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  1. I own an '88 V.R. with 61K miles. Everything works properly except the factory AM/FM radio. Turn the radio on & you can hear static like it's not on station, but it's digital. Ride a while and the station may come on for a few miles clearly then it's back to static. C.B. and tape deck sound great throught the factory speakers and the intercom system works. It has one antenna with a splitter or balun under the C.B. I've checked the coax from the antenna all the way back to the radio and everything's connected. I left the radio on while I was tracing the coax connections in case I found a poor connection but it never changed from static. It sounds like the tuner's off station, but why would it kick in and out? Has anyone experienced this? Thanks!!
  2. I enjoy on occasion running my CB and chatting with some truckers, or even just listening in. Makes time go by. Problem is I get so much static. If I run the squelch setting up to stop static then the CB has to be within sight to talk or listen in. What is the range for these? I work with handheld radios that will talk 5 miles or more to each other. Just curious if possibly I have an antenna issue, or are they just like this?
  3. I have a wierd problem that just started yesterday evening. I have the older Chatterbox headsets that have a cable between the driver and passenger and on yesterday's ride with Linda, I started having the static that goes up and down with the rpm. It is only in my headset and the really wierd part is if I touch something metal, like the clutch or brake lever or the risers, the sound goes away. I have had these units for probably 13 years and have never had this problem before. This particular box is a couple of years old. The only change I have made electrically to the bike is to mount the TCI in the left fairing on the wall behind the radio. I would think this might be the problem, but we rode a couple of days ago and did not have this problem. This Chatterbox system is not connected to the bike in any way. Any suggestions? RandyA
  4. I"m thinking of buying a parts cleaning bin. But, is there really any advantage to having one as opposed to just using a bucket with some cleaner it it? Floor space is limited, $$$$ are limited too! do they include filters or do they just pump dirty fluid? Is there a vibrating action or are they just static? Any recommendations?
  5. I have an Ultra Classic, and it may be different from an RSV I'm not sure. When my wife and I are using the intercom if I adjust the VOX all the way, so conversation is automatic (instead of having to push the PTT button. I get lots of static. If I turn the VOX down a little everything is fine except we have to push to talk which is a PIA. Can anybody shed some light on what might be the problem?
  6. Hope you can help me, i have an 2000 venture and have had this problem for some time, i will be talking fine on the cb and when i am not i will get this loud white noise static noise ,over the head sets and over the speakers depending what it is switched, very annoying and my riding buddy says he can hear it over his cb also, any ideas, also sometimes i have to turn the squelch up all the way. it is speratic and does not due it all the time. i do not know where to start. also when ever i talk there always seems seems to be back ground static, thanks for the help..
  7. I bought a Street Magic load equalizer and set of 4 LED turn signals from a friend for my 2nd gen. The SM load equalizer has 4 wires; purple wire to left, brown wire to right, orange wire to positive, and black wire to negative. Everything works fine but when I turn on the CB and I turn on the left or right turn signal I get a lot of static over the speakers. The orange wire connected to the positive wire is connected to the blue tail light wire. I disconnected the orange wire and connected it straight to the positive battery post and the CB does the same thing. I took the black wire and connected it to the negative battery post and it does the same thing. I disconnected the Street Magic and of course my turn signals flash fast but the static is gone. If I get load equalizers off ebay I will need four. Does anyone know if I need 25 watt 60 ohms or do I need 50 watt 60 ohms or does it matter. Anybody have any ideas on either system??? Thanks, Harry
  8. When I use the CB (which is most of the time on group rides) I get interference/static on a regular basis. The radio will be silent and then a loud Static type noise. The talk indicator comes on as if someone is transmitting but no one in the group is. I have had the squelch all the way up and it still happens. It's very irritating. Any ideas what the cause is.
  9. I just installed a new Firestik antenna and fold down bracket. I am in the garage and cannot get reception on either the radio or CB. I can hear static in the speakers. Is the problem that I am inside the garage?
  10. So There i was, home for the weekend. Dad and I are trying to get my bike streetable. It was a salvage bike xvz1300 m/m. I got it torn down. Tank off, fairing off, lights off, seats off. I replaced the headlight bulb, air filters, and battery. I took off the trunk (was destroyed) and removed the six disc and six disc cable. I removed the antenna for the CB and the CB from under the trunk. I then tested the radio system (what was left front speakers). The radio worked fine (even though the control is cracked). I then proceeded to take the cable from the rear of the bike and re-routed it (being extremely careful). i took it all the way out to the gas tank mount and routed it on the other side of the battery. Then dad and i went to his work and machined a nice bracket to mount the antenna down on the crossmember between the saddlebags from a chunk of aluminum. I put the lights fairing seat gas tank and EVERYTHING else back on the bike. I start it up to check it out (started AWESOME) and the radio ................. didn't work. It turned on, and....... Static.. FRIGGIN STATIC, So then ithought well ill try other stations. .NOTHING. static... So i touched the antenna and the tone of the static changed indicating that the antenna was still attached. So after 2 days of work and feeling damn good about myself, excited abotu riding.. and now i have to tear it apart to find out why. DO you have any idea why?
  11. Where do i check first? took antenna apart at mounting post No loose , broken wires that I could see Had right fairing off a while ago to replace right speaker and saw no loose , un hooked wires , leads FM radio works CB radio lights up Channels work but NO sound , no static , nothing! is it the controller box? switcher? PTT switch? thanks guys MIKE Q I should at least hear static right??
  12. First time it's done this... sitting still the radio sounds great, when i start moving i get bad static to the point you can't hear anything but the static. what's that all about?
  13. How do I place images on the Right Hand Side where the "Join Date" & "location" appears. I notice other members have their country and state flags blowing in the breeze. My seems to have a static Australian Flag however I notice a flapping one is available under Avitars. How do I get it on the right hand side.
  14. I noticed that if my CB is on and I use the horn, I get loud static in the speakers. Does anybody else have this problem ? What is the cause a bad filter?
  15. I realize that static in the headsets is often caused by where the leads are routed, but I have not discovered as to why one day the static is totally unreaonable and the next day it cannot be detected. No wires have been moved, infact, nothing has been done to my scoot except the fact that it has rested for 2 whole days, all by itself without any companionship. Now seeing as we have well over 2000 members on this forum it seems to me that someone might have an explanation for this.
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