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  1. I'll try to explain where my problem exists. On the side of the rear fender, bolted to the fender, there is a chrome strip that the passenger "Oh Sh** handle" and the forward luggage rack support bolts to. I found two bolts missing, one for the passenger handle and the front luggage rack support. My question is; Are there nuts on the inside of that chrome strip, or are there threads built into the strip or some kind of plate fixed on the inside of the chrome strip that the bolts screw in to? Do I need to remove this strip? Does it require removal of the rear wheel? Thanks in advance for any answers.
  2. I have recently done away with the glass fuse holder in favor of the ATC fuse block from Littlefuse (part# 350417BP). I picked up my block from O'Reilly Auto Parts but they are available from other sources. I decided to just replace the block, making the least amount of change to stock as possible. Installing the block is pretty straight forward. I just clipped the wires off the old terminals and then soldered them in place on the new block finishing out with heat shrink over the exposed terminal ends and then an application of liquid tape for further protection. I also cut the accessory terminal block from the original holder so that I could continue to use the stock setup. In a departure from other installations, to keep everthing in place and sercure the terminal block, I fabricated a plastic strip from ABS, perfectly forming it to the block with the cover on. Using ABS cement I attached the terminal block to the strip. I used a plastic welder to heat the ABS where the plastic needed to be bent and formed it over a block of wood, holding it place until it cooled sufficiently to retain it's shape. The strip fits into the original front slot in the stock mount and secures with the stock screw in the rear holding everything in place tightly. There are no clearance issues with the false tank cover and it slipped right into place.
  3. What is this? Where does it go?
  4. I posted this in the Watering hole and it was moved to GoldWing section. But it works on ANY bike so I am reposting here. Remember, even if temporary this fix works, is free (with an old film strip) and can save you on a trip and save money as many have found the fix to work long term. Eck said some use an old credit card, but that is too thick IMO, stick with something very thin and flexible like a film strip. Here we go: My GoldWing developed a bad leak in the Right fork right before taking a trip to FL two weeks ago. If I had known of what I am going to tell you now, I could have saved a lot of mess. The only solution for leaky fork seals is a new seal...right? WRONG! There is a guy selling a special tool to clean and reseal those leaky seals, but if you have some old 35mm picture packs around, you can do it for free with a strip of 35mm film negative. Trust me, I did this and it works like a charm. Turns out the reason most seals leak is they get dirty from inside. If you take a strip of film negative (trim the "sprockets" off because they can break off, so the sides are smooth, and round the corners of one end) and after raising up the dust seal, slip the negative under the fork seal, keeping it tight to the fork tube. The film will go in the seal maybe 1/2" or so. Stop at that point and then carefully and slowly just slide the negative around the tube, keeping it mostly vertical with the tube. Do this about 2-3 times, just sliding it around the tube with it under the seal. Remove the film and wipe down the tube, and test it by bouncing. It should stay dry. If you notice any more oil, try it again. But it shouldn't need it. Like I said, my fork was squirting all over my bike while riding and while it was bouncing in a trailer on the way to FL. After getting back I found this solution on an 1800 site, and tried it and I now have about 150 miles on since the "fix" and my forks are bone dry. May not last forever, but the guy that I heard this from said he hasn't replaced a seal in many years. I need to replace the fluid in my fork, but if I had caught it sooner, I wouldn't have to do that. (edit, yes, there still IS oil in my fork to leak, but is isn't so far, over 200 miles and counting) Try it, all you have to loose is one film strip (make it one you don't care about!). __________________ Don Mallinson Washington IL
  5. How much hacking is required to bring the floor boards to just behind the lower faring? \i've got 2 inches to bring back to fit. Just cut it down and weather strip the back end? Any ideas would be great
  6. I want to get a shorter tinted windshield but not sure about size. Is the windshield measured from the base of the screen itself or from the top of the chrome strip it sticks out of? Mine measures 17" from the strip.
  7. OK. Here's what I just did today for additional turn signals. I added a 1 foot long amber LED strip right next to the fairing "eyebrows". Whadaya think? [ATTACH]55920[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55921[/ATTACH]
  8. Las Vegas will be the site of one of the largest remembrances for the events of 9/11. 10 years ago our country was attacked. We came together as a country during those times and have slowly drifted apart since. Please click the link to this page and click like. It will continue to provide you with updates as the events are announced. Lets come back together as a country and remember. Please share this with all your friends. This is going to be a great event for a great cause. If you are looking for a great place to vacation HERE IT IS. VEGAS baby. This will be one heck of an event for Bikers. The bike run will be down the strip and to the Las Vegas motor speedway for a great party on 9-10-11 that’s on Sat. There is a parade down the strip on Sunday the 11th. A car show and a horse show. If you have always wanted to be part of something this is your chance. You need to register for the run to get all the goodies. This will have a New York / Las Vegas simulcast. THIS IS HUGE..................Ron http://www.facebook.com/pages/911-A-Decade-of-Remembrance/159022570811499?sk=wall&filter=2 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fueled-by-the-Fallen-Memorial-Race-Car-Team/9857964895?ref=ts http://www.fueledbythefallen.org/
  9. I got my F4 Customs windshield back in December, but the weather has been CRAPPY here until this weekend...a beautiful weekend too I might add...so I finally got a chance to shoot a couple of pics that really show off the clarity of this shield. YES, I love the shield. I got the one that is 2" wider and 2" taller than the stock shield. I would DEFINITELY buy this shield again (especially after riding in the rain one day last week)...light rain just SHEETED right off the shield. My only (EXTREMELY MINOR) complaint is that I do wished it still had the black shaded strip at the bottom of the shield. Not only did that strip make the stock shield look better, but it also reduced glare a little bit and hid the dirt between the shield and the fairing. Here are the pics. Wally
  10. Hi all, I have a 2000 venture with a couple small dents in the tank. How they got there is beyond me? The first dent is about 1" away from the center black strip edge running down the middle of the tank. The second small dent is about 2" away from the center strip edge. The dents are located on the right hand side of the tank maybe 10" up from the seat. My questions are, is there a bib available? or would a tank bib from a tour deluxe work? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks
  11. I'm goitn to rewire the auxiliary lighting on the back of my bike. Currently I have an extra tail/brake light and trailer lighting which is run through an isolation relay set. All of the taps were made using the scotch-lok type connectors (I know they are junk) and it really looks like a mess under the seat. Some of the connections were made by the installer that wired up my trailer lights and some by me. I want to solder all of the taps to the bike's lighting circuits and then run a line to a power strip where I connect the auxillary lighting. What is the best type of power strip to use? So far the only thing I've found looks like the attached photo. Is there something better? Photos of you installation would be helpful. This looks like it may be a cold Saturday job. Thanks, Dennis
  12. Debating wheter to sell the 86 or strip and sell parts on ebay.Decisions,decisions.The 84 will be stripped in a couple months.
  13. Happy New Year everyone from Viva Las Vegas! It was a stressful drive the last couple of days getting here due to weather conditions but we made it time for the New Year celebration as planned. They are shutting down the strip to traffic at 6:30. It'll probably be nuts out there tonight.
  14. I am on my 30 day ride thru the New England states right now. The wife joined me by flying in and renting a car. She followed me to Bar Harbor for a few days then followed me to Camden where we're staying. She leaves today and I'll resume riding. A few months ago I added a new LED light strip on the back of the bike as well as some other goodies. This strip has three lights that stay on full time and about 5 others light up very bright when I apply the brakes. During bothe times the wife has followed me it has been very sunny. She said that she often cannot even see the stock brake light but the new strip is very visible, even in the sun. She thinks I need to fix that right away but she also knows the LED provides good protection/warning. Just an FYI in case anyone was thinking of adding any lights back there. DO IT.
  15. About 1/3 of the lights are out in the trunk rear spoiler on my 04 midnight. Anyone know were I can order the diode strip without having to replace the whole thing?
  16. I created this disaster myself, since I removed the lighted spoiler from the trunk, yesterday, to see if I could determine why 3 of the lights, in the strip, were not working. I couldn't see a way to repair the problem, so I put it back on, using loctite on the screws. After returning from a short ride today, of an hour or so, I saw the light strip dangling from the wires and the spoiler was gone. We back tracked the route with the car right away, but never found it. I loved the looks with that spoiler on the trunk, now it looks naked! I now need to get another one. If any of you know of any place that I can buy one, please let me know. The color is like Plum or purple, but what ever color that is available, I'm sure it can be painted. I need your help! Thanks, Owen.
  17. I have a couple of questions. 1. I have a power strip close to the battery that I installed last year. I have the horn relay, alarm, amp, zumo, and a couple of other things. I’m thinking about putting another strip up under the faring. So that I don’t have to pull wires under the tank and to clean up a few things in that area. Anyone else have a power strip up front? 2. I like to ride during the winter and this year I will definitely have some heated gloves and maybe some heated socks. The only thing that really gets cold is my hands and feet. Any suggestions? What power requirements/hook up will I need?
  18. I need some advice...I have a guy painting my bike (actually repainting the trunk and saddlebag) and he is trying to strip them down, but the paint won't come off. He paints cars (and does good work) but hasn't dealt with plastic much...how can he strip the clear and paint off (quickly and easily) so he can start shooting paint? He has tries a few different strippers, but they aren't taking the paint off. Looking for some help to move this project along and help him not to send days trying to get the old paint off. Dave
  19. I cannot remember where I saw a link or add for a guy who made leather bra covers for the hard boxs' on 2nd gens. They were a real nice fit and you could trim it out with a chrome strip as well. Could anyone direct me to the source?? Thanks in advance for the help. Ricardo.
  20. I was looking to buy a cruiser when I discovered that my old 83 Venture Royale is basicly the same as a V-max or a Royal Star, and so I have decided to strip all the plastic off of it, and turn it into a Royal Star. Is there anything I should be aware of before I start?
  21. A real steal, I just installed the following 9" red led strip lamp, under my RSV trunk, on my brake circuit. It is really looking great, no special bracket required, not difficult to install and the leds are really bright..... professionnal look. I used transparent silicon to hold it in place and connected it to the brake light circuit...... et voila.... P/N 8059495 at Princess Auto , special this week 9$ Canadian(REGULAR 15$) CATALOG PAGE# 359 http://www.princessauto.com/PAcountry.cfm?CTRY=CAN&INF=home Princess Toll Free Phone:1-800-665-8685 Hermann
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