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  1. I'm thinking a part was lost when I had my tires changed. I see an oil seal on the brake side of the hub that isn't sealing anything. I've attached a pic of what I've got. If that's what happened, does anyone have a spare laying around?
  2. Does anyone take spare fuel on a long trip? Im thinking about taking spare fuel on my cross country trip, since i am riding solo. Does anyone know a good source for containers?
  3. I have been contemplating the acquisition of another 1st Gen, the last one I owned was an 83 Royale and I loved it however the notion of increased maintenance, reliability and the availability of spare parts has me in a quandary as the whether or not it would be wise acquisition. I would like to know from those that own a 1st gen how hard are the parts to obtain now and what is the level of effort involved in keeping one in reliable riding condition?
  4. Seen a used Backpacker trailer for sale on the way home from the International. Looks new and hardley used, has spare tire. Anyone know what they are worth?
  5. Hi, As the new owner of a, somewhat neglected, 83 Venture I have been doing some fluid changes, cleaning etc. Well, I decided to take apart the left hand control to clean it as it was kinda "sticky". I got a little ahead of myself and took out the internal screws (before snapping a couple of pictures) and then proceeded to have a handful of parts. I've put it back together but I seem to have a spare piece. I have, historically, found that usually there aren't any spare parts. I have added some pictures. Can anyone tell me where this bit goes?
  6. Hi. I owned a Venture XVZ12 1983 and the odometer is not working. I put it apart and find out the gears are worn out on the primary shaft. As I don’t think it is repairable, is anybody who has a spare working speedometer unit wants to sell? The shaft I refer to is the one left of the pen on the picture. Thanks.
  7. Does anyone have a spare computer board for the dash display for an 83, I think mine is bad and I am not to good with a soldering gun..........would like to just replace it and be done with it.........I know mine has been resoldered at least 2 times by the Muffin in the past, but he aint around...........
  8. Hey guys in a jam on part # 3JJ-23125-00-00 metal slide 1 Really want to finish getting the bike together this weekend, its the only time I have... with work. But if anybody has a spare or knows who has one in stock that I can get shipped next day or such. I am in Pittsburgh PA , Any help appreciated. Bags
  9. If your local and got a spare you can spare let me know, I got everyhing torn apart and not a dealer in the area.open on Sundays 84 VR 120k brought back from the dead.
  10. Before my long trip i have accumulated some spare parts to take with me. I am taking TCI, rectifier/regulator and ignition coil (I am taking just 1 spare of the 4 that i have). Is there a way to test the regulator and ignition coil without putting it on the bike? I have already cheched the TCI on the bike. (BTW I am not bike electrical literate.)
  11. Question for the Venture Gurus How should I store the parts bike engine? I'm going to build a crate for it & remove the carb bank. How should I store the engine? with oil in the crackcase? with the stator attatched? and so on... I appreciate the suggestions. It's has 60K on it. It will probably be a rebuild project once I move to Tn. Right now its just sitting in the frame w/o wiring.
  12. what are the recommendations for spare fuel pump? thinking about taking a trip. what other spare parts would you recommend?
  13. i found this really cool sight that makes overlays for instrument clusters. www.whitegauges.net. . i sent them a pic of my 83 cluster and they said they could make a kit for it! wouldnt that be cool!! they have all different kind of colors too! maybe we can get a group buy?? tell me what you think. i would need to send them a spare cluster for developement. anyone willing to do so? how bout you gen2 guys? want in?http://www.whitegauges.net/product_images/color_changes/yellow_small.jpghttp://www.whitegauges.net/product_images/color_changes/brightblue_small.jpg
  14. This past weekend, on the Central Kentucky ride, the switch that controls the speaker/headphones got a bit strange acting then quit working altogether. When I got home, I took it apart and found one of the legs on the switch had broken off, and because of its size, will be mostly impossible to repair. I wonder if anyone has a spare that they would sell. Either the switch button or the black plastic enclosure that the switch fits in to. I would appreciate any thoughts on a technique to repair it as well.
  15. I lost my key at a routine rest stop this past weekend. I looked everywhere back tracking my steps but it just wasn't found. I couldn't believe I had lost it and we were 2 1/2 hours from home. Fortunately I had a spare hidden on the bike that had been there for a few years and never used. That saved our weekend. My lesson learned was that I will always have a spare key hidden on the bike and my in use key will be on a key chain. The rest of the story is that on our return trip we stopped at the rest stop and the lost key had been found and turned in. I'll never know how it got out of my pocket or who found it and turned it in but I learned a lesson. Bill
  16. The (1st gen) exhaust clamps that go on the 6 collector ports (4 in, 2 out)? 5 out of my 6 survived, but one was pretty well toast. Part #s 25, 26, 37, 44 in the following diagram: http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1993/XVZ1300DE%20-%20VENTURE%20ROYALE/EXHAUST/parts.html I can probably make any one of them work. Just need one if ya got a spare collecting dust. Lemme know? Thanks!
  17. My brother bought my '88 VR and before he had a chance to ride it after he got it home his area was hit with the tornadoes on April 27th. He was fortunate in that he had only minor damage to his home. His bike was in his shed but was blown over and the windshield and right side mirror were both broken. I had a spare windshield luckily and have already set him up with that. He still needs a right side mirror. If anyone has a spare please let me know what you would need for it and I'll be happy to pay a reasonable price for it. We have tried ebay but have been outbid. We'll keep trying, but I thought someone here may have a spare lying around... Thanks! Don yamadawg
  18. I wish I had the spare time to come up with these toys. http://www.wimp.com/waterpack/#
  19. Got a strange one here, at least to me anyway. A few of months ago one of the fog lights on my bike would be slow to start when turned on while the other one lit immediately. After a few weeks the slow light stopped working. As a test I replaced it with a spare light and it worked. Assumed it was just a faulty bulb and began using the spare rather than find the problem with the original one. Fast forward a couple of months and that spare light started getting slow to start too and after a week or so it also stopped working. Today I checked the voltage across the two supply connections which was about 13.5 at an idle. Plugged one of the connections back into the light and checked the voltage across the supply line and the light line and it was the same 13.5. Seems to me power at the supply line but no light would indicate a burnt out bulb or some other internal circuit issue. If the bulb were burnt out there should have been no voltage indicated with the second test. Didn't have time to open the light up to check further. What am I missing? The bulbs used are yellow H3's which are not readily available around here. I could try a white H3 but I'm going to order a set of HD H3 bulbs and give them a try so I didn't want to pay for a bulb that would not see much use.
  20. I am working on a detailed description with drawings on the inner workings of the Anti Dive system and need some help. I have all the spare parts I need except for the inner fork tube. I could use some help from someone that has a disassembled 1st gen fork that could get me some measurements of the tube and maybe a couple of pictures. A partially completed drawing I am working on is shown below. I have even taken a spare outer tube I had and cut it open to get a better view of the cross section. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/tubelowerassy.jpg http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/ForkAssy.jpg
  21. I liked the first one so much ,I bought a second, my first "big" bike was the 88 VR, now just bought a 87 VR...... we will call it "HIS" and "HERS"....... except HER doesn't drive....oops... I guess I'll keep it around for a spare..... already have it stripped down to the frame and motor, rest in tupperware bins waiting for a "rainy day"...... the 87 is on the right
  22. Bought bike for parts off Kijiji recently to get the main fairing parts to fix my 87 but when I went to pick-up (3 hours one way) better than average fairings was I ever depressed when the tarp was removed and half off left side was missing and right side broke. I still bought it for the rest to use as spare parts or maybe to trade for what I need.Salvaged a few other parts I needed and will hopefully will find the fairings at good reasonable price(E-Bay is ridiculous.
  23. Seems everyone at PIP was watching their floorboards REAL carefully since mine went missing on ride up to Laporte. So beings I couldnt steal... er...um... borrow one of theirs, does anybody have a spare running around they can part with? I just need the rubber insert for a 2nd gen passenger floorboard. If so let me know how much so I can get that fixed up. God Bless. Mike
  24. 88's collector has the typical rattle that's driving me crazy. I'm looking to buy a spare to modify so I can just do a 1-1 swap in a day. Anyone have one available? Thanks
  25. Anyone have old version spare Decal that I can purchase?
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