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Found 8 results

  1. I ordered a SpeedoHealer, model SHv4, for my 07 RSV and got it installed today. Using a GPS, I did about 75 miles getting it calibrated just right. There is a disparity between the speedometer error and the odometer error, as others have reported. So, the choice then becomes, do you want accuracy of the speedometer, or the odometer, or, in my case, split the difference? I chose to bias the correction value to favor the odometer, with the speedometer error now being about 1-2 mph high, as opposed to before the correction, when it read about 7-8 mph high. My odometer reading is now off (low) by only a couple of tenths in 20 miles traveled, about a one percent error. This will probably equalize as the new tire wears in. Long story short: I ended up setting the correction factor on the SpeedoHealer to -05.5, which splits the difference nicely. At in-town speeds of around 30-50 mph, the odometer and speedometer error is almost not noticeable. At hiway speeds of 65-75 the full error is as previously stated, about 1-2 mph off. I can live with that! I started with a correction factor of -06.7, which had the speedo reading dead accurate with the GPS, as per the website calculator. There is a second setting that can be used in the SpeedoHealer, but I dont think I'll be needing that. The pushbutton for reading highest speed is kinda cool, it sweeps the speedometer needle across the face of the dial, and pauses for about 5 seconds at your highest speed. The unit is completely plug and play, and impressively small, about the size of a zippo lighter...very easy to hide under the seat. http://www.healtech-electronics.com/
  2. I went for a run on my 04 RSV with my GPS and noted how much the speedo was out then went to the online calibration page on the SpeedOhealer site and ran the calculator. I then installed the Speedohealer (took about 10 minutes) and set the calibration according to the numbers given. Took the bike back out with the GPS once again and it is dead on. Very pleased now to have the speedo showing true speed. Not sure exactly what that will do to my odometer but I can live with that. Also, I'm going to synch my carbs as well this weekend and that should pretty much be what was on my hit list for the bike before riding season gets under way that and put on a few decals I ordered way back in February. Just a bit of gold leaf decaling to add a bit of detail to the bike. I hope I don't mess that up and make it look lopsided. Weather finally looks like it is going to hit the double celsius digits this weekend - finally. Ride safe Chris in Red Deer, AB
  3. The question has been asked a few times if there was a gear indicator available for the Royal Star Venture and the Royal Star. I have been in contact with the same company that makes the Speedohealer and they do have one that will work on our bikes. I have been 100% pleased with the Speedohealer so decided to add the gear indicator also. This is a simple plug and play device that indicates what gear you are in. I just ordered one and will give a full report on it after I receive and install it but if this is something you have been interested in, you can find the information here. They told me that we should purchase from their USA Distributor: http://www.calsportbike.com/gpx but the manufacturers website is: http://www.healtech-electronics.com/ From the info they sent to me: The GIpro X-type will work great. Part number: "GIPRO-X-color + GPX-Y01" Where 'color' is either Red or Blue Price is $132.99
  4. Hi; Does anyone know of any sales, special coupons etc. that will allow me to buy a SpeedoHealer v4 for less than $114.99 ? Thanks; JohnB
  5. Installed the SpeedoHealer last summer. Speedometer originally read 8.5% high. I now have a GPS and find that the speedometer reads correctly. However, the odometer now reads 5% less than actual. Not a major drawback, but something to keep in mind.
  6. where do i get a speedohealer for my 05 venture. can someone give me the best place to get a new one?
  7. I couldn't find an article about installing a speedohealer on the site, but right on their site is an article. http://www.speedohealer.com/your_pics/royalstar/sh_install_royalstar.pdf
  8. I've had my 04 RSV for about a year and always suspected that the speedometer read a bit high. My suspicions were comfirmed on a recent trip to CA, when my GPS read 73MPH but my speedo read 80. I double checked by using a stopwatch and mile markers ans sure enough, it read about 10% high. I'm guessing that the odometer is also off by that much, but I haven't checked yet. Anyway, I looked around on the web and found the Speedohealer unit with a plug and play Yamaha harness for $94 (with free shipping). Seemed like a high price to pay to correct my speedo, but then I remembered how much my last speeding ticket cost. I have a heavy right arm, i like knowing exactly how much over the limit I am, and want my odometer mileage to be accurate. I bit the bullet and ordered one for Christmas. All I can say is that the installation was a breeze and the setup was equally simple. After I calibrated it using the formula on their website, my speedometer is accurate now to within 1MPH thoughout the range. Check www.speedohealer.com for details. Now that I've already spent the cash http://www.venturers.org/Forum/images/smiles/icon_cry.gif , I was wondering if I should have brought it to the dealer for a warranty speedometer repair instead. Anyone ever have any luck with that? Seems to me that 10% high is outside of the error spec for a new vehicle. http://www.venturers.org/Forum/images/smiles/icon_question.gif http://www.venturers.org/Forum/images/smiles/icon_question.gif
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