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  1. I got a call from Mary on the arrangements for Mark. There will be a memorial service on Tuesday at the Biltmore Christ Temple, 260 Fairview Road, Asheville, NC. 28803 at 6:30 pm. There will not be a viewing as Mark is to be cremated. She is trying now to get some pictures together for display. I suggested she may be able to get some pictures from here and have copies made. We talked about what Mark had expressed and she said he had earlier stated that he wanted his ashes spread on the beach in Pensacola FL and some to be spread at their favorite riding roads, such as the Blue Ridge Parkway. I suggested that we may be able to put a group together for a ride on the BRP and have a Memorial service there also. Mary has expressed that in lieu of flowers, she could really use any donations. I do not have a PayPal account for receiving money and if someone else would like to take care of this, it would be greatly appeciated. Mary has given me her phone number and if anyone would like to talk with her, please let me know and I will give you her number. I want to say again that Mark was really a great guy. He had a great presence of being a big kid. He was always smiling and had a fun personality. He absolutely loved this site and the people he had met. As I said earlier, I was not sure what I was going to be able to do about putting together an Asheville Rally and Mark stepped up and did a great job. He must have taken a weeks vacation so he would be there early to be able to meet everyone coming in. Mark will be missed. His last name is Hopey RandyA
  2. Anyone here ever hear of a gas tank building so much pressure in it that it actually spread apart causing the front of the tank to spread out and pop off the front mounts?I parked my Venture and my son's Venture outside the shop yesterday temp outside was 90 degrees and my son's tank had swelled up and spread apart.There is about a two inch gap between the tank mount and where it bolts to the frame.The guy he bought it from told him if he is riding and it starts to run like crap to just push down on the gas cap and it will quit running bad and that worked he said he kept getting a strong gas smell and so he thought a relief valve was installed wrong so he took it off and turned it the other way.I am guessing that was a vent and him turning it around caused the pressure to not vent out.Does anyone know where that vent valve may be located and where a guy may find a good used tank?Thanks
  3. I have an 84 VR, and am wondering how many had the same mirror base. If enough people were interested, I am looking to have the base moulded, so I can mount any mirror. If you read this and are interested, can you spread the word (this could be cost effective)
  4. http://www.peanutbutter.com/Recall.html
  5. If you are the kind of person who has a reaction to Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac-whatever... Basically, if you get a rash (contact dermatitis) from any of those, in case you didn't already know- It's caused by "urushiol" found on the leaves. Once you've touched it, you have about an hour or less to wash it off THOROUGHLY, or get ready for the tin weeping blisters to come along... Anyhow, if you like Mangos... Be careful. I found out this weekend that Mangos caontain Urushiol in the skin, stem, and leaves of the plant. I ate a mango (skin on) last Thursday, and I looked like Jospeh Merrick byt Sunday. A shot in the keester of steroids didn't help, so now I'm on a 12-day prednisone reginmen... Also while I'm in here, I might as well clear up some other things about Urushiol (poison): 500 people could itch from the amount covering the head of a pin. 1 to 5 years is normal for urushiol oil to stay active on any surface including dead plants. Burning poison ivy leaves is a BAD idea, as urushiol becomes airborne, and WILL get on you. Rubbing the rashes won't spread poison ivy to other parts of your body (or to another person). You spread the rash only if urushiol oil -- the sticky, resinlike substance that causes the rash -- has been left on your hands. Popping the blisters will NOT cause anything to spread.
  6. Just replaced clutch disks and clutch lever is tight and will not squeeze. I may have squeezed it while the disks where off and no pressure plate or retainer screws where in place. What do I do? What would have this thing hemmed up to where clutch will no work? I am stumped!!! Would someone please spread some great clutch knowledge my way? You guys are great!!Thanks!!!!!!
  7. We are going to be at site 20 and will be camping in our little camper. We also have more tents and air mattress if anyone wants us to bring them. Since we are fairly close by, we are going to bring the car, trailer and camper and bike. So if you have not made plans and would like to stay at our campsite, just come on down. They are pretty big and there will be plenty of room spread out between us all. Just let me know what you would like me to bring. It won't cost you anything...well, maybe a cold drink. RandyA
  8. Use caution when ordering these extra wide clamps from Choppercycle. If you look at the pictures (use Link) you will see a raised rib portion on the inside of the clamp. The raised portion of the clamp makes the clamp too small to allow the muffler to fit unless you spread the clamp open. If you spread the clamp open it will fit over the muffler but because of the extra thickness the rib presents it wil not tighten down properly on the exhaust pipe. If you want to use these clamps you will need to grind this raised portion of the clamp down. This took me about 40 min each and I went through 6 dremal sanding dics. I didn't notice this when I ordered the clamps. They do look good however. http://www.chopperscycle.com/page/VTS/PROD/42-264/24032
  9. There's been a lot of technical discussion & suggested fixes for this "phenomenon" which seems quite common on 1st gen's. No doubt some have cured the problem with one or more of these fixes. I just found another fix which I don't recall having been mentioned. (and this one is highly technical so pay close attention) I would notice a wobble (as though the rear end was swaying side-to-side) and was gonna come loose from the front end around 165 km/h (you all know the symptom I'm talking about-right?) Last evening, I was cruising along, feet on the highway pegs, legs spread open to grab air (it was a very hot evening)...I cranked it up...165...170...175...180...185... hey!!! where'd that wobble go? I brought my knees in closer to the bike and there it (the wobble) was....hmmmmm I thought... spread my legs open again and the wobble went away. So there you have it... create some wind drag and it helps "balance" the wobble! That'll be $100 please!
  10. OK, I'm starting to wonder if it's just me or this problem is more wide spread than first thought. Some of you may remember me posting a few months ago about sidewall checking on the Avon Venom X AM41 tire I had on the '83VR. To make a long story short, Avon waranteed the tire. Now the replacement tire is starting to check, not as bad as the first tire, and I'm wondering if any other Avon Venom users are having or had the same problem with their Avons?? It's either I'm really screwing up somehow and doing something wrong, or this problem is more wide spread than first thought.
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