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  1. So I was asked if my username had to do with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. I do enjoy pbj's but that's not the whole story. The first time I used PBJMAN was for my XBOX Live account when they started the online service in 2002. (Try to get a simple 6-letter name on there now!) I didn't want to use something random or something silly like "#1KILLER" like most of the kids on there so I reversed my initials J B P to PBJ and it looked too short so I added MAN. Still have it on xbox and have used in on some other forums. What's your story?
  2. Ok you have to add on to see where this story goes, I'll start. I jumpped on my second gen and started riding to Maintenance Day, just a passing all those first gens. Then I saw...
  3. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Mark, it sounds as if he had a wonderful sense of humor...so I think he would have liked this story. My aunt passed away and requested that her ashes be spread out in the ocean near Nova Scotia where they lived. My uncle (who was a grumpy old man) rented a boat and he and guests sailed a few miles offshore for the service. It was a bright sunny day with a bit of breeze and the ocean was a bit choppy. After a very touching service,the time came to spread the ashes. As you may know,after cremation, the crematorium places the remains in a very thick plastic bag. What ensued was a battle of epic proportions that will forever remain in my memory as the last "go round" between my dear Uncle and Aunt. It seemed my aunt didn't really want to go! My poor Uncle was staggering around like a drunk man trying to keep his balance on the pitching deck while pulling and tearing at the bag trying to open it. He had it in the air, under his armpit, between his knees trying to rip, tear or pry the last remains of my aunt out of her plastic prison. Some of the guests started offering words of support and yelled out suggestions on how to accomplish the task. The struggle continued as my uncle staggered and swayed as if to some unheard music. but Dear old aunty just would not co-operate. Finally, he tried a different attack. He attempted pulling the 2 sides away from each other near the center of the top, much like you would a bag of Potato Chips. After a lot of grunting, and stress and strain he succeeded.....sort of. The bag exploded open, showering him with ashes....along with several of the guest who happened to have the misfortune of being downwind. My now white-faced Uncle sputtered and spit out ashes as he said his final parting words to his dear wife..... "OH THE HELL WITH IT!!!" and angrily threw the bag and remaining contents into the ocean. She always said she would have the last laugh! Moral of the story....if you plan such a service..... BE SURE YOU HAVE A KNIFE OR SCISSORS! (some details have been slightly embellished...but essentially a true story)
  4. A few weeks ago my brother in law's 17 year old daughter suddenly started having seizures - up to a dozen times a day. She had recently lost some 70 pounds over a short time ( less than a year ) and the doctors felt that the problem might be related to that. Well, it was - she had been forcing herself to vomit after meals and now it seems as if months of doing that has caused some damage that they haven't been able to track down yet. She had to be taken out of school and completed the rest of her year through home study. She can go back in September but the school board has insisted that she be in a wheelchair in case she has a seizure and falls down. Can you imagine this happening at the top of a flight of concrete stairs or standing at a chemistry lab desk with a beaker full of acid on it? The thing is, this is not a stupid child - she's very bright and gets good marks, but she had been overweight all her life and when she got to high school it really started to bother her. So she felt the need to lose weight. Her parents are loving people who look after their children very well, but unfortunately, it is all too easy for a child to do this without being very obvious. Needless to say, they are devastated as are we. In her attempt to be more popular and better looking, she has now put herself in a position that will make it very difficult for her to function normally and that has seriously harmed her health. How long this will last, no one can say...it could be permanent or it may get better with time. She had convinced herself that she was being more careful, was healthier, etc., etc. and so thought that she could get away with it without being harmed. She was painfully wrong. We're doing what we can to support her and to comfort her parents, but there isn't that much to do at this point except hope. I put this story in the "Watering Hole" area rather than the "Inspirational" section, because I know some folks are not comfortable in that forum and I want to be sure that as many people as possible see this story. Raising kids is a tough job and it's easy to miss some of the little signs of problems. If you have a child or know of one who has issues with their looks or popularity, try to get them to open up about it (Yeah. I know - it can sometimes be easier to open a bank vault with tweezers) but try anyway. If this story gets even one child to open up and be prevented from harming themselves then at least there will have been something good that came out of this. Our children are our most precious resource. Without them, there is no future for man. If we can't protect them from every danger, we can hopefully protect them from themselves. Andy
  5. ...Okay..not really... but thought I would post these picts from a news story:
  6. Hello everyone. Due to a major accident in April of 2011 I can no longer ride. I am very thankful that I am pretty much back to normal, which is being generous for me, but riding a motorcycle is out of the question for me. It has taken me this long to get to the point that I can even tell my story. It sure stinks, but it is life. While trying to slow down for a curve I got off the road. The ground was soft and the bike stopped, but i didn't. I went off the front of the bike and dug a trench in the ground with my brand new Arai helmet. I firmly believe it was that helmet that prevented some serious brain damage. After a 3 week stay in Vanderbilt hospital and 3 months at home, I was able to return to work driving a towboat on the Mississippi River. As I said, I am truly blessed. Due to this accident I have gotten rid of what was left of the bike and am in the process of disposing of other things. The first and most important is a trialer that I won from Venture Riders two years ago. I have listed the trailer in the Classified section. It is with a very heavy heart that I do this, but it needs to be used. It is a shame to allow it to set and not be utilized. My thanks to everyone for allowing me to tell my story in here. I pray that every one of y'all have a wonderful and very safe ride every time you set out. Steve Stewart
  7. A long time ago a former member named Pyro told me about a book/story about some guy... I think his name was Patches I am not sure. It tells of his history working his way up to his favorite Venture and riding it across the country. Does anyone know the name of this story and where I can find it? Thanks in advance CG:fingers-crossed-emo
  8. A great story! http://www.timescolonist.com/news/Island+dealer+help+return+Harley+that+rode+tsunami/6552187/story.html
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/rad-teen-building-her-own-car-her-16th-222215394.html
  10. An interesting story I just read regarding Canadian tourists in Mexico... http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/reality-check-how-dangerous-is-mexico-for-canadian-tourists-1
  11. Just watched a story on CBS where MK lighters from China can malfunction allowing the flame to stay lite after you release to the button. The story was on a man that put the lighter back into pants pocket where it ignited setting him on fire, resulting in his death.
  12. I've always had a lot of admiration for airline pilots and their abilities. Yes, I know, you occasionally hear some horror story about a wacko doing something insane or stupid, but those events are rare. Here is a link to a story about the average airline pilot's training and a video shot at a German airport during a day with severe cross winds. Absolutely amazing!! http://travel.sympatico.ca/TravelNews/Articles/how_safe_is_a_plane Andy
  13. Yes ..... that title its correct. Just heard on the radio news that a motorcyclist was hit by a tree on the freeway. They said it fell out of a truck . I'll post the story once it is in written form.
  15. Has anyone used a 160 or 170 on the rear, If so tell me your story.
  16. Let me make a long story short.....a couple of days after my mini rally held at Pioneer Motorsports, I stopped in to see michella to check with her and see that all was well with them and that we would be welcomed back again next year....Pioneer had another shindig going on and there was a raffle for 3 new motorcycle tires of your choice...Michella asked me if I put in for the raffle...I told her I just purchased a new tire from them 3 weeks earlier and that I wasn't interested..After a little bickering and badgering back and forth she (michelle) filled out a slip with my name on it ....that was that..... Today I get home and I have a new Elite 3 tire sitting at my front door...moral of story....I don't know what it is ,but I am very happy that a friend and fellow member took the time to fill out a slip for me and entered it in the raffle...she didn't have to do that as I buy ALL of my tires from them anyhow...thank you Dunlop and Michelle from Pioneer motorsports...Now I have to buy a matching front tire as I have always run Dunlop 404 www's on my bike..... OK, I have the moral of the story....don't be such a lazy a$$ when it comes to stuff like this, you gotta be in it to win it.... or..... it is nice to be surrounded by good friends who care about you...
  17. Once upon a time there was a very handsome male camel with two huge camel humps. He fell in love and married a beautiful female camel who had one perfect camel hump. As time progressed, they became the proud parents of a wonderful baby camel who had no humps. They contemplated long and hard on what to call their beautiful little boy. They finally decided on...... You ready for this?????....Keep scrolling down..... Humphrey! :rotf::rotf: Oh, stop your whining and groaning! It's a nice story and better than another thread on oil or tires.
  18. Wow, that's a long way from home! The story...
  19. This lady has a series of videos that are a real eye opener! This one is about 20 min...but I highly recommend it for anyone who might care about the world we live in. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLBE5QAYXp8]YouTube - Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff[/ame] There are several others....The Story of Bottled Water, Electronics, Cosmetics, and one on Cap and Trade I do what I can, but I'm just scratching the surface and there is always room for improvement. I have strong religious belefs concerning the future, but without getting political, or religious I'd encourage discussion on this topic.
  20. Don't shoot the messenger... Here's the story.
  21. I hope this isn't off topic. This story really touched me, and I know there are a lot of ex military people here, and a lot of classic car lovers. This story may be of interest to both. This guy is raffling off a 66 Mustang fastback, to help with his bills. The deadline to contribute/enter is tomorrow at noon. http://johnfourniquetcancer.eventbrite.com/
  22. If I remember correctly this ignition tach/temp guage mount was built by a local Star rider who has passed away. I'd heard of them, but had never seen one. I kinda like it. Anyone have a different story on the thing. These pics are the only I've ever seen. I tried to buy this set but the bike seller said no way Jose'....
  23. TAKING A WOMAN TO BED What is the difference between girls/women aged 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, and 78? *********************************************************************************** At 8 You take her to bed and tell her a story *********************************************************************************** At 18 You tell her a story and take her to bed *********************************************************************************** At 28 You don't need to tell her a story to take her to bed *********************************************************************************** At 38 She tells you a story and takes you to bed *********************************************************************************** At 48 She tells you a story to avoid going to bed *********************************************************************************** At 58 You stay in bed to avoid her story *********************************************************************************** At 68 If you take her to bed, that'll be a story *********************************************************************************** At 78 What story? What bed? Who the h*ll are you? *********************************************************************************** According to the Office for National Statistics 190,374 people are having s*x right now 212,130 are kissing and one poor b*stard is reading this joke You hang in there sunshine!
  24. And good help is hard to find these days. http://jokemail.wordpress.com/2010/06/25/missing-cat-by-david-thorne/ Ok, the first link I posted had some issues I guess. Incomplete loading and small print. I looked fine last night when I loaded it. But keep the kiddies away from the comments on the bottom of this site. Some people can't enjoy a funny story without having an issue.
  25. Don't know if anyone on here has ever read the stuff at the following link: http://www.pashnit.com/gs850-wht.htm but I found it interesting. This guy starts with his Suzuki GS850 story, then continues on about Ventures, then on to a story about $1000 motorcycles on a 1000 mile ride. For what it's worth, I liked the stories.
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