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  1. So as the wife was driving out of the garage this morning, I noticed the edges of the tires weren't wet (it was raining). the jeep has been riding a little rough since they were were installed. The door sticker calls for 35 lbs and they read 38 lbs. I don't think 3 lbs would do it, and it's not hard to check, but I'm just wondering if the door sticker might be a guideline and correct pressure will vary from tire to tire depending on sidewall stiffness and seven other things. Anyone got any thoughts on tire contact patch??
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-2001-Royal-Star-Venture-Trike-/221080480024?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item33796c6918#v4-41 Look at the sticker on the windshield.........free advertisement
  3. Ok now I ran across this and wondered a few things, like how can you put the icc sticker on the door, how long your trans will last. . . . [ame=http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1704445/motorcycle_tow_vehicle/]www.metacafe.com/watch/1704445/motorcycle_tow_vehicle/[/ame]
  4. Have a badge....hope you like 'em Request: If you have posted "guest" for your partner/wife for M.D.--could you go into RSVP and put their name please :bowdown: my friend is working off this list. Any one with "guest" will get a badge and we'll have to put a sticker on it on the day
  5. Ok I had been told that if a dealership had repaired second gear problems on an 83 to 85 that they put a center punch mark on the frame by the sticker under the rear brake pedal. Well mine has that punch mark. I called a friend at a yamaha dealership and he did some research and found that yamaha had indeed instructed there dealers to mark the frame in this manner. I will try to get a picture up. Mine is on the top portion of the sticker and the sticker is peeling somewhat away from the punch mark now. Shaun
  6. Does somebody know the numbers for the TCI"s and their corresponding years. I did do a search but found only Condor's reply giving the Yamaha part number. What I am after are the numbers on the sticker which of course do not correspond to the part number. the sticker has a number like: TYPE TID14-17 26H-10 or TYPE TID14-28 41R-10 (I believe this is for an 1985) Thank you for the help
  7. Does anyone know why all UK ventures are sold without the neat hinge sticker (word venture) so well photographed on the front of the Clymer manual? I know you can order them for a silly price via Yamaha, just wondered if anyone has run there own up. Sorry if you've already read this, I think I put it in the wrong forum.
  8. A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were clear. No car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the windshield. A big Army car came up with a general seated in the back. The sentry said, "Halt, who goes there?" The chauffeur, a corporal, says, "General Wheeler." "I'm sorry, I can't let you through. You've got to have a sticker on the windshield." The general said, "Drive on!" The sentry said, "Hold it! You really can't come through. I have orders to shoot if you try driving in without a sticker." The general repeated, "I'm telling you, son, drive on!" The sentry walked up to the rear window and said, "General, I'm new at this. Do I shoot you or the the driver?"
  9. Any one know if Works offers a club discount to Venture Riders Org.? Gonna order a new shock tomorrow and trying to get over sticker shock....
  10. Many of you probably don't know, but, some of you might suspect that there have been periods of my life when I have struggled with anger issues. Yea thats right, I have times when my anger management techniques don't work. There I've said it. This morning was one of those times. Last night I spent the night at my girl friends, who happens to live in a condo. We have been dating for about a year and last night was not the first night I had spent the night. Nor the first night that my bike spent the night peacefully parked in the parking lot. But, this morning when I walked out the door the first thing I see is that some A*****E had put a F*****g 12" x 6" orange super sticker glue sticker across the windsheild (right at eye level) of the borrowed Midnight Venture I have been riding which read basically, and I quote "NO MOTORCYCLES ALLOWED" So at this moment i'm thinking F**K anger management. For the next thirty minutes I very carefully pealed the sticker off the windsheild as my blood boiled, making sure that the sticker came off in one whole piece. So that I could haul a** down to the management office armed with the knowledge: That there is no posted signage on the property informing the general public of that policy and I was realitively sure he could not enforce it. That my girl friend had complained to me on several occassions that she hated to go to the management office because the married Property Manager always hit on her making sexually suggestive comments to her. Suspecting that his attack on my motorcycle was probably personally motivated against me I sped on down to his office to carefully place that sticker in some conspicouse place while voicing my opinion about his management policy and my anger management technique or lack thereof. Did I display self control and maturity when I confronted that Property Manager. F**k that. Was I calm, cool and collected? I doubt it. Did I handle the situation in the best possible way? Probably not. Could some of my actions and words be legally construed as Terroristic threats. I'm sure. Did that Property Manager believe me when I told him where I would shove that sticker the next time he put one on my bike, or what I would do to him personally if he ever behaved inappropiately to her again, as I carefully rubbed out the air bubbles from between the sticker and his office door glass. He better. Did I feel better as I rode off. Yes I did Sorry for the rant, Thanks for letting me vent. I'm over it now.
  11. I have an '83 venture that runs ok when fed gas by gravity. I have no clicking at fuel pump when moving run switch off and on. Just pulled the bike in so I have no history except the plate has a 1999 reg sticker on it. How would I check the pump function? and advice is welcome. (new here, not new to fixing bikes) Mikel
  12. I've been trying to place the weather sticker on my email. I go to the wondermap, click on the sticker I want to use. It gives the the URL, I copy it and place in the my signature and upload and I get "invalid URL".... what could I be doing wrong!
  13. Anyone know where I can get one ? Cb
  14. Guy at work just bought a new 2009 Harley Davidson Softail Custom. Was checking it out and it is an ok bike, seems kinda small and plain, but he really likes it so that is cool. Asked him if the dealer was hard to deal with on price and he told be that he got $1500 off of sticker, and I thought that was pretty good...until he told me he paid $19k OTD for it. I was in shock. $19k and it is bone stock, no shield, no bags nothing. Ouch. To each their own.
  15. Has anyone found a harmless, yet effective manner in which to remove the darn sticker they put on the gas tank that says read the manual, wear a helmet, and good luck getting this off??? I am anti-tank damage when it comes to getting this thing off. I cannot believe in this day and age of static stickers and technology that they would not have a better way. Any and all advice is welcome!
  16. Was pulled over by the law yesterday for a helmet violation.... Now mind you that DE doesn't require one to use a brain bucket, but I wear one anyway. Having said that you are wondering if I was in De at the time or why would the LAW pull me over is a bucket is not required and I'm wearing one...All great questions. Here goes the explanation: The LAWMAN says that you don’t need to wear a bucket in DE but if you do then it must have a DOT sticker on it. So I say “if you don’t need to wear a bucket in DE and you see someone riding down the street with a baseball cap on would you pull him over and tell him he needs to have a DOT sticker on it? He let me go with a warning, if I was to ride into MD or some other state that requires a bucket then my brain bucket would not be legal because it’s been painted and the DOT sticker is gone. Now what do you think of that?
  17. ...in McKinney with a mini beer keg on the trunk that had a Coors Light sticker on it.
  18. Had This Made Over The Weekend At Fle-market.
  19. What's the best way to get the unleaded fuel sticker off the top of the gas tank without leavin any goop from the sticker or damaging the paint?. Someone told me w-d 40 but I figure I'de better ask b4 I take the paint off my tank!.
  20. willhoites man st grapevine tx 1 pm today 01/06/08 saw a new bumper sticker one foot in the grave,the other on a motercycle
  21. I really struggled to get the residual stick-um off the tank when I took the stickers off my 05. Some people say Goo Gone works, but didn't do nuthin for me. I also tried acetone, paint thinner, lighter fluid, WD-40, alcohol, etc. etc., and NONE of it really seemed to help much. Some softened the goo to make it a little easier to scrape, but still left a lot of residue. Took me a long time and a lot of hard scrubbing with a rag to eventually get it all off. I dreaded this chore on my 07, but I found a perfect solution! Goof Off (any hardware store) will eat at the plastic sticker and soften the stick-um, making it pretty easy to scrape the sticker off with a thumbnail, but the leftover stick-um will still be hard to wipe completely off. I found a spray can of stuff from MG Chemicals at Fry's Electronics called Label & Adhesive Remover that takes the glue off just as easy as wiping up jelly with a wet sponge! Didn't seem to do much on the sticker, so I made it a two step process - Goof Off first to scrape the sticker, then a quick spray on the leftover goo and a wipe with a rag and done. Sooooo much easier than the fight I had with my first RSV, and no waiting around for the stuff to eventually get soft - almost instant gratification. The whole job couldn't have taken more that a couple of minutes. Goose
  22. just pick up my 2007 rsv. the sticker that's on the tank i want to remove. what's the best wat to remove it? also i have a couple of scatches an a chip already from my ride to work got hit with some pebbles. best touch up paint to buy and where, need galaxcy blue? thanks
  23. Guest

    License plate bracket

    I am trying to find a better looking setup for the license plate bracket and inspection sticker for my RSTD. The inspection sticker goes on a plate above the license plate and is really ugly. It sticks up in the air and looks out of place. Any suggestions?
  24. The sticker on the fron of my rstd says "Made in Japan-5/05"--------What "Year" do I have????----Buzz
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