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  1. I searched but could not find anything that was first gen related. Can get a steal on a set of tires the rear is the stock 240/90/16 The front that is what I have the question on is a front that is a mt 90b 18 or 130/90-16 Now i have read of these being used on the RSV's with success and the riders liking them but i have heard nothing from the First Gen crowd. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated. Bags
  2. Does anyone know if the iphone chat still works? Attempted to log on but no success.
  3. just got home from the meet. great fun great people, and lots of them. lewis counted 34 bikes but there were more to come. total success and lots of food. think everyone helped out a bunch for dragon riders st. jude fund. thanks to b2 mom and dad for a great time
  4. Well, have been home a week now from Cody and have finally started getting caught up. Had 397 E-mails waiting for me in addition to about 2 dozen phone calls from clients to return when I walked in the door. But it was worth it. For those who have as yet been unable to make an International Rally, put it on your Bucket List. They just keep getting better and better and I don't believe you will find a better group of folks to hang out with. Have been ready all the posts sending congrats and compliments to Condor, Lone Eagle and the others who, without questions worked their butts off to make this years event a roaring success. But in reading those posts it became readily apparent that the folks that really made the 2011 International Rally a success have been grossly neglected. So, let me take this opportunity to correct that glaring slight. Any event; be it a Maintenace Day, Local Meet and Eat, Vogel, Ork in the Pines, or any one of the impromptu get-to-gathers would be nothing if it wasn't for the folks that show up. Be it a ride across town or across the continent, if you didn't take the effort to come out, buy tickets, make donations and the countless other seeming "little" actions it would all be for naught. So, to each and every one who participates, a rousing thank you. It is you folks that make each and every event, large or small, a huge success.
  5. I finally got around to working on the Venture. Got it running last night and took it for a hour long ride up weber canyon and Trappers Loop - That’s the success part. The bad part is it really does not want to start. With the enrichment on it will pop out the carbs a few times then back fires out the left side enough that the end cap on that side is blown halfway down the street. Usually it takes about ten min of work (some throttle, starter fluid) to get it to start once it starts it runs good. I plan on pulling the carbs and giving them a good cleaning. As I am cleaning them is there anything that I need to be looking for? No need to pull them apart and put them back together with bad parts that I don't know about.
  6. 2008 RSV, Fuel pump will not hold proper pressure. Bike runs a little week. Have one on order. Does anyone know the out-put operating pressure of the OEM fuel pump? Or where this information can be found. I have this idea I can find an after market pump to carry on trips as a back up, if I can get the specs on the OEM pump. Have had success doing this with Cages. Used to work in auto part industry and saved a lot of people money on pumps for Volvos and BMWs back 8 or so years. Thanks.
  7. I am looking for the CB panel, both the base piece that mounts to the fairing, and the actual console part, that the CB and CLASS system mount into. The panel is P/N#: 26H-2837M-01-00, according to the Yamaha website. I have tried E-Bay, and various other places. But no success yet. Does anyone have one they can sell, or part with. If so, please let me know. Thanks
  8. installed ......and picked up bike today.....definitely gone.....
  9. I put risers on my RSV. The throttle binds open when turned to the right. I tried wiggling the cables around with no success. How to I reroute them? I have no clue, my bike is in pieces right now....
  10. I have taken my trailer on the "Summer 09 Tour" and I am proud to say it has been a success so far. The trailer, "Rosemary", has tacked the Blue Ridge Parkway, Skyline Drive, Pennsylvania rural area, winds of Lake Erie, the rough roads of Buffalo, and she is negotiating New England over these next couple days! Her proudest moment was reaching elevation 6578, at the top at Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina. Her locomotive, "Rachel (05 RSTD), has had no problems pulling her averaging anywhere from 38mpg to 43mpg depending on the terrain, speed, and wind conditions. She does not know she pulling anything unless we hit a bump! The setup gets a lot of comments and picture taking from people we meet! I have pointed everyone in the direction of "VentureRider.org" telling them this is the place where I brainstormed, researched, and got sound advice on the while renovating her and overcoming the initial design flaws. Later this week we will be adventuring in Nova Scotia, Northern Maine, and the Canada. After that I thought we would head west and try out some more mountains!! Thanks all!!
  11. Okay all. I posted a while back that I am retiring August 1 this year and am going out on a 30 day ride. I'll leave Northern Va. and my plan is to head north into Canada and stay off interstates as much as possible. Does anyone here have any favorite trip planning tool they have had good success with. Especially for someone who tends to be less than patient anf less than a net expert. Any advice would be appreciated. I did find the Harley Davidson Trip Planner someone on here recommended and will look at it as well. Thanks
  12. Well...I did my first carb synch with my new Carbtune.....,and.....It was a success!!! The bike has 6300 miles on it and the carbs have never been synch'ed.What a difference...Idle is amazingly smooth and the acceleration vibration (that I thought was normal) is GONE!!!best 95 bucks I ever spent. Its like a whole new bike!! Now if only the weather would stay nice enough to RIDE IT!!! 55 degrees today...............back to the 30's tommorrow:bang head:.
  13. I recently had an E1 code pop up on my onboard air compressor computer screen. I went over the old threads and read them. I wanted to thank FREEBIRD for the detailed explanation. AND IT WORKED!!!! I wound up pulling the connector off and cleaning the terminals with contact spray. Still no success. Then I turned the connector in a clockwise manner, BAM. It worked perfectly. THANKS MUCH, THIS SITE IS AWESOME, Steve
  14. Goes out to everyone who attended, participated and thoroughly enjoyed the 2008 Kitchener International Rally. You are what made this Rally a success. Every stop I felt bad having to get you back on your bikes because the comradory was self evident. Whether it was riding, socalizing, out for dinner, sitting by the fire till 1:00 oclock in the morning(which I now nominate Shari with the name of "GIGGLES") every moment of every day was complete enjoyment. Special thanks goes to those that pitched in and assisted in every manner to bring this week together and make it a success. Thank you Reiny for putting up with me and my crap for the last 6 months. And a special thanks to my wife Gayle for assisting me, and for making it a lot easier for me to do my part. I am truely thankful that we could share with you our little part of the world and look forward to were ever the next rally will take us. Pics will be forth coming. Again Thank You:bighug: Hal
  15. Anyone got fishtail exhaust on their ride? been playing around with putting em on my TD, and was also wondering if anyone has replaced the stock tips with any aftermarket to any degree of success
  16. Just got in from the Houston m&e ride. Had a fantastic time, met some of the greatest folks, had good food, can't beat that. I want to thank everyone who came and helped to make it a success. Without y'all, it wouldn't have happened. Pics will be posted later. Don and Linda H.
  17. Not long ago, I saw a website/post on an LED light strip that mounts in the gap between the trunk lid and the passenger back rest. I've been looking online for the past two days without any success. Can anyone help? Has anyone come across that? Can someone post a link or point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  18. After serious & cautious consideration.....your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2008! It was a very hard decision to make. So try not to screw it up!!! My Wish for You in 2008 May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ............ May 2008be the best year of your life!!!
  19. After serious & cautious consideration.....your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2008! It was a very hard decision to make. So try not to screw it up!!! My Wish for You in 2008 May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ............ May 2008be the best year of your life!!!
  20. May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had, forget your home address! In simple words ............ May 2008 be the best year of your life!!!
  21. So-called "get rich" schemes. Here's one... http://www.secret-biz.com/bhmacdonald?gclid=CLTs0qPI5I4CFQ-1YgodKk9vPw There are lots of them out there. I've checked a few out, even tried a couple. Concepts seemed viable...but I gave up (too soon maybe?). Does anyone know anyone who actually "made it big" in any of these so-called "schemes"? They always show "success stories" but I'd sure like to speak directly to a real one if for nothing else but to prove to myself that not all of these are SCAMS.
  22. When the tape reverses, the tape doesn't play at a constant speed. Has anybody ever had any success replacing the belts in one of these? How tricky is it? Any suggestions? Thanks.
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