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  1. On the way home from the last Ga M&E someone (I don't remember who) on a 2nd Gen had a LED bar under the trunk. as I recall it consisted of a double row of LED's, half the bar would light up as the turn signal, and the brake part would flash before becoming steady. don't recall if it had a running light feature, but it was a bright little sucker! I've been looking on line trying to find it but so far no luck. If you own one, or know which one I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks.
  2. For years it was believed that electric bulbs emitted light. However, recent information has proven otherwise. Electric bulbs do not emit light, they suck dark. Thus we will now call these bulbs dark suckers. The dark sucker theory, according to a spokesperson, proves the existence of dark, that dark has a mass heavier than light, and that dark is faster than light. The basis of the dark sucker theory is that electric bulbs suck dark. Take for example the dark suckers in the room where you are. There is less dark right next to them than it is elsewhere. The larger the dark sucker, the greater its capacity to suck dark. Dark suckers in a parking lot have a much greater capacity than the ones in this room. As with all things dark suckers don't last forever. Once they are full of dark they can no longer suck. This is proven by the black spot on a full dark sucker. A candle is a primitive dark sucker. A new candle has a white wick. You will notice that after the first use, the wick turns black, representing all the dark which has been sucked into it. If you hold a pencil next to the wick of an operating candle, the tip will turn black because it got in the way of the dark flowing into the candle. Unfortunately, today's primitive dark suckers have a very limited range. There are also portable dark suckers. These bulbs can't handle all of the dark themselves, and must be aided by a dark storage unit. When the dark storage unit is full, it must be either emptied or replaced before the portable dark sucker can operate again. Dark has mass. When dark goes into a dark sucker, friction from this mass generates heat. Thus it is not wise to touch an operating dark sucker. Candles present a special problem, as the dark must travel in the solid wick instead of through glass. This generates a great amount of heat. Thus it can be very dangerous to touch an operating candle. Dark is also heavier than light. If you swim deeper and deeper, you notice it gets slowly darker and darker. When you reach approximately fifty feet, you are in total darkness. This is because the heavier dark sinks to the bottom of the lake and the lighter light floats to the top. The immense power of the dark can be utilized to man's advantage. We can collect the dark that has settled to the bottom of lakes and push it through turbines which generates electricity and helps push dark to the ocean, where it may be safely stored. Prior to turbines, it was much more difficult to get dark from rivers and lakes to the ocean. The Indians recognized this problem and tried to solve it. When on a river in a canoe traveling in the same direction as the flow of dark, they paddled slowly, so as not to stop the flow of dark, but when they traveled against the flow of dark, they paddled quickly so as to help the dark along its way. Finally we must prove that dark is faster than light. If you were to stand in an illuminated room in front of a closed, dark closet, then slowly open the closet door, you would see the light slowly enter the closet, but since dark is so fast, you would not be able to see the dark leave the closet. In conclusion, it has been stated that dark suckers make our lives much easier, so the next time you look at an electric bulb, remember that it is indeed a dark sucker.
  3. Has anyone vented the filler tube by the gas cap on a 1st gen? It takes a long time to get that sucker full to the top. I've seen the 2nd gen pics but no 1st. 83' VR Brent.
  4. curtis

    Good Day

    You know it has been a GOOD day when you have to fill your bike up twice in the same day. No, I don't feel sorry for you poor sucker who had to work today. PS. No, I didn't dump the bike over and lose all my gas.
  5. I had the bike on the lift to do some repairs and noticed a small 3/16" deep slice/gash in the sidewall. of my Elite II. I recently replaced a virtually new Avon due to a nail that friends convinced me to replace... Dang, this is getting old. It says the sidewall is 3 plies. Still lots of tread on this sucker. I know I should probably replace it and be safe but are the wife and I really worth the expense? I'm in a dither with this......thoughts!
  6. OK, so I was going to change the oil on the bike. I've done it before and it was much harder then because I didn't have the oil filter relocation kit - I had to take of the pipes and everything. I spent half an hour trying to just loosen the drain bolt and I can't do it. I hate myself right now. Anyone have any tips for getting the sucker loose? I'm not going to try again until tomorrow - I can only handle so much humiliation in one day. --Courtney:crying:
  7. Anyone have a spare eyebrow (think that's what they're called) for the rear blinker? Guess I backed the bike up into the garage wall and the little sucker later jettisoned itself somewhere.... Poor thing, looks like it's winking all the time now.
  8. NEXT Sucker please step forward.......
  9. Will the next Sucker step forward......
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