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Found 25 results

  1. has anybody replaced the stem (top and bottom) bearings on an 1800 GoldWing. I understand that is being done to Trikes because the factory bearings don't hold up to the triple tree revision. Is this a job for a real mechanic ? me being just a play mechanic
  2. Has anyone found a good set of similar to stock mirrors that have an extended stem. With the addition of my dog trailer I need some additional height to my mirrors to see over it. The right side is a left handed thread on the RSV. I just found that out as well so the vast majority on the market will not work. I wouldn't mind just adding an extension, but again they are right handed as well. Thanks
  3. TEW47

    Flat tire

    Here I go again another flat on the front. This is the third time on the front tire the most I have had in forty years. It is also leaking around the valve stem again. Is the stock valve stem with the nut on it the best? I am going to order a Michelin on wednesday. Two nails with a bad valve stem again another time. tew47:depressed:
  4. I picked up a TREK 7000 mountain bike at an auction yesterday and it has the goofiest looking valve stems on the tires. I've never seen anything like these.... ever. They kinda have a double threaded stem, and the larger size looks smaller than what you normally find on a bike tire. Anyone know what these things are, and what kind of pump they take?? Pic attached...
  5. So, preparing for a nice 90 minute ride to camp, checked the air pressure on the front and after removing the tire gauge, whoosh! All the air came rushing out. Much to my dismay, the whole stem came out too. Guess it's time to replace the whole valve stem with something other than rubber? Glad this happened in the garage though and not on the road.
  6. Is the Rear and Front Tire Valve Stem the same size? On my next Front Tire change, I would like to replace the Front with a right angle stem like the Back Tire
  7. Guys- I am going to change out my steering head bearings. Do I need to order any seals? The park shark print shows part #3 as (cover ball race 2) is this just the upper dust seal? and is there one like it on the stem under the #2 bearing. I might as well change the fork oil, should I remove the top nut on the forks or use the lower drain hole? I see the part number has changed on the stem nuts, if I replace the rubber washer with a steel one do you have to replace the stem nuts? Thanks guys..
  8. Guest

    Dyna Beads

    Put the dyna beads in last week had to break the beads on the tires due to the TPS system not able to use the valve stem. The cost $65 not bad had 3000 miles on the tires hope to get better wear and mileage out of them. I am getting a better ride a lot less wobble at low speeds with no vibrations. I would recommend this on new tire installations to absorb the cost of re braking the beads, if you don't have TPS there easy to put in threw the valve stem. Next tire change i will be going to the darkside with beads.
  9. Had a nice thing happen to me today (not), the valve stem on my front tire separated. I am curious however other than losing all my air is there any symptoms prior to all out failure I should have noticed? It had only been a few days since my last air pressure check. Joe
  10. Good evening all, went out for a late night rip after getting the steering re-packed , sooooo out and about kept on hearing this "thumping" sound from the steering head area, when I hit a bump, concerned turned the bike around and got her home, jacked her up, checked all the usuals, when I found my Steering stem Nut loose:mad:...... and i mean LOOOSE, tightened it up with a pair of vice grips, steering is still nimble so i figure that was it, QUESTION: did I miss something else to check or should I beat my mechanic when I call him in the morning? not that i actually would but seriously thinking about it....
  11. bought a 2007 with 492mi a month ago. Took to dealership last week and got registered in my name. then I decided Sunday to check on air pressure in tires and shocks. First off I need to find a guage to fit between the rotors and valve stem of front wheel , what a pain. The rear tire wasn't that bad as it has a 90 deg valve stem on it, much better to check and fill(only wish it was turned to the opposite side of the kickstand) The bad news is when I checked rear shock it read zero. I thought no problem Ill just put some in. well I did and in about 60 seconds it was back to zero. Riding without air in the shock shouldnt have hurt it ? I've put close to 400 mile on it in the last week or so. Maybe somethings loose? I checked valve stem and its tight and there isn't any preceivable air leak sound or oil anywhere???
  12. Since I've been mulling over going "Dark" next tire change, I've been asking around about seating the beads. I spoke to one of the techs at a local shop who'll mount a CT for me (if I sign a waiver) and asked what kind of pressure he's seen while seating the tires. Needless to say, I was shocked when he says he gets them to seat @ 40-45 psi with a good lube. I asked how he was able to do that and told him about the 100+ psi horror stories I've heard about on here. He said the trick was to remove the valve stem because the stem only allows the air in at a much slower rate. He said by taking the stem out, and hitting it with pressure, the quicker rate of inflation makes it seat easier, quicker, and better. I've not seen it happen, just passing along the info. Hope it helps.
  13. For the last year the rear air pressure in my '87 would leak from 40lb down to 20lb in about 1 day then on to near 0 in another day or two. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Each morning I would pump it up with my 0-60lb gauge hand pump from Progressive. Reading aroud here mostly about 2nd Gen shock leaks someone mentioned putting in some tranny fluid into the air fill line to swell the seals some. I did not have any tranny fluid laying around, but I did have some power steering fluid with leak stop additive. No idea if it hurts or hinders long term but I did not have much to lose so I put in about 1 ounce with a veterinarian syringe and surgical tubing section I had. Now 3 days have gone by including a hour of two-up riding with the nice weather we had today. It has held steady at 40lbs. Crossing my fingers it holds for a long while. I did not have a valve stem removal tool handy either. Rebent a small cotter pin from the junk pile so the ends were the same lenght. Fits perfectly either side of the valve stem. A pair of pliers and it was out quickly.
  14. Can I replace the valve(rubber and stem) without taking the tire off the rim Thanks!
  15. Front tire went down 65mph two up.Slide about 200' both of us stayed with the bike until we hit shoulder.Minor scrapes & bumps totaled 07 venture. Tire had 3000 miles on it new valve stem when tire was changed.No hole in tire valve stem rubber cracked.Never thought bad valve stem but i will now.And yes i do check my tires before every ride.
  16. Thanks to Sleeperhawk for my first Chrome on the new ride. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_xOOWRVc9-a4/SfZNMX1PxRI/AAAAAAAAAs0/oHCJDwpnC14/1stChrome.jpg Rear air assist valve stem cover. I love it.
  17. Anyone familiar with the Accu-Pressure indicating valve stem caps? Looks like they would make checking tire pressure easy, but are they reliable? http://www.accupressurecaps.com/Low-Pressure-Caps-Single;jsessionid=0a0106431f43276de774084b4b2d8833aa77bd78599d.e3eSc3eMbxuPe34Pa38Ta38Qahb0 http://media.primetimesolutions.net/products/MACP01/images/MACP01.large.jpg
  18. Love this site and this is my first post. I just bought a 2001 RSV, and there was no tool kit which came with it. I tried my digital air pressure guage to check, but it wouldn't even go on the valve stem. My air hose inflater/deflater went on, but showed 0psi. I'm not sure it opened the Schrader valve. Any thoughts?
  19. 09 RSV.....need to remove the righthand side mirror but afraid to put too much force on the nuts at the brake reservoir for fear of damaging something. It looks like there's three nuts at the bottom of the mirror stem. Can someone tell me which way the nut(s) need to be turned to remove the mirror bracket off the reservoir? Thanks....David
  20. I am having the tires replaced this week and want to install a 90 degress stem on the front. Where can I get one and what size will I need? Bug
  21. on rear shock?? Has any one attempted to mofiy the valve stem on the rear shock to make it easier to get to? I would like to know if this is possible. Thanks Fat Hands:rotfl:
  22. I found and fixed the air leak in that new front tire. It was a valve stem. I tried tightening the two lock nuts but no luck. I had to loosen both nuts and push the stem down in the rim. Blowed out some hard white chaulky stuff may have been some form of old tire sealant. Rotated the stem about 90 degrees and retighten now that new front tire is holding pressure. OK next problem that new rear Yammer Dan and I installed last fall is leaking around it's valve stem about 2 lb a day. I'll try the same fix on it. Check those valve stems for slow leaks.
  23. just came back from a test ride on the FJR. New front tire, 1 1/2 oz of the beads, 80mph,no vibration. This is just a initial feeling out, more updates to follow, when the tire gets half way worn. The manufacter says you can add them thru your tire valve, but I have 90degree stem, so had to install during mounting. I have a different type(external) on the motorhome with good results, so i thought I'd give the beads a try.
  24. I hope there is an easy fix, but I don't think so. Was going to take the beast out and bingo the front tire was flat. That brand new metzler was doing the pancake impersonation. No nail and a full bottle of Ride-on, that tire can't be flat????? It was and the air was coming out of the base of the valve stem. There are two nuts on the base of the valve stem and one appears to be a locking nut. Is there a way to tighten it or does the tire need to be removed to fix it. I tinkered with the stem, but it turns and does not appear to be tightening. Any thoughts?? joe
  25. Those of you that have put this in your tires: Was there any problem getting the stuff in with the 90* bend in the valve stem?
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