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  1. Have 1990 Venture. The CB comes on, it transmits and receives, but the volume is so low you can hardly hear it. Have checked all connections and they appear fine. When you turn on the CB, you hear it come on but volume is very low. The squelch works normally. Any ideas? The AM/FM and cassette have normal volume.
  2. I think my cb is out of tune. I can hear what people are saying pretty clear but everyone says they can not understand me to well. If we are sitting still and close together everything is fine but on the road it isn't. I have never tuned a CB so I know nothing about it. I do know that i have to set my squelch up high to like 18 or 20 so that I am not picking up other channels transmitting. When I ask the other riders if they hear the other channels they always say no. If anyone can help me out with this thanks.
  3. I'm needing the control knob for the Squelch Control on the CB. I think the Off/On volumn CB control knob is the same. If anyone has one to sell please PM me.
  4. I enjoy on occasion running my CB and chatting with some truckers, or even just listening in. Makes time go by. Problem is I get so much static. If I run the squelch setting up to stop static then the CB has to be within sight to talk or listen in. What is the range for these? I work with handheld radios that will talk 5 miles or more to each other. Just curious if possibly I have an antenna issue, or are they just like this?
  5. Hope you can help me, i have an 2000 venture and have had this problem for some time, i will be talking fine on the cb and when i am not i will get this loud white noise static noise ,over the head sets and over the speakers depending what it is switched, very annoying and my riding buddy says he can hear it over his cb also, any ideas, also sometimes i have to turn the squelch up all the way. it is speratic and does not due it all the time. i do not know where to start. also when ever i talk there always seems seems to be back ground static, thanks for the help..
  6. When I use the CB (which is most of the time on group rides) I get interference/static on a regular basis. The radio will be silent and then a loud Static type noise. The talk indicator comes on as if someone is transmitting but no one in the group is. I have had the squelch all the way up and it still happens. It's very irritating. Any ideas what the cause is.
  7. How do I adjust the squelch on my CB ? I've fiddled with the different settings but I can't find CB or Squelch Thanks
  8. Last year while riding the squelch on my CB quit working.Turning the squelch knob has no effect. Now when riding I have to either listen to radio or CB. If i turn on CB it over rides radio. Took CB out and checked all connections. Took bottom plate off CB to check internal connections all seemed good. Any ideas before I have to bite the bullet and buy another CB?
  9. jkt69

    CB usage

    Taking a road trip tomorrow. Are there general channels to go to for information and such? All I know about our CB is I make sure all bikes are on the same channel. Squelch, etc. I have no clue really how to get the most of it.
  10. GeorgeS, I took your advice and have been spraying everything I can find but... I can turn on the cruise; all the lights come on, but pushing "set" no longer works. It used to work, although it would fall out now and then and the "resume" light would come on. I would reset it and it would work again. It won't set at all now. I have checked the clutch lever, sprayed the "set-resume"etc slider, cancel button, but I have not yet taken all that stuff apart. I have also adjusted and checked the brakes and throttle cables. Running out of ideas:confused24: The radio... works great except in the helmets. The left earpiece works, right one just barely. Does it in all the helmets but it works thru the speakers great. I suspect it is in the amp or one of the wires to/from the amp(the one in the left fairing) but I guess it could be in the radio itself. Got any ideas:think: And last but not least, the CB squelch don't work. It xmits and rec. just fine, both thru the speakers and headset(just the left one-see radio above) but it is always wide open squelch. Has anyone ever replaced the squelch pot. in one of these CBs Take any help I can get... TIA
  11. I can not hear the CB when I turn it on. It powers up, channels change, keys up with the PTT but I have no audio. Does a mic or headset have to be plugged in to have receive? Also the squelch is open, so I know it isnt just being squelched out.
  12. I just purchased 2 sets of IMC headsets / mic. When I plug the passanger set in no problem the intercom and speakers sound great. The primary sat however, there is a squelch that would wake the dead. THe noise begins the instant I plug the cord in. I have tried all combinations of cords and headsets. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  13. Hi, I'm posting this in 1st gen tech and also the Audio forum. Sorry for the repeat, but I wasn't sure which would be best. My CB was working OK. I had dual short antennas. I recently switched to a single 3' Wilson Flex fiberglass antenna and a Firestik splitter, which should work better. I got it all hooked up and now the CB is stuck in receive mode whenever it is on. I disconnected the antenna and splitter and it stays in RX mode even with no antenna. It's like the squelch is turned to max sensitivity, but adjusting the squelch doesn't change anything (it used to function normally). It did work, now it doesn't. Timing is conincident with antenna change, but problem is independent of the antenna being connected. What could have happened? Second, I've read that the Firestik splitter/duplexer is very efficient for signal transfer. The CB, while stuck in RX mode, is successfully receiving signals. But they are stronger (voices sound louder) when the antenna is connected directly to the CB, compared to when wired thru the splitter? What gives? Does the "Matching" pot affect receive strength or just transmit? Thanks, Jeremy
  14. Hi, I'm posting this in 1st gen tech and also the Audio forum. Sorry for the repeat, but I wasn't sure which would be best. My CB was working OK. I had dual short antennas. I recently switched to a single 3' Wilson Flex fiberglass antenna and a Firestik splitter, which should work better. I got it all hooked up and now the CB is stuck in receive mode whenever it is on. I disconnected the antenna and splitter and it stays in RX mode even with no antenna. It's like the squelch is turned to max sensitivity, but adjusting the squelch doesn't change anything (it used to function normally). It did work, now it doesn't. Timing is conincident with antenna change, but problem is independent of the antenna being connected. What could have happened? Second, I've read that the Firestik splitter/duplexer is very efficient for signal transfer. The CB, while stuck in RX mode, is successfully receiving signals. But they are stronger (voices sound louder) when the antenna is connected directly to the CB, compared to when wired thru the splitter? What gives? Does the "Matching" pot affect receive strength or just transmit? Thanks, Jeremy
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