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  1. k I have a simple, I for some reason with most of my bike I alwasy go with the stock brakes but they always tend to squeak and I'm tired of that. Can someone tell me what are the best breaks that dont squeak for the Venture. thank you :thumbsup:
  2. So i keep my bike outside due to no garage or shed. In the winter I will be keeping it under the cover all week till my polar bear rides on sundays. I have noticed a few problems and wonder if anything is serious. My starter button needs to be hit a few times before it angages. no click . its just that the switch. i will dissasemble and clean and lube. the front wheel has been making a lobing squeak. noticeable at a gas station when doing 5 MPH squeak squeak squeak. faster as I go faster. i didnt think anything of it until I got into a heavy lean last night where I didnt want to accelerate anymore and I heard no squeaking but an undescribeable sound comming from the wheel when I turned right. Could this be my wheel bearings going or do they need to be lubed. There was less noise when leaning to the left and nothing when going straight down the road except for the SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK
  3. Squeak when I turn right ? I have had squeaky brakes before but never just on a turn and in just one direction ?
  4. I would like a little help diagnosing this sound and determining if I need to do something about it. I first noticed a squeak that seemed to go with wheel rotation at very low speeds a few days ago. I put the bike up on a lift, pulled off the calipers and spin the front wheel. What I find is that the wheel spins more freely than the back one and makes no noise unless I spin it very very slowly. Then there is a little squeak/groan sometimes (no grinding, just a squeak) - but it does not occur at the same wheel orientation every time it happens. I hope this is a reasonable enough description... My question is is this a sign that the front wheel bearings are going? Is there a better way to check the bearings? If it is not the bearings what else could it be? Oh yea; I've read through everything I could find under front wheel squeak, front wheel bearings, wheel bearings, etc. and nothing described what I am experiencing. My apologies if this is something that has been discussed before... Thanks a lot for your help. - Rick
  5. My front forks have an annoying squeak in them. This seems to be constant, every up and down motion produces this squeak. Can't hear it when I'm riding (the CHIRP drowns it out!) but when getting on or off, or particularly when working on the bike...every movement seems to produce the squeak. Aren't the forks supposedly filled with oil? Why would they be squeaking like this? Any ideas? Joe
  6. I got on my 2007 RSV this AM to come to work and notice when the forks compressed there was a squeak. Sounds kind of wierd. any thoughts? Eddie
  7. where can i buy a hitch at. are they available online. anybody expriencing a rattle sound maybe from the rear. sounds kind of like a disk pad rattle or squeak but thats not what it is. i have a 2008 venture.
  8. I have a squeak in divetrain of 91 venture royale.It sounds like a squeak you get in u-joint of car,speeds up and slows with speed of bike. Someone indicated the is a auto ujoint the will replace the $100 yamaha part for much cheaper. Can anyone help with the part and/or suggests as to cause of noise if it wouldnt be u-joint? Thanx in advance
  9. Just got my bike running and can now tell that there is a problem with the clutch. It has had a squeak as long as I have had the bike but was unable to tell where it was and what was causing it. My clutch had started to slip so I put two flex plates in the clutch to stiffen it up and now I can tell that the squeak is coming form the clutch area. With the clutch released, the squeak is real loud, but when you pull the clutch lever, the squeak goes away almost completely. Any Idea what is causing it and how hard to fix it will be? All help will be appreciated. Thanks
  10. I posted before about a noise in my 87 venture, 38,000 miles, but would like to get a little more information if possible. I am new with the v4's, have only owned mine for about 3500 miles. It has a squeak or a chirp that is quite noticable at a idle but goes away or turns to a whine as soon as I bring the rpm's up to over 1000. The noise seems to be there with the clutch in or out, but does seem to change a little. I need to repair the clutch as it started to slip when not fully warmed up. Using a stethascope it sounds like the sound is coming form the back of the engine, loudest on the back valve cover or in the clutch area. I have all the body panels, bags, and the trunk off and have repaired all cracks in them so this would be the time to pull the engine if needed. Wonder if it could be the timing chain or a bad chain adjuster, and how would I check that? Also what is the chirp that is talked about? If needed I could try to get a sound track of the noise and post it. All help is appreciated!!!
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