First time post in this forum
I bought an 08 RSV last month. Now, I have this weird problem.
This has happened a few times to me and a few times to the previous owner. When I turn the key to ignition position and hit the start button, the oil pressure and temp. lights show up and the battery makes a single click noise but the engine doesn't start. All components like horn, lights still work.
If I continue to press the start button every couple seconds, the engine starts after about 5-10 pulses.
Do you know what might be happening? Am I ruining something by pressing the start button? This started about 5 days ago after the bike got wet in the rain for a couple of days. I am not sure if the rain did this though.
I am not very mechanically inclined but I am learning slowly. Also, wife and I panic when our vehicles start the drama! HELP!
Thanks in advance.