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  1. I found rather coming behind the trike (lower profile). It was much easier to come in with the jack from the left/right side front fenders. it also gives you the room to plant a couple jack stands as well. Just come in from the direction shown and place the jack(s) under the shock bolt area. when coming in from that direction it allows you to be able to place the jack in the front on the other bar. when I remove both wheels I still leave both jacks in place and add the jack stands for saftey. These are $16 dollor jacks from your favorite Auto Store. While all the tires are off I plan on using POR-20 in the Exhaust extensions And cleaning everything up under there. I will post the POR-20 job next week. Enjoy. Jeff [ATTACH]64804[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64805[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64806[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64807[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64808[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64809[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64810[/ATTACH]
  2. On a recent transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm.. The turbulence is awful, and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning. One woman in particular loses it. Screaming, she stands up in the front of the plane. "I'm too young to die," she wails. Then she yells, Well, if I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! "Is there ANYONE on this plane who can make me feel like a WOMAN?" For a moment there is silence. Everyone has forgotten their own peril. They looked, riveted, at the desperate woman in the front of the plane. Then an Italian man stands up in the rear of the plane. He is gorgeous: Tall, well built, with dark black hair and brown eyes. He starts to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt .....one button at a time. ................No one moves. ...............He removes his shirt. ................Muscles ripple across his chest. ...............She gasps. .................He whispers: .............."Here, iron this, and get me something to eat..." OK...so I'm a male Chauvanist Pig! That's right up there with .... Why do brides wear white? Well you want the dishwasher to match the stove and fridge! OK...let the berating begin!
  3. I would like to have the Black VR Banner at Tail of the Dragon V @ Vogel, but I dont know who has it. I was hoping whoever has it would be coming to Vogel, but it sure would be a great asset to Vogel by any means possible. It has been at all the previous Vogel's it really stands out for everyone to see. Can anyone point me in the right direction? [ATTACH]59245[/ATTACH]
  4. Freebird Centerstand Installation Note: Since I am no longer making these stands and there have been some requests for the measurements, here they are for those who wish to make their own. The large holes on the U Braket and straight bars are 16mm. The ground out slot on the bottom of the bars are so that the stand will break over the proper amount. If it doesn't break over far enough, the bike will roll off the stand. If it breaks over to far, it is almost impossible to get the bike off the stand. You want it to break over so that it is just past vertical. The stands all vary just a bit so I always assemble them first and then grind the slots on each one until I get it right. I also grind all the sharp corners before painting. Just enough to put a nice rounded corner on them. You don't have to but it just looks nicer. You will notice that this one has the tab welded on. I later started having these stamped out at a machine shop so that they were one piece. It was just easier for me that way but welding works fine. The installation of the Freebird centerstand is pretty simple. Before proceeding in purchasing or installing one of my stands though, I should point out a couple of things. 1. Will this stand lift the rear wheel off the ground? Yes, if your suspension is STOCK it will lift it maybe a half inch off the ground. If you have installed the Diamond R leveling links, it will NOT lift the tire off the ground. I have the links on my bike but even though my tire is no longer off the ground, I find the stands very useful for oil changes and etc. 2. Can you still use a bike lift with the stand installed? I do. The lift WILL rest of the stand at the rear but I just let it. It has worked fine for me. If not, it only requires the removal of 4 bolts to drop the stand off. 3. This is just a note more than anything else. These stands are made from used centerstands off first generation Yamaha Ventures. I have them available as I can locate stands. I have the brackets available all the time so if you have or can find a used first gen stand, I will sell you only a bracket. You can also buy NEW first gen stands for somewhere around $85.00. So even if you buy a new stand and one of my brackets, you will still have less than $150.00 in a centerstand. 4. This is not an exact science. There are some variances in the old stands and I've seen some cases where the angled tab on the bottom of the second gen or RSTD have been slightly bent...or mashed down. I have test fitted every stand that I sell on my own bike but I sometimes get an email that the holes do not line up perfectly. That is usually not a problem. If you follow my directions and leave everything loose until all the bolts are in, you should then be able to tighten everything up and it will work fine. If there is a small space between the U Bracket and where it rests on the bikes frame...don't worry about it. I promise that the first time you put the 1,000 lb. bike on the frame...that space will go away. 5. I grind the inner part of the foot pad off so as to prevent it from hitting the exhaust shield. It will still be very close but should not touch. If it does, simply remove the stand, lay it on the ground and WHOP the foot lever with a sledge hammer. It will bend enough to clear. So...after all that...here are the instructions. This picture shows the existing tabs on the bottom of the bike where the stand will bolt up. Place the stand under the bike and insert the rear bolts into the holes. The existing holes are a metric size just ever do slightly smaller than 5/16". I supply 5/16" bolts so you will need to run a 5/16" bit through those holes...or you can purchase slightly smaller metric bolts. It's very easy though to run a bit through the holes. Now just swing up the horizontal bars and place the 3/8" bolts through the holes. The bars of the bracket go OUTSIDE the tabs on the frame. If they don't line up perfectly, just wiggle it around until you get them in. Tighten all the bolts and the stand is now mounted. Installing the spring is the next step. Place the LONG end of the spring through the small hole on the left horizontal bracket and take the spring OVER the top of the bikes frame. The other end of the spring connects to the existing tab at the bottom of the left stand leg. This picture shows how close the foot pad comes to the exhaust. If it touches or you feel it is too close. Just take the stand back off and bend it out a bit. Do NOT spread the legs of the actual stand...just hit the arch of the foot extension so that IT bends a bit further out. This is how it looks all mounted. On the stand from the side. Close up with bike on stand. From the back
  5. http://images.craigslist.org/3ne3pe3ld5P65X65R0a6392a022c2e64a1536.jpg
  6. i have a garmin 265wt...i loaded what is supposed to be a rt 66 map....all that shows up in the gps are POI's..for example ...n101..n stands for new mexico.....so, to make the gps follow rt 66...do i have to put every POI in as a "via" point...
  7. OK...I am so sorry that it took me so long to get around to this but for those who wanted a bit of detail on how I made the center stands for the RSV, I have added some measurements and pictures to the original thread in the tech library. You can see it here. Please note that I am no longer offering these stands. This information is provided for those of you who wish to make your own. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1427
  8. Received my new pocket Tee shirt today. OUTSTANDING!!!! The new logo on the back really looks good. This one is black and the logo really stands out. Now to order a couple more in different colors.
  9. Did a ride to raise money for a local air ambulance organizaiton yesterday and I was surprised, as I often am, that I was the only Venture out of 100 bikes! Anyways, when they were drawing door prizes they hadn't picked any of my numbers but then the emcee stands up and says "we're not even going to draw this one, it goes to whoever rides a Yamaha Venture!". Sweet, got some free saddlebag liners!
  10. Before I start ripping the dash apart, can someone tell me if the dash components can be easily separated? As it stands, I cannot use the whole dash on my project bike.
  11. I just put on the '87 fork legs on my '83. But one is leaking oil out the little drain screw. [The bike isn't even off the stands yet!] Are these screws supposed to have any little gasket washers on them? Thanks, Mark Koontz '83 Venture Wichita, KS
  12. I recently purchased one of Don's modified center stands for my 2nd Gen. For those of you with a 2nd Gen with of these center stands: Have you noticed a significant reduction in lean angle to the left? If so, what have you done or modified to correct it? Will "pumping up" the rear and/or front shock help? Thanks in advance for your help.
  13. The serendipity house still stands. You can rent her out for $1700 a week. Best ocean view on the outerbanks. The underhouse parking is not what it use to be. Take a look before the web cam moves position. I bet a Noreaster wil take her out soon.Richard Greer crew filmed part of the Nights Of Rodanthe from her. http://www.darenc.com/webcam/mirlo.php
  14. I have one of the center stands available in the classifieds
  15. I've had a few folks email me about the center stands that I used to make. As I have replied, I no longer offer the stands. I was talking to Allen at Diamond R Accessories the other day though and he tells me this: "I have received about 8-10 of our center stands from the machine shop if you hear of anyone wanting one. These are ones that they had enough parts left after we quit carrying them to make complete stand. However, I will be out of pocket for about 6 weeks, I am having another knee replacement in the morning. After I get back up and around to where I can I will start putting them together." So contact Allen if you are interested.
  16. I just saw this bike show up in the forums random picture banner. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=big&p=2671 It belongs to BBrune. Not sure who he is really, but his RSV sure stands out. I kinda like it.
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