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  1. I can't believe it man time flies when your having fun but it has been well worth the 12 bucks. So where do I send the next installment. Hope this next $12 doesn't cost me like the first one did. You guys are shameless when it comes to helping someone spend money on there scoot.
  2. While I have learned a ton of great information about my bike in this website it is the friendships that have come to mean the most to me. I have been needing to get out and spend a whole day of just riding and TDunc who I meet here and have become good friends with needed to do the same. It was great to get together and just spend the day riding. He shared with me some great roads he knew and I shared with him some great roads I knew. We left at about 10am and got back about 11pm. Both of our mental health situations have received a great dose of fixin. How truly special it is to be able to develop so many great friendships and share such joyful experiences doing something we all dearly enjoy doing so much. Thanks VentureRider.Org family. Ride Happy, Ride Safe
  3. Just for those of you wondering about Eagleye,Steve, he is fine..... I talked to him today and is doing well and enjoying retirement....... He just decided to take a step back from all the forums and spend more time fishing and whatever else he feels like doing...lol He said thanks for everybody's concern.... He said he would try to make it down to Wisconsin MD.......Hope he does........
  4. Hi Guys, I'm looking for any advice anybody might have about a good shop in the Denver area. I live in Florida but I keep my RSV at the GF's house out there and I don't have any experience with any dealers in the area. I'd like a good shop, preferably a Yamaha dealer, to go over my rear end. I just don't spend enough time out there to do it myself. I don't see any active members listed in the area, but if anyone has any knowledge to share I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  5. Just found this video about Buffalo and I wanted to share for those that might want to spend a little time in the area...
  6. I want to live my next life backwards! You start out dead and get that out of the way right off the bat. Then, you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day. When you are kicked out of the home for being too healthy, you spend several years enjoying your retirement and collecting benefit checks. When you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years or so, getting younger every day until pretty soon you're too young to work. So then, you go to high school: play sports, date, drink, and party. As you get even younger, you become a kid again. You go to elementary school, play, and have no responsibilities. In a few years, you become a baby, and everyone runs themselves ragged keeping you happy. You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, spa-like conditions: central heating, room service on tap. Until finally . . . You finish off as an orgasm. I rest my case.
  7. Happy Mothers day! Don't forget... Spend some time with "Mom" I'm going to spend the entire day with Amber my daughter, Penny my wife and June my mom. Will be going out to eat and will take them where ever they wish to go! Man it's going to be a LOooong day!
  8. Ok, if we are going to try to meet up, we need to give some detailed info on where we are coming from and what our plans are. My hopes at this time are: Leaving Johnson City, Tn at about noon on Thursday the 2nd and ride to Portsmouth, OH up US 23 to spend the night. This would be thru eastern KY. From there, on Friday morning, go up US 23 up to Dayton and hit I71 and up 58 into Oberlin. RandyA
  9. I emailed the U.S. consulate in Canberra, to ask if my ACROD disability permit would be recognised in the states. Answer was: "please check with each state you will be passing through :yikes: Crap! gonna spend more time checking that out than touring......... HELP:crying: can anyone find out over there please?:bowdown: [copy is of old permit]
  10. I am looking for a trailer hitch for an 86 VR if anyone knows someone who has one give me a buzz I do not want to spend the 250$ for a new one.
  11. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/RoutePlanning.png :cool10:
  12. $200 to spend on bike goodies, what would you spend it on?
  13. Well my Wife, Mrs saddlebum, and I have have been Married 33 years today. I first met her when because I was on crutches due to a motocross wipeout. With only a good left leg and three pedals in the car I was unable to drive up to my best friends place. so, he and his girl friend (who was my wifes cousin) arranged to have her pick me up to take me to his house. At this point I did not even know who she was, other than that she came up from St Louis, to spend some time visiting with her cousin. Next thing I knew we started dating, then marriage, then five kids and finally a grandson, At the rate I'm going I will be as old as Marcarl in no time. Other than getting old I have no regrets, I married a wonderful women, and cannot even imagine being married to anyone else.
  14. I will start restoring my 88 in about 3-4 weeks. I am going to need, at the very least, the faring...both sides and dash panels. I need to know what years will fit? Anyone here have them, i'd just as soon spend my money here.
  15. I want to put one on my first Gen. Don't want a leather bag! Don't want to spend a fortune either. What do you have....any with pics?
  16. So my 88 VR will be parted and sold to the best of my ability, as posted in the aftermarket TCI thread... It has a lot of chrome parts and extras on it. I was thinking about hosting a 1 day pick'n-pull for anyone who wants to come and 'vulture' it. this way the buyer can assist in removing the part as to not allow me to cause any damage attempting to remove it. If anything good is left I'll sell on ebay for what I can get it for or on this forum and scrap the rest. Don't want to spend the next 6 months on ebay.. Parts will still be sold indiviually but I'm hoping everyone will be fair about prices. I'm not looking to get rich by any means, just put a fraction of the $2k back in my savings... Of course, this could be a completely bad idea... Any thoughts?
  17. Anybody have any experience with these? I wear a half-helmet and these look like a really good option, but would like some feedback or reviews before I spend the bucks, if possible. http://wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail.php?categoryid=244&pgroupid=26740&goto=%2Fpgroup_list%2Felectronics%2F244_goldwing_Headset%2Fdes%2F
  18. Just got off the phone with Hannigan and set the date to trike the RSV! Drop it off Monday March 29th and pick it up April 2nd. We are going to spend the week down there and sightsee for the week. Any members around there? We are also thinking of spending a couple of days in Nashville...
  19. Publix has decided to put Dec. 7 as the islamic new year instead of Pearl Harbor Day. As an American, U.S. Army vet and the son of a WWII vet, this upsets me greatly. I will NEVER spend another penny in publix again. Hope you take your money elswhere too. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/publix.asp
  20. Sunday the 12th He will be at Deadwood in Willamston NC at 12 noon so if ya want to see him thats where he will be.I know for a fact that he will be in Afganistan again the following weekend so here is your chance to spend some time with him. Jeff
  21. Im not happy with my stock headlight. Thinking about a xenon or a hid conversion kit costs around 125.00. Any other bulbs i should try before i spend the money on one of these kits?
  22. My Gal has to attend the ANA conference in San Diego starting tomorrow. She will fly out. BUT I will take the Venture out on Tuesday (first leg 1200+ miles in one sitting) then we will attend the banquet on wendsday. Now the fun starts. From there to Reseda Over night, Then on to San Jose Up 101. Over Night. From there to Elko Nv Over Night On to Rock springs Wy Over Night. Next stop Colorado springs. Over Night. On to Amarillo Over Night. Last day back home in Beautiful Lipan Tx. About 3900 miles in ten days or so. Don't do the math we will use all ten days but don't know yet where we may spend more than one day. Any sugestions are appreciated. Near certain to spend at least an extra day in Colorado Springs. Pikes peak, Royal Gorge, Garden of the Gods. Hell May take Twelve Days who Can say.
  23. Not m/c related, but do any of you have a recommendation for a hand held camcoder? The wife wants to get one (to put onto a tripod) to tape her dance class, and I am thinking that getting one that would also then work on the bike - maybe even mounting the thing - might "kill two birds with one stone" - heehee. Don't want to spend a ton of money - went onto Amazon - and looks like they have a bunch under $350.00/$400.00 - but if I could even get on for slightly less than that - that would be cool as well. Thanks in advance for any feedback - input.
  24. I am in need of some instruction in welding. If anyone is a certified welder or instructor who would be willing to spend a few hours with me (for a fee http://www.patriotguard.org/desktopmodules/ntforums/images/emoticons/smile.gif ) please give me a call. 678-823-3003. Thanks.
  25. hey la give us an up date on your leg. are you coming to the hub? i have a campsite for us at vogel. think you will be able to ride down with me. i figure you can stop at my house, spend a night or two, and we will take off from here. i'm off work for the first two weeks of august. bill
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