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Found 14 results

  1. Hope everyone is enjoying riding season...I know we are. My lovely bride & I are starting to look at safety gear (Jackets & Pants). What safety gear do ya'll wear? We are looking for something that is cool enough to wear in the heat but yet strong enough to protect us if we go down. It seems so confusing. Thanks, Melvin
  2. Either this guy is really strong or this is gonna really hurt.
  3. Happy 118th Birthday Navy Chief Petty Officers! - Established 1 April 1893 and still going strong! http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197856_1791759246093_1602994580_1718228_6813292_s.jpg
  4. Carl, I saw in another thread you weren't comfy on the first Gen. due to long legs/over 6' tall Would a set of pegs like this help. They are strong, a lot better than the engine guard mounted ones. Last picture is for reference of bike with knee air deflectors still on. Gary
  5. So I bought my new RSTD and some bonehead promptly rear ended me 3 weeks later. It crushed the fender and both saddlebags. I am debating about getting the tsukayu jumbo strong bags instead of the stock ones. They have 25% more volume than stock. Has anybody put these on their bike? I saw a Royal on the website with them, but was hoping somebody here has first hand experience. Thanks
  6. Haven't been able to come sit at the 'puter for a while as I ended up with infection in some of my pin sites (where wire goes into leg) This hot weather has made it harder So strong anti-biotics four times a day, and elevate the leg....Geez, enough already Miss your company more than you will ever know.
  7. Just wanted everyone to know I will be part of the VR family for years to come! Can't bring myself to sell my bike, and thanks to everyone here who didn't buy my bike, i'll be able to keep her. I was considering a sale due to possible cuts at the hospital, but hasn't happened yet (started trying to sell in july) and it doesn't matter if it does in the future cause we can cross that bridge when we get there. Took it out for a ride last saturday and it left me stranded at wal-mart, paybacks for not keeping it on the battery tender and not riding it for 2 months. Also noticed that left rear intake boot on carb is leaking fuel. But strangely enough I dont feel frustration or a strong sense of trying to off this thing. Instead I am thinking about sinking some more money into it and liking it!!!!! I think I have just reached that LIFER STATUS:confused24: I love this bike....no turning back for me! Big Mike p.s. Can't wait for Dons next maintenance day!
  8. Well its been 2 weeks since surgery. Went to doc yesterday and got those 23 stinking staples out:rotf: Boy did that make a difference in the surface pain. Have been doing 6 exercises a day and was up to 20 reps each. Doc says 3 more weeks of no wieght bearing on left side. He took xrays and all looks very good. Said what he did should last 30 yrs and that I had very strong and solid bone. Theripist came today and added 3 more exercises:crying: she tried to make me touch the ceiling with my toes or at least it felt that way:crying: leg lifts are the killer. But to be honest the pain is minimal. My hip seemed to hurt alot more before surgery. But could be the pain meds keeping it in check. They took me off the oxycodone and put me on hydrocodone which isnt as strong and I have noticed no difference. Im feeling pretty good just a little cabin fever is all. Should be moving around pretty good by the time the rally starts:banana: John
  9. I placed an ad in the classifieds, the reason for the ad is I must sacrifice due to recent health issues. I love my ride and it needs a good home, all is on the up and up as several of you know that have been to my home. This scoot will be a great bike for one of you and loads of spare parts from an 86 VR go with it, it's a STRONG runner. Help my wife and I while helping yourself. Jim "OldBull" 360-504-2359 H 360-775-7741 C
  10. I need some help. When I got my previously owned Venture, the passing lights were already installed and were setup to be on all time. Here is the problem: they quit working and I do not know how to fix them. Electrical is not my strong point! • Do they have a separate fuse (if so I could not find one) • What are they wire to? • Do I have to take the front cowl apart? Any help is appreciated,[/size]
  11. Well Haylie and I got subpeonaed to testify today....... From what the sheriffs deputy told me when he came the state also subpeonaed the perps parents today and they were not happy...... still no dna results...... just waitin it all out........we will see if things stay on schedule for June 1st. His lawyer is in for a surprise because we are not going to back down and we are not afraid to testify..she is a very strong little girl and we are confident she can handle this. I am also confident that whether it ends up at trial or gets settled before that happens......we will have reason to celebrate at MD his loooong confinement...
  12. I recently was given a nice set of 55-Watt driving lights for my 06 Midnight Venture. Question: Has anyone mounted driving lights onto the brackets for the small-clear wind deflectors which are located just below the headlight and over the front fender? My 1st impression is that these metal wind deflector brackets should be strong enough to support driving lights but I want to know if anyone else has done this without any problems with the brackets.
  13. Has anyone here tried out the Maxxis.com touring tires for the RSV. They look to have a good tread design and strong sidewall and weight capacity. Just looking for info looking to get new tread. Joe
  14. :confused24:I have an 89Vr. The cruise seems to have power, (the lights light up) but the cruise doesnt work. There is a plunger switch on the clutch handle that has a broken mount(plastic thats in the housing that clips into the handle bracket). Therefore, the plunger is always open. Would this be connected to the cruise somehow? If so can I bypass it? It doesn't seem to have any other function. If this isn't the problem, does anybody have any idea where to start? Electrical isn't one of my strong points.
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