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  1. Just posted on the events calander. We are planning a Finger Lakes Ride. Nothing fancy just show up and ride, with a few stops for site seeing, food and shopping. More info to follow.
  2. i recently rebuilt the carbs in the bike and now they overflow for no reason. if i put the bike up on the centerstand and shut of the fuel the bike become more responsive untill it begins to starve, i turn on the fuel and the leak stops for however long i feel like letting it run. i get on drop it off the kick stand and begin driving it begins pouring it out the overflow as fast as the pump can trow it. ive taken them appart again and hooked each carb to the fuel line manually and turned on the bike while pressing up on the float. the fuel flow stops as soon as the float presses on the valve. so the valves appear to be working. ive taken all the floats out and submerged them in fuel and will check on them in a few hours to see it they are sinking but they dont apear to be. any ideas on why this leak is being so intermittent and limited to the right bank only but all 4 carbs are running super rich.
  3. thought some of you would be interested in this http://blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2012/05/run_for_the_wall_tuscaloosa.html#incart_hbx
  4. When the guy STOPS running put your cursor about an inch above his head. http://www.selfcontrolfreak.com/pakken.html
  5. Anyone have experience with these riser extentions? I believe i read somewhere that the risers will hit the plastic ignition cove when the bars are turned to they're full stops. Is this a fact? Is their a way to fix this?
  6. I'm trying to figure out how to check my steering head for adjustment on a 2nd gen. Right now it seems to not stay anywhere I put it and will swing from side to side bouncing off the stops.
  7. Anyone have any suggestions on where to ride in the U.P. of Mich.Only have 1-1/2 days to ride tho.Not looking so much for stops but nice roads and views. thanks
  8. Although I've been riding for many years, I haven't done many "long" trips on the bike and the ones I did do was with my dad and brother...we just stopped at rest stops and slept on the ground for the night. Now that I've got a real touring bike, the wife and I are wanting to do more trips...Since I'm new to this site and to this kind of traveling I had an idea but not sure if it's been tried, being done currently, or just stupid... How many would be interested (or maybe you are currently doing it) with opening your house to traveling bikers? I'm thinking of the money we could save on a 5 day trip if we had a "host family" we stayed with at each of our stops...Would also be able to meet new people and make new friends. What I was thinking was you just post your route along with days of travel, then anyone within about a 30-50 mile of each stop could volunteer their home...We could even have a list of "host families" with locations so people could plan their trips with those stops in mind... What do you guys think? Would something like this work?
  9. The past couple of days my turn signals would sometimes work when the button was pushed left or right, other times it wouldn't work but if I toyed with the switch a few times they usually would work. Today riding home from work, they wouldn't work and nothing I did could get either one to flash. When I got home, I killed the engine with the kill switch and with the ignition switch still on. When the motor stopped running, I could hear a light buzzing noise somewhere near the front of the bike - at first I thought the fan might be running but it wasn't. It took me a minute to figure out that it's related to the turn signals. When I push down on the turn-signal switch or move it to center, the buzzing stops. When I push it left or right for one of the turn signals, the buzzing starts again but no turn signal. Slice the button the other way a little and the buzzing stops again. I guess it's more like a fast repeating click than a buzz. What could be causing the noise and the turn signal problem ?
  10. Southern California to San Francisco, across the Golden Gate Bridge and back down...Hell of a day. I learned a valuable lesson though...dont lollygag around during the first few stops...push the mileage while you are fresh...my buddy and I took our sweet time and were forced to hit it hard the last 5 hours...but we did it!!!
  11. I installed some 7" electric brakes on the Timeout camper and tried it out yesterday and I really like. I used the Podigy controller and have it set with no noticable pull on the bike, the trailer feels like it is stopping with the bike. Stops or much better and quicker. I tried a few 60mph emergency stops and she stops good and smooth. Down hill don't feel the trailer pushing me. I know some will not agree with doing this but I feel much better having them on with a 345# trailer. Another thing is I mounted the controler on the trailer with the hot wire comming from the battery with a switch mounted on the bike where I can cut it off if needed (flat tire, slow manuvering , one brake quits working etc.) I found this idea on delphi motorcycle trailer forum and many on there have there's mounted this way with no ill effects. My computer is down so I'll post some pics later.
  12. Yammy


    We’re starting the count down and getting excited. Friday around noon we head out on a two-week tour. Heading East State side to Maine then north to Cape Breton around the Cabot Trail, west to the Gaspe Peninsula then homeward bound through Quebec. So if you see a pair of Yamaha’s give a wave and a honk, we’ll stop for a chat, coffee, etc… P.S. The girl on the red one still has a big smile. Pearle whites will give us away. We decided to bring our camping gear just in case, we’re bringing our Dog with us. Between pet friendly hotels and camping we should be okay. None of our stops are planned, so hopefully we don’t run into an area that’s all booked up. Today we bought a t-bag dog carrier let you know how that works out. Funny watching her poke her head out the top to look around. Wish us good roads, fair weather, and a safe trip. Thanks
  13. dray

    My new Bike

    and this is SO Awsome! Love the ride; cant wait to get her out and head to FreeBirds for MD. See YOU all there will get better Pic' when it stops raining:banana: Dray
  14. Anyone checked out one of these yet? Looks like a nice scoot. I saw one yesterday while we were out on a ride. It was parked at one of our fav stops along the way but I missed the opportunity to chat with the owner. Very nice looking "bagger" IMHO. http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/victory/2010-victory-cross-country-review-88987.html
  15. Is anyone using the Tow-Pac Trike Kit. I have been considering this kit but I am still on the fence. My knees are shot and I need some help holding the Venture up at stops. Thanks.
  16. this is a repost from the public events section but wanted it in front of as many eyes as I can get it!!! The Family and Friends of Gracie Ruth O'neal are conducting and sponsoring a Poker Run May 8th 2010 Gracie was born wiyh only 3 chambers in her heart and as you can imagine the expenses are through the roof. Starts and stops at Pat Rogers Harley in Concord, NC (its just off 85 at exit 49) I'm attaching a flyer w/ all the info [ATTACH]42959[/ATTACH]
  17. We just completed riding the Great River Road along the Mississippi River from La Crosse, Wisconsin to Memphis, Tennessee. We followed the river down the west side and returned following the river's east side. All said we rode about 1900 miles and visited 9 of the 10 states that border the mighty Mississippi over 7 days with 2 days spent seeing the sights in Memphis. Our longest ride was a couple of 400 mile days. Besides the beautiful scenery that abounds on both sides of the river we enjoyed stops in many of the little (and big) river towns along the way. We found it interesting how much the cultures change as you head south. This trip was a dream of my wifes ever since she watched Feasting on Asphalt - The River Run on the Food Network. She even bought the book to make sure we hit a few of the host's (Alton Brown) favorite river stops. If you decide to make this ride I stongly recommend using a GPS that will allow you to preload routes as the roads change often if you truly want to follow the river as close as you can. I used a Garmin product that allowed me to create the routes on my PC and then load them into the GPS. Happy Trails!
  18. We hooked up with Scooter Bob and Karen today for a great ride... We hit some stops on the summer long ABATE 4 county poker run.... We had a great lunch at "Uncle Johnny's" in Colgate... Shari and Karen got some great prizes from the men's room at one of our stops.. So we got a little wet when we rode into the storm........ Time spent with great friends,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Priceless"
  19. rdhc

    Touring Map

    I was wondering if anyone would recommend a good map for Touring. I am riding from Calgary to LasVegas in September. I would like to ride secondary roads and want to make sure I know where all the fuel stops are. Ideally I would like a map book that would cover both Canada and the U.S.
  20. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp-ZRiVslbM&feature=related]YouTube - Japanese police motorcycle comp.[/ame] (if the film stops - click on picture and it will take you to youtube site)
  21. OK where is info for CLASS system hid in book. Got E 2 Reading this evening for 1st time. What next? Hit button pump will run for a while and stops with E 2 showing on moniter. This is my first one with Auto air-ride.
  22. Drove down to Coyote Motorsports, in Denver, pulled up right by an 06 Venture. Guy was dropping it off. I told him about the site. Guess we'll see if he stops by. If you do, I said something about the antenna to the owner and he said "It's got a 5 year warranty, of course it's covered". Hope he drops by!
  23. Getting together a group of Riders (so far 4) to do an Atlanta to Sturgis run first (two) WEEKS OF AUGUST. Planning to do trip mostly camping with a few motel shower stops when necessary. Ride intended to be mostly touring with little party. Ride initiator says the more the merrier. Anyone interested.
  24. Has anyone ever noticed the warning light to start blinking when you are really cranking it up? I'm not over revving the motor, just winding her out through the gears to around 75-80 mph. As soon as I back off it stops flashing. The first time I saw it I thought my stand was coming down. Any suggestions? Thanks, P.S. it doesn't do it everytime
  25. When stopped or just taking off my engine just stops like you turned the key off. It starts back up as soon as you hit the starter. I have had a hiccup before where it is momentary, but yesterday it would completely die, once while pulling out from a side street, which could have been serious if there had been traffic. I've checked connectors and switches for corrosion or just being loose. The relays in the system have voltage as they are supposed too. The radio nor none of the other accessories seem to lose power when this happens. I'm at a loss.
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