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  1. Went to my local dealer to transfer warranty, no problem there. Asked service mgr about whine, he agrred that it was anoying. Asked him about I basket he said that at their shop the ONLY thing that got rid of whine was working on or replacing the rear end. Going to make an appointment to have it checked out. He also stated that Yamaha only replaces rear end in about 50% of the cases submitted.
  2. its an 07 rsv in beautiful condition,45k, 10,995. My gut tells me to buy it before its gone.....according to blue book its about 600 high but as i stated this bike was meticulously taken care and could pass for new. Is there anything I should be aware of?
  3. At just about the exact same time Taters was picking up her new toy, I was doing the same thing!! Yes, we each knew about both of them. As was stated in the other thread, let the chroming begin... Taters, good luck keeping that black beast looking shiny!
  4. Just got back from Bongobobbys meet and eat at the Hearth restaurant...My son and his girlfriend met us there and met my friends for the first time....We had a great meal and tons of laughs....when leaving my son came up to me and thanked me for the invitation and stated "YOU KNOW NONE OF YOU ARE RIGHT IN THE HEAD".......Ahhhhhh....its so nice that he thinks so highly of my friends...kind of reminds me of what I thought of his friends when he was a teenager... :rotf: :rotf:
  5. I was reading through a thread a while back about this Power Enhancer product.. On their site they have a "store finder" which was for naught because of all the 14 shops I called, none of them listed on the site ever heard of the product.. BAH.. I hate that.. So I found a lad online selling it and bought it.. I fired off an email to the company complaining how bogus their store finder was etc.. Many people stated how impressed they were with it etc.. using the 44K to clean out the carb system and all.. most likely works better than Seafoam as I think Goose stated he noticed a yellow tinge to the floats when he adjusts them. I got a phone call this morning from the local BG rep who got my email response and took time to explain to me about their products and what they can do and what they can't do and what he can do to help me out etc etc.. He also stated that the BG products aren't usually SOLD in the parts dept of the stores, but it's a service sold at the service dept.. that's who you have to ask to get it.. I explained to him about using 44K to 'clean the junk out' of the carbs and fuel system.. He stated that 44K is expensive.. you can use it once a year but follow up 2 or 3 times a year with their supercharge products which is a lot less expensive.. the 44k will blast away the junk and the supercharge will keep it clean.. On top of all that, he's going to set me up with a proper cleaning solution of theirs specifically to run through the bike to properly clean out the system. Most likely do the same thing as some people do with just straight up 44K but this formulation he mentions is a cleaning solution for that task. So I'll keep you informed on how it works and so on.. I just thought it interesting that he would call to set me straight about the store finder thing.. but then get into a full bike discussion using their product.. On a 22L (6 Gal) bike tank of gas, he recommended using only 1/3 of the can of 44K to do the job. I mentioned that some people run a quick burst of 44k through the fuel feed line as a super cleaner.. this is where he mentioned about doing me up a proper formulation for cleaning.. Though 44K is a cleaner, a powerful one, there's something actually better.. After I've gone through my initial online cans, I'll know where to go to get more.. just 3 miles down the road from here.. guh. When you put this stuff in your car or bike, you won't see the improvement until the next tank, after the junk had been cleared out.. then after that you should actually see a 10 - 20% improvement.. The older the vehicle, the better of course.. Interesting info..
  6. To bring everyone who is interested up to speed, I have made a settlement with State Farm on my bike. I have kept the title of this post Hit & Run, even though after the woman was told there was a video of the event, she no longer denied hitting my bike. If you are interested in the whole saga, the other posts are at the bottom detailing the highs and lows. Even though she was charged with driving on a suspended license and improper backing while driving her boyfriend's F150 Ford pickup truck, State Farm took liability. I was a bit anxious when I met with the State Farm adjuster, but I was pleased that on several occasions, he stated that I had a real nice looking bike. He was impressed with the condition and especially the paint. I don't think he expected this when he came to look at a 25 year old Yamaha. I got a call last Tuesday from State Farm wanting to settle on the damage. The first thing the woman said was they had done some research on an 83 Yamaha Venture and determined the value was something over $3,000. That surprised me right from the start. She said they were not taking issue with any of the submitted estimates, but this did take the payoff to more than the value of the bike. She asked me if I wanted to keep the bike and I told her I hope so. She stated that an option would be for the bike to be totaled and me buy it back. She then stated that if I would sign a release and fax them a copy of my title, I could buy the bike back for $200 and she would take that out of the total and send me a check for $3,162. She also stated that they were not going to notify the state of Tennessee, so I would not get a "salvage" title. She said she would immediately process the claim. I went home during lunch and picked up my title and signed the release and faxed it back. By Friday, I had not received a check, so I called the woman and found that she had just left on a weeks vacation. I gave the woman that answered my claim number and she pulled it up on the computer and stated the fax had not been received. They have a fax system that is received on a computer and it sorts it according to the claim number. We ended up having to use a regular fax machine for her to have it in hand. She stated she would process it today. So, my plans are to take the fairings off and realign the upper frame and fix some plastic and get the worked areas repainted. I am also going to get the right bag painted on the outside and replace the left bag and paint it. I also need a right front signal light and will have to do some work on the plastic panels that hold the speakers, or replace them. I also plan on replacing my rear Avon tire with an Elite III and I am going to get a PC680 battery. I appreciate the interest expressed with my emotional highs and lows I have been dealing with and the encouragement. I feel a little guilty about how this has turned out, given others, such as Yammer Dan have been through so much crap. RandyA
  7. Has anyone had a problem with the 2007 venture that all of a sudden the bike will not move. A freind of mine has a 2007 venture and was 250 miles from home and he stated that when in a town the clutch stated to slip and within 50 feet the bike would not move anymore. He said it was without warning. Has anyone else ever heard this happing. I think his clutch spring gave out but he has not found out from the dealer yet. He also said he pushed the bike on the trailer in gear without nowing it. Yes the clutch was out not pulled in. So any ideas. Lets see how good we are guessing want happened. When I find out from him I will post the results.
  8. OK, as some of you already know, I had my 07' in for the "head gasket replacement TSB". They replaced the head gaskets. By the way, the tech stated that one of the bolts was finger tight!!!! Anyways, no leaks from the new head gasket but once they put my brand new motor back together, the valve cover, front, left as you sit on the bike was leaking a bit. I took it back and they had it for a few days and stated that the leaking will subside after a while and that the leak isn't caused by the valve cover gasket or lack of torque on the valve cover bolts, but its actually the Yamaha engine design that oil gets down in some sort of valley or something like that and pools up in the front, left because that's the way the bike sits. They stated the oil "leak" should go away after that oil works itself out. Anyone have any opinions on this and have they had the same issue. I do have confidence in this shop and want to believe him BUT, it didn't leak when I bought the bike:) Thanks for any input. By the way, they also completed the Yamaha TSB on the "lack of grease on the rear hub pins.
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