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  1. in the path off that "nasty" headed your way....... keep your powder dry, ya head down, and stay safe!! Seriously, that storm looks bad-- praying for everyone to be safe
  2. Just want to offer up our prayers for our families, friends, members in the areas being hit by Hurricane Issac. Its no Katrina but still a deadly storm. Charlene and I have plenty of family and friends there, hope everyone makes it through, we also have many members in the storm area and they are in our prayers. What makes it hard for us is that its hitting the same area 7 years later, what an anniversary..........not one we want to be reminded of. God bless everyone affected.
  3. Never heard of the Hocking hills before but 12 hours later the wife and I had a cabin rented for the night and saddled up and headed out. Two highschool kids were on a mission trip in the dominican republic and the youngest at young teen camp. We took 52 south out of Chelsea, MI into OH 109 to Lima. From there we headed east and picked up 56. What a great drive. We took a pit stop about an hour from our destination and realized a strong storm was trailing us. We arrived at the cabin around 4:30 thinking the storm might pass through for us to go out for dinner. Not so. Wind, hail, rain well into the night. I managed to kick back on the covered deck in the hot tub and watch the strom roll through. Good thing for the coffee we found to brew up for dinner! The next day we spent meandering through the hills and state park with several miles of hiking. What a great day. The evening closed in a torrential downpour on I-75 heading towards Toledo. We found a car to follow and watched their tail lights for 45 minutes. The rain finally ended around Toledo and we managed to dry out a bit by home. Check out the hocking hills. A great ride. Larry
  4. Tropical Storm Beryl is making a beeline for Jacksonville. Guess we were due for a storm eventually. Should make landfall about the time im picking Jean up from work at 9 PM. Eck, if we dont make it, take care of the 99 although you do have to put it together. As far as the Mustang goes, you get the two dogs with it as a package deal........I expect to lose power soon. It already failed once today. SURFS UP!!!!!!
  5. Life changes and it's sucky at times. I need to sell the ride to pay for the divorce. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4042 I've been holding off on selling for a few months hoping I could get through this and still keep my RSV. That just isn't going to be feasible. I'll buy another one once this storm passes.
  6. Thunder storm started about 2am this morning and went on for 3 hours. Never heard anything like it!! Sure broke the heat but geez, what a racket and it's after 9am now, and I can still here the rumble off in the distance. Reminds me of the Storms in Alabama
  7. Elyria, Oh.. Storm hit 3 miles or so from home, wrecked things pretty good. I maybe grounded when I get home, went to FL. in jan. for 14 days, she got 8 days of snow while I was gone, now a tornado I'm under house arrest for sure when I get home. Rain and wind at my house, more to come.
  8. Man It's nasty in Chicago tonight. Blizzard and thunder storm at same time. Kipping house warm and supplies of Heineken to keep my soul warm. Watching local news and idiots stuck on LSD ( Not that one, but Lake Shore Drive) who is out driving in chicago during storm ?? Good luck to you guys hit with this deep frezzze. Al Gore You suck. This is global cooling not warming.
  9. These are a couple of pictures of the left over ice from the storm that went through a couple of days ago. It is where the snow built up on a deck railing, then later the ice formed over it. When it warmed up some today, the snow underneath melted first leaving these ice domes. They are very fragile, some collapsed when I walked on the deck. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/DSC01035s.jpg http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/DSC01038s.jpg
  10. I give up, the only way I knew anything about the horrendous snow storm some of you guys are going through was from the threads on this site. Is this mega storm being reported by our trusted news service, the BBC, in the UK? No. Shame on you BBC. Hope you're all doing OK during this. Those that know send our best.
  11. Well the title says it all. With all of the hype about the coming great white death, gloom and doom, etc etc etc... There is less snow on the ground now than when the storm started yesterday. The 40-50mph winds are interesting though. All of my nice snow went away, those bums in MN took all of the snow for themselves and didn't leave any in the storm to share.
  12. hope your not getting that storm that just went thru -
  13. Good to be home but miss the riding already. We arrived home about 2 hours ago. After the ralley we went to 6 flags north of Chicago. We spent a full day there (12 hours Friday). It was great for the kids and Marilyn. I dont do rides but I enjoyed watching. Headed home Sat. and stopped for lunch with Boo and Jane. Hoteled it later in the day and a good thing as the worst storm we've seen came through that night. We just beat another huge storm tonight by minutes but did get caught in some aweful wind! Thanks to Kevin and Sue for the rally. It was great to see some of the old rascals and meet some new faces. Sorry Russell we bolted right through Mpls and didnt stop this time. It was great to see you on the way down though. (thanks again for lunch!) Take care everyone and thanks again!
  14. Well i am still breathing no matter what Mother Nature do's , i left Fulton TX. Fri. afternoon to beat the storm , got to Beeville TX. and needed gills stayed the nite in pleasentville next day ran down hwy 90 through Choke canyon met a lot of Boarder Patrol , if you pulled over , there would be one there in 2 mins , witch very ruff on old man full of soda pop , anyway nite 2 i got lucky and got the last room at the Days Inn in Ft. Stockton Tx. it was full of Storm Chasers , they were in the parking lot taking pics of the clouds and watching their radar , just a peachy place to spend the nite , i slept VERY well ! the next day [ today ] left in the fog , up to Roswell made a left on hwy 380 over to Hondo a great ride , than down to White Sands , HOT AND SUN BURNT , Wally's brand of spray on sun block don't work ! OCH ! going to try for Page AZ. tomorrow . Thom
  15. sgn


    From tapatalk and blackberry storm
  16. Had the most amazing thunder and hail storm here in Perth, Western Australia. 203million in damage to cars and homes. Hail stones as big as golf balls on the north side of town, where the storm hit worst. Some of the damage to cars was unbelievable!! We had no power for a few days, and my daughters' was out for longer.:doh:Part of our national park in town slid down into apartments at the base! They say it was the worst for over 50 years.....hope that we don't get any more.
  17. At least the Northern section. I took this from another forum. Looks legit to me. Could be an interesting weekend if they are correct. You are receiving this message because my forecast team feels it is imperative for you to be aware that another round of high impact winter weather is slated to occur from Friday into Sunday across the I-95 corridor. This event is likely to equal or exceed that of the December 19, 2009 storm and may resemble the March 18-22, 1958 storm in terms of duration and snowfall. In that event, areas of Baltimore County received 4 feet of snow. What you will read below will not be released publicly until Tuesday or perhaps Wednesday, and may contain some changes, but we are confident of our investigation thus far. Our pre-public statement: The Foot's Forecast team in Baltimore, MD expects an historic snow event to occur during the weekend of February 5-6-7. Snow is likely to begin Friday and extend into Sunday. Amounts across the eastern Mid-Atlantic may approach 24" by Saturday evening. Areas of elevation will see enhanced snowfall that may approach or exceed 30". Several computer models already project nearly 2.0 inches of liquid equivalent for this storm, which at a basic 12:1 snow to water ratio would easily produce 2 feet or more. This would shut down most roads and interstates and result in states of emergency from Virginia northward to Massachusetts for several days. Meteorologists at the federal level http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/discussions/pmdepd.html> have been releasing statements on this potential since Sunday afternoon, the text of which can be found at HPC, NOAA's Hydrometeorological Prediction Center. Our information does not constitute an official statement nor do we claim to represent the National Weather Service. However, the NOAA agencies which serve the NWS have already made clear their belief this will be a high impact event for the I-95 corridor http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/threats/threats.gif>. We believe that educators, administrators and county officials need to be closely monitoring this potential as it will have a high impact on the school system for a long period of time following the storm. For additional details, visit http://www.footsforecast.org for further information.
  18. The gravel roads out to the pavement are almost melted clear, just another couple of sunny days:sun1:and I'll be able to get the bike out to the pavement for a ride... But look what's coming: ... Winter storm possible Friday through Sunday... A strong winter storm will affect much of the northern plains Friday through Sunday. This system will bring freezing fog and freezing rain to the region on Friday... and the potential for 6 or more inches of snow Saturday through Sunday. In addition to the snow... strong northwest winds may cause considerable blowing snow which could reduce visibilities. Uncertainty exists regarding the exact track of this storm and snowfall amounts... but it is likely that some parts of northeastern Wyoming and western South Dakota will be impacted. Monitor NOAA Weather Radio... internet... or your local media
  19. Left work last night in a snowstorm with it blowing snow so hard , top speed was 15 mph ....took me more than 2 hrs. to get about 3/4 of the way home when it happened......The drivers side wiper took a dump....found a parking lot to pull into(thank God there was one right there) hope that the arm just became loose...nope...right side works, drivers don"t.... it justs flops around.....called my son out in the storm to get me....sorry son...by the time he arrived the storm had passed...so my truck is in the shop being repaired today (at least I had today off)...and here I sit waiting for the ups guy to finish delivering the rest of the Christmas gifts I ordered , I need to go to the post office to send out some vr wraps.... . probably should shovel out the drive again (snowblower still broke, shoveled till 10pm last night)......and waiting to hear from my repair shop...Think I'll get another cup of coffee and wait for spring to arrive..I hate winter...maybe a bowl of ice cream will help ??:ICgrin::ICgrin:
  20. You may have seen some TV coverage a couple of weeks ago of a massive dust storm that swept across Australia and turned Sydney a deep red colour. This is a shot a mate sent me of the storm front as it passed through Broken Hill. Broken Hill is in the very west of my State and close to the 'epicentre' of the storm where it originated in central South Australia. The last I heard the dust was settling on the north island of New Zealand.
  21. On the way to Birmingham Thursday afternoon (on our way toTexas), we stopped to put on rainsuits because it looked like we might run into rain. Well, by the time we got the rainsuits on, the storm was just about on top of us! We decided to brave it and continue, it is a good thing we did because the rainstorm lasted 3 hours!
  22. I asked Squidley if he could help me with a problem I was having with my bike. He said sure and the date was set…The next morning I got up at 5:30am check the weather and saw a huge storm passing through Southern Ontario. I watched the storm track on the radar image and figured if I left between 6:30am and 7:00am I would pass through the narrow part and only have to ride in bad weather for an hour or so. I packed up and hit the road 5½ hrs later I was in Squids garage working on the bike. I was able to spend the better part of the day with him and his family who open their house to an almost complete stranger. School lasted until 5:00pm when we broke for dinner and then prepared to head home. Another 5½ hrs later (because I had to get back home that night) The bike was fixed and I was home safe and sound. Thanks again Squidley:clap2::clap2: 11hr ride - $40 gas Road trip in 2 Countries - $6 tolls An afternoon with the Newby Family = Absolutely Priceless:cool10: Mark
  23. Rocket called last night, and after we stopped BS'ing I went outside and was treated to a lightening display like I've never seen in these parts for close to 40 years.. It constantly thundered for over a half hour. I know in the midwest this is probably a drop in the bucket, but around here it's non-existant... until last night. We generally get one cold storm the first part of June and it dumps 6" to a foot on snow in the Sierras, but this one was warm and came right out of the south. Amazing stuff for a California Boy....
  24. Guest

    Who is tired of snow

    we got snow until thursday night and it will be sunny friday and saturday i want spring to get here now i am tired of snow and ice and sleet already in the mountain state of west virginia they got a bad snow storm this morning and braxton county school got out early today what about everyone else
  25. was on I55(mo)Saturday and seen a red RSV heading north just waveing up storm anybody on here?
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