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  1. before the crash I was reading about using this exhaust on the rsv any info on this subject would be apperciated
  2. hooked up... the only thing is my hazard lights don't work now ??? seems I saw a thread on the subject but can't find it.... hopefully i wont ever need'em ...
  3. Nothing popped up here when I started but I know there are some topics related to this subject. Ride-On. Or whatever it is called. Is it really worth it and for those who use it would you use it again?
  4. I know that this question has been asked before, but it's been a while since any posts have appeared on the subject, and I was just wondering what might be the preferred iPod mount nowadays?
  5. Just wondering if I posted this subject in the wrong forum, since there have been no replies to it, so I will repost it in this section. I'm still interested if someone has the answer. I PM'ed Condor about a spark related issue and I posed the question to him as to why it is necessary to have a resistor sparkplug cap and a resistor sparkplug. Answer me this question, aren't resistor plugs primarily used to supress electric pulses from interfering with a radio? Yes ,Ventures do have a radio, but isn't the primary reason for owning a motorcycle to ride it and not listen to the c@#p on a radio. Any comments, suggestions, and/or helpful advice? Condor mentioned that he thought that VGoose had posted on this subject at one time. Soooo..... Thanks all
  6. Guest

    rotor covers

    Does anybody know if there is a full front wheel rotor cover out there ? I'm looking for something similar to the ring of fire that they have for the Goldwings. It sure would look good on my 09 venture . Thanks for any info on the subject. Gus......
  7. i dont know enough about this subject to talk teck, will one of these cb antennas pick up on fm. i really dont have any use for am or these big ugly antennas!!!! help me please.
  8. I'm toying with an idea to use hydraulics to make my sidecar lean with the bike as opposed to the three control arms I currently have. Problem is, I don't know nearly enough to even begin addressing the subject. I know what I "want" but need some input to see if it is feasible. If you can help, let me know. Thanks
  9. I have read a lot of the posts on this subject and have not seen a direct question or answer on this subject, so here goes. Most say that the 83 to 85 1st generation is the fastest of all the Ventures at 1200cc. So my question is this.What has to be changed to get the hp of the 83 to 85 models in a 2nd gen? I know the gearing is different, and a lot of people change to a v-max rear end. I'm talking about just hp and torque increases. I've heard about swapping to v-max cams,but would like to know what all would need to be changed,how much of an increase could be expected,and if it is worth the money involved to warrant it. I know that Pegscraper has done a lot with his early model Royal Star,and was wondering if any one with a 2nd gen had tried some of the same things. I would like to know what the differences are and how to get, at least close, to the 1st gen hp and performance and approximately how much it would cost with 100cc more to work with.
  10. --Forwarded Message Attachment-- From: Gordon112@verizon.net To: PREACHERGAL2@aol.com; shstorm70@comcast.net; RDLWV84@Aol.com; kimfrizzi@yahoo.com; Jim.Hinkle@ky.gov; JSHUONKER@COMCAST.NET; frankstu@comcast.net; FHennebert@computersmith.com; ffaldow@verizon.net; helichuck@comcast.net; CHCKSWIGER@MSN.COM; chennebert84@verizon.net Subject: Fw: FW: Poem about Heaven Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 09:35:20 -0400 .ExternalClass #ecxAOLMsgPart_2_4a4b7cf0-1b4c-4f01-9b32-1db715345204 TD{color:black;}.ExternalClass #ecxAOLMsgPart_2_4a4b7cf0-1b4c-4f01-9b32-1db715345204 .ecxhmmessage P{padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:0px;}.ExternalClass #ecxAOLMsgPart_2_4a4b7cf0-1b4c-4f01-9b32-1db715345204 .ecxhmmessage{font-family:Verdana;font-size:10pt;} .ExternalClass #ecxAOLMsgPart_2_4a4b7cf0-1b4c-4f01-9b32-1db715345204 td{color:black;}.ExternalClass #ecxAOLMsgPart_2_4a4b7cf0-1b4c-4f01-9b32-1db715345204 .ecxExternalClass .ecxecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass #ecxAOLMsgPart_2_4a4b7cf0-1b4c-4f01-9b32-1db715345204 .ecxExternalClass .ecxaolReplacedBody.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} A Poem about Heaven I was shocked, confused, bewildered As I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven Who made me sputter and gasp- The thieves, the liars, the sinners, The alcoholics and the trash. There stood the kid from seventh grade Who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor Who never said anything nice. Herb, who I always thought Was rotting away in hell, Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, Looking incredibly well. I nudged Jesus, "What's the deal? I would love to hear Your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake. And why is everyone so quiet, So somber-give me a clue." "Hush, child," He said, "they're all in shock. No one thought they'd be seeing you." Made me stop and think!!!
  11. wngrr

    Tire age

    I know this subject has been discussed here before but this link was making the rounds at work so I thought I would share. Make sure and check out the end of the report so you know how to check the age of the tires you are buying. David http://abcnews.go.Com/Video/playerIndex?id=4826897
  12. hi guys (i do hope you know i mean aussie and kiwi in the nicest way possible!) I am taking an Alternative Energy class as part of one of my degrees, and i've been assigned a research paper on australian and new zealand "green" building pratices. I'm not familar with the subject, so i felt that in the course of my research, it would just make sense to see what, if any experence any of you might have with "green" construction past or present in your country, as well as your opinions on it. I feel it is important to show both sides of a subject, just because it's good for the enviroment doesn't mean that it doesn't cause problems or get under your skin so to speak. So, I ask if any of you would be so kind, to share your experence, information, and opinions on the subject. i'd also have to ask permission to list you as a resource in the papers list of sources, and if you wanted, i could send you a copy of the report. thanks in advance any and all who respond, and thanks for your time! - Jared
  13. az1103

    FRS radio

    Has anyone tried to adapt an FRS system to the RSV? It seems like it would be really simple on the speaker side but coupling to the mike might be a challenge. While trying to troubleshoot my CB last week, I discovered that CB appears to be rapidly going the way of the dinosaurs. I couldn't find anyone with enough knowledge or interest to answer some seemingly simple questions. Components are virtually unavailable, except online, and interest in the subject is minimal. On the other hand the FRS seems to be used fairly extensively, but with handheld units. I guess the main advantages would be a much lower innitial cost, a longer range and much clearer transmission including the possibility of private conversation.
  14. Looking to get a Satellite radio for my RSV. Have heard that one is taking over the other but don't know which. My question is what is a good receiver for a motorcycle? Which receiver has the best secure docking station for bikes? Currently have XM on my truck but don't know if after the "takeover" which will and will not work!!! I'm showing how little I know about this subject so be kind in all replies.
  15. Columbo


    I was talking with someone about my 2005 RSV which I think is top heavy, (love the bike)and they told me that if I was to change the front tire to a smaller size it would handle better. Can someone give me some info on this subject. Thanks !
  16. Friend of mine sent this to me today - enjoy. You've got to watch the underpants flag to judge when to open the parachute :-) FUN!! Subject: A game to waste your time (but you can relax!) Click here: PARACHUTE JUMP
  17. Hi everybody... Well the new RSV has all of 900 miles on it and the wife & I are going to take it on our first "long" trip. We'll be leaving Kankakee Illinois(about 40 miles south of Chicago) Sunday morning & heading south. Plan on being in Kiln Ms. on Monday afternoon to visit a friend we have'nt seen in 18 years. Then through Biloxi & on to St. marks Fl. on Tuesday. With any luck at all on Wed. we'll be in Mt. Pleasant SC. Thursday night we'll be visiting friends in Princeton West Virginia. Friday..........Sitting in a lawn chair at a campground,fishing and drinking beer (not toooooo much though...he-he). Sat & sun will be the trip home! We are pretty excited!!!! And of course all is subject to change depending on weather & how we feel.I think we're ready. new rain gear,spf 30 chapstick,sun block,luggage(of course),made beaded seat covers out of a car seat cover from Wally-World......Any other suggestions???? Thanks to all....I'll have it on channel 29( RIGHT?) I'll fill you in on the trip after we get home!!!
  18. Never mind, I should have done a search for the subject first. Problem solved.
  19. this little guy, (colt, not the boy), really is a prime subject. asking price on the net? $20,000!!!!!! just jt
  20. Don forgive me for posting this I will understand if you remove it but I would like all the members to sign this and also send an email to their state represenative on the subject. http://www.petitiononline.com/sabiker/ Jeff
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