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  1. HI folks, after doing some searching I have found no riding tips for when your in the mountains dealing with inclines and such. Having never spent anytime in the mountains at all, I am looking forward to this summer as I will be living up in the NE for five months and look forward to spending a lot of time in the mountains, so any riding tips would be much appreciated. I also did some searching on Ironbutting, as I will be making some really long trips this summer also, so any tips for when you are going to be in the saddle all day would also be very helpful. Thanks for your time guys, really do look forward to the advice you have to offer.
  2. Filled up the truck last night and was surprised to see the price has dropped below a buck a Litre. Yep! $0.99 / Litre That's like $4.50/Gal Imperial or $3.75/Gal US Last summer we saw prices as high as $1.52/Litre or $6.91/Gal Imperial ... $5.70/Gal US Hope it stays or even drops more.
  3. This is a bit late but we found a great campsite this summer in Nova Scotia on the Bay of Fundy. The campsite is run by the local town and you can camp right at the water's edge. I think this is close to where the highest tidal change was recorded. It goes from a few feet from your tent to up to a 1/4 mile away. If you are still doing some camping this summer check it out. http://oldshipyardbeachcampground.com
  4. I'm back after a summer filled with starting a new job and getting Kelley off to college at NKU (Northern Kentucky University). I have only put about 500 miles on my bike this summer and wanting to put more, but haven't had the time. Getting Kelley into college has been a headache and money filled adventure of it's own. I just never knew what it took to just fill out the financial aid application alone on top of everything else just to get her there to learn. Finally got health insurance so I am able to ride more, didn't want to take the chance of going out and something happening. Thought my girlfriend was going to leave me because we haven't logged any real miles this summer! Really like my new job and think I have finally found the place where I can do the kind of work I like. BIG commercial plumbing jobs, even though I had to cut my hair and my beard, but a much needed job nonetheless. Any news that I need to know since I'm 500 pages behind? Still don't have the time to look through all of that!! Anyway glad to be back and look forward to hearing from you soon! Mark
  5. ok there are coolants that claim to help a motor run 10-25 degrees cooler, do they work? or is it better to use antifreeze/coolant for the summer?
  6. I have a Scooter Schooner tent trailer at my parent's house in Coeur d'Alene, ID that I need brought to Anchorage, Alaska. This would be ideal for somebody planning to camp on the way up and then taking the ferry back down (to Bellingham, WA). My daughter and I used it on our 8100 mile trip last summer but couldn't get it on the ferry for our trip home.
  7. Well I done it now. I did everything I can think of to make the winter SNOW come back. I took the bike out of storage. I put all of the snow shovels away for the season. I packed all of the salt away for the season. I took the snow brush out of my truck I took the winter emergency kit out of the truck and put the summer kit back in. I took all of the storm windows off the house and put up the screens. Got the lawn mower ready to go got the weed wacker ready to go packed away all of my winter coats and boots and brought out the summer gear shaved off my winter beard changed over all of my RC stuff from winter to summer I don't know what more I can do...........
  8. We bought a new home the other day. Should be done in August. It will be on the other side of the car. Gonna be a long summer. Brad
  9. Looking for a new set of tires. Seen the Shinko Tourmaster 230. Didnt know about them. Been using The Dunlop 404 but go though a rear every summer. I do get about 10,000 to 12,000 out of the rear. Most of the time 2up.
  10. Hi, A very good friend of mine just moved from Wisconsin to Maine, and I'm planning a solo ride this summer up thru the UP, across the Soo and taking what 17, 417 and what appears to be 40 across Ontario thru Montreal to Augusta, Maine. Looking like a mid-late July trip What kind of roads can I expect? typical summer weather patterns in that area? Pretty long distances with few gas stations on the western side? Need to watch out for Moose? :confused24:Advice or input welcome...Have NEVER ridden in Canada...Have passport etc... but certainly need advice from riders who have been there, done that. Thanks, Clay Menomonie ,WI
  11. There is nothing up around Tahoe so far this winter, and if Mother Nature doesn't get with the picture we're going to have a long dry summer. The snow pack in the Sierras is our summer water supply. We did get a series of storms roll thru the area a couple of months ago, but any snow produced has melted off. Haven't seen anything like this since '73 and the draugt of '74-'75. Hope we have another March Miracle... http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i16/Cirquerider/2011/2011-12-18%20no%20snow/nosnow096.jpg
  12. And its not hello you are welcome! 1987 venture royale, 126,000 miles. I put 12,000 miles the summer before with grin always plastered to face! Beautiful ride, love the cruise control and radio. Wanting to raise my idle speed this summer, I located what seemed the "general screw" after turning the throttle that would do this on the carbs. I upped the idle speed and to my horror the motor started to knock. I backed the screw to what I thought was the original position but the knock is still there and has stayed with me the rest of the summer. My mileage went for a dump big time, down from 175 miles/tank to 145/tank. The knock does not seem to be "location specific" ie.: one piston/left/right side. I can remember tuning cars (dad was a mechanic) in the seventies with the first emission cars where turning the distributor to set timing, you could induce knock. Have I inadvertently done this and how do I proceed to get rid of this? Tanx!
  13. I was just writing to DirtSquirt about his bike and asked him if and when he was going to be in Sturgis this coming year of 2012. I mentioned starting a new thread where we could post our dates to be in Sturgis so we can get together while we're there. I'd really like to meet some more of the VentureRider Brothers in person. Phoneman1981 & I met quite a few of the members in Cody last summer @ the International Rally. We are planning on being in Sturgis both weekends this coming summer. Let's get together next summer & have a Mini Rally in Sturgis. Any Ideas??????
  14. Some people here knew that I lost my job in June 2010 due to business necessity. They did offer me a seasonal job for winters which I took. After looking for a job all summer with no success, they called me back Oct 1,2010 for the winter. In April 2011 they asked me if I would like to stick around for the summer and I accepted. In Aug 2011 they offered my full time postion back with all benifits like I had never left, which I accepted. So...I am back to work full time. At my age tho....I did miss having the summer off and found out it wouldn't take much for me to retire..... If not for the better health insurance,( we was on my wife's for awhile) I could have stayed on seasonal and just collected unemployment for a few months each summer.
  15. I just finished installing my new Lynksys E3200 and now have no use for my old Netgear Range Max WPN824 v2. It works fine but I got tired of rebooting the router now and then. It worked for a couple of years fine but this summer started needing periodic reboots, every couple of months give or take. Rather than letting it clutter up my garage even more, I'm offering it to anybody that wants it...
  16. Just got done with supper. While I was eating BLT's, I thought it doesnt get any better than this in the summer. The only thing I was missing was sweetcorn. So I guess my favorite summer meal would be BLT's and sweetcorn. So whats everybody elses favorite meal in the summer?
  17. Ok So i am jumpning feet in . The low end stumble when trying to take off , the hard starts in the summer while having to use full choke. And the long wait to warm up even in the summer is driving me nuits. The 96 rstc came with kromewerks aftermarket pipes and I doubt it was ever rejetted. I was planning on taking the carbs off and turning the pilot jets richer 1/2 to a full turn but was told by a friend if the carbs are gonna be off just step up the main jets one size larger. does anyone have any info on this . Is it a good idea and if so where do i get the jets and how do i know what size are in there now? I have a dose of seafoam now to see if this is the problem. i plan on doingthis labor day weekend so I want to get ready now.
  18. We'll be at Deadwood sunday July 3rd at 1:30 pm. Rocket and Rod will be here so this would be one way to have a group meet up with them from our area. Such a busy summer with Canadians, Australians, and Icelandic folk running about the states. Hope some of you can make it. I'm gonna post it to the calendar as well. Margaret
  19. Phil and I got home from Eureka Springs this morning before the temps really heated up. It was wonderful to see old friends and to make new friends. We did have a power issue the last 30 miles. But this is the last ride until fall - we hate riding in the high 90 and 100 degree temps, and the bike is going up on the lift for it's summer maintenance.
  20. This could be a wrinkle in the plans. The boss has a FUBARed foot. (no it was not from having to kick me in the a$$...............again..............) There is a whole hardware store in that foot now, with 4 broken toes, that have long pins that go in the tip of the toe and run almost to the ankle to hold all of the pieces lined up, and a few screws for good measure that will be permanent.The pins should come out in about 8 weeks. She spent 4 hours in surgery getting all of the parts lined up. The prognosis is for a full recovery and back to kicking my tail by the end of summer. I'll have to see if she is going to be ambulatory enough to handle letting the dog out and taking care of herself with me gone for a weekend. It does not look good at the moment. I really wanted to make it to my first Freebird MD, but if mama needs me I will stay home.
  21. and the living is easy. Well, summer got here at 1:16pm EDT today, but, it feels like it has been summer for weeks with this hot weather we are having. Now, we get to look forward to the daylight hours to start getting shorter. RandyA
  22. Happy Fathers day to all the Dad's out there, my dad is back up north for the summer and I miss him.
  23. I have been thinking about cutting a windshield down to 3-4 inches for a summer windshield on my 2000 RSV. Anybody try anything like this? Would like some more wind to keep me cool for summer riding. Bob
  24. Hey Guys, I'm going to be installing vent(s) in my stock windshield and am just wondering if anyone has installed two Goldwing vents? Or do you think one is enough? I get very hot in the summer and need the airflow.
  25. Last year my 2nd gen venture started right up as always. Pull choke press start, boom, immediate gratification. As the summer progressed, I would pull the choke press start, grind on starter for 5 seconds, engine starts small delay in gratification. Summer progresses more its now 100+ degree days, no choke press start crack the throttle grind starter 20 seconds engine finally starts. By the end of summer pull choke, press starter, grind on starter till I was ashamed of myself. Wait...............repeat, wait................. repeat finally starts. Then just as I parked it tried to start again......nothing but the ignition switch is on, the speedo does cycle through the checks, theradio controls all function. New fuel filter, fuel pump was replaced but did flow fuel as per the spec sheet. All lights function as they should. I did purchase a new TCI module as I thought that might be the problem and new plug wires. I am getting no spark to any of the spark plugs.
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