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  1. Could you please give me the length of the trailer [including tongue] and the width Then Paradise H-D will know what kind of space it will take up.
  2. Received an offer from our hosting company that was too good to refuse so I had our server upgraded with more memory and disk space. Don't know if we will see any difference in performance because I think it has been working pretty well anyway but we'll see.
  3. Have, 85VR want to know if there is a CD player that will fit in the space where the cassett player is , jbsr71
  4. Look like they are going to attempt it again at 8:45 MT. http://www.redbullstratos.com/
  5. Does anyone know how many liters of storage capacity the MK2 has?
  6. I'm looking for ideas for mounting speakers on the trunk top or sides or ????? I don't really want to reduce storage space. Could you all post pics of the set up you have....along with any pro or cons of that set up.
  7. I stumbled across this Tumleweed Houses website a while ago and really like these tiny houses that have everything a regualar house has except space. BUT, they also make a model to be towed like a trailer for people that like to travel with everything including the kitchen sink. http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/blog/tiny-houses-in-seattle Brian
  8. Do you remember this day? Feb 20th, 1962. I was 8yrs old. It sparked my interest in following the space program and working at NASA someday. I got to full fill that dream 18 yrs later, working at the Johnson Space Center in Houston at the beginning of the Space Shuttle Program.
  9. Sure do wish I had the money, space and time for this one.... http://autos.yahoo.com/news/ford-reintroduces-the-1965-mustang.html
  10. I just bought a 1999 Venture this week, there's a problem with the cassette deck. The PO got a cassette stuck in the thing and couldn't get it out. As a result, it won't turn off, and the battery will drain in 3 days. His solution was to wire a switch into the fairing that turned power off to the radio/cassette. The problem with this is I loose the FM channel presets when I turn the switch off. I'd like to remove the cassette and create a space for my MP3 player. If I unplug the cassette, will the radio still function? or do I need to jumper some pins on the plug? Thanks, D.W.
  11. Not sure if this came from this site, if it did, sorry for the re-post. If it didn't, you have to love this. Space Shuttle Discovery - 360VR Images
  12. I have been working the 12 "death march" shift at my new job, and after getting off of work Wednesday afternoon, I stopped at the "New" Wal Mart in the area to pick up a gallon of milk. I cruised into the parking lot, in no big hurry, and pulled thru the first parking space into the second diagonal space so I could pull straight out after my shopping was done. Stopped the bike, put down the kick stand, pulled the key from the ignition, and was just about to get off of the bike when a Lifted Ford F250 slammed right into the rear of my 87'VR! The impact shot my bike about 30 feet from the parking spot, the bike was in neutral, and I was able to get my hands on the handle bars and keep her upright. The Ventureline Backrest basically "saved my bacon", it kept me from being flipped off of the seat, and kept the sheared off trunk from hitting me in the back. I was not able to ride the bike home, and it was roll backed to the local Yamaha Dealer. The young man driving the truck was shocked beyond comprehension, he kept apologizing over and over again. He said he just didn't see my 7 foot long, 51/2 high full bagger motorcycle setting in a parking space! It was so hot, 101F, and I was so tired, I couldn't hardly be mad, BUT I was bumbed. The bike will come home Tuesday, the dealer and Ins. Company want to total the bike. I will not let that happen. The Ins. Adjuster has agreed to let me take a run at restoring the bike. Needless to say, If anyone has a trunk or rear baggage lids for the Elegant/Birch Brown 1987 Venture Royale, I would love to speak with you. I will post some pics when the bike is delivered. Earl
  13. I am thinking of setting up a M&E for somewhere in the Milwaukee area. I have been noticing that there are a few members in this area. I was planing to shoot for sometime in March to give a chance to meet each other just before the riding season starts. I do not have a specific place or date in mind just yet, it may depend on the level of interest as to how much space will be required and when everyone is available. So, watcha think??? I would sure like to match a few more faces to the names.
  14. I put Ponch gauges in my 03 and like it so much but something was missing......some sort of electric monitor. I chose a Kury volt meter and put it in the space where the Cruise switch was. I mountedthe Cruise in the top of the gas tank cover (see pic). So let me know what you think. Thanks Kent
  15. Was reading posts about meet and eats and it struck me that Sleeperhawks Feb 26,2011 11:00 am meet at QuakerState would fit in nicely with my run to watch the "Last Scheduled" launch of the space shuttle Endeavour on 2/27/2011 3:35 PM. it's just 522 miles away from Greenville, SC. So if one traveled at least 6 hrs (300 mile) after the M&E Saturday, they would be within a 4 hour (200 mile) ride to the launch site. Anyone else interested?
  16. I'm loving the new-to-me RSV, but I'm having an issue with storage for my sunglasses, garage door opener ect. I've considered taking the cassette out and turning that space in a storage compartment, but I would also like a set of Ponch's gauges. What are my other options?
  17. Does anyone who hasn't the way or space send out their bike to be detailed?
  18. Can some one supply the MD address so I can get a close-up of the gathering. I have access to a US military rental satilite with capabilities to read license plates from outer space. If I can't be there in person I will be spying on them from my control room. :ignore: Pictures update every 15 seconds so I should be able to catch a lot of them in the act. I am hoping to catch the first pictures of the pond monster ever from outer space. Oh ya those pesky little pygmies too. If Margaret reads this be by the pond at 1:00pm Saturday, on the diving board and wave so I know which one you are. :yikes:
  19. Thinking about some kind of headlight protection for the Alaska trip. Anyone tried this 3M product? I have their paint protection product on the Space Shuttle (RV) and it seems to work good. http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/motorcycle-headlight/
  20. mraf

    Swap meet

    Recieved a flyer in the mail today for a Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet at Cleveland, Ohio on Sunday March 14. Has anyone ever been to this previously? Is it worth going to? Says that I could rent a space. I've been to car swap meets before but never a bike one. Should be pretty big being in Cleveland.
  21. The below link is to NASA and will help you find sightings this week on the Shuttle and the Int. Space Station (ISS). The dates with longer duration and higher elevation are really awesome to watch. Just saw on the news a minute ago that the two have split, so you may see them chasing across the sky. Sorry if you have clouds. Check it out, find your state/city. Times are usually right on, so bring the family out for a few minutes. I did that once during a small party and when the Shuttle showed,, they all looked at me and said, "Your were serious,,,,!" I told them "I got connections." http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/cities/skywatch.cgi?country=United+States Mike G in SC
  22. We finally hooked up in Lively , Ontario WOW!!!! WOW!! and WOW!!! Now thats a Space Shuttle .. Hilton decor... home on wheels... Everything needed for a Trip GPS Laptop Enjoyed our talk and Thanks for the beverages:dancefool:
  23. What do you do with wood? I did this some 20 years ago and have been making some MODS. Basically,three 4x4 "H" frames,thru bolted(not lagged). Thus it can be tightened and 2x8's for the main bench, 2x6 for sides and other bits. The rear "H" frame and rear most 3' of bench slides out as one piece after removing some 6 bolts. Which allows me to remove the rear wheel quickly. I should have taken a pic of that also. One man easy to ride up w/the outriggers I just made using shelf brackets. Super strong-Total weight w/o the ramps ~150#. Can be stood on end to take up less space. As you see I have the center stand on a "loose" piece of 2x10...which is not needed. If anyone wants closer pics just say so. I set the camera to PC setting. Hope it shows enough detail. I am not selling anything. Just here to give you ideas.
  24. Trying to clean up my work areas and back yard I realized just how many good 1st gen parts I still have on hand. The 84 XVZ1200 parts bike is oly about 25 % disassembled and I still have most of an 87 XVZ1300 motor and a bunch of misc. stuff. Just a reminder, if you are looking for 1st gen parts send me a PM and let me know what you need. Chances are good I'll probably have it. They are going cheap cause I need to clear my space. Thanks
  25. A graphical/chronological representation of how the International Space Station has come together. It also highlights just how large the darned thing is! http://i.usatoday.net/tech/graphics/iss_timeline/flash.htm Cheers,
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