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  1. I took a road trip to Augusta, Ga. and back this weekend (2 1/2 hrs one way). the bike has been running fine. While there I got rained on for a few minutes. But, on the way back it developed a little accleration ( I hesitate to call it a problem) more like an accleration surprise. While acclerating at cruising speed all of a sudden it would sputter a little bit then launch with a sudden burst of power that would lift the front wheel off the ground and launch the bike forward like it had NOS and someone flipped the switch. .......OMG was my first reaction. Thinking it might be carbureation on the next fill up I bought a can of seafoam and poured 1/2 a can in the tank to see I could clear out whatever partial blockage was in the carbs. Evidently there is some unrealized power potential in this bike I haven't witnessed before and I would like to figure out why and harness it full time. Today, riding to work and back I tried to duplicate the experience everytime I had some accleration room ahead of me so that I could watch what was going on closely. Everytime I was acclerating in any gear and the RPMs reached 4500 to 5000 it would launch up 1000 to 1500 rpm with an incrediable boost of power and seemed to keep going untill I backed off of the throttle. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
  2. Went for a short ride last night and all of a sudden realized my Sirius radio wasn't working, yet it was fine on Saturday when we were out. Anyone have one of these....are they prone to crapping out all of a sudden? It's only a year old. I haven't delved into it yet so not sure if it's the radio or the power source or what. I run the power off the aux power supply in the fairing and that is working so it might be the power convertor itself ... drats!! now I'll have to split the fairing (again) to check it.
  3. I am new here. I have a 2003 Venture it hesitates in the mid and uppers ranges. It also bogs down bad then all of a sudden takes off. Any help you can give will be appreciated. Thank you
  4. I have been riding for about a month on my first bike, an 83 Venture, and have had more problems than I thought I would,.... The most recent is this throttle problem. I was driving home when all of a sudden my throttle started just revving itself. When I don't pull at all, it idles normally, but when I pull it back, even the tiniest amount, it just starts going up and up and up. As you can imagine, my last few blocks home were exciting. Luckily, not pulling at all it does what it's supposed to do, and the clutch is working fine,.. If it wasn't for those two thing I probably would have taken a quick trip into something solid, and heavy,.... perhaps a car,.... Anyways, as I said, I'm new to motorcycle, so any and all details would be appreciated,.. ~Tobias P.S. I'm also poor, and want to do this myself, as opposed to a shop,.... Or if anyone is in Austin, TX, and wants dinner, and to help a new rider, that'd be even better!!! And there are a couple of other small problems, like the turn signals working sometimes and not others, that I could use some help on,... P.P.S. This is my only form of transportation & way to work, so the sooner I can get it running good enough, the better. Thanks! ~Tobias
  5. Before we hit the deer this summer, everytime I would ride with Gary, I could hear this screeching noise every time he'd squeeze the clutch. He's hard of hearing and could never hear it but it was loud enough that it was almost embarrassing coming up to a stop sign in town. Well, after we got the bike out of the shop in July, I didn't notice it. All of the sudden, last night it started again. The only thing I can think of, is we rode in the rain all last weekend. Could have that done it somehow? I'm so tempted to shoot a little wd40 on it, but don't dare. (I'm a weany trying to do things behind his back) Anyway, any suggestions?
  6. Hey Guys, I have a big question. My Venture all of a sudden quit wanting to start. If I put the choke on it doesn't start, if I give it a little gas it tries to start, and I had it running once and it didn't want to stay running. Does anybody know what could be wrong? I took the plugs out and cleaned and adjusted them. I'm going to put some new plugs in it tomorrow and try it. I've already rode it several times in the last couple of weeks and this all of a sudden happened. I just filled the tank up with gas recently.I don't think it's bad gas.
  7. Hey Guys, I have a big question. My Venture all of a sudden quit wanting to start. If I put the choke on it doesn't start, if I give it a little gas it tries to start, and I had it running once and it didn't want to stay running. Does anybody know what could be wrong? I took the plugs out and cleaned and adjusted them. I'm going to put some new plugs in it tomorrow and try it. I've already rode it several times in the last couple of weeks and this all of a sudden happened. I just filled the tank up with gas recently.I don't think it's bad gas. Thanks guys
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