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  1. I've heard it over and over that the 1st gen is faster than the 2nd gen.I have a 86 and a 99 with sidecar.There is a straight stretch of road here we call the dragstrip.From the big rock to the mailbox I ran 85 on the 86.On the same stretch on my 99 I ran80 and that was with the sidecar.Does anyone have documented proof that the 1st gen is faster other that I said it is.does anyone have drag slips where the same rider rode both bikes?I HONESTLY do not believe my 86 is faster than my 99. PS. Bet this will probably be deleted within the first 10 repliees but I do need an answer and not just an opinion.
  2. THIS IS HILARIOUS:whistling: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXwigxSW4VM]How far will a condom stretch??? - YouTube[/ame]
  3. Well,looks like I get to make a trip north of the border again..... This time I get to load a runway sweeper on a RGN stretch and take it to Saskatoon....... Maybe I can make another M&E with the truck.......
  4. I am thinking of adding highway pegs to my 86 VR. Just wondering what folks have used for these bikes. The fairings are kind of in the way to stick my legs past but it would be nice to stretch out on the long rides. Pictures? Thanks, Gary Just did a search and found most of the info.....
  5. I made a custom road peg mount for the bike this week. These let me stretch my legs all the way out. When they were mounted to the crash bars they were not far enough forward. Gary
  6. Today the Queen Bee (Margaret) decided it was time to try out her new knees on the bike. She had her second knee replacement December 28 and has been recuperating. She has been faithfully following her PT regiment and has progressed nicely. This morning we took off on the scoot for a 'trading days' in Livingston Texas. On the return trip I told her I felt a detour coming on and we took off across 105 all the way to Montgomery Texas and then back to Houston. All told about 200 miles. She faired very well. We stopped about every hour for a stretch. It was so nice to have her riding with me again! I have missed her company. On a side note: Boy do I need to get my clutch upgraded! Here's hoping for a fun 2up riding season!
  7. I pulled the drive shaft out of my shaft unit. Lots of moly grease on it and everything looked great. The seal I bought is the correct part number ( 93108-43013-00), but when I slide it onto the drive shaft it slides over the area that the snap ring and washer go but it 'appears' that it's inner diameter is too small to go over the flat spot that the old seal was on. Does it stretch that much?? It seemed like the old seal was glued to the driveshaft. What glue are we supposed to use?? Frank D.
  8. One of the leather straps on the bags of my 97 RS is short! It's apparently not been taken care of before I bought it. The strap looks like it suffered some pretty serious shrinkage, and I am looking for some good tips to stretch it back out. I've got plenty of leather treatments, but they're for cleaning & protecting... My father in law told me to soak the strap in water, then stretch it out by hand, little by little. Soak-Stretch-Dry-Treat. He said do this a couple times and I should be able to get it where I need it to be. The bags are the hard-leather bags (ABS covered with leather) if that helps. I'll try to post pictures if I remember when I get home tonight. **On a side note, I'm not so concerned with the aesthetics of the leather after stretching, it's the structural integrity of the 'belt' I'm worried about.
  9. Today I celebrate 15 years of marriage to my lovely wife Eileen. It seems like just yesterday that I discovered her standing in that pumpkin patch, barefoot, hair all tangled and wearing that home made feed sack dress. I remember how sorry I felt for her and though I knew that it would be a challenge, I just couldn't leave her in that predicament. So, like a knight in shining armor, I decided that I would make her my wife and just do the best I could with her. I'll admit that it wasn't an easy decision and that I didn't accept her proposal the first time she asked. But WOW...look at the fine lady that she has become because of my willingness to take such a chance. It has actually worked out quite well and she really cleaned up nicely. So....though "celebrate" is a stretch since I am, as usual, out of town...I just want to say that it has been a wonderful 15 years and I hope just the start of many more great years together. In all honesty, without her, I would be nothing. PS: If she were to just HAPPEN to read this....I just want her to know that I WILL find out who hacked into my account and wrote that first paragraph and they WILL be punished severely.
  10. I finally got to ride the famous Smoke Hole Road just outside Petersburg, WV yesterday and all I have to say is WOW! If you ever have a chance to ride this area make sure to visit this stretch of road. I'd say this is a great road at anytime but right now with the foilage it can't be beat. I will definitely be back there again.
  11. ...can go down the toilet pretty quick. With that said, there is almost always a suprise around the next corner, some of them quite pleasant. I took a three week vacation this summer, and at the start it seem that every turn was away from my planned journey. I originally had planned to head east over the North Cascades in WA then due east from there to other locations... The day my friend and I left, the forcast for the Cascades was heavy rain, thunder and lightening... hmmmm not the best riding weather so the plan changed, south to Olympia for the night (as we had gotten a late start.) From Olympia, we decided to do the northern portion of the Oregon coast. While sitting in Astoria OR having fish and chips for lunch, a gentleman came along and commented on our bikes then asked if we had plans on riding in the area with the forcast for high winds and 2.5 inches of rain for that evening... Change of plans... East along the Columbia to Hood River, over Mt Hood and down to Bend OR that night. It made for a long day, but we stayed dry and the trip was worth it. We left Bend in the morning and headed to Crater Lake, if you haven't seen this beautiful spot, put it on your list of places to go. We saw it despite the torrential down pour on the way there.. We ended that day in Klamath Falls OR. Took a nice slow ride the next day up through OR and ended the day in Burns OR. The next day was also a bit long but well worth the ride, and the point of this novella... We left Burns and headed towards Boise. We then turned north through Idaho City and up through the Lowman Pass... Oh My Gawd!!!! Why have I never heard of this stretch of highway before? Sure, it's not the Sawtooth or Beartooth, but what a sweet stretch of road through some beautiful country. We ended our day In Stanley at the top end of the Sawtooth and regretably had to head north due to time constraints, but there is always tomorrow for those places we haven't been... This stretch of road south of Lowman Idaho was a pleasant surprise on a trip that looked to be going nowhere at it's start. Maybe I was being pushed this way just to find it... http://www3.telus.net/drbar/pics/Lowman%20Pass.jpg
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