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  1. I am really enjoying my recently acquired 83 Venture Royale. I believe the radio speakers and in desparate need of replacement. Can someone tell me what size replacement speakers I need to get? I don't want to take the fairing apart to see because I want to ride the bike up until I'm ready to do the speaker swap. Thanks!
  2. Hey guys finally got all my speakers installed abd they sound great! I did however manage to lose two of those bolts that hold the speaker in place. They're kind of a special bolt and I'm wondering if anyone knows where to find these? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello guys, I'm a newby Venture owner. I just purchased a really nice 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale and it is a great bike. The only thing missing on the bike is the cover for the sound pick up on the radio. I don't know exactly what it is called but it picks up wind speed or road noise or something that makes the volume increase on the radio. Is there any place to get a replacement part or is there any ideas of something I could use as a substitute??? Thanks Steve
  4. I installed a set of polk 401s and Alpine ktp-445u amp and it sounds alot better. I know some people installed these components and didn't have very good results.I noticed if you follow the shop manuals wiring diagram its wrong . It has the left front speaker polarities reversed which of course would cause poor sound. Just thought some people would be interested .
  5. I posted this in the audio thread but wanted to throw this out here and see if anyone had the same issue. I just picked up my 85 and installed a new set of 100W speakers since the old ones sounded like the cones were dried out. Well that was a waste of time and money. The new ones sound the same. It is very distorted and the bass and lower frequencies are the worse. The volume also appears to be very high. What would make the system distort and sound like broken speaker mebranes. Sounds the same with AM/FM/Casette. I do not have headsets. I do notice that when I walk around the bike with the radio on that the FM signal varies. Not sure how to improve that as well. AM/FM switch on the control unit does not work. I have to turn the radio on and off and then sometimes it changes between AM/FM.
  6. There are couple on eBay, but seeing if any members have an extra they would like to sell. Also looking for a air vent by the speaker right side when sitting on bike. Let me know , bags 84 VR 120k brought back from the dead.
  7. Well I got the clutch bled properly, checked the air pressure in the tires and went for a ride. The class is acting up...I have to press on the connection from behind to see the display..but other than that it seems to be working OK. Went for a 1/2 hr ride and changed the oil and filter (I know ....that should have been done BEFORE it was stored) Does anyone have a set of chrome speaker trim? I think they were from Ventureline.....just an "outline" of the speaker grill in chrome. I'd be interested in buying a pair if anyone has some. Also looking for the chrome tabs that go on the top-back corners of the faring...they are about 3" long, with a 90 degree bend and cover the corner.
  8. My right rear speaker just started making weird noises when I drive. It seems when the wind hits it just right it just loses it's crispness (if that's a word). Should that be covered under warranty? The bike will be 5 years old at Christmas. I called the dealer and he said he would check but sorta said it wasn't. He never got back to me to confirm. If it is not covered I'll have to look at replacing it somehow. Thanks
  9. So I have cleaned all the contacts and connectors on the audio system on my 1st gen and the radio plays only from the left speaker. Since the tape player is non-functional I'm not able to isolate this to just the tuner. What is strange is that when you power on the radio you can hear a "thump" from the right speaker. Because of this, I am suspecting either a bad right channel on the tuner or perhaps a bad wire from the tuner to the amp. I don't have a headset so I have not been able to test that circut to see if the problem is isolated to the speaker. Has anyone else experienced this and did you find a resolution? Can anyone offer me more advice on troubleshooting?
  10. I have been noticing some crackle in two if my speakers with the radio on one front an one rear both left side. These should be covered under warranty right. Or is there a better speaker upgrade for these systems. Also the cassette deck quit an yes i use sometimes. Just wondering if I would be better off taking it in or upgrading the speakers myself replacing the rear speakers myself makes me kinda nervous .
  11. I lost my left side front speaker cover today while riding my 03 GL1800. Anybody know the part number or where I can pick up a replacement cover/grill?
  12. Just returned from a three day ride in the NC and TN mountains. Took my grandson along as we were acting as tour guides for a couple from Ft. Myers, Fl. that had a new V-star 1300 and were unfamiliar with the numerous great MC rodes in the area. Anyway, during the ride, we were both listing to the cb and radio through helmet speakers and the grandson through ear buds. We both only heard the music out of the right speaker. Nothing out of the left side?????? What could cause this problem. I have not experienced this problem before and the only thing differant this time was a passenger plugged into the rear connector. Any else ever experience this problem? Bugsplat:doh:
  13. The cone on my right speaker is flopping around. Whats the best way to get to the speakers. While I'm on the speaker topic, any recommendations on speaker replacements for 89 VR.
  14. I am renovating my basement, basically a 12x20 room + hallway. I plan on getting a new TV with an additional sound system, but in only the $500 range for the stereo. While I have the place ripped apart, I thought I would tack in some rear speaker cable, so it is hidden under the drywall. What cable should I buy? How thick should it be? I guess I'm looking for midrange cable to match a midrange stereo?? Any other advice while the room awaits the drywall would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
  15. I have a Streetpilot 2730 w/ the car adapter w/ one of those round speakers in the cable. I think one of my sons got ahold of it one day and hasn't worked right since. I would keep losing power. Well I took apart the speaker housing and there are 6 wires total. 2 to the speaker (I never cared for using the speaker), 2 to that outlet that is on the side of the speaker housing (have no idea what it is so I know I won't miss it) and the power and ground wires. I completly cutoff the 1st 4 mentioned wires so you can barely see them. This just left the power and ground wires exposed. I hardwired them into the bike and now the gps works great. There was plenty of length of wire from the Garmin harness so I was able to run it down by the fork, under the tank and next to the battery where I already had a fuse box I installed a couple years ago and pick your own spot for ground. All in all it was free and I didn't have to spend $30+ for the motorcycle wire kit.
  16. Have to replace the front speaker grill. Looking at the parts list online, besides just a nut, washer & bolt to attach the speakers, they also show a collar, a rubber grommet. My current install doesn't have those. Anyone know why they're needed, and if so do you need them on all 4 bolts? file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Jerry/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-2.png
  17. I know, sounds silly. But when we say we use a 4" speaker in the first gen., is that measured diagonally from mounting hole to mounting hole? Or is that actually the diameter of the speaker? Measured diagonally, center to center, the mounting holes are 4.5" apart on the first gen. Thanks, Bill
  18. I have the Wood Grain accent on my Speaker Covers, and the Clear coat is coming apart from the wood grain My plan is to remove them ....But what is the best way to remove them..without damaging the speaker covers .
  19. So, both my dash speakers and headset speakers play a different tune. It is same whether on the radio or throught the cassette adaptor. Left dash speaker and left headset speaker = engine noise Right dash speaker and right headset speaker = music I have put space between the spark plug wires and any wires. The wires are the NGK set off of ebay. What is wrong?
  20. I found this cheapie time and temp guage at Wally World for $9. It's battery powered (1 AAA), shows both ambient and direct sunlight temps, and has a nice LED clock readout with a green backlight with a push of a button. I mounted it with two small pieces of hook & loop tape just below the right front speaker, and ran the sensor to the inside of the front fairing on the far right. Seems to be waterproof as well. Not a bad pick up for $9 bucks.
  21. Am looking for the OEM part number (2008 RSV) of the bolt that secures the Passenger Arm Rest to the Bike (Rear Bolt that secures under the Right Rear Speaker. It appears mine has vibrated out. Anyone got it?
  22. Does anyone has the Speaker Wiring Diagram from the 2e gen Venture ... I replaced my speakers a few weeks a go for the Polk Speakers.and I'm not happy of sound quality from the Bass. Now I'm wondering, do I have the right color wires in the right place. What color wires goes where?
  23. I am in the process of installing Polk speakers. For those of you that have done this mod, how did you connect the speakers to the existing speaker wires? Solder etc.... Thanks, Steve
  24. I bought a Midland Cb to go in my 85. I'm not overly electrical Hooking up the power will be no problem . Cutting the panel and fitting the radio in shouldn't be hard either. I also have a guy at a local cb shop that will help me install the antenna and set it up an swr meter. What I'm not sure about is can I connect the cb to my radio speakers to hear through them? pa system on the radio.That way I don't have to rely on the mike speaker? or should I just spring for a helmet speaker mike system? If anyone can help with this I'd appreciate it. I;ve never had a CB on a bike before but now that I travel more with members with a radio I'd like to get into it. Any help out there?
  25. I have an old Sanyo am/fm cd system in my garage and the speaker connections are about shot. What im looking for are 4 electrical connections (female pin type) to repair the ends of the speaker wires. The male pins located in the back of the box are about the thickness of a meduim sized paper clip. I tried radio shack but they dont carry them. So, if anyone has these type pins or can direct me to a source I would appreciate it.
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