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  1. I bought my 99 RSV in 2011 and the cb has not worked since I got it. When I push the cb button nothing happens. The rest of the system worked just fine until today when I went out to see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. I removed the CD player from the bracket and left it connected then I removed the trunk mounting screws, lifted the trunk and tilted it forward to get to the cb. Then I removed the cover and then unplugged and reconnected all of the connectors to the cb. Then I turned on the key and tried the cb button. The FM radio just kept on playing just like before. Then I pushed the channel up button and nothing happened, then I pushed the audio button and nothing happened. I tried all of the buttons and nothing happend. It just kept playing the same radio station that it was on when i first turned it on. The only thing that works is the volume and the display was showing the station it was on. Then I turned off the ignition the display went dark but continued to display the radio station for several seconds before it went blank. I turned on the ignition and the display lit up and it continued to play the same radio station as before only now the display is blank. There is still no response from any of the buttons but the volume still works. At least it is my favorite radio station. Can anyone tell me what the heck happened and how I can fix it.
  2. Wondering how folks do oil chnges on long trips? Do you look for a dealer? Do you change it at a filling station? Thanks!
  3. Myself, my brother, and 3 friends are riding from NYC to Catskill village and back tmrw and any and all are welcome to join us! Not sure what the best place to post up these rides is! Meeting at the first gas station on palisades parkway right over the George Washington Bridge 7:15 AM. Come one come all! Kickstands up 7:30
  4. Just curious, I noticed many members have the weather underground personal weather station stickers on their threads. How do I add that? I have a personal weather station here on Camano Island WA that provides excellent weather info, http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KWACAMAN6
  5. Well, I took my first long trip on my RSV last week. A friend's wife died suddenly and I went to be with him. Drove from Daphne, AL to Shreveport, LA. Great trip. Approx 450 miles one way. Butt was starting to get a little sore by the end of the first leg, but on the way back, I was squirming early on. Guess I need to build up those butt muscles with more riding! On the way home, I was cruising mostly around 90 on the speedo (probably 82 or 83 in real life) then this woman came by me and I fell in behind her. We were running at 100 by my speedo. I began daydreaming about the last day's occurrences, and not watching the horizon for the Man, and I was also not hanging back from my escort, as far as I should have been. Then I came out of my daze when I noticed a BIG SUV on my Butt with his lights flashing. He pulled us over and asked if I knew how fast I was going and I said no, my Speedo is not accurate. He said he clocked the lady I was following at 91. He said he got behind me and clocked me at 87. I was very polite and he wrote me for 87 in a 70, but he showed me her ticket and he wrote her for 91. He said he could tell from my surprise when he told me I was going 91 that he believed I really didn't know I was going that fast. So, If I had been paying attention, watching for the Man and following my escort at a greater distance, then when he clocked her and hit his brakes to turn around, my bike would have slowed down and he would not have noticed I was following her. Lesson learned...Don't speed if you are going to daydream. About ten miles later I ran out of gas about a mile from the station I was planning on stopping at any way. As you probably know, the odometer, somehow knows when you go on reserve and begins counting miles up from zero. I have gone as much as 44 miles before, but this time I ran out at 37. Probably the 91 mph cruising I had been doing. So, I got off the bike and began pushing. I put my head down and began pushing for about 5 minutes. I looked up and the Gas Station was not ANY closer. I decided I would need to leave the bike and walk there and back. I am on a meal replacement diet that has been working very well for me. I carried my shake mix and my shake mixing cup with me. I grabbed my shake mixing cup and decided it would be perfect for carrying enough gas to get me to the Gas Station. I grabbed it and turned to walk toward the station when a lady pulled over and asked if she could help. I told her it would be great if she could give me a ride to the gas station up ahead, or at least to that exit. I got in. She told me her husband rode and that they always stopped when they saw stranded riders. She not only took me to the gas station, she waited on me and took me all the way back to the previous exit and back to my bike and wouldn't leave until my bike started. I told her she was a real hero and that she probably saved me two hours of walking and driving after dark when it really gets cold. So...I will pay this forward. I will never drive past a stranded rider without stopping and asking if they need help. My butt sure was sore by the time I got home that night. Is 450 miles in the saddle considered alot? Or do I just have wimp butt? I just read in another post that when the bike is out of gas, and it is straight up that there is between 1/2 and 1 gallon of gas left in it. Does any body know if this is true and if so, how would I move the gas to the other side of the tank, short of laying the bike on it's side? It would not be worth a hernia!
  6. I own an '88 V.R. with 61K miles. Everything works properly except the factory AM/FM radio. Turn the radio on & you can hear static like it's not on station, but it's digital. Ride a while and the station may come on for a few miles clearly then it's back to static. C.B. and tape deck sound great throught the factory speakers and the intercom system works. It has one antenna with a splitter or balun under the C.B. I've checked the coax from the antenna all the way back to the radio and everything's connected. I left the radio on while I was tracing the coax connections in case I found a poor connection but it never changed from static. It sounds like the tuner's off station, but why would it kick in and out? Has anyone experienced this? Thanks!!
  7. Being a snowbound retiree I do spend quite a while with my nose buried in a book. So I was wondering - WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE BOOKS? Mine are: Mystery - The Sculptress by Minette Walters Horror - 'Salems Lot by Stephen King Fantasy - The Stand by Stephen King Sci-Fi - Perdido Street Station by China Mieville Biography - Willie Nelson Story Bike Book - Fallen Angel , Long Way Round Magazine - Cycle Canada
  8. Hi folks, we just got back from another road trip and on the second day out, found ourselves in one of those cliff hanger rides on the back roads, where your GPS says there is a gas station, but it's no longer there and the 'next' one is erhm beyond your range.. Tempting fate we continued on with few options on this long stretch of back roads.. By the time we got to a gas station, we were on fumes.. The F counter showed 23.7 Miles, and we pumped in 4.8 Gallons of fuel into the empty tanks.. that means we had what, .2 gallons left sloshing around? I had always been curious to know just how far I could go on reserve, and I just found out.. At least now I know.. To be honest, it actually gave me more confidence to ride the tank lower than I normally would... What if we had run out of fuel? Well the emergency plan was that since my bike burns slightly more fuel than my buddy, we would have pulled the hose off at the petcock and drained what ever I had left into an empty drink container and put that fuel into my buddy's bike and see how far he could go on it.. prolly a few more miles further and closer to a gas station etc.. and he would come back with some fuel to get me there as well.. (contingency plans abound....) What's the lowest you got your tank down to? T
  9. About a month ago I was on my way home from work. With about 25 miles to go my fuel light came on. The gage still showed 3 bars. Well 10 mile later she runs out. I have to stop, lean the bike over, turn on the key till the pump stops. Drive for a few miles and do it again. I stopped 3 time before I made it to a gas station. I filled her up as far as I could and it only took 4.6 gallons. The same thing happend last night and when I made it to the gas station I could only get 4.5 gallons in and that gage still had two bars. Has anyone else had this problem. Where is the other 1.5 gallons?
  10. So I was riding my 2002 RSV home from work and pushed the up arrow on the radio to change the station. Instead of tuning in to the next station the radio stock flopped forward. The two screws that are supposed to hold it to the mount must have got lose from vibration and came out. Does anyone know what size replacement screws I need? For now I've got the radio attached to the mount with tie wraps. Thanks, Dan
  11. Hi all Houston crew, Planning a ride this weekend Saturday April 9th. The staging poing is going to be just down from the Doodles at the Waller County BBQ & Shell station on 362 & Hwy 290. Kickstands up by 10.00 am. The ride is going to end up 5 miles from College Station. It will be about 70 miles one way. Hopefully we will see some blue bonnets on the way & back Hullabaloo's has pretty good food. Here is a link to see whats on the menu. http://www.hullabaloodiner.com/ Hope Y'all can make it. Hal n Val
  12. Big snowstorm, eh?!!? In anticipation of all the media hype, all schools were closed. Well, last night we did gewt a little freezing rain, with maybe a half inch of crusty snow, but that was it! Presently it is snowing with a little wind. The way the media presented it, it was going to be the storm of the century and we were all gonna die!!! It was hilarious listening to the news this morning before work, one station, our conservative one, saying things were nowhere as bad as expected, the other liberal stations pl;aying it up like it was a disaster out and we haven't seen anything yet!! One radio station described us as in the hole of a donut, with the bad stuff all around us but not on us! Hey, this is Buffalo, it's winter. Deal with it!!!
  13. I don't usually get on a public rant about things, but I am now, I'll try to keep it short. About 6 weeks ago I had work done to my car, installed a new fuel pump and sending unit. Got the car back and it was running great, went to fill it up as it was empty. Stopped at a VALERO station in Tomball Texas on 249 just north of FM 2920. I ended up getting a tankful of bad gas from that station. $400 bill later from the garage the car was running again. I submitted a form to get them to pay for the repair as it was nothing I did to cause it. Well they decided to not pay the repair, so now I am starting phase 2 of my campaign against them, and give as much bad publicity as I can. I have nothing to gain by trying to scam them, I paid out the money so it's money lost for me right now. I try very hard to play by the rules and become extremely irritated when others dont play by the same rules. There are quite a few folks that know me here and my character, I can let a lot of things slid, but this time, I am going to be the biggest PITA to VALERO until they make this right. Think twice before you use VALERO, needless to say I wont be supporting VALERO and will give as much negative talk about them as I can until they step up and do the right thing.
  14. This is driving me nuts! I went out for a short spin today and all was good. The radio was loud the sun was shinning and the traffic was light. Then it happened. I hit a small bump in the road (cuz they aren't as smooth as glass in Niagara), and my radio went into seek mode. It flipped to a new station and then moved onto the next station. It did this for quite a while. Obvious to me I have a short somewhere but I'm not sure where to start. I was thinking about opening up the left handle bar control to clean it. Any thoughts on this? Anyone? Thomas
  15. Took a short ride today on back roads Mcconnnel mills and around started down a good paved road Wife tells me she feels a thump thump on left side of trike:confused24: stoped looked for flat tire nope gps gas station .7 mile started out for it thumping got worse pulled into station look under for loose cv joint or any thing else that might be loose nope stood back and look at it saw lug nut jest about whole way out of wheel naturley had adapter no socket to fit it But met a nice gentleman in pickup truck ask if he had a wrench or scoket in truck no but I live close by will run home to get you one which he did offered to give him some thing for his getting it but he said no thanks NEW TOOL TO BE ADDED TO TOOL POUCH IN TRIKE 3/4 socket and ratchet
  16. Not much is Free anymore. All the local gas stations now charge $1.00 to use the air machine. What happened to 50 cents. I remember when using the air compressor was a free service. Sheetz where the wife works still has free air but not many left that do.Whats next a $1 fee on the Restroom door? I drove 12 miles to the closest gas station Saturday to gas up the truck. Everytime someone borrows my truck they bring it back empty. Anyway I took the airtank with me cause my air compressor was guarded heavy by Yellow Jackets and the tractor tire was low. I got pissed at the $1 fee for air and came back without it.The gas station also charges a $1 authorization fee just to swipe your credit card at the pump. I'm going to put a sign on the mailbox. Checks Free but bills and junk mail $1 please. I could have the phone company charge for incoming calls the wife is free,all others $1.00 except the Mother In Law $10.00:whistling:
  17. Well this morning, on the way to work, I was passing a gas station that is right before the entrance to the highway (I-25) The exit to the gas station exits, pretty much, right into the SB exit lane and then you go over the overpass for the NB entrance. I take the NB entrance. There's lots of construction in this location right now so it's even more of a mess than usual. So I usually am a bit more cautious and go a bit slower in this area anyhow. Anywho... I'm tooling along and I see this guy on a bike sitting facing the way I'm headed, back to me, getting ready to leave the gas station. He wasn't at the pumps, kind of on the outskirts of the parking lot. My first thought is, I wonder if he's going to just buzz right onto the road, I'm traveling on, without stopping or looking. Keep in mind this is really, really early in the morning, like 1:15 am so, in his defense there aren't a boat load of cars out at this time of the morning. So I back off of the throttle a little more in anticipation of a possible bonehead move. My suspicions were realized when he just takes off, doesn't slow down or even look and pulls out right in front of me. Man I wish I could have found the horn button faster, but I did get in a good toot to let him know he should stop and look. Moral: It isn't only cagers that pull bonehead moves that can get you hurt!!
  18. This spring, the radio started losing station memory or messing up on the stations. But I was able to re-set them and things were OK. Then I rode an hour in the rain last Saturday. Dried the bike out over several days and went for a ride yesterday and now there is only one station...on all channels, and I can't use the seek, channel up/down or even change from FM to AM and back. The intercom and CB work perfect. Anyone dealt with this, and does anyone have a nice working radio section including the cassette they would be willing to sell? I want my tunes...luckily the one station is my favorite, but it has lousy reach.
  19. After replacing the battery a few days ago, I had to redo my presets on the radio. I know about holding the up or down button to scan up or down to the next station and that is what I normally do. But the other day, I did something, don't know what, that let me manually scroll the dail up to the station I wanted without having to stop at every signal the radio received. Anyone have any idea what I did to put the radio in "manual" mode? I have tried several things but cannot get it to replicate.
  20. Sorry if this has been discussed before, I have seen some threads that comment on this issue but they do not seem to be exactly the issue I have. I picked up my 2009 Venture on Saturday and drive it home (120 miles) and the radio worked fine. Today I went out and I turn the bike on and the radio comes on, same station I had it on when I turned it off, however the controller has no information displayed and none of the buttons work, therefore I can't turn it down, turn it off, change the station and worse yet can't turn down the volume. I really don't want to drive 120 miles back to find out I could have flipped a switch here or there or did a quick fix ... so if anyone can help me out I would appreciate it! Thanks and I am happy to be a new member. Keith
  21. Says in the specs that it does not include Where Am I which allows you to find closest hospitals, police stations, gas stations, etc.... Can't believe something that cost so much back in the day you wouldn't be able to find a gas station if you needed to. It might not be part of Where Am I, but I would think you could find a gas station. Anyone with these models confirm the information? Thanks
  22. A graphical/chronological representation of how the International Space Station has come together. It also highlights just how large the darned thing is! http://i.usatoday.net/tech/graphics/iss_timeline/flash.htm Cheers,
  23. While on my way to the Dunlap Restaurant last Saturday to the PA M&E I stopped to refuel and little did I know as I drove away from the gas station my check book had fallen out of my back pocket. Well believe you me I found out when I arrived home because Jean was standing on the front porch with our home phone in her hand. As I took the receiver from her a womans voice said to me, "Is this Earl Harrell" I said "Yes" and she said, "I found your check book in the road in front of the gas station here in Chambersburg, Pa. But don't worry, I'll mail it to you." I thanked her very much and went into the house. A short time later, I got another call from another lady and she said "Is this Earl Harrell", I said "Yes" and she said I found a single check laying across the street from the gas station in Chambersburg, Pa. But don't worry, I'll mail it to you." I thanked her very much as well and rushed to the computer to see if any money had been taken from my account. All was well and I went to the bank first thing Monday morning. I put a temporary hold on all of the checks in the checkbook but am happy to say that today in the mail, arrived my checkbook minus one check and in another letter, the missing check was there. I have never seen two acts of "random kindness" happen at the same time and from two different people be directed at me. My top priority today was to pick out "Thank You" cards and place money in them for the time and postage of these two wonderful people, that I will probably never meet, but reminded me that "no matter how bad times are, you can always take a moment to help someone" I know things have been tough for many of the members of this site, I myself have been Laid Off since Christmas, and I just wanted to share this glimmer of hope with everyone here, as these two strangers have shared their hope with me. Earl and Jean
  24. For the first time I saw a sign at a gas station saying Nitrogen enriched gas. Has anyone tried it yet and what did you think of it. tew47
  25. more picture surface, of the toy run. here are a few more.
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