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When the wife and I went for our first ride on the new bike, two things were apparent. I was not happy with low speed handling and she was not happy with the rear shock. For the second ride, I had discovered (through this site) that the rear shock was pneumatic and required pressure and I ordered the appropriate air pump. Since the range in the manual called for 0 - 57 psig. I decided to split the difference and go for 30 psig. It turned out to be a good decision because not only did it improve the low speed handling, it also greatly improved the ride. My question is, what is everyone else running from solo to fully loaded?
Just curious how fast the motor should be running @85mph in 5th gear. Just got my bike on the highway for the first time and it turns 4000rpm @ 85 in 5th. That seems a little high to me, but then again, this is the first time I've ridden a Venture at highway speeds.
My 1300 sometimes at a constant throttle setting,seems to have a cylinder come to life and speed up and have more power-then in and out sometimes... Any thoughts tanks chris
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Best thing since sliced bread. Took longer to installed the bleeders then to do the job. Here are a couple pics of how bad my master clutch looked like. Ended up having to use paper towels and Q-tips to clean the sludge out of there. the speed bleeders made this so easy to do. It also helps if your remove the number one cyl fin to replace the bleeder. Last change was seven years ago. (way to long) With the speed bleeders I will change once a year from now on. [ATTACH]72443[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72444[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72445[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72446[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72447[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72448[/ATTACH]
might have been posted before but... You can smell the rubber burning as you watch. Must view on full screen. What a ride! What a driver!!! You’d have to wear Depends to ride with this guy! Betcha can't watch just once. It sounds like the little car is running reason it sounds like it is cutting out is because the rev limiter keeps the R.P.M.. from going too high and blowing the motor........the other popping sound is the wastegate on the turbo. Also note at the very end, the sparks coming from the rear wheel rims as the tires burn down ..
Who could help me to find a problem with my CC ? When I adjust my CC the speed goes down and the ajustment release.I need to reset all the time. As example, no brake, no clutch, fifth gear 100 klm an hour, I push on the button, the light is green and the speed goes down until 90 klm an hour and the adjustement fail. I need to push on the button to re-arm and the light comes green.. and the speed goes down until 90 klm an hour ..... What could do that ?
The doesn't work. If the bike runs a while the tach moves to about 1000 RPMs, but doesn't respond with engine speed changes. I have removed the gauge and it moves freely. Any thoughts.
Hi all, Have been reading the posts and hope you trikers can give me some info. Recently went from my '02 RSV to a '06 with a Tri-wing conversion. Fine, except it handles real heavy in the curves and tight turns. A bigger issue is the jerking of the bars on bumps at low speed. Seems to wobble and torque the handlebars when the rear hits a bump or rut. I know a rake job will help the highway steering, but will it cure the low speed jerking? I think the set up is o.k., P235/60R15 Goodrich radials on back and the smaller Avon MT90B16 on front. Run the rear airbags at 30 psi solo and 40 with passenger along with oem monoshock the same, as all hooked up to an onboard compressor. Appreciate any advice. Mark
From the invention of the motorcycle there have been two areas of riding that can be considered to be the extremes of the pastime. Those who want to ride them faster, and those who want to ride them farther. The way motorcycles are used in day to day activities varies from place to place. In the UK, and in much of Europe, the motorcycle was often the primary form of transport for working men and working class families. When I was a child we didn't have a car, our houses did not have garages. My Dad had an elderly BSA 650 with a Canterbury Double-adult sidecar. He went to work on it, took Mum to the stores, and we would use it for vacations traveling from the north of England to the South to visit with family. That was a journey of nearly two hundred and fifty miles. Dad on the bike, Mum and kids in the sidecar and it could take upwards of ten hours including driving right through central London. I guess my introduction to long journeys on motorcycles started at an early age. My first recollection of riding my own bike a long way was at age 17. I had a BSA Bantam D175. Even then that bike was older than me. I once rode it 450 miles in about sixteen hours ... maybe eighteen. Top speed was close to sixty miles an hour. Compared with what I ride now, that journey was tougher than any Bun Burner Gold or SaddleSore 1000, but I was young, and more than a little foolish. In the US motorcycles have pretty much always been leisure vehicles. Yes there are people who use them as transport, but in the UK they were principally transport and it led to different development paths for both bike and riders. I have friends who think little of riding eleven thousand miles in eleven days, and others who love their motorcycles just as much, but who wouldn't dream of riding more than a couple of hundred miles in one go ... a distance that wouldn't even come close to emptying my gas tanks, yet each is as valuable to the sport as the other. It would be a grey world if we were all the same. There are those who think that riding 1500 miles in under 24 hours is foolish, even dangerous, and others who can't comprehend what it takes to do such a thing but would like to hear more about it. To deal with the safety aspects briefly, because it is a subject we will come back to. Riding a motorcycle is not the safest way to get from A to B. That is reserved for aircraft We all ride, and we know the risks yet choose to accept them. We live in a risk-averse society, yet we also realise that life is a continual balance between risk and reward. We could quit riding motorcycles and take the truck, or SUV, but the price we would pay for that is too much for most to accept. On the other hand, let's not get stupid about it. I have a wife and lots of kids and wherever I roam, they want me back in one piece. So we are going to be looking at not simply how to ride a long distance, but how to do so in as safe a manner as possible. It is notable that the accident statistics for LD Riders are about the same as for all motorcycles. The accident severity is generally less because of the insistence upon All The Gear, All The Time (ATGATT). The other thing that should be said upfront is that LD Riding is not about speed. Every Certificate Ride on the IBA website can be completed within the posted speed limits in the US. Indeed, it makes sense to keep your speed at a moderate level because the stopped time for gas outweighs the time gained by speeding once the speed creeps up to 80mph and beyond. "Performance Awards" from State Troopers are unwelcome expenses and many Rally Masters will disqualify riders who pick up too many tickets. The safest, and least tiring way to make progress is to ride at the speed that has you doing the least work in terms of over-taking and being passed. On most roads that trends towards the speed limit plus a few mph. It varies from place to place. The real secret is not to ride fast, but to keep the wheels turning as much as you can. If you are riding with a friend at a steady sixty miles per hour and you stop for ten minutes, it will take you one hour at seventy miles an hour to catch up with him ... You see how that can work against you? On this site we have broadly two kinds of bikes. The "slow but new" and the "slightly faster but old". We have the first and second generation Yamaha Ventures. The first thing to note is that they are all quite capable of doing anything and everything I will describe in these articles. When we look at buying and choosing a bike, the Venture might not be the first or best choice, but they are the bikes we have, and they are quite capable. Before we get ahead of ourselves though, we need to look at why anyone would do this at all. It is part of the human condition to explore our environments and our personal limits. People choose to do that in any number of ways. Some seek maximum financial gain as a measure. I once heard a billionaire say that the money was irrelevant other than a way of keeping score! Folk run marathons, play sports, write books or find some other hobby in which they strive to excel. Endurance has long played a part in our make-up, and I choose to explore my own limits on a motorcycle. What I am sure of is that many of us need to do "something", because forever sitting on the sofa is simply akin to "waiting for God". There may be readers who do not wish to ride long distances, but simply came here looking for tips on how to make their chosen journeys more efficient or more comfortable. I hope we can help you too. Riding for Certificates, or simply bragging rights is a solitary pastime. It brings it's own rewards. I well remember watching my GPS tick over 1000 miles. I was on a 1977 Yamaha XS750. It was raining hard and about 40F. I was thoroughly wet, very cold and I was into hour 20. The mixture of misery and elation I felt as I counted down the last mile, in tenths, would earn me a fortune if I could bottle and sell it. Arriving home at end of Saddle Sore 1000 - March 2010 Beyond Certificate riding is a whole world of Rallying. These are like scavenger hunts on crack. The bonus is that you will get to meet many folk from all over the country in a spirit of fun and friendly rivalry. Again, the only prize is satisfaction. We will look at both. The principles are the same even for those simply going on vacation. You still have to manage the miles. You still want to be comfortable, well-hydrated and free of pain. The main difference is that generally the time pressure is removed and you are free to relax and stop where and when you fancy. ** I may edit this. A limitation of the Forum is that I can't save a draft so if it appears to grow in length, or sprout pictures you might want to scan through for stuff I added Part Two: Part Three:
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Went to my local Steeler today to see if they had speed bleeders and they did not same as with all the local auto parts stores, however they said they use a little tool that works great but they had just sold the last one. When I was getting ready to walk away one of the service guys said he had just bought one for the service dept but if I needed it he would sell it to me for half price since it was now used and he could get another one next week. Brought it hone and it worked great, still plan on getting speed bleeders but this will make a nice addition to my tool kit. [ame=]Motion Pro Mini Bleeder 08-0482 : : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Just heard that State Route #130, a toll road between San Antonio and Austin, TX, are changing the speed limit to 85 mph! Now that should be a good way to clean out your carbs! Yama Mama:225::225:
Got about 1500 miles on them. Wearing pretty good. I wore out a set of E3's in 7000 miles and hoping I can gets some more out of these. Been reading the reports on chunking, most seems to be about 4 years old. I will keep an eye on them and keep them at max wall pressure. Other than that I think they are much quieter than the E3's and turning at speed is much easier too.
What is the top speed in each gear with factory rev limiter. I don't have a tach on this bike which is a bit aggravating. I've read a bit on here and people complain about the gearing on these bikes. Mine has plenty of power in 4th and 5th. If I'm over 50mph I'm in 5th. I am the third owner of this bike and it has 84000 miles on it. I believe it was still on the original clutch. It was in good shape when I replaced it with upgraded spring. I figured I'd do it all since I could get my Yamaha parts at cost. If i'm running over 60 I just twist my wrist to pass. I know it has K&N filters but don't know what else hase been done. It had some slash out pipes that I think were Highway Hawks but not sure because there were no markings on them. I found a set of factory pipes with tips with about 2000 miles on them. I put them on and like how the bike cruises at higher speeds now. With other pipes it sounded like the bike was overtaching. I haven't checked speed with gps yet but it buries the 120 on digital spedo and does it fairly quickly. I can bury in both 4th and 5th. I've learned it doesn't like to go around turns quite that fast though. Guess that is where my Magna spoiled me.
I put on a new 404 today on the front---WOW--- what a diff settled down my groove following, handling etc.. However still a slight high speed wobble, and when slowing down if i let go for a sec wobble wobble none of my other bikes have done this.
Anyone have experence with putting on a dampner? These shock type dampners look like a deal for speed wobble if they can be put on a Ist gen. I've had bikes over the years with them, but didn't pay attention how they mounted them. They were factory. Hoss
Still having issues with a wobble in front end of 2007 RSTD with 93K KLM (57K miles). Have new front tyre balanced and fitted, new steering head bearings and everything seems nice and tight. Wobble happens at about 40kph (25mph). Not noticable whilst accelerating/braking but if speed is constant in a straight line and smoth road wobble develops. Seems OK at higher speeds. Any suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated.
Road Route 28 yesterday from NC to GA to SC and what a great road, I think the only sraight part is through Highlands NC till you get to Clemson SC. Lots of great things to see especially some great waterfalls. Was a fairly easy ride relaxing pretty much constant twisties. Great little ice cream shop in Highlands, the road is narrow and the posted speed limit is 35 and 45 most of the way but if you get out of 3rd gear you are probally going too fast for the curves any way
Rode 3 hours in the rain today. I actually enjoyed it...but then I'm a sick puppy. I enjoy riding period! CRUISE CONTROL WORKS! WOOOO HOOOO!!!! All it was was the hose came off the pump or whatever in the lower right faring. It does seem as if it drops about 7 mph from the "SET" speed before the cruise actually kicks in. I have to hold the Accel. to bring it back up to the desired speed./ Any thoughts on that?
Installed a Speedohealer on my RSTD this morning. I began the process about 10:15 with a quick ride with the GPS to verify my indicated speed vs actual speed. I found I was 6 MPH off at 60. (60 actual but indicated 66) Returned to my garage and installed the unit. Really easy. I had the installation done by 11AM, programmed the unit and went for a ride. After a couple of minor tweaks, my speedometer is spot on with my Garmin GPS. It's so nice to know I'm running the speed that's indicated on the speedometer. I would certainly recommend this mod to others interested in seeing the proper speed displayed rather than estimating where they think they are. Great product and easy install. Ride safe.
I just got my Diamond R leveling links and they work great as advertised. Low speed handling greatly improved, must easier initiating turns at speed. Push pressure on the bar greatly reduced when getting the bike to turn in, I feel like I'm back on my old Honda ST 1300. The seat height is maybe a 1/2'' higher, don't really notice it. Thanks to Rick Butler for designing them, and to Diamond R for their craftsmanship and great service. Ron:cool10:
Anyone knows approximately the speed of an MKII at low redlined and high redlined in each gear?
I just installed a speed bleeder on my clutch bleeder. The resevoir was empty....don't know why. I am assuming I need to crack it open a 1/2 turn or so to bleed it. I am getting all kinds of fresh fluid into my vacume bleeder...and I hear what sounds like a sucking sound and saw lots of bubbles. the bubbles stopped and I"ve filled the vacume resevoir twice already ....but my clutch isn't getting any better! I tried closing the nipple and seeing if the vacume dropped...indicated a poor hose connection...but it doesn't, so everything is nice and tight. So why can't I get more clutch?? a quick answer would be appreciated I've already lost a few good riding oportunities!!!!!!
I have a 1942 belt drive, Atlas Lathe that I completely rebuilt, and is my pride and joy. The 70 year old, 1/2 HP AC motor that came with the lathe, has finally "gone to heaven", just this past weekend. I would like to put a DC motor, and variable speed controller on this lathe, and bring it into the 21st century. I DO NOT have a very good understanding of DC motors, or the controllers. Could someone PLEASE help me with the selection of a motor and controller? Or, if you have a motor and controller, and would like to trade for some upgraded parts, or S.S. Brake Lines, or good old American cash. I really could use some help with this project. I know I can purchase a new AC motor, but the thought of changing the speed on this lathe, by twisting a knob, is very high on my "Must Have" list right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Earl
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