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  1. I will be replacing my stator soon. I remember a post or a section with photos and step by step of How to. Can any one help? joe
  2. My ignition switch is bad. Must be the second time because I have two keys, never knew I was only supposed to have one. I have seen much talk about adding a relay to take stress off the switch. I would like to put in the relay when I redo the switch. I am fairly handy, but the elecrical side of things is one of my glaring weaknesses. Is there a step by step post that shows how to do this? Any suggestions on where to get the switch? What type of relay to use? Can the switch be cleaned up and keep on using? Thanks, Ross
  3. I was looking on some other motorcycle forums and came across a modification to alter a stock flasher to work with led turn signals and keep the original flasher and the self cancellation function.www.650ccnd.com/PDFs/Flasher_mod_Revised.pdf . I haven't learned how to attach a link, but maybe some one who does will do that for us.I did a google search for Denso flasher modification, and it was the second link that was on the first page.When I convert my turn signals,I'm going to try this to keep the original functions.Hope this helps someone and thanks to the person that invented this and posted a step by step with pictures.
  4. Anyone have a good step by step procedure on how to swap an MKII carb. My 89 carbs are acting up and would like to put the carbs from my wrecked 91 in. Then I'll rebuild the 89 carb.
  5. Does anyone have a nice step by step or a series of photos for the removal of the rear wheel? I am looking at new tires and am Unwilling to let the bike butchers at the dealer touch the bike or charge me an extra $350.00 to remove the wheels from the bike.
  6. We ordered a Morgn CarbTune online on the 24th of May. Recieved it today, the 31st of May! Whart great service. Dan and I are going to have our own mini-maintenence day on our bikes as soon as the valve cover gaskets come in for my '84. I feel so much more confident in doing repairs and service on my bike because I know that if I get into a jam, the folks here can always come through and bail me out. I have saved a copy of the PDF that rstacy made from Skydoc's step by step for the first gen. I will be printing this and taking it to the garage with me. Dan found a fourm for his Nighthawk, www.nighthawk750.com. That site is almost as friendly as this one. Not nearly as active, but has a lot of good info on it. There is step by step instructions to sync his carb there. With pics! I don't know if we can get at it this weekend, it is Dan's 18th birthday on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be mostly sunny and warm. Maybe I will go for a ride with Dan and work on the bikes later. Take care, Dave
  7. I'm a new member but have been reading your posts for the last few weeks since I bought my new-to-me 1st gen. It came with a myriad of small problems, most of which have been corrected using tech info that you fine folk have posted. Many of these posts came with detailed step by step instructions and pictures to boot. As a career mechanic, I have seen repair manuals with far less information. So hats off to y'all for such a great website. Looking forward to the day when I can meet up with some of you folk. Thanks again!
  8. With the next gen 2014 Goldwing just around the corner Yamaha needs to step it up!!! When will we se the next Venture? Okay about the only thing we know for sure about the 2014 Goldwing for sure is that there is going to be one, but with the introduction of the BMW K1600GTL Honda is going to step it up big time. So where does that leave Yamaha.... The Venture is a great bike but there is no way it will be able to compete with the next generation of bikes that will be showing up before to long. I have benn doing research religiously and have came up with nothing leading to a next gen Venture so I'm starting to wonder if there well even be one?
  9. eds

    Step 1

    Step 1: get out of Storage Step 2: RIDE IT. Bit cold but can't think of any other year I was riding any distance in March.[ATTACH]64925[/ATTACH]5[/ATTACH]
  10. Hey gang, so those of you that have the Argus Battery Bug, where have you mounted it? Pictures please, I already have a Kuryakyn LED mounted and it works great, 4 years running and no problems, but going one step father, been hearing pretty good reviews about them. Also, how have you been liking yours? Thanks, Jeff
  11. Linking the Vacuum Ports Taken from various posts on the VentureNet Forum http://www.venturers.org/NextGenTech/2ndGen/images/ais_tee.jpg This is a simple and near zero cost modification that improves low end throttle response and is claimed to increase gas mileage. (yet to be verified) The only drawback is that it causes a slightly irregular idle. Step 1 - Remove the rubber plugs from the vacuum ports of cylinders 2 and 4 and the AIS hoses from cylinders 1 and 3. Step 2 - If you have already disabled the AIS by plugging the hoses going to the exhaust ports, then the small rubber hoses attached to the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 3 can be left disconnected. For protection, they should be plugged. (a spent .22 shell fits very nicely) Step 3 - If you plugged the hoses in step 2, then connect a piece of 3/16" fuel line between the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 2. Connect another piece of line between cylinders 3 and 4. Skip to step 5. Step 4 - To leave the AIS vacuum control enabled, connect the control hose to a small T fitting with the other 2 ports of the fitting to the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 2. Repeat for the other side. (A suitably sized brass T is available from aquarium supply stores.) Step 5 - Ride your bike and enjoy the increased performance and mileage!
  12. Earl put together an awesome thread for balancing your Gen 1 carbs. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56723&referrerid=11995 With Earl's permission, I took the thread and converted it to a PDF. I also put the pictures with the appropriate text. This gives you a document that you can easily print out and follow step by step. I was able to balance my carbs in less than 30 minutes and now that I have done it once, I'm sure that I could do it in under 20 minutes. Thanks Earl! Ray
  13. This is not a motorcycle thread but I still need help. My utility trailer has not had working lights for a while and I feel like my luck is running out. I was stopped once about a year ago and given a warning. So, I bought a new wiring kit, put it on just like the old wiring, fired up the van, turned the lights on, turning signals, hazards and walked back and checked each stage as I went. Everything was working great. Boy did I feel smart. Just then my wife came home. She said, " do the lights work now?". I said, "yes". She said "let me see". I thought "uh oh". She said, "step on the brakes" and then she said, the driver's side light goes out when you step on the brake. (OMG, she is a jinx). So the question is - "Why would the left tail light go out when I put on the brake?" Help - I really hate wiring. Iowa Guy
  14. OK...either I'm going blind and have skipped right past the section multiple times or it just ain't in the service manual I downloaded from this site?? I'm looking for a step by step to make sure I don't mess anything up during disassembly. I've found a couple for Gen2 but not Gen1. I'm sure it's been posted before but I can't find that either...maybe I should look for a search tutorial first:confused24:
  15. Finally got home after some crazy days of burnedout clutch.the bike ran great thu the backroads of Ky,Ill,and Mo. Got to Branson,got in traffic on the hills clutch started slipping. On the 3rd hill had to pull over it quite moving.Called AAA to haul the bike to the timeshare 3 miles away ,they said NO because I didn't have RV coverage.Had to leave it in a parking lot.Called the Yamaha dealer in Harrison Ark.they said it would cost between $450 to $500 to fix and $150-$180 to get a rollback to haul it 38miles to the dealer.So I knew where to go,VENTURERider forum.The responce was overwheming.First Etcswtoe called with names of members close to Branson ,second Dik01 ,who live about 50 miles away, calle d and offered to get a trailer to take it to the dealer,third Randy R called told me of condor post of bleeding the clutch and then called Goose to call me, and then Goose called me .He talked me out of taking it to the dealer.He walked me step by step how to Repair the clutch and also the phone number of where to get the new clutch.Followed PCW"s and GOOse"s instructions ,had the bike's clutch in 1 1/2 hrs. ANyone can put a clutch in it is simple fix.My Brother-in-law was so supprised my the calls that he has applied for membership.Anyone who doesn't join a club like this one has to be nuts. YOU RIDERS made me realize that there are still people in this country who care. TO ALL THE CLUB MEMBERs WHO HELP ME I WANT TO GIVE YOU A SPECIAL THANK YOU.
  16. I ride a 96 RSTC and have an extra set of carbs that I have the urge to rebuild. It is a project that I am not sure that I can do but thought that I would try anyway. I have done quite of few jobs that I didn't know step one about but with the help of this forum I was able to accomplish. Are there any good tutorials out there and what if any type of kit would you recommend. Thanks Bob
  17. My new to me 99 RSV Trike.
  18. is there a step by step in here somewhere im missing? i was told i should change fork oil in my venture and wonder if its easy i can work on car ok but brand new to bikes and dont want to pull apart front end and get stuck with riding season just starting thanks
  19. Today was the first day I ride my RS97 after winter, only for 2 or 3 miles. Oil change completed, but even when I check the coolant, I saw the red light dimming (Just started to get on) on temperature, as well as I was able to hear a little wistle. Next step will be to take off the whole coolant, and after clean the whole circuit then replace it. Also, a check on the fan circuit to be sure is working. Any other suggestion on this cases? (Purchase another bike is not admited!!!)
  20. ***********************SOLD****************** Don't mean to step on toes here, but this would be waste for someone that needs a carbonone lift.
  21. ok after reading many posts on here about how to bleed a clutch line cable or whatever i have come to the conclusion that i need step by step instructions on how to gravity bleed and hand pump bleed my clutch on my 1984 venture xvz1200,i`am totally new at this but will attempt anything with the right instructions,so if u can lead me to a step by step post or just give me the directions i would greatly appreciate it, i have ordered a manual but as yet it has not arrived,please keep in mind that only thru these posts di i discover where the bleeder screw is that is how little i know :)thnx in advance for any and all help troy:fingers-crossed-emo
  22. Hi, I purchased a high output stator from Buckeye Performance and have been reading the threads both here and the step-by on the Venturers.org site and have a couple of questions. In a thread on the HOS install someone said this: Basicly just remove both Case Covers on left side of engine. ( You have to remove the aft cover also, to access the Wireing bundles) After cover is off, Its just a few small bolts, to change the Unit. The one sticking point is the Gasket that Seals the 3 large wires from the Stator, and the 5 small wires from the " Ignition Pick Up Coils " Be sure to order New Gaskets, for the Case Covers !!!! ( Both of them ) Also, the Lower Bolt, on the Aft Cover, has a Brass Crush Washer, that makes an Oil Seal. Its advisable to order a few of those and keep on hand. In the step by step photos on the Venturers.org site it looks like someone is taking the exhaust apart and considerably more is involved than removing a few side covers. Am I missing something here? Do you have to drain the oil from the bike in order to instal/replace the stator? If anyone could help clarify this for me and or give me some additional information it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance. Chris in Red Deer, Alberta
  23. Ive searched and haven't found any thread about disassembling the forks and replacing the seals and springs. Ive found plenty of threads about how great new springs are, but no step by step procedures.
  24. A little boy was in a relative's wedding. As he was coming down the aisle, he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR, all the way down the aisle. As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit. When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed and said, "I was being the Ring Bear." One Sunday in a Midwest City, a young child was "acting up" during the morning worship hour. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle. Finally, the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out. Just before reaching the safety of the foyer, the little one called loudly to the congregation, "Pray for me! Pray for me!" One particular four-year old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets." Little boy was overheard praying: "Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am." A Sunday School teacher asked her little children, as they were on the way to church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping." A little boy opened the big and old family Bible with fascination, looking at the old pages as he turned them. Then something fell out of the Bible.He picked it up and looked at it closely. It was an old leaf from a tree that has been pressed in between the pages. "Mama, look what I found," the boy called out. "What have you got there, dear?" his mother asked. With astonishment in the young boy's voice he answered, "It's Adam's suit". The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mike, and as he preached, he moved briskly about the platform, jerking the mike cord as he went. Then he moved to one side, getting wound up in the cord and nearly tripping before jerking it again. After several circles and jerks, a little girl in the third pew leaned toward her mother and whispered, "If he gets loose, will he hurt us?" Six-year old Angie , and her four-year old brother, Joel , were sitting together in church. joel giggled, sang and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had enough. "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church." "Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked. Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, "See those two men standing by the door? They're hushers." My grandson was visiting one day when he asked , "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished my halo, while I asked, "No, how are we alike?"You're both old," he replied. The ten-year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then, one day, she floored her grandmother by asking, "Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus ? The virgin Mary or the King James Virgin ?" A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments. They were ready to discuss the last one. The teacher asked if anyone could tell her what it was. Susie raised her hand, stood tall, and quoted, "Thou shall not take the covers off the neighbor's wife."
  25. I joined this forum in late 2008, back then my interest only was reading maintenance tips, fixes and the like, then I started to read the watering hole and got hooked up. I have owned my '86 Venture Royale for 21 years; 6K miles when I got it, it has now 42K miles. My other ride is a '93 Suzuki GSX1100G (dirty fast) Ok, the reason I'm writing this posting is to express my profound appreciation to all contributing members for their write-ups, know-how, instructions, etc. I just finished installing new larger battery cables, I got them from Barend, made installation thanks to Squidley's step by step instructions, by-pass the battery light sensor from GeorgeS's write-up; new Oddysey battery from Condor's write-up; Freebird game me the link to buy some other things a few months back. and from other members I also installed new ISO Kuryakyn grips, two new speakers and starter/solenoid. Avon/Venom rear tire (installed by a bike shop) Lastly, jut to mention that March of last year I met V7Goose and his brother Tom while they were here in El Paso, TX I have seen a lot of pics of your rides, places you have been, etc, I know the rule: got to post some pics! Here they are and thank you. Rudy:thumbsup2:
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