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Found 17 results

  1. I'm looking at a Nelson-Rigg Trike Cover #TRK-350 on E-bay. Will this cover properly fit the RS Venture with the Hannigan trike kit? Are any of you using this cover? Or is there a better suggestion? Thank You! Owen.
  2. Seems that the center yellow lines are only a suggestion for everyone! [ame= ] [/ame]
  3. Guest

    i need help

    i have a 1986 yamaha venture royale i am having problems with.i am leaking gas through the overflow tubes on the cabs.i have taken them all out and tore them apart cleaned them thoroughly with carb cleaner,and ran small wires through the jet holes.when that is done i put them back on my bike and as long as i start the bike and let it sit they dont leak,but when i get on it and ride and park it they start leaking.just 1 at a time.does any body know what might be wrong.i am getting very frustrated with this problem,and dont know what else to do.if you have a suggestion please e-mail me at su4cojo@yahoo.com it is just easier for me to deal with you through the e-mailing.i am quite new to this site and still cant figure it out yet.i know dkaiser had the same problem with his i tried to contact him but no responce. thank you very much:confused24:
  4. Just found this drop of antifreeze while i was trying to route aux cable for Ipod suppose to leave on the 14th and I know there is no way the dealer can get to it. Going to try an post pics.Its on the left side of motor between the cyclinders. IMG_0355.jpg IMG_0356.jpgIMG_0354.jpg Also any suggestion on fixing these tabs Last pic I installed two bolts here are they suppose to be there had a zip tie in one hole. IMG_0362.JPGIMG_0363.JPGIMG_0364.JPG
  5. We forgot to acknowledge the help of your friendly canuck: Marcarl. His help in tracking down a reasonably priced car hire was great, his suggestion of a mini van, and now we hear it will have a CB as well :happy65::happy65::happy65:
  6. Can someone direct me to a 'How To' guide on the removal/installation of a speedo cable? I've removed the windshield and headlight assy. and can touch the connection point with one finger but can't for the life of me figure out how to route the cable and then attach it. Do I need to do more dis-assembly? On a related topic, I noticed that all the rubber holders for the relays behind the headlight have dry rotted and broken. Anyone have a suggestion for making repairs. Might not hurt anything the way they are, but I sure don't want 'em bangin' around in there...
  7. I really want to hear Santana/Dave Clark Five/ Conway/Ten Years on my ipod/ear buds heading down the highway doin what a Royal Star does best. I wear a half helment with no front shield so the wind tends to drown out the high and lows. Any suggestion to get that music inside my head. Are there rheostats etc to increase ear bud volume. Ipod volume setting on these Sony ear buds ($85) is a joke when on the road. Thanks Max
  8. Alright its time to do a brake job on the RSMV. where is the best place to buy the pads from? I remember reading something about not getting them from the stealership but cant remember where the suggestion was to get them from.
  9. I'm in Ashburn, your in Albany we need to plan a South Ga M&E. Could do one at Nothing Fancy. What do you think. Let me Know. Gregg OR ANYONE ELSE in the south Ga, North FL, southeastern AL. Jump in and make a suggestion.
  10. Hey Guys, My riding buddy has an 03 Venture Royal Star. It has quit on him. He was told it was the switch, so he bought a new one, and replaced the battery, and still nothing. Anyone have a suggestion on where we should look next.
  11. Has anyone successfully replaced the stock headlight assembly with a aftermarket headlight, want a different look in the front,i f I can't change it anyone got a suggestion where to purchase HID
  12. Hey guys, 5 of my buddies on their Harley's and Wings and me on my RSV are going to Raleigh NC tomorrow. Saturday morning we're going to Carolina Beach and hopefully eat some good fish for lunch. Can someone give me a good suggestion as where to eat. None of us have ever been there before Saturday. Thanks in Advance, Eddie Flinchum:puzzled:
  13. OK folks....we have a winner of the contest. As stated, the winner will receive a $100.00 gift certificate courtesy of New Enough at http://www.newenough.com I used a random number generator to select a winner from all who replied to the thread with their suggestion of a Rally Site or their support of a previous suggestion. So....as I said...we NOW have a winner. Does anybody wish to know who that winner IS?
  14. Curious where the best place to pick up a tire would be. I believe there is many that order the tires on line and have them shipped to you door. I was looking for a rear tire for the 1999 but I would like white walls. Any suggestion on a brand. The Dunlop 404 was the one that I had a problem with, not saying I would not purchase another. Brad
  15. To all my new Nashville friends, Deb, Carson and I will be spending a couple of days in Nashville on the 24th and 25th of April to meet up with her brother she hasn't seen in years who will be there for a convention. We'll definitely be checking out Gruhn Guitars and Printer's Alley while there. Keeping in mind Carson and I are both amateur musician and love live music and that she is only 14. Any suggestion on some good all age music venues (preferably blues or rock) in the area that we might go check out Thursday night???? Any good open mic nights also??? Thanks!
  16. I want to remove the warning decal off my gas tank. Looks like it's really on there. Anyone have a good suggestion on how to get it off without scratching the paint job? Thanks, Bob
  17. My wife and I have J&M headsets in our helmets and we have no problems hearing the music from the stock radio. I also have attached a GPS with XM included. I run the audio wire from the GPS into the cassette player when I want to use the GPS. The volume is never turned up beyond 10-15 when I'm listening to the FM but when I listen to XM I have to turn it all the way to to the max 30. This is barely loud enough for us to hear but nothing I do will turn it up any louder. Anyone have a suggestion for this?
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