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  1. OK folks..I know very little about this as I don't use an Iphone, Blackberry, etc. I had a request to add this feature so decided to give it a try. If you use one of the phones that support this app, you are welcome to test it out. I noticed on their website that they do have a beta app out now for the Blackberry also. Tapatalk is a mobile forum app for iPhone / Android and soon to be on Blackberry and Nokia. Tapatalk supports vBulletin (3.x and 4.x) and phpBB forums and forum owner can activate this service for free. Tapatalk supports all the usual forum functions plus full screen image viewing, image upload, caching (less reload), private messaging, all these features are accessible in just a few simple taps. Tapatalk for iPhone: Showing New and Unread Posts: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/iphone/IMG_0036.png Full Thread Viewing and Pagination Support: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/iphone/IMG_0037.png See Who's Online: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/iphone/IMG_0038.png Reply to Post and Image Upload: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/iphone/IMG_0041.png Some of the large forums activated Tapatalk support http://www.quoord.com/tmp/iphone/IMG_0042.png Tapatalk for Android Total Android Look and Feel http://www.quoord.com/tmp/android/main.png Same feature set as iPhone: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/android/threadmenu.png Quickly Reply to a conversation: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/android/thread_bottom_menu.png Latest and Unread Posts indicator and multi-tabs support: http://www.quoord.com/tmp/android/latest-v.png Full screen image support - support landscape mode also http://www.quoord.com/tmp/android/imageview.png Check out http://www.tapatalk.com for more information!
  2. Finally coughed up the $12 in support of this site that has saved myself and my ridin buddies literally hundreds of dollars in tech support. I've met several members on my voyages and in person they are just as helpful, fun, and friendly. I hope to attend some of your events and contribute to the conversation online. Thanks!
  3. Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all here at VR. May we be thankfull in good times and bad that we know we have support from one another here year round. Larry
  4. This message is from Mary Hopey, she asked me to post this. "She would like to thank all of the Venture riders for their support and donations. This has been a great blessing to her."
  5. I went to the local dealer to get some prices on a few items after I looked in the US online......(Yamahasportsplaza.com) Left Crash Bar - $390.99 CDN - $237.93 US Clutch Plates - $15.99 CDN - $6.95 US Oil Filter - $13.99 CDN - $7.95 US Air Filter - $44.99 CDN - $20.33 US Almost double to support the local CDN dealer......even with freight I'll still be in money. I guess I will have to support the US economy....again! Thought I'd share Keith
  6. Has anyone used or know of anyone that have used the retractable motorcycle support wheels? I've got an uncle who's turning 85 this year and he sayes his Harley Dresser and his 1500 Gold Wing are getting a little heavy in the parking lot:shock3:. He doesn't want a trike or a sidecar. I don't know the pricing on these, but the video looks interesting. Mabeline http://www.trikealternative.com/
  7. that I may be going to work as a salesman at our local MC dealership... IF you are a praying person please pray that I will get this job IF it is Gods will...This would be a dream job for me.. The $$$ is good but not important at this point in my life, it's finding something that I love to do... I love MC and people associated with them so this could be a great fit.. I have been semi-retired but I find that I have to much time on my hands, I've worked all my life since 13 so it's hard to go from working to not doing much.. so I need something that will keep me busy...thanks in advance for your prayers and support
  8. Looking to cut down a shield and paint. Wondering if anyone has a used one to part with. Some scratches OK and cracks OK if only above top support 4" or so. Thanks I'd ask for an extra quick disconnect mount but I doubt anyone has one of those laying around!
  9. We had books.... and we had "book support"
  10. Just in case anyone wants to put this on their calander.... We are very proud to announce the 2012 Patriot Ride in Ham Lake, MN. This is the 7th Year of Minnesota Motorcyclists are making a difference for our military here and abroad. Sponsored by Dennis Kirk this ride came from the idea that citizens needed to do more to show their support in more ways than just slapping a ribbon magnet on their cars. Last year just over $100,000 was raised to support the MN Patriot Guard and the Minnesotans' Military Appreciation Fund. That money makes a meaningful difference to those in uniform from Minnesota. What really matters is that you show up and show you care. The crowd size, the cheers, and the tears all help make up the biggest military support ride in the Midwest. Along with the vendors and military equipment displays is a special Moving Wall. Many of you have seen a Vietnam Moving Wall before and wondered at the sacrifice. This year our friends from the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association are bringing down the Canadian Moving Wall. I was personally stunned to learn that 121 Canadians enlisted in the US Military and made the ultimate sacrifice. How they must have felt watching the draft dodgers going the other way to Canada as they were coming to America to enlist.
  11. I know some of you here on VR may get tired of my postings about St. Jude and Cancer Research. But it is stories like this that break my heart and make my determination even stronger to raise funds to help find a cure for cancer. Small donations from large groups such as ours make a difference. I am not asking for donations, I am pleading for help for all the young cancer victims out there. You dont have to make your donations to me, you can make them via the Mean Dog Tribute page, you can become a partner in Hope at the St. Jude Web site. Its not about what I can do, its about what we all can do to make a difference. Please read this story and tell me it cant happen to you or your loved ones or a friend, cause it happens every day, every hour, every minute to someone's loved one. I know, it has happened to me, and just about every member here losing someone to cancer or someone battling cancer. "NEGU" WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif. (AP) — A Southern California girl who became a nationally recognized face of child cancer with a blog that chronicled her fight against brain tumors has died. Jessica Joy Rees was 12 years old. Jessica's family announced her death on her Facebook page, stating that her 10-month battle with brain cancer ended Thursday. Tens of thousands of people responded by posting updates to the page in a show of support that includes "likes" and prayers. By Friday afternoon the outpouring surpassed Jessica's goal to get one "like" for each of the estimated 50,000 American children with cancer. The Orange County seventh-grader, called "Jessie" by family and friends, began her blog and Facebook page after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in March. A second tumor was discovered in September. While some of her posts discussed her struggles as she underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments, others urged readers in dozens of countries to support pediatric cancer research and to pray for other children with the illness. She always signed her posts with the acronym "NEGU" (NEE'-goo), short for "never ever give up." Also, she and her parents started The NEGU Foundation, a nonprofit organization to raise awareness of pediatric cancer, support sufferers and raise money for research. The foundation sold and provided thousands of "JoyJars" stuffed with candy and toys to sick children. More than 3,000 were sold and distributed in 27 states last year, according to the NEGU website. After her diagnosis, Rancho Santa Margarita youngster received tickets to "American Idol" and arrived with signs that read "NEGU Casey" to support contestant Casey Abrams, the Orange County Register (http://bit.ly/yJwyF3) reported. Co-host Ryan Seacrest also allowed her to announce country singer, and eventual winner, Scott McCreery. Jessica wrote on Facebook that her mission was "to encourage kids fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up by spreading hope, joy and love. A cheerful heart is great medicine." A celebration service was scheduled for Wednesday at the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, where her father, Erik Rees, is a pastor.
  12. Does anyone know what size metal tubing the saddle bag support rails are on a 2005 Royal Star Venture?
  13. I live in the hampton rhoads area of VA and I was curious if there was anyone else with a venture that live around this area that would possibly want to meet up and ride sometime? Or if there were goin to be any rides anywhere near here. I looked on the calender and saw the meet and eat in greensboro and as of now am not sure if I would be wanting to drive that far yet, but who knows by that time things may have changed. Thanks everyone for your help and support, I appreciate all of you and the help you give.
  14. Pioneer Motorsports is hosting a Fall Ride this Sunday October 2nd. Pioneer has been good to us Venture Riders so we should show our support and join them in the run. Thanks http://emarketing.morethanrewards.com/admin/temp/newsletters/3101/spyder2.png
  15. Beaumont Hamel Unit of 2nd CAV (http://2cav.thecav.ca/www.2cav.thecav.ca/Beaumont_Hamel/beaumonthamel_index.htm) will be hosting our annual Support the Troops ride in St. John's NL, CA. This year we are raising funds for a "Wandering Garden" at the LA Miller Centre Veterans Pavilion. When we held the announcement of the event, some of the staff at the center suggested they might want to ride along as passengers. Some of them have never been on a motorcycle before so I thought we should have a safety briefing and I wrote up the following: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome aboard today's Support the Troops ride from St. John's to Holyrood and return. We will be travelling at an ass-altitude of 24 to 30 inches for pilots, and 30 to 36 inches for passengers, at a cruising speed somewhere within whistling distance of the posted speed limit. For your safety we reccomend that you remain in your seat for the duration of the ride. Each motorcycle is equipped with a 360 degree emergency exit system. In the unlikely event of an emergency, and at the direction of your pilot, please feel free to exit the motorcycle in the direction of your choice. Should you need to speak with your pilot during the ride, either (1) shout really loud, or (2) jab him or her in the ribs until he or she pulls over. Due to the short duration of this morning's ride there will be no in-ride food or beverage service, but food and beverages will be available for purchase at the brief mid-point stopover in Holyrood. You may be asked to exit the motorcycle during the stopover as it may be necessary for your pilot to (a) refuel, (b) add oil, © tighten or re-attach loose or missing parts, (d) polish chrome, and/or (e) walk about complaining about his or her sore ass. This is a non-smoking ride (unless your pilot smokes), and, although none of the motorcycles is equipped with a washroom, you may be assured that if they were, they would be equipped with a smoke detector for your safety. Lastly, we realize that you have a wide range of choices to show your support for your troops, and we wish to thank you most sincerely for choosing to ride with the CAV. Details about the ride, and the veterans pavilion can be found at http://www.healthcarefoundation.ca/events-programs/ride-for-veterans If it is in your heart to support this cause I would appreciate your clicking the "Find a Rider" button on the ride-for-veterans page, click "B" and then the "Donate Now" link under "Spencer Barnes".
  16. Hey fellow riders, I just had my second windshield replaced because of cracking from the bottom. The first, about a year and a half ago, was cracked between the left two bolt holes. It was replaced by the dealer under warranty, no problems. This time it cracked out of the far left bolt hole. I printed off the info from this site about the rear fairing bosses breaking and the support bar being a little out of shape. When the dealer took the windshield off, that was the case. They replaced the rear fairing and the support bar along with the windshield, all under warranty. Hope this solves the issue for future cracking as I only have one year left under warranty. Great dealer to work with, Yamaha Jack's in Ellensburg, Wa. I can tell the rear fairing is a lot more evenly spaced from the handlebar mounts so I'm assuming the support bar was a lot of the problem. Don.
  17. Well, I wish I would have thought of this idea sooner, but better late than never. Everywhere you go people are sporting those colored rubber or silicone bracelets showing there support for the troops, their favorite charity and so on. Well now you can show your support for the Kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I just ordered 200 of those bracelets so we can proudly show our support for those Kids. Hopefully they will be in by the time Vogel rolls around. They will be available first at Vogel, then if there are any left over, I will make them available to everyone. If the demand is there I will order more. The cost to show your support will be $5.00 each. All this will go to the Kids at St. Jude, this hopefully will help us push our donation to them over the top. They are going to be blue and will have "CRUSIN' FOR THE KIDS" on it. I can't wait to get mine and show my support.:banana:
  18. BEER30


    It's been almost a year since I last used my EZ-PASS online. All my info. to log into my account was lost on my laptop when I had to reformat it. So I called today to get support as any attempt to retrieve lost password came back to an error. I spoke to a support person and retrieved my log in info. and then asked him about the topic of MC's. He replied back that I had the wrong transponder and he would send me the correct one for a MC out today. I also asked him about pulling a trailer and he replied to me that MC tolls are cheaper and to NOT pass through the Express Lane, but go through the normal coin slinging lane. The EZ-PASS would detect the MC and the poll person will nuke the trailer toll. Any truth to this or did I get the BS side of the story? BEER30
  19. The winners of this round of St. Jude auctions are; Cap'n Eddie B2Mom Short-Haul------3 Auctions won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who bid to help support the Kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.:clap2:
  20. Support our troops, and don't get this thread deleted, please. Show some respect for these guys.
  21. Started to install the passing lamp light bar on my 05 RSTD and noticed that the Headlamp bucket has a bracket that attaches to the stock light bar but there isn't any means to support the HL bucket on the new light bar..... What am I missing..?? Thanks for your help.
  22. Some of you may have read my thread about the hit and run Saturday. Now it appears I'm going to need a new fender. If I could save enough to cover the deductable I might try to make the repairs myself. Does anyone know how big of a job to replace the rear fender, right saddle bag support and trunk bucket? What all has to be disassembled? Here are photos of the parts that need to be replaced. www.traynorphoto.com/rockytop Thanks, Dennis
  23. For several years, a man had been having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided to him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money if she would go back to Italy to secretly have the child. Also, if she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would provide child support until the child turned 18. She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born. To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card, and write 'Spaghetti' on the back when the child was born. He would then arrange for the Child Support Payments to begin. One day, about 8 months later, he came home to his confused wife. 'Honey,' she said, 'You received a very strange post card today.' 'Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it later.' he said.. The wife obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and fainted. On the card was written: Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti. Three with meatballs, two without. Send extra sauce.
  24. Just wanted to give you all an update on our son, Jason. He flew into Columbus, MS this morning. He's been in Afghanistan for the last 7 months and is home for good...or until the Air Force wants him back over there I guess. Not sure what his next assignment will be yet...but we are very thankful he is home for now. Thank you all for your support during this time. We appreciate it and hope all our military personnel make it home safe. Don and Patti
  25. when i get back on the bike need all the support i can get http://wimp.com/bicycleskill lowell:banana:
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