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  1. (This was the reason I posted a few weeks back requesting your prayers). I have many memories of this man.....Many miles we rode together, many laughs shared, many times sitting at the same table, many stories told.. Please click on link: Jerome Lee Bough Obituary: View Jerome Bough's Obituary by Northwest Herald VR.ORG name: Boo Joined VR.Org on 08-16-2006 Bike Year and Model: 2001 Red RSV EDIT 12-27-14: Sorry I didn't explain/provide this information in my original post folks. I was having computer problems and wanted to post what I could at that moment to get the new out to you. Boo had Leukemia, MDS and his kidneys began failing. He was placed in the hospital during the third week of November. Dialysis was going on for his kidneys, and he was on some strong medication which left him bed ridden. Many sores appeared in his mouth which made it hard for him to speak. His legs were both swelled up. The Dr. told him and his wife Jane that he would not make it to the new year. Boo wanted to go home to be with his family. The hospital let him go home on Friday, Dec 5th, knowing there wasn't anything else they could do for him. Jane asked her their kids to watch him on Friday Dec 12th so that she could go to the funeral home to make arrangements. When Jane returned home her kids met her at the front door. Jane knew he passed while she was gone. Jane told me that Boo just didn't want to her to see him pass on . They were married 47 years., That is a long time to be with someone. Boo and Jane were good friends with everyone they met in the VR family. He will be missed..
  2. Monty


    I just bought my first Taurus. It's a PT 709 slim, that I intend to carry with a CCW permit. I've never owned a Taurus before, but have heard good things about them. I liked the slim fit, and the weight for carrying. Anyone have any good or bad stories about Taurus?
  3. Sharon, Oscar and me want to say thanks for coming it was a great time we got to meet and make some new freinds and got to see some old freinds and got some bikes worked on. And I hope that we get to see all of you again soon. Our 12 year old now wants a white Venture like iceberrg3rd and has some stories to tell of the bonfire at his place with some bikers and what a great time they all were. We want all of you to know that you are wellcome back here anytime. And hope that everyone made it home safe. Thanks again Orlin
  4. I haven't been on much lately. Lots of things going on. Bad thing is the MM may have to go on the market. Not sure yet. I'm gonna hang on to it as long as possible but it's just another of the same old stories that I've read about on this forum so many times. Health issues and hard times have landed in Southeast Missouri. I'll keep you guys posted. Sincerely, Ken aka slick97spirit
  5. Just got back from mthe hand specialist. I definately have problems with both carpells tunell syndrome and low blood flow on the veins on the inside of each hand. Going to have the nerve conduction test by the end of the week and then test on the veins after that. My queston is what should I expect from the condution test? Ive heard horror stories and also stories of nothing more than minor discomfort along the lines of a mild shock. So to all youf olks out there that have had this done what was yolur experience. Im not a big baby or anything, so Im not looking to calm my nerves just wanting to know what to look forward to. Either way Ill get the test as something has to be done to corect the problems. Thanks in advance David
  6. i bought new autolite platinum plugs for my ranger today. the old plugs have 97,000 mi. on them. it is a 3 litre v-6. the plugs are easy to get to from above , but i hear all kinds of horror stories about breaking plugs off removing the old ones. is this a major issue to worry about? the heads are cast iron. i haven't changed plugs in a vehical in many years.
  7. Ok so the real question is, can you run two different brand/tread pattern tires on the front and rear... The main reason I am asking is because I am thinking of switching to a M880 and I currently have a Bridgestone on the front. The Bridgestone still has about 1/2 the life left in it.. I have heard mixed stories about traction, handling, and well all out safety..... Some stories I hear is that it's fine to do, and others are just NEVER do that!!! What do you all think... Thanks JM
  8. I had Time Warner take their hub out today and I installed my own. I've been putting this off for over a month because of the horror stories I've read about. I bought an "inexpensive" Linksys hub ($30) and plugged it in, my laptop recognized it immediately and my Dell had to have the NetGear software reloaded. The entire operation took about 10 minutes. All 3 puters are up and running at a $15 a month savings.
  9. Just recently I had submitted an entry to Niagara Contest and won a third place prize for a $100 gift certificate towards a local merchant here in Niagara. Fist place prize was a new furnace (installed), 2nd was a fridge and stove. Unfortunately (depending where you live) the contest was only open to Niagara residence. Well, they’re hosting another contest and this one is open to whoever wants to apply! All you have to do is to write a little blurb about ‘What you are doing to beat the winter blahs’! Submit your stories and 'you' will have a chance to win! Stories will be published online and will not include any personal information (name, phone number, email, addresses, etc) and will be assigned a contest number, they will reply with your entry number. I have talked with Walter, the CEO of Shop Niagara and he has informed me that you do not have to live in Niagara to submit an entry. So who better to write about "Winter Bla-ahs" then motorcycle enthusiasts!! Simply go to www.shopniagara.ca and click on ‘CONTEST’, it’s near the top right of the page. Once you’re there click on ‘Contest rules’ and it will give you details such as prizes and contact information for any questions. First prize is dinner for eight at ‘Oh Canada eh’ (dinner theater/comedy). Get your stories in, have some fun with it and good luck!! Perhaps you’ll win and the weather will be nice enough to ride in to beautiful Niagara Falls with your scoot to claim your prize! You folks in the 'sunny south' might struggle a bit with this!
  10. I made a post in the 2nd generation area that got me to thinking...... I have a list of dealer related nightmares when I have had to have them do repairs to my bikes over the years. Last April a group of us were heading out for a ride. Sure enough the night before I find a nail in a relatively new Avon and the wife catches wind about the dangers of patching. Sure enough, on the way out we hit a dealer and have a new tire put on. 100 miles later we pull over to eat lunch and my buddy ask when the saddle bag cracked...What? Sure enough I have a big crack down the back. S.O,.a B. I call them and they say to bring it by after the trip. I showed up with 4 other bikes that were on the trip and they discover the metal spacers were not installed at the bottom of the bag. They must not have been there (according to them) but they should have pointed it out so they will replace the $1500 dollar bag. This was April and I have watched them order the wrong color twice, The upper bag once and the wrong side twice. They were apologetic and as nice as pie but totally incompetent. Well, two days ago they get the bag in and forgot to order the spacers.....I was able to cut some tubing to do the job but was amazed at the total lack of professionalism. Now I can tell you similar stories with 4-5 other dealers but it's someone elses turn at this point:witch_brew: I stay busy but am doing more and more of my own repairs due to their incompetence. Just wish I could see better. I imagine there are tons of scary stories about dealers....along with some good ones.
  11. One of my coworkers just called and asked about the warrenty on a Star bike. He knew I try to keep up on stuff and we had talked in the past about the RSV and the 5 year coverage on it. He's looking at the 900cc to 950cc range models and is getting two different stories on them from two different dealers. One said one year and the other said two years. And of course they were both pushing the extended coverage. I'm not up to date on the other models and I can't find what I'm looking for on the net yet. Anybody got an answer?
  12. Don't try this without a parachute. And big kahoona's Ian A motorcycle jump at the Arch De Triumphe at the Paris Hotel-Casino in Vegas on New Years Eve. The structure is ten stories tall. http://www.truveo.com/New-Year-No-Limits-Maddison-Motorcyle-Jump/id/3435303125
  13. Thursday, June 26, 2008, is the first West Virginia Skid-In began! Tune in later for more details, pics, and more interesting stories, as the "Rest of the Story" will follow..... I am excited!
  14. So-called "get rich" schemes. Here's one... http://www.secret-biz.com/bhmacdonald?gclid=CLTs0qPI5I4CFQ-1YgodKk9vPw There are lots of them out there. I've checked a few out, even tried a couple. Concepts seemed viable...but I gave up (too soon maybe?). Does anyone know anyone who actually "made it big" in any of these so-called "schemes"? They always show "success stories" but I'd sure like to speak directly to a real one if for nothing else but to prove to myself that not all of these are SCAMS.
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