Chemotherapy Cholecystectomy - Open Laparoscopic (Gallbladder Removal Surgery) Clinical Trials Colon Cancer Surgery Colostomy Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) C-Section Dilation and Curettage (D & C) General Anesthesia Heart Valve Replacement Hemorrhoid Surgery Hip Replacement Hip Replacement - Physical Therapy Hysterectomy Knee Replacement LASIK Massage Therapy Neurosurgery - What is it? Open Heart Surgery - What to Expect? Pacemakers Preparing for Surgery Prostate Cancer - Radiation Therapy Shoulder Replacement Sinus Surgery Stroke Rehabilitation Thyroid Surgery Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy TURP (Prostate Surgery) Vaginal Birth Vasectomy Prevention and Wellness Back Exercises Coumadin - Introduction
My eye surgeon has decided he wants to do another surgery tomorrow. This time, due to more blood vessel problems, he wants to take the oil back out and fix the problem vessels and the do the air bubble thing again. At present I have virtually no usable vision out of my right eye and have found if I wear my eye patch, it seems to help with my headaches. I don't know if this will help my vision any, but we will see(no pun intended). RandyA
Yesterday evening, my 20 year old grandson, Lil Venturous" son, lost it on his CBR600 and went down. He was going over a rise that sweeps to the right and I suspect he was going too fast and as he crested the hill and when he touched the rear brake, it locked up. He went off the left side of the road, went over a barbed wire fence, bending or breaking four metal poles, dropped about 6 to 8 feet and hit a telephone pole. He was left laying beside the telephone pole and the bike went farther down the bank. The fortunate thing was he was able to call his dad, who was at my house and we took off to find him as Brian called 911 and gave them directions. When we got there, his sister, who lives within a mile was already there. Within minutes we had the fire department, a crash truck, EMS, a city policeman that was on his way to work and then a State Trooper. If he had not been able to call, I don't know if he would have been found. You could not see him or the bike from the road unless you stopped and got out of the car and looked over the bank. He also could not move as he had a compound fracture on his right leg with the femur sticking out about half way between his knee and hip. He is now out of surgery and also has a torn muscle and skin damage. Fortunately, he had on a good mesh jacket with armor pads, heavy boots, heavy work pants and a full face helmet. He will be in ICU tonight and in a couple of days he will have more surgery to see how much muscle damage there is. I have some pictures that I will try to post that were taken after the fact. RandyA
Had my RTKR done last Thursday and all went well. OS described the knee as a mess and I wouldnt have lasted much longer without the TKR. BCBS allowed 2 days stay but I was able to get the 3rd day. I wanted to stay for another week in the hospitals rehab center but the hospital advocates claimed all my ins would cover is at home therapy, which my OS agreed with.By Sun I had 0 0 70, walked about 300 ft and all should have been well. My concerns was that with my weight of 340 my getting up and down from a seated position would be hard. I still had a hard time with that. I was discharged and I was not able to get seated in my SUV. My daughter had to go home and come back with her lower suv. With some help I was able to get pulled into the back seat and finally home. I managed to get out safely and into the house. I still have not had a bowel movement since the day of surgery, other than urinating and passing gas. Now the fun begins. While at the hosp the therapists all had beefy assistants to help get me up. The home people show up and together they weigh less than me and both stood about 5'5 to my 5'11. Since my left "good" knee is also shot I was not able to put much pressure on it to raise myself up and the therapists, being so small were of no use to me. All I need is for someone who can handle my size/weight to get me past that one point and I would be able to function on my own fairly well. I also asked the hosp advocate to either have ins cover a lift chair or hosp bed for home use. No luck there either. So, the home nurse comes and accesses the situation and all home parties agree that I should be in a hospital therapy environment and they would make a strong recommendation for it. Or failing that, they would push for the fully automated hospital bed. and some beefier assistants. All I need is a few days to work this through and I should be ok. Lets see if ins cooperates. Bottom line: right now im basically stuck in my chair. If no one steps up I may have to call in rescue to lift me up. What really torques me with all of this was the fact that I had tried to address these concerns weeks before the surgery and during my 3 days there as well to no avail. Ill see what the day brings...... I would also like thank those who offered prayers, sent PM's or called me direct. It meant a lot!!
Left shoulder surgery tomorrow. Just wanted to warn everybody that I will be aggravating you all for quite some time again. No work or ride for the last 8 weeks and now after surgery, 3 - 6 months recovery. So no work and ride either and I am sick already. I have my new bars and SS lines on that I can not try and a trip planned and going to miss Don's Maintenance day. Well shoot, oh well. I am blessed and I realize that, but dog gone it, it really really really sucks getting old. I need to learn that when I am working that I am not able to do as I always have. Well I have time to get some computer work done. Adding to Don's Member Vendor list and going to try to sell a few Stinger Flagpole Mounts that I have been working on and to help me and the PGR riders out a little. I have a guy in or next to Kenova,WV building me up a few. Then also a friend nearby to help when needed. Then I am painting and taking care of the rest. The steel and is going to be the biggest factor I believe,so expensive. Well so consider yourselves warned that I am going to be lurking about for a long while. Please come visit me here. Thanks all for your cares and prayers. Fuzzy :thumbsup2:
My daughter is getting ACL surgery this morning. Just dropped her off at the hospital (and sat with here until she was wheeled into the OR) and came home to take care of the dogs and get a shower. Will be back there in an hour to see how the surgery went. My wife is hanging out at the hospital in case anything is needed. She blew her ACL playing basketball. May have screwed her for a D1 volleyball scholarship, but that is just a minor issue now. She should be back up and playing in 6 months or so. With me having been through this surgery (twice), I know it is a tough row to hoe. But she is young and in shape and should recover quickly. She will be very devoted to the physical therapy routine to affect a complete recovery. Still, we always worry. Wish she didn't have to go thru this. It is her senior year in HS and was doing so well in both VB (went to state finals the last 3 years) and BB. However, she is a great student and a wonderful daughter. This is but a minor setback in the long run. A short prayer is always welcome. RR
After going through a series of clearance tests I was all set for my Feb 9th Total Knee Replacement surgery date. Got a call this morning from the surgical coordinator saying that due to a large amount of emergency surgeries that have come up they have to cancel my elective surgery until April 26th. I was stunned. Just how many emergencies surgeries could there have been? I was supposed to be on a cancellation list but I took my name off of it because Feb 9th date fit my schedule nicely. Now when i asked about the cancellation list the coordinator says she will put me on it but that cancellations are rare. They did offer to have another surgeon do the surgery on Jan 29th but this Dr uses a Depuy knee, which I do not want. My Dr uses a Stryker Triathlon knee, and after having done my research I was happy with the choice. It does not sound right to me. Im waiting for a return call. I dont want to start this process over with another Dr and another clinic but I also dont want to be screwed around with. What happens in April when they call again with another slew of emergencies? And what about the time limits on my clearances? Right now im just venting. But what I dont understand is why cant the other Dr handle his emergencies. It really sounds like they just dont want to do the surgery.
These are used to set torque per manual specs on all Ventures. $25.00 including US shipping $28.00 including Canada shipping. Every where else $31.00. Actually they have been available fairly continuously, but I got a new batch in today. The bike is under going brake surgery this winter and needs your support. These make really great tree ornaments. and can be used as stocking stuffer. Gary
Had a nice short last ride for the year today, tomorrow I will be having carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand, also wont be back to work till mid or end of Jan. Perfect time for some paid time off, never had this much time off at Christmas time. Surgery at 7:00 am tomorrow morning (Monday), will be home by 9:30/10:30 am, I cant believe how fast they do them now, when I had my right hand done back in 2005, I was at the hospital for at least 1/2 a day. This will give me a taste of retirement...........looking forward to it.
Another hospital recognizes the benefits of bloodless surgery! The patient interviewed is one of Jehovah's Witnesses...but PLEASE DON"T TURN THIS INTO A RELIGIOUS DEPBATE!!!!!! (Even if we were right all along! Hee Hee!)
sposed to go in on monday for surgery on my herneea, and pandecktommy to remove extra skin on my lower stomake.. (from bellybutton down to somwhere down below that????? gonna cut me from hip to hip , i guess.. ( actuly above the hip).. woohoo, down another pant size or 2.. down from 440 to 195 so far.. sure hope to stop soon..:smile11:so i will be away from my puter for 4 days or so i guess.. pray for me and the wife , please..
Well, after steady progression on my right eye, with everything doing good, I had a setback this past weekend. I went to the VA eye clinic Monday morning and they did a review and set me up with the eye surgeon visit this morning. After a review there, I am now scheduled for surgery tomorrow. It appears I have a detached retina and macular edemia along with some scar tissue. When it rains, it pours. At this point, I can not see anything with my right eye other than a very bright pin point light. I hate to be pesimistic, but I do not feel good about what vision I might get back. RandyA
I got the call yesterday that I have been dreading for sometime. My Father in law, StormRaven's Dad called to say he had a heart attack 2 Fridays ago and an emergency quad bypass surgery. He got to come home Fri. He sounded weak but was in good spirits when I talked to him. Also learned my adopted mum (my parents have already passed on) goes in tomorrow for another bypass surgery. Please keep them in your prayers. Tricia
I've had trouble with my knees for a few years and I still get around OK but I am considering a knee replacement before I get to the point that I can't function. The doc says I could wait another year or two but I would like to get back to being able to walk a few miles. Has anyone been through the surgery and if so, how was the recovery and rehab? How long before you were back to work, driving and on the bike? Would you do it again? Thanks, Dennis
Well it looks like my riding season will end on the 13th of september.. I will be going in for rotator cuff surgery. Riding season is short enough here in wisconsin this just makes it shorter.. :sick::sick:
This is a continuation of the thread below. I was supposed to have surgery on my back close to two months ago. I got a blood clot in my lower left leg a few days before the surgery and it had to be canceled. This time, due to the clot and my having been on blood thinners for two months, it's more complicated. I checked in tonight (wed) about 5:30. Tomorrow sometime I am scheduled to have a filter inserted in a vein leading to my heart. They are supposed to go in either femoral artery at my groin, or in my neck. This is supposed to catch any clot that may break loose before it gets to heart or lungs. Then, I have to stay in hospital over the weekend. Monday, my Dr. is going to do surgery on my lower back and remove the extruded disc that is pressing on my spinal cord. I should be able to go home Monday afternoon if that surgery goes well. I will be so happy to get rid of this pain. For a couple of weeks I was taking 8 percocets a day in order to tolerate the pain. I haven't rode the scooter once this year yet and I am missing it. I have my laptop with me and hooked into hospitals wireless system. Got all my bike files with me. Its amazing how much Venture related stuff I have, 18 gig worth. I am sure I will be on here over the weekend, If you don't here from me after Monday, there will be a bunch of Venture parts for sale, wife has said if I go, garage is getting cleaned out. She has no idea how much I have spent on this, so it will be a bargain if I don't pull through. Gary
Well returned to Doc today 11 days after surgery. He said Im healing well removed my staples and come back in a week. Still no riding or driving yet, no heavy lifting and he said to walk as much as possible.. Im feeling alot better the last few days so another week I should be doing really well. John