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  1. One old man on a 2007 FJR. Left Houston at 02:50, Saturday morning. South on the beltway to IH10 west. Sun rise as I was leaving the west side of San Antonio. Boerne, Comfort, Kerrville, Junction, Sonora, Ozona, Ft. Stockton, Balmorhea, turn around and head back. Arrived home at 20:30 just as the sun was setting. 1115 miles, 17hrs 40min. Odometer reading was 47 miles higher than GPS. Bike ran great. You can really haul butt in west texas where the posted speed limit is 80mph. Hot (upper 90s) and dry in the desert. Corbin seat and Heli bar pull backs did their jobs. No sore body parts. Hydration using Camalbak 100oz insulated carrier. 50/50 water and Propel Zero. Drank a full 200 ozs (6 liters) and only stopped to pee once. Thought I would be pretty sore the next day but surprisingly not so much. Hands were a bit tired and sore but that was it. Need to replace my worn out gloves. I am pretty much ATGATT. I was trying out a new base layer from Cycle Gear called Heat Out. It is similar to the LD Comfort riding stuff but only about 20-30 bucks. Fits like a second skin and helps wick away perspiration and provides cooling. It works. I like it. Durability remains to be proven. Zipcode Dave was tracking me with a ham radio APRS program that worked pretty well. I will let him comment on that. It was a good ride. Next...
  2. Wooohoo, we have the grand daughters for two weeks but there is one problem. I have been informed I can not "spoil" them. That being said I was able to get our daughter to "allow" me to get them something if they "need" it. So far I have figured out that they both "needed" new shoes because the shoes they had on when we picked them up didn't match their outfits they had on. I then determined that they "needed" sun dresses because it is hotter here than in CT. Oh, they also "needed" new sandals because they didn't have ones that matched the new sun dresses they "needed". Of course since it was so hot out and they had the new sun dresses they "needed" chairs that fit them so they could sit out side in their new sun dresses so I got them a canvas hippo chair and a canvas frog chair, but only because they "needed" them. Well as I thought about it some more I could clearly see that they "needed" a pool to put their chairs next to so I got them a 103 inch blow up pool. Now my brain was in a high awareness state and it was very apparent to me that their bathing suits did not match the color of the pool so I HAD to go get them the new bathing suits they "needed". Now as I was sitting there contemplating their needs there was no doubt in my mind that there was still one more thing they "needed". Now we all know that after a good day in the pool one needs to get their energy back up and what does that best? Why ice cream of course. Not being one to deprive Pappy's Girls of the things THEY need I of course had to stock up on ice cream bars in the freezer. So you all are now my witnesses that I have not been "spoiling" them I have only been getting them things they need. Right? Right? Ride Happy, Ride Safe
  3. Longest day of the year. "Yes we know but work, you know". Day one for me to go to Manitowoc Wisconsin from Oskaloosa, Iowa 560 miles. Stopped at JP cycles and bought goodies. Took scenic route. Heading west soon as the sun comes up. "See how for we can get before it goes down. Ken took me out for some GREAT pizza!!! More later "after my sore butt lets me". Bryan
  4. Coming down to the final days here in Michigan, Have most everything packed up and the big truck is coming Saturday. Will load sat and sun and be on the road monday. And be moving into new place in Hillsboro NC on wed. Getting excited!
  5. Anyone found any solution in reducing the sun glare on the dash. Was riding back home yesterday and the sun glare was really bad.
  6. Well there I was... Sitting in the pizza joint, sitting across the table from my lovely wife, GAWildKat, waiting on pizza to hit the table so we could start scarfing and some subject came up regarding the bike that Kat recommended that I put it up here. Rather than jotting the thing down as a note in my Smartphone for later, I figured on my infallible memory to carry me through yet again. Well, now I'm here, 2 and a half hours later...and my mind decides to fart on me. For the life of me, I can't remember what in the world it was...oh wait. I KNEW Stream of consciousness would save me. I'm wanting to talk about Visors. Specifically, do they make any aftermarket assembly to install a secondary Visor inside the helmet for providing sun protection? Sunglasses only work when I'm wearing contacts. The Clip-on type for my regular prescription glasses don't provide ample coverage inside the helmet (perfectly fine while driving in a cage, go figure). Lastly, I'm a bit worried by swapping visors on a daily basis to go from sun-shield to clear would cause the visors or the mounts on the helmet to wear out. What brought up this issue: I was coming home from work today traveling westbound at 6:00 pm, the sun was still rather high in the sky, but the angle was giving a lot of glare that the edge of my clip-ons were not cutting out, still making my eyes about near force shut. Not good to ride about blind. So...as far as the visors go, any recommendations?
  7. Irene and I are taking the long route to Cody. Visited a grandson in ND, then went across Going To The Sun road in Glacier National Park. Once I get them converted I'll post more pics. (I'm running behind - still trying to get the pics from Maintenance Day done. Nothing like a job to mess up a perfectly good hobby.)
  8. I am partial to flip front helmets, and I have been using Nolan helmets for a number of years and 100,000 miles, first the N100E, then the N102. I just recently purchased an N103, and if you have either the N100 or N102, you REALLY need to try the N103, it is a great improvement! Combined with the J&M 584 or 629 headset, this thing is fantastic. I really liked my N102 with the integrated headset and extra sun shade that flipped down over the normal shield, but the N103 is WAY more comfortable, and the new internal sun shade is fantastically better than the old external one. I didn't use the dark flip-down sun shade on the N102 very much because the dark top half and light bottom half of the sight pattern was very distracting. With the new internal sun shade on the N103, it works much more like a military flight helmet with a sun shade that covers your eyes like a pair of sunglasses. This give you the darker shield when you want it, and without the distracting dark/light split. And with the choice of also wearing regular sunglasses at the same time, you can easily select four or five different levels of darkness to match whatever conditions you are in without having to stop and change the face shield on the helmet - very flexible and convenient. And if you do want to change the main shield for any reason, it is now one of the easiest ones to change that I have ever used - another great improvement. Nolan was the first company to offer a helmet with an integrated headset capability and the extra dark sun shade, but now lots of others have copied them. Nolan sells their own n-com headset and bluetooth system, but I have never tried them. I buy the J&M unit that is made specifically to fit just like the n-com does. I thought it was nice in the N102, but the updated system in the N103 is way better still. The mounting of the speakers is really slick recessed into the inner liner and behind the screen in the ear piece. Finally, I am very pleased to note that the vents on the N103 work much better than they did on either the N100 or N102. They look pretty much the same in location and size, but I could feel a significant effect from them on my first ride, even in 100 degree temps. And the top vent is soooo much easier to operate now. I only bought this new helmet because I had worn the old one so long that the liner was completely collapsed, allowing the helmet to move around and create hot spots and itches. After seeing how nice the N103 is, I wish I had bought it sooner! Goose Oh, one more thing - Sierra Electronics had the best price on BOTH the helmet and the headset, didn't charge anything extra to mount the headset before shipping, and has always provided me with great service. They shipped this helmet the same day (and I didn't even place the order until 3:00 pm!). http://www.sierra-mc.com/nolan.asp
  9. mraf

    Is there a

  10. We just got unburied and recovered from the last round of snow. Now forecast is Thur, Sat, Sun, Mon.......SNOW Will it ever quit?
  11. I was not sure where to post this, but I thought I should report on my new gps. I took a couple of cross country trips with my TomTom. I could barely see it, and could never hear it. It quit working last fall, so for Christmas I got myself a Garmin Nuvi 295w. Its big advantage is a head phone jack. Which allows me to run it through the stereo system. Price about $90. I also got a mini sd cart ($12) and a handle bar mount from ebay ($14) head phone adaptor ($3). I loaded about 2000 songs. I went for a test drive and it worked as expected. Set the music playing and when it comes time for a turn it cuts out the music and blares the instructions out of the speakers. (instructions louder than the music, you will hear them). It has an orientation sensor, so you can set it vert or horz. ( hope to attach pics). It was there smart phone, and still has some of the smart phone features. It has a camera, (picture of what waits anyone foolish enough to enter my yard) web browser. after test drive: Pros. Can hear instructions. I could see it well, it mounts on a ball and socket joint, so if the sun blocks it out, just tilt it a little bit. Winter sun is not as bright a summer sun, but I could always see it well enough. Cons. Like any thing that does it all, it does not do anything as well. The biggest thing is, when it is playing music, it is VERY slow. Soon learned if you want to change address, first stop the music. It is not a great web interface, but I was able to check my email over the wi fy at my house. The music player is a little tough to get used to, but it did work. Several times it has locked up and I had to remove the battery to restart, since it does work I am assuming this is a software problem, hoping for an update. Camera see attached photo For the money spent, so far I am very satisfied. I hope this helps George
  12. Well Al, to answer your first post.... It was there?? Don't know what happened to it?? On your second post, Glacier is a great place to visit. There are many smaller towns close by that offer Lodging. When in Kalispell we stay at the Motel 6. My bro lives in Kalispel... The Road to the Sun is a must do. http://www.nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/goingtothesunroad.htm White Fish is kinda cool. Columbia Falls is also a good place to stay.
  13. Here is some of my ride on Aug 27 2010. Part 1 is from Dillsboro Indiana to Rising Sun. On Indiana State Road 262. [ame=http://vimeo.com/14749978]Aug 27 2010 Pat1 262 From Dillsboro to Rising Sun Indiana on Vimeo[/ame] Part 2 156 From Rising Sun to Vevay Indiana. [ame=http://vimeo.com/14800092]Aug 27 2010 Part 2 Leaving Rising Sun To Vevay Indiana on Vimeo[/ame] Part 3 56 From Vevay to Madison Indiana. [ame=http://vimeo.com/14815283]Aug 27 2010 Part 3 56 From Veyay To Madison Indiana on Vimeo[/ame]
  14. saw a White venture south bound 75 lurvern MN sun 05-16-10 was it any one from here
  15. More snow in the forecast for Sat and Sun for the Tulsa area.... :crying::crying:
  16. Had an opportunity to deliver a Ford Ranger to my son in Las Vegas and decided that this would be a good excuse for a ride. The Venture fit in the short bed - well most of it - about 10 inches hung out on the tailgate. Anyway, got it there in one piece, except for a 3 corner crack in the left front lower fairing - had to get some plastic epoxy to fix that - not good as new but good from 6 feet. First time for cruising the desert and what an experience. Cool mornings, fierce hot days, and cool to cold nights. The colors in the Mojave as the sun sets are incredible. Had a talk with some rangers before heading out and they gave me a lot of valuable information. The suggested I have a NASA silver blanket for emergency cover from the sun, where long sleeves and pants to not get sunburn and loose too much body moisture, take 4 gallons of water for a 24 hour period, have someone expect a cell phone call at the end of the ride so they can notify authorities if you do not check in, take a tire repair kit and pump (had that covered), and a full tank of fuel of course. Folks don't realize that you could die in 5 hours without proper hydration and protection from the sun. The temp reached 118 F at about 2 in the afternoon. I travelled at about 70mph to not put the bike in too much of a strain because you tend to smell things getting hot, especially when the cooling fan comes on - which it does and then does not stop until you climb 3 or 4 thousand feet and drop 20 degrees. Met a few folks on Harleys but they did the too cool to talk bit..... so I just left them. You could smell those air cooled twins from 10 feet! It was a good day.
  17. Renne

    Ho Hum....

    I just noticed the sun has once again slipped between the south corridor of trees on the property shooting a narrow path of sunlight across the prairie grass, a sure sigh of coming color changes. The apples are ripening, although few, I guess I'll leave them for the deer. I'm not ready for the fuel oil bill although it appears we'll pay less this year ($4.20gal last Jan). Time to change oil in the car and truck, tune up the plow, move all the "yard art" out of the way. Maybe spend the rest of the fall doing "color rides" on the bike. Make some thick hardy soup.......and CHILI ! Maybe sign up for NETFLEX, enjoy the new 55in flatscreen/surround sound w/ lotsa popcorn. Wait for the sun to slide back to a more acceptable arc above the peak of the house.... OH WHY OH WHY DO I LIVE IN MINNESOTA ?,,,,,,,,maybe it's the air....... Renne
  18. It is grand it takes some time to get a feel for what you are looking at. I looked in to it for quite a while then saw a helicopter flying through about half way down and a quarter of the way across and it was just a speck I took a picture of it on 30x zoom to give an idea of the size of the canyon. The colors change with the movement of the sun and clouds very quickly. I have heard many languages spoken here more than any place I have ever been there are people here from all over the world.
  19. One of my new turn signal dash indicator lamps I put in this winter burned out already. The original that was 20+ years old and was blackened and still worked worked forever, but a new one died in 30 miles. That's my luck. so today, I decided that I needed to replace the dash turn indicator as well as upgrade it, in bright sun I can barely see they are blinking and I need an indicator that reminds me that I'm being an old geezer riding with a signal blinking. I went to autozone and found the 194 lamps in a yellow led form. they have 4 super-bright LED's on each and they are $10.99 for 2 of them. They fit just fine and only work one way (flip it over if it does not blink.) The results were incredible. they are blindingly bright with high noon sun shining directly on them. no way to miss my blinkers are on. At night it will light me up as well as act as a side indicator to cars sitting next ot me. I'll try to post pics later of them working and the empty package. I forgot to take photos as I was doing the change.
  20. Looks like warming up starting next Thursday or Friday, and some SUN!!!!! And long range forcast for next week looks like 68 to 70 highs for Seattle !!! Thats SUN BATHING WEATHER FOR SEATTLE !!!!! The Locals will all be out in shorts, and T-Shirts It hit a balmy 50 Deg this afternoon and sun came out for 2 hours. Rain stopped about 1500 hours !! Maby get some rideing in tomorrow
  21. This was written by a black gentleman in Texas . And is so funny. What a great sense of humor And creativity!!! When I was born, I was BLACK, When I grew up, I was BLACK, When I went in the sun, I stayed BLACK, When I got cold, I was BLACK, When I was scared, I was BLACK, When I was sick, I was BLACK, When I bruise, I'm still BLACK, And when I die, I'll still be BLACK. NOW, You 'white' folks.... When you're born, you're PINK, When you grow-up, you're WHITE, When you go in the sun, you get RED, When you're cold, you turn BLUE, When you're scared, you're YELLOW, When you get sick, you're GREEN, When you bruise, you turn PURPLE, And when you die, you look GRAY. So who y'all callin' COLORED folks?
  22. I was wondering there are any other folks on this website former or current that worked for McDonnell Douglas Services on the Peace Sun Program in Saudia Arabia? I worked for the program for 4 years from 1982 to 1986 in Taif as mechanic/trainer on the M61A1 20mm cannon on the F-15. (Thus my screen name) I did run into one old friend, Mark Eaton, about a year ago as a result of this forum and the STAR web site. Really quite an experience living in that part of the world, but much more relaxed then than today. Would enjoy hearing from anyone out there.
  23. Someone, please go buy this thing so i don't waste a weekend driving all the way to FL and towing this thing home. Please, I would really rather find a good deal local. wow, seriously, that's a great price. 1200 miles doesn't seem so far right now, and my wife would probably enjoy a few hours in the FL sun... http://www.cycletrader.com/find/listing/2003-YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-94299519
  24. Went for a ride today,,,,had to,,,,,had no other transportation,,,,,,,,,,market needed Peameal Bacon,,,,,,,customers were getting upset,,,,,,,,,,all the way in Cambridge, a cool 35 km,,,,,,,,,,,,,the sun was shinning,,,,,,,,,,skidosuit needed some attention,,,,,,,,gas was getting old in the scoot,,,,,,,,only 1 more day in November,,,,,,,,,,just had to go.UUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMthatfeltgooooooood.
  25. Just got back from a week long "girls" trip to Arizona with my mom, aunt and 2 cousins. Got to see the Grand Canyon and Sedona for the first time in my life!!! I was speechless! I never knew the desert could be so pretty!! Thought I'd throw in a pix. I'm the one hunkered down. Also, we drove up 89A "Oak Creek Canyon". What a thrill! Hope to bike it someday with the hubby. First day back at work and I'm beat. My mom and aunt are in their early 70's and kept us "kids" running from sun up to sun down for 7 days straight!! Wish I had half their energy!
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