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  1. So the other day, my headlight refuses to come on after the bike starts. It has happened before, but it has always resolved itself. This time...nothing. Good thing I have fog lights. So I start taking things apart. I thought it might be the HID light I just installed but a standard H4 refused to light as well. Long story shorter; it was the starter switch. It was refusing to return all the way after use. There is a tiny gap between the spot where the light turns off and the starter lights. It was stuck in that spot. It would start but wouldn't light the lights. A little lube and all is well.
  2. Folks I need some help here. Rode today 2 up for the first time on my RSV and it killed me. Not the handling so much. My problem is when she mounts and dis-mounts. I cant hold the bike up. We made one stop and come home. It took everything I had to not drop it twice and by then I was used up. Her getting on first makes it very hard to stand the bike up, but easier on me a little. However when needing to have her get off in order to get into a park spot or for whatever reason i simply cannot hold the bike up. Im not so sure I did not pull something in my wrist saving the bike. Her short legs dont allow much for her to anything any different, but someting has to change or I am going to be totally spent before we leave for a ride.
  3. I've got an exhaust leak right out of the rear cylinder on the right side. Took off the clamp and saw the metal ring somewhat rusted, so it doesn't fit tightly any more. I would like to fix this without taking the whole bike apart. Someone suggested JB Weld. I've used it before in different applications, but not in such a hi-temp spot. Will it work where the exhaust is coming through at its hottest? Is there some kind of RTV caulk that will stand these temps?
  4. So we stop for brunch in Hope, BC. This is a major cross-roads from the Vancouver Lower Mainland to the interior and all points north and east. It is a favourite stop for bikers, and there must have been forty bikes in the Home Restaurant parking lot. I was parked in a spot with three other bikes. While finishing the meal, one of the Coast Riders members who was outside rushed in and called to me. A Numpty in a truck had reversed into my bike. "I didn’t see the bike", he said. 40 bikes in the parking lot! Four bikes in the parking spot, and he hit the biggest! He didn't look! He must have walked past the bikes on his way to get into his truck. His tow bar engaged with the front fender, bending it onto the tire. He moved the bike back a foot (you could see the gouge in the pavement), and bent the kick stand, but the bike stayed up, and did not hit any of the others in the spot. We ended up removing the fender, and beat it into some sort of shape so that I could continue the ride. Thanks to another Biker in a truck who had the tools and experience to do that job! I am waiting to hear back from my insurance company, and get the bike FULLY checked out by the dealer... in case he bent something else. He did bend the wind deflector a bit, and scratched the right fork (quarter inch chip in the chrome. Looks minor, but I am concerned. The bike felt fine on the ride, but I am wondering whether there is anything else specific I should be looking for? Here's a [ame=http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150963511021784]video[/ame]!
  5. Skid

    Hey Lewis

    I still got one spot left, I sure I get to fill it next year. I haven't missed one yet. [ATTACH]70484[/ATTACH]
  6. I'm riding from Seattle area to Southern California area and was wonder if any one with a Spot GPS would consider loaning/renting theirs out. They are about $100 for the Spot and about $100 for a 1 year subscription. I don't think I would use it that much else I would consider purchasing one. I'm leaving next Sat (16th June) early morning.
  7. Just kind of wondering since i can't find a bleed spot or maybe i'm just missing it. Little help for a newbie:thumbsup:
  8. I have a set of Yamaha Driving Lites and would like to replace the sealed beam bulbs with Halogen or better sealed beam bulbs. I would like to keep the wattage down to 35/36 watts. I have looked at some sites and they have them but they show flood, wide flood, spot, narrow spot, etc. Which kind is the best for the driving lights. Can you please advise what type you think I should be looking for. I am basically looking for the best light possible with a straight replacement lamp and still using the Yamaha lite bar holders. I have searched the sites and have sent a private message to one of our members but I know technology changes daily and possibly someone has tried something lately that works well. Thanks Dana
  9. As some of you know that I am in the middle of a HO Stator up-grade and today I was prepping the Stator Wires to Solder, But my thought was why did Yamaha place this Connetor in the most DIRTY Weatherd, Oily, Messy Spot on the bike ?.. I just can not get over how much grime and dirt was ON and IN the Connector when I cut it off. There is no way I would ever put a conneter back into that spot agian... If I knew this in the past I would have already got rid of the connector on the stock stator and hard wired it. what a MESS. This has to wreck havic on the charging system I would think. maybe Goose can chime in about this? I also am replacing the R/R as well and that connect was also very dirty. not as bad though. Jeff
  10. Having visited Boquillas Canyon, I found this interesting. U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Entry With Mexico I'm not sure what the impact will be, besides making this spot less desirable to visit. Already you can't visit the canyon without being harassed by vendors. On the other hand, it would be a pretty good spot to start the Ironbutt Border-to-Border Insanity, if it is a vehicle crossing. Dave
  11. So my cousin calls this morning and says "Lets go to lunch!" It's a beautiful day, I'm not needing much encouragement to get out of the office and on the bike for a bit, so we agree on where to meet. As I pull into the parking lot a red Porche accelerates hard around me and cuts across my front into the parking spot I was aiming for. I stop, watch a dumpy looking little guy in a "Porche" jacket that matches his car perfectly get out and look around. He sees my glare, apparently doesn't want to talk about it, and heads into the restaurant. I find another spot and head inside. As I enter I see Mr. Porche leaning over a table making conversation with a fairly attractive woman. I don't really want to mess him up so I pass by behind him. As I pass the woman looks up and says "Your bike looks like fun! Wanna take me for a ride?" I turn toward her and say "Sure - when?" "Right now!" She pops up, links her arm through mine, and starts for the door. Mr Porche is bristling like a terrier, trying to interrupt. "What about your boyfriend?" I ask. (This is moving rather faster than I had anticipated.) And she smiles happily: "He's not my boyfriend. He's just some jackass that thinks he can pick me up because he has a cute little car." That gets a laugh from a bunch of people at nearby tables. Mr. Porche's beet red face vanishes in the direction of the washroom, and my cousin and I hop on and ride to a different restaurant for lunch...
  12. I'm pretty good about riding with a helmet, mostly because I like tunes as I ride. Tonight I'm away from home assisting tomorrow in the MS150 ride for Multiple Sclerosis, I went to top off the tank and could hear some minor rubbing on the rear brake rotor (only in one spot, not all the tme) Do you think opening the reservoir or the brake line bleeder valve solve the issue? Dave
  13. Condor

    Spot 1 ?

    There's a fellow locally who is selling a SPOT 1 for $45 bucks. Do I want it?? What are my options??? Need a little wisdom feedback.
  14. Got the rear coil pair relocated. There wasn't room for them up front any more due to the repositioned battery box. They look close to head and they are, less than an inch above. But this was the best I could come up with. Other decent spot put them close to the rear header pipes. This takes care of the main relocation of the parts at least. Battery box post is at link, if you want to see it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=58658 Gary
  15. Well I am sure that you all will tire of my questions before long but I have a few more here for you. First The head light, sometimes the low beam works and sometimes it don't. Thought it was the start button but have gone through that with the help of Dingy's thread on it and still have the problem. I have power at the switch all the time(when not pressing the starter) but not all the time at the light. Second one here, it had a full tank of acient gas (paint thinner now) that I was able to get most siphoned out, but there is about 1/2 gallon that I just cant get to. Will a can of sea-foam put in with fresh gas be OK? Third, I have seen it posted to relocate the TCI to a more accessible spot for future reasons, however when I set it up above the battery the cover will not go on. Can I mount it in the fairing? Fourth, I found at Oriellies a 12 spot spade fuse box, my current one has 6 (I believe) Should I stay with a smaller one or can the 12 spot one work (hope so it is being discontinued and is only $10). I think that is about it for now. Thank You, Shaun
  16. 09 venture. I need a non working or just cheap un used cassette. I want to take my time and study it. I have a idea to do something but do not want my cassette spot open untill I get it finished.
  17. I have a used, from ebay oem power outlet coming. My plans are to find a nice, clean spot and wire it directly (FUSED) to battery for 2 purposes. I will use it for the obvious such as cell charger or whatever, but my second thought is to use it for my maintainer plug. Dual purpose outlet. Thoughts?? Suggestions?? I have a spot figured out already, and have the maintainer.
  18. I was getting ready to buy a SPOT II, and went to their homepage to check the annual subscription. That's when I saw the notice of the upcoming SPOT Connect. The SPOT Connect pairs with your [Android] smart phone to enable you to send SMS and short emails over SPOT's satellite system. On close inspection, it doesn't look that different than the SPOT II functionality. The difference is that the interface comes from your phone. It connects using Bluetooth; not sure how having this paired with my phone will work when my phone is paired to my helmet. It is available only for Android 2.0 or later; unfortunately for you Apple and Blackberry fanboys, they are targeting smart consumers. The SPOT Connect is available at the end of January. Pricing [at REI] seems to be the same as on the SPOT II. Not sure about data plans. Anyone hear any buzz on this? Dave http://findmespot.com/images/spot_connect/connect_prod.png
  19. So I had a new Dunlop E3 Front tire mounted and balanced. For the record the date code is 3707 and came from Tucker Rocky via my Independent local dealer. Been riding everyday to work to scrub the tire in and was noticing a a very mild hop or bounce. Its most noticeable around 40 mph and originally thought it was road surface, but noticed it on different roads and surfaces. Its more obvious on decel. Given that I hadn't noticed this ( or remembered it) with the OEM Bridgestone front with 16k miles, I thought it was odd. Theres is 1 1/2 ounces of weight on the tire, in close proximity to the valve stem. Yesterday, after the bike sat up over night, I jacked the bike up, spun the front wheel and could see a notable flat spot in the tire, with the naked eye just using the fender tip as a reference. Spun it several times and marked the spot with blue tape. Today, with the weight off the front wheel for 24 hours, I could not find the flat spot as easily as yesterday (other than the blue tape). So I set up a reference bar across the tread supported by bricks. When I spin the tire, the difference between the tire touching the bar and not is about 1/16" The 1/16" Gap is still where the blue tape is. I haven't marked the start and stop points for touching and gap, but it touches for a portion of the rotation and there is a gap for a portion. I stop rotating when I perceive the gap to be widest and that's the 1/16" point. Would this tire be considered out of round? Should I do this test with the tire warmed up? (Although the hop doesn't seem to go way with the tire warmed up or after riding awhile) Folks with E3's, do you notice the tires flat spotting if you let the bike sit? Thanks, RSTDdog
  20. http://www.twtex.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50620 BeemerBob was out on a ride by himself and hit a washout. Went down hard and probably cracked a couple ribs. Thanks to his SPOT, they were able to find him and bring him to safety. His cellphone had no service. He hit the "help" button and people responded. Even if you were to crash and couldn't hit the "help" button, you can still be tracked through the GPS signal and google maps.
  21. plainmd

    Spot Gps

    I have seen that some use the spot gps for others to track there locatoin on long trips....Is there anyone that can fill me in on the ins and outs of this item.
  22. Just got a small catalog in the mail and had H-D, metric and Goldwing in it. I know not for everyone but I kinda like it. Now if they could do the same thing for the Venture and also have them for the spot lights and turn signals.... Halo
  23. And it has me concerned. We went out for a day trip to Whistler, BC. Nice place if you've ever get the chance. Making a couple stops I noticed a wet spot after backing out of a parking spot. Not a little amount of clear liquid. I didn't examine it any more than to look at it from the back of the machine. But it looked like water. Kinda like when an air conditioner leaks under a car on hot days. It seems to have stopped now...but it has me worried! Should I be?
  24. I stopped by Cycle Gadgets.com today while passing through Eureka Springs and I picked up a RAM mount for my SPOT unit so now I consider my handlebars FULL. Don't you agree? Dennis
  25. We're leaving Sunday for a 2 week ride through MO, AR, OK, TX, NM, CO, WY, SD, IA, IL, IN, & KY. I'll be travelling with 4 other bikes so if you see a group of bikes with a Venture, Tour Deluxe, Gold Wing, and 2 Harleys go by give a wave or shout out to us. I'll be carrying a SPOT unit so if you care you can follow our progress at http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=6473 It should map a new point on the map every 10 to 20 minutes. Dennis
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