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  1. did some work around the house sunday morn, fixed christmas lites,trimmed hedges, dicited it was to nice to work ,so i went for a ride. 1 hour into my wonderful ride a deer came out of the field on my right hell bent for freedom from all the deer slayers traveling faster than i was ,she some how got in front of me enough to cross in front of me, down i went at '60'mph slide on pavement bout 100 ft,bike went bout 200 ft. people stopped to help right away! when i quit roll"n deer laid bout 6 ft away, dead as it should hav been, went for an ambulance ride, to hospital i did not want to go to!!!!(wouldn"t send my worst enemy there)! came out lucky,THANK GOD!!!!!!!!! broken wrist,broken left big toe, surgury next week on both, road rash. BIKES totaled! already found another one just like it( only not crashed) ! ins called today and did me justice for the crashed one, git done with surgury gonna go see bout buy"n the other one and bring"n her home! I have never seen a deer run that fast before ever! best thing is ,i"m still alive and i will heal!!,just takes alittle longer when your old like me!:cool10:
  2. In two days I've clocked 888 miles for the new year, I'm going riding tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. the bike rides like a New Bike. I'm loving it.....
  3. we made it home from the meet. had a great time. we had a good turn out. great bunch of people and lots of commeraderie. wild hare came down and spent sunday with us. i want to thank buddy for putting on a great meet we had alot of fun.
  4. I know is almost time to go back home, but Who is close to South Haven, Mi??? I plan to ride tomorrow afternoon around, since Sunday morning we 're facing back home...
  5. I just want to say a big thanks to Mark, Warrior/Honeybee, for all the effort and enthuasiam that he put into our Asheville Rally this year. He did a great job and made a great get together even better. I also want to thank Ron, Sylwoody, and his wife Katrina for also bringing a fantastic setup for us to gather and be able to get out of the rain and hangout. And, again this year, they brought some incrediblely good wine that Ron's father makes. They stayed over with us Sunday night and we had a great ride over the Blue Ridge Parkway Sunday to Cherokee and had a great meal at Grannie's Restaurant. I just can not believe the weekend is over with. RandyA
  6. While few of you knew Curt (he rode a Honda ST), I wanted to pass along this tragic news. Curt was a fellow LD competitor and a friend. He was one of the guys that picked my Venture off me when I went down on gravel in last year's MN1000 rally. He didn't even take a picture first or laugh at me afterwards (even though it was deserved). Curt Gran died Sunday morning as a result of a motorcycle accident that occurred Saturday night outside Minot, ND. He was participating in the MN1000 Long Distance Rally and ran into a storm cell with high winds. Per the local LEO, the wind appeared to have pushed him into the path of a pickup pulling a horse trailer. Curt was full ATGATT and a very experienced LD rider. He took 5th in the 2011 IBR and several trophies in regional rallies. Curt was also the developer/founder of the Fuzeblock auxiliary fuse block product/company. He married Cindy within the last year. Curt was a great guy and a good friend to be around. He will be missed by all who knew him. Godspeed Curt. He is now sitting at God's Waffle House in the sky, sharing smothered hash browns and a Dr. Pepper with Eddie James. Damn, Damn, Damn, this hurts!!! He was really one of the really good guys. Please include Cindy and the rest of Curt's family and friends in your prayers. RR
  7. This time I hooked up my satellite radio and it worked ok but it kept cutting in and out don't know why.
  8. This is my nice Sunday morning ride.
  9. I wasn't going to do a trip thread this time, since this is a lot like what I did last year, but Karen doesn't visit this site much, and needs to know where to look to find me. So here goes... Bike is already loaded. Planning to leave from work tomorrow afternoon and riding down to Rick Haywood and Shirley's for a little BS'n and maybe a few beers, and a place to crash. Wednesday's plan is to head south to Sparta, IL to visit an antique engine collector and then get near (but not into) Memphis for the night. Thursday's plan is a ride over to SW Arkansas and spend the night at Playboy's place. Friday's plan is to ride with Playboy to the SE TX MD at Kregerdoodle's and maybe stop and see another antique engine collection in Tatum, TX along the way. Planning to stay at the MD till Sunday morning. Then it's off to Luckenbach for Sunday afternoon music, probably ride around the hills Monday and spend another night in Luckenbach. (I really enjoyed Luckenbach last year, can ya tell ) Probably start heading back northerly on Tuesday morning, and wander my way back towards home the rest of the week. Maybe see you on the road, Scooter Bob
  10. After having internet issues today, here finally are pictures from Sunday! We had a great time! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/2012/SleeperhawkMechanics%20201201%20NC%20ME/
  11. Just wanted to share my recent experience w/ riding all day. I've had my 04 RSMV for about a month now and done a few 150-200 mi days. Based on that I was execting the outcome of an all day to be good. Well.... I just took some folks to Daytona and back. We covered appx 1500 mi's, the last day being an all day of about 550mi. I've been working my way up to a full touring bike and just moved to the RSV from a Roadstar. The R* would've beat me up pretty good on this trip. The Venture was a DREAM. I had no comfort or performance issues whatsoever. Rode 11hr's on Sunday with a few short gas breaks and when I got home I felt like I could do an another 11hrs with no trouble. The Venture came with Russell All-Day seats that were custom made for the PO. Luckily he and I are of similar build. The seat felt strange when I first got on it but now I love it. Guess that's why the call them "all day".
  12. Got back Sunday after a quick BBQ tour to complete my Smoke Chasing requirements (fund raiser for Eddie's Roads). Ate BBQ in Iowa, Illinois, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana. Left Friday from Fond du Lac, WI at 1:30 in the afternoon and got home Sunday night at 6:30. 1842 miles in 55 hours. Good food, good miles, good times. Here are a couple of pics that highlighted the trip (above and beyond the BBQ). First, was parked between two nice, shiny HDs in front of Jack's BBQ in downtown Nashville, TN. My bike is set up for touring (aux. fuel tank, cables everywhere, etc.) and was dirty from riding in the rain. As I prepare to take off after eating BBQ (Yummm!! Good stuff at Jack's), this young lady asked if she could sit on my bike to get her picture taken. Ummmmm, YEAH!!! Second, on the north side of Chicago, I surpassed the 100,000 mile mark on the Venture. Had to pull over and document the occasion. Just about time to put the bike away and break out the guns. Been a good riding season. RR
  13. met about 30 PGR in monahans going to alpine for 911 memorial. they got a beam from the world trade center and going to dedicate it at 2 sunday. three had ventures but hadnt heard of ventureriders
  14. My daughter is graduating Marine corp basic training. We have ridden many miles on my Goldwing and I will be surprizing her by picking her up at the Airport Friday Night on my 2011 RSV. She has no idea I have the bike. In the last three months all we got was a call last Sunday for 6 minutes and of course letters. I am so very proud of her. She will be a member of the Marine Corp Band. She still has to attend combat training in 24 days. My Mom, Wife and Son have gone down to bring her back. I cant go since I am the Head Football Coach at my High School and we have an upcoming scrimmage. I have a trip planned leaving for Washington Island which is off the tip of Door County, WI. You have to take a ferry to get there. She doesnt know this trip is planned either. It will be fun for the both of us as we visit the various State Parks Sunday on the way home. Semper Fi
  15. Hello Everyone: My wife and I are still hoping to attend the rally later next week. We still have reservations in Custer on the 11th 12th and 13th. But may be relocating to a house in Sturgis?? I have also been invited to ride up this Saturday, overnight Saturday, Meet A.B.A.T.E friends at the American Legion in Sturgis?? for breakfast Sunday morning and ride back on Sunday. I hope to stay in the new found house this Saturday to look it over before I commit to changing my motel reservations. Maybe I will see some of you? Take care everyone.
  16. I know there's a few going, whats your travel plans ? We are leaveing this Saturday stopping across the bridge and going up to the Keewenaw to spend Sunday night and then taking the day Monday to check out the sights. Tuesday west bound with no set plans except to be in Cody Sunday afternoon. We are takeing the laptop so we can check-up one everyone and cell phones to boot !!! Gary's cell 810-516-0035 Leslie's 810-908-4603 Maybe we can meet-up somewhere before Cody ? I'm pulling my trailer with a few tools if I can be of help. Ride Safe, Gary
  17. Well, found out that I CAN pick my 2nd gen up by myself. In a hurry to a Patriot Guard Ride Sunday and had to run to Walgreens before I went. Went to leave and as I turned out of the parking area to the drive, the bike stalled and down I went. Needless to say I was embarassed. The worst part was I went down on the right side and I was so out of sorts that I didn't think to put the kickstand down before I lifted it up. Lets just say the look on my face of "Now what" once I had it up was almost as funny as watching me try to get my left leg over the bike with the driver backrest fighting me all the way. At least I didn't drop it again! LOL
  18. Going to the White Mountains, NH to ride tomorrow, anybody in the area wanting to go riding. Planning on doing the Cangamangas, and then camping somewhere around Mt Washington and riding up to the summit on Sunday morning. Leaving out of Laconia in the morning. ANyone interested, call me at 561 706-6097.
  19. No Sunday Paper: This is dedicated to all of us who are seniors, to all of you who know seniors, and to all of you who will become seniors. Where is my SUNDAY paper?!" The irate customer calling the newspaper office, loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was. "Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on SUNDAY". There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to mutter, ..."Well, $**t, that explains why no one was at church either."
  20. June 11 weekend. Karen and I would like to host the WI MD this year at our house in Fox Lake. We have plenty of room for camping, 2 car garage with a bar, good neighbors (some may even stop by), and motels available in Beaver Dam and Waupun. The VR calendar is filling up fast, so I want to get the ball rolling. Happening on June 11, and the invitation would be good for Friday afternoon through Sunday. We can fix everything that broke on the way back from Freebird's MD the week before. Is this OK with everyone, and is anyone interested? Later, Scooter Bob and Karen Here's a link to the event in the calendar.... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=240&day=2011-6-11&c=1
  21. Tentative plans are to leave NorCal early Friday morning, the 22nd, and overnighting at the Motel 6 in Wendover Utah that night. The next morning heading to Cody via Rock Springs Wy, and getting there late afternoon. It'll be a couple of long days in the saddle, but you can collapse and recouperate all day Sunday... Anyone from the area planning on doing the trip are welcome to join up. Breakfast will be at Brookfields Resturant I-80 at the Madison Ave exit in Sacramento....
  22. Anyone interested in meeting up and going for a ride on sunday of memorial day weekend?
  23. I droped by HF today and they have a one day sale coupon of 25% off of one item this Sunday Only.
  24. The wife and I are heading to Ashevilee Sunday. She needs to get some pics of the biltmore from the outside for her final project of this sumester. We plan on being there sometime before lunch. Anybody want to go? Let me know Ill be in and out of here a couple times tonight to check and probably once or twice tomorrow. So give me a shout and we c an make arangements. David
  25. A little jaunt on sunday took me to Popeye's home town. I've never seen him though!
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