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Found 9 results

  1. I have read as many threads as I can on this subject. All talk about "cleaning" the splines. 1) What chemicals/towels etc do I "clean the splines with? 2) Amounts- I am confused by how much Moly 60 to use. I have read somebody saying to use a drop on each spline. The picture that is referenced below is certainly more than that. I'm concerned about putting too much. 3) I am assuming the pumpkin is on the opposite side of the spline. I'm concerned about getting this thing off and not getting it back together. I have a 10 year old bike with 35,000. Is this something that I could watch someone do at a maint day and with a bike with only 35,000 am I in any short term danger if I just grease the splines I can see? Paranoid newbie
  2. This is the first bike that I've owned that has a heal toe shifter. I have been riding it using just the toe but trying the heal every once in a while. It's very uncomfortable because the heal is so high when the toe is where is like it. I removed the inside belcrank and lowered the heal and it was better for up shifting. The toe was then to high to be comfortable. I started looking at other bikes (mainly HD) and most of their shifters are 2 piece with a spline that allows both the heal and toe to be adjusted separately. Does anyone make a shifter that is more adjustable or flatter than the stock heal toe? I’ve read other posts about cutting off the heal and that is not an option I want to take.
  3. Need new tires on my 07 midnight venture want to go with the Dunlop E3's or the Avon Venom. I know there are other threads but I was wondering if anyone has boughten tires lately and where's the best deal. When looking at other threads I don't think I could go wrong with either but whats your opinion. Also is there anyone near me, Appleton WI, that might have a tire changer that would be willing to give me a hand changing the tires as well as any other things that should be done while I have the tires off (I was really bummed that I wasn't able to make the maintanance day in WI this last weekend). One other thing are the tires we buy off the internet first quality tire my local dealer told me that places like Motorcyle super store and Denis Kirk are all selling second, tires with flaws, which I don't personally believe. I think that was his way to justify his price over $600 and that was for the standard oem replacements. Has anyone else ever heard of this UPDATE: Tell me what you think of this I went to a local shop that sells dunlop e3"s got a price of $325 installed I asked the about lubing the splines when they had the back tire off and they said it was unnessasary and all it does in make a mess and that they actually wipe off anmy lube on the spline if there is any. So what gives I've seen tech articles on this site on how to lube this spline so it makes me wonder if i should even consider this dealer what do you think Thanks Jeff
  4. While changing my back tire at MD, I took the time to grease my drive shaft spline. Good thing as it was dry. Now when I stop, it seams like my 88VR slips into neutral from 1st gear more easily than it did before. Before I greased the spline, it seemed to be more "sticky" when shifting into neutral. So, is this just my imagination or could a dry spline cause "sticky" shifting into neutral.
  5. I've got my 89 in pieces--it's winter and a great time to do Preventative Maintenance. I pulled the shaft drive apart to grease the front spline. Is there any reason for me to pull the shaft out of the gearbox and lube the rear spline?? Or is the designed lube flow (from the gearbox) just fine and never given anybody a problem?? If I pull it apart, do I just take the snap ring off and slide the washer off? Frank
  6. I took out the I basket and put the H basket today and when I put it back together I had a problem. The washer that fits between the clutch basket and the clutch boss went passed the spline that it sits in and is now resting on the shaft and spinning freely. I put everything else back together and it all fit correctly. I test drove it and all seems fine, but still puzzled about that washer..The I basket was getting way too loud. thats why I changed it back...Has anybody run in to this where the washer goes passed the spline..Thanks for the help...
  7. hi folks, i tore down the rear end today in preparation for new rubber, i pulled the drive shaft and the engine end spline was dry, my question is , is the rear spline lubed by the final drive oil, this is a 1988 venture royal, second question i also changed the fork oil, will the class system raise the front end when you pump it in manually, mine reads 22 psi when it cuts off, thanks in advance.
  8. I am going to remove my rear tire this weekend. Anything special I need to know on this? Any spring or other stuff will jump out at me and I won't know where it goes after it has jumped Once the tire is off, anything I should do? I think I have read somewhere to grease the spline and I saw different post on this that only confused me . How do I go about doing that? Any good "How To"? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  9. Hi Y'all, I'm changing my rear tire and have some questions. I've done the tire once before on this bike but don't remember noticing these things before. First, the grease between the wheel and final drive spline is NASTY. Now, I'm sure I put some fresh grease in there last time, but I must not have bothered to clean the old stuff out. Now it all looks like old stuff. That doesn't happen on my Virago - it always comes apart looking pretty good in there. What is your experience? Next, there is an oil seal in there in a strange place that's not in the parts diagram, and I think a PO fitted it. It's a standard, spring-backed double-lipped seal. If you have the wheel off and look into the female spline in the final drive (from the RH side), in the center there is a collar that protrudes 1/4" or so, maybe 3/4" in diameter. It's stationary (doesn't turn) and the axle comes thru it. The seal is fitted onto that collar. There is no bore for the OD of the seal to fit into. It appears the part of the rear wheel that houses the needle bearing sandwiches the seal against the backside of that female spline bore so that the seal turns with the wheel, and the seal surface rides on the stationary collar. What this would do (if it actually seals) is separate the grease in the needle bearing from the nasty grease in the spline area, which could be a good thing. Anybody else seen this in their bike? Finally, I pulled the final drive to lube the spline ends of the driveshaft. As in my Virago, it came out with the driveshaft attached. The manual shows the driveshaft staying in the swingarm, and pulling it separately. It also shows greasing both ends. Since mine is assembled, I can only see the forward end splines. What's up with that? Thanks in advance for your suggestions, and for bearing with my long post. Jeremy
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