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  1. I sure hope you guys enjoy answering My super simple questions! Got a new one. What side is the cb antenna supposed to be mounted on?
  2. We are supposed to get 6 inches of that white stuff overnight.
  3. Yesterday when we got up it was about 10 below zero here. It is warmer today...actually zero right now and is supposed to climb to a balmy 12 degrees F today. Actually staying fairly warm on the sleds but took the time yesterday to drive into Hayward and picked up a couple of facemasks. Also picked up a couple of very nice RibEyes. It's a tough life here but somebody has to do it.
  4. The snow's gonna hit the fan that is. I'm looking for a sprocket for an old Dynamark snow blower I've had for a few years. It worked fine for the first couple seasons but then one of the chains started jumping off the sprocket. The sprocket in the picture is supposed to have a flange on both sides of the fork that is supposed to keep it from sliding side to side. But now one flange has been completely worn off and now the sprocket moves to far to the right and the chain jumps off. I hate to junk the thing simply because I can't find a new/used sprocket somewhere. I could re-engineer the thing a bit and it would probably be good until the rest of it fell apart. But a new sprocket would be easiest. Does anybody know anything about these? Would any collectors have one laying around? Even a part number would be handy. ANY info would be appreciated. Thanks, Bill
  5. Don't ask,, I just donated another five bucks,,, really wasn't my fault,,, had nothing to do with it,,,, I mean,, all I did was get off the bike at the gas pumps,,, foolishness, who ever thought of putting something on two wheels,,,and then nothing to keep it from tipping over,,,, something automatic I mean,,, should be a good place for an inventor to come up with a new idea,,,,and now it seems I started a new trend,, I hope not, but two rides and two lay-downs doesn't spell good for the near future,,,,,,,,, next ride I'm going to get bubble wrap,, and some foam,,, and spring loaded thingies. No damage this time, not even my pride,,,, it went before the fall,,,, heck it happens, just glad it was me and not somebody who would get all upset about these things. Good thing, this time Marca was already out of harms way, but the kick stand was not exactly where it was supposed to be so flipped back up,,, what it supposed to do,,, and I just let it go,,, what I was supposed to do,,,,, training paid off!!,,, just a little more smoke out of the wires, nothing too serious,, anybody need some lights???
  6. 11 curves in 318 miles I haven't seen one but there's supposed to be a T-shirt available. I know I've driven it. found it http://gainesvillehog.org/totgs.htm
  7. I have a 2009 royal star touring deluxe and noticed that the swing are when on my lift has about a .003-.005 side play on the swing arm. The factory manual says there is not supposed to be any. Has anyone had this issue and if so what is the proceedure to take the side play out.
  8. well took the bike out today made it about 6 miles. started to slow down. then i stopped and could not move. didnt bring any tools with me that was stupid. stuck on one of the busiest street in town. cant move. cop didnt even stop. a homeowner let me use his small socket set to bleed the linked brake front caliper. then i could move how can you tell how full the reservoir is supposed to be. i think it was to full and expanded putting on the brakes or am i missing something. flushed and rebuilt all parts made sure all holes were open dont know how to check amount of fluid. filled till full.
  9. I keep reading that there is supposed to be a vacuum line connected to the #2 intake port on the 96 Royals. It is supposed to go to the ignition (boost sensor?). Can anyone verify this? Mine doesn't have it. All four of the ports are capped. Does anyone have a vacuum line routing diagram? My clymers doesn't have one. I'm thinking someone may have removed it for some reason and that it may be why I haven't been able to remedy my decel backfiring. Thanks!
  10. I was looking at my rear axle where is comes through on the right side, and was alarmed that it didn't look right. Is it supposed to be flush? You experts look at the picture and tell me.
  11. Weather is crappy, haven't done much to the Wing to personalize it since I got it and I'm bored so, been playing with Paint ... waddya think? (the headlinghts are supposed to be smoked ... best I could do without totally blacking them out) Should I leave it stock? Should I smoke the headlights? [ATTACH]64725[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64726[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64727[/ATTACH]
  12. put the bike back together after 2nd gear rebuild and am at the point where I should be able to check operation except something aint right.... So here is the question= put the shifter in what is supposed to be 1st gear and the indicator states 5TH gear???? What the heck is up with that? thanks in advance, mike
  13. My 96 Royal has passing lamps. Looking at the owner's manual, there is supposed to be a switch located somewhere in or around the left handlebar control. I assume it is supposed to be a momentary switch that only turns the lights on when the switch is pushed and held? Is this switch part of the control housing, or is it mounted externally? Whoever mounted the lights on the bike added a toggle switch to the left light housing. I can't even reach the switch unless I stand in front of the bike. Can anyone post pictures of the proper switch for me? Anyone know of a source for it?
  14. My ride is a 92 Yamaha venture , old plastic bike a bit rough around the edges, but I like the way it rides. It was treated pretty roughly in its life I think and some of the plastic was a bit rough and it was missing all of the amenities because it was a police bike. Picked up a parts bike for $500 this weekend.. that all the electronics are present on, lots of extra amenities, like drivers backrest, trailer hitch, etc.. Wasn't supposed to run, but it is running. Would only run on choke at 1st , but after a can of sea foam it is getting better slowly but surely, no idea of the shape of the carbs / carb diaphragms. I am sure the carbs need cleaning. Sat up for a long time I think , the clutch and brakes need to be rebuilt, It has zero clutch right now. But this bike wasn't supposed to work really ,so this is all a bonus I think I am still going with my original plan though and use the parts from it to fix mine up, but man, I'm pleased as punch to find another one for a good deal.. I didn't have a radio, cb, intercom stuff or any of that. http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/%21033.jpg
  15. I've gotten to the point of reading the carbtune for the 1st time on my 91 VR. My instructions says to bring carb 1 & 2 to an even level then the same 3 & 4, then sync up 1&2 with 3&4. Well I got 1&2 evened out at around 27/33 and 3&4 to around 40. That could be the reason why my mileage was so bad. The carbs probably nevers been synced sinced left the dealers lot it only has 6700 miles on it. So I now have 1&2 pretty even with 3&4. Is the reading supposed to be pretty steady or is it supposed to bounce with about 6 units of variance? So right now all 4 are bouncing between 28 low and 34 high.
  16. I found this software program for GPS's. It is a route planner that is supposed to be compatible with both Garmin and TomTom and works in conjunction with Google earth and Google maps. You are supposed to be able to plot out your route and then upload it to your GPS. I am curious If anyone is familiar with it and have tried it. Here is the link to tyre's home page http://www.tyre.tk/ It would seem to me (unless I misunderstood) that you would not have to keep updating your gps maps either if using this program. I have an old TOM TOM that I thought I would try it out on
  17. I ran across a '98 GMC SLS 4X4 that looks interesting for $2,500. Haven't seen it yet so no details but if anyone has owned one I'd like to hear your thoughts. Supposed to be loaded and very clean. I've never owed a Jimmy but I have had mixed opinions from owners in the past. Some love.... some hate. Ya know how that goes. Mike
  18. The Spyder Truck they call it will be close to my area Friday-Sunday with 13 Spyder Roadsters for demo rides. Just signed up for 12:30 on Friday the 16th. Been wanting to ride one since they first came out, I think it's a guided group ride. We are supposed to see the sun and warm up again by Friday. Should be fun, they have a free pig roast Friday so Ride and eat, how can I go wrong.
  19. OK..Forks are drained, anti dive parts are off. Before I do anything else stupid....I figured I'd ask first. the brackets where the cross over hose connects up near the triple tree. Is that supposed to just slide off? I can't see any kind of clamp but when I try to remove the forks they get hung up on that bracket (with a clunk) so it sounds like a lip in the way. With Skydoc's block off plates, there is a set of bolts with a hole drilled thru them. I am thinking they go in place of the hoses? They came with 2 brass washers for each bolt...do I use 2 on one hose replacement bolt ? Once the forks are out...how do I get to the bearings. (that's what I figured out....still need help with cross over hoses....they are supposed to be removed when I do the block off plates yes? Am I getting over analytical or paranoid.....YES I AM!
  20. It's a dark day here at the Nelson household. My son Dylan won an Apple IPad II in a raffle. He doesn't have it yet, they are shipping it to him and he is supposed to have it by April 1st. I told him he could keep it but it can't leave his room.
  21. This is a continuation of the thread below. I was supposed to have surgery on my back close to two months ago. I got a blood clot in my lower left leg a few days before the surgery and it had to be canceled. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=59851 This time, due to the clot and my having been on blood thinners for two months, it's more complicated. I checked in tonight (wed) about 5:30. Tomorrow sometime I am scheduled to have a filter inserted in a vein leading to my heart. They are supposed to go in either femoral artery at my groin, or in my neck. This is supposed to catch any clot that may break loose before it gets to heart or lungs. Then, I have to stay in hospital over the weekend. Monday, my Dr. is going to do surgery on my lower back and remove the extruded disc that is pressing on my spinal cord. I should be able to go home Monday afternoon if that surgery goes well. I will be so happy to get rid of this pain. For a couple of weeks I was taking 8 percocets a day in order to tolerate the pain. I haven't rode the scooter once this year yet and I am missing it. I have my laptop with me and hooked into hospitals wireless system. Got all my bike files with me. Its amazing how much Venture related stuff I have, 18 gig worth. I am sure I will be on here over the weekend, If you don't here from me after Monday, there will be a bunch of Venture parts for sale, wife has said if I go, garage is getting cleaned out. She has no idea how much I have spent on this, so it will be a bargain if I don't pull through. Gary
  22. I have a 1st generation.The oil indicator on the dash is always on.My oil level in the sight glass is where it is supposed to be.My question is can I bypass the oil sending unit?I have soldered the display unit.
  23. Bike has 6000 miles on it and just yesterday I began having probs with the cruise control. It'll turn on, but when I set it, it will hold momemtarily then kick off. I tried it a few different times, sometimes it would engage after a couple of tries, but it'd only hold a minute or so before kicking back off. I know it's supposed to be under warrenty, but if I could fix it myself I'd rather do that. I hate letting people work on my stuff. Any ideas? tks in advance!
  24. Okay. Yesterday I tried to install the RK mufflers I got. These are 07s if I remember correctly so they do have a cat. I don't know if that makes any difference on installation. I got a pair of the 31-9920 Chrome clamps. I've spread them out as large as I can make them with a screw driver. I go to put the muffler on and I can only get it on so far. There's about 1/4" of the mating pipe showing still. I've tried using a wood block and a hammer but I don't want to damage any of the upstream exhaust by pounding too hard. I'm thinking of the "Y" weld... don't want to crack that in any way. I used a little anti-seize as someone recommended. The end of the muffler seems to be spreading a bit as I push it on. I'm assuming this is normal. I'm also assuming that the clamp is supposed to go on up to the heat shield and none of the existing exhaust pipe is supposed to show. Let me know if you've experienced a similar situation and what worked for you.
  25. Any Kansas City riders want to ride Tomorrow weather is supposed to be great:twing:
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