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  1. I would like for those of you who use the chat rooms to give me an evaluation of the two solutions that I have installed at this time. The old one is pretty slick and has some nice features but doesn't work from all devices. The new one isn't as slick but seems to work just as well and is easier to get into and out of I think. It will be your call. If you choose the new one called "Shoutbox" at the top of the page then I will update it to the pro version. That won't make it any slicker looking but will add a few features such as allowing you to detach and run it in a separate window, turn the notification sounds on or off, things like that. Like I said, it is your call. From a money stand point, it's not a big deal. I would have to pay for the pro version of the new one but I also pay a yearly hosting fee separately for the old one so for the short term at least, it's pretty much a wash. So lets hear it. What do you want? The other option is that I could keep both but not upgrade the new one to the pro version. Just leave it as it is. I really don't think that we need two chat rooms though.
  2. might have been posted before but... You can smell the rubber burning as you watch. Must view on full screen. What a ride! What a driver!!! You’d have to wear Depends to ride with this guy! Betcha can't watch just once. It sounds like the little car is running bad.....one reason it sounds like it is cutting out is because the rev limiter keeps the R.P.M.. from going too high and blowing the motor........the other popping sound is the wastegate on the turbo. Also note at the very end, the sparks coming from the rear wheel rims as the tires burn down .. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=4TshFWSsrn8&vq=medium#t=35
  3. I'm a little surprised as the bike has been so solid but what sounds like a serious noise has begun on my 86. While at cruising speed, if I lean in to a turn (either direction) I hear a howling noise that stops as soon as I straighten up. (rear wheel bearings ???) More recently I noticed that when coasting to a stop with the clutch lever in, I hear what actually sounds like gear mesh noise. I have also noticed that as the bike slows down, I feel and hear a vibration at around 15 mph. I am thinking rear wheel bearings or u joints?
  4. If anyone is interested, this skill riding competition at the Aylmer OPP Police College is open to the public and free to attend. The advanced riders will compete on Sat. Aug. 11 starting a 9:00 am. I know some guys that will be in the competition and have seen what they can do. Sounds like a fun day. Check out some of the video in the attached link. http://www.glpmts.com/2012-registered-police-services.html
  5. I just noticed on the calender that Dacheedah (Kevin) Has invited us to the boat races on the river and we can go to his house and watch the festivities. I think it sounds like a great time. Shirley and I signed up. Here is the link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=322&day=2012-9-1&c=1
  6. Sometimes, and increasing in frequency, when I try to start my 06 RSv it sounds like my Battery is dead. It trys to turn over and can't,try again same ,after a few try's it starts to turn over,buy sounds slow, but it eventually it starts. At my last fuel stop I checked the battery before I tried to start it, 12.6 volts, but I had to hit the starter button 4 or 5 times. I had the napa store check my battery last week, they said it was fine. Any ideas? Thanks George
  7. Just bought a 2000 Venture with 24,500 miles on her. I drove the bike from Knoxville,Tn. to Williamsburg,va. about 540 miles and averaged 41 MPG. I like the comfort and "stuff" radio//cruise etc, and the performance etc. The bike had sat for 7 months and I ran 6oz each of seafoam through 2 tanks of gas which helped the low speed idle some but: THE BIKE WILL NOT IDLE OFF OF CHOKE. This gets hairy in traffic or slowing down on a ramp. Actually I am getting pretty good at left hand choke control (manually)--in seriousness this is dangrerous. The stealer says it just needs a fuel service check up which is $320.00 plus parts--thank you very much. I can wrench a little and from the threads I have read so far It sounds like I should do plugs 1st which I would do anyway.The owners manual looks a little vaque. The general condidtion of the bike is good but needs a real goof clean up. Out on the road at 70 she seemed in her element it just doen not want to idle off choke. Any advise would be appreciated. This is my 10th Bike in 6 years I think I found a keeper. ED:thumbsup2:
  8. My bike has been doing this for some time. When Im moving forward at any speed I hear a clicking or grinding sound comming from the rear wheel. To me it sounds like a rotor out of balance, but when I put a drag on the brake the sound is still there. Its not a noise that is constant . Maybe I can explain with this. Sounds like Im putting something in my spokes and taking it out every half of turn. I have greased everything . 19000 miles. PS.... Hey everybody its been a long time.
  9. Anyone else have plans to attend the last ride of the year eat and greet in Stockton Alabama? The wife and I plan to ride over for the day, never been but sounds good. http://www.thelastrideoftheyear.com/
  10. the chirping on my 01 is taking the fun out of riding. i've put 9000 miles on it since March and I'm not getting use to it. I'm going to have to do something. It sounds like the I-basked is a gamble. might or might not work. just wondering if the 1st gen. chirpped. why does yamaha ignore this problem?
  11. Been reading some of the post on the clutch noise an not sure if i have the problem or not is this a warranty issue and if so can i find out if the previous owner has already had it done. This is my first Venture and it had 18000 miles on it when i got so it still sounds the way it did my first day so I'm not sure what to be listening for if that makes any sense.
  12. Hello everyone, I come in need of some help. I recently purchased (3 months ago) a 99 RSV with 2k miles. She was mostly stored, when i brought her home i did a complete oils, plugs, and fluid flush. She runs great, but now at almost 5k miles its now making an interesting noise / rattle when you let off the throttle. Listen to the file title rattle.mp3. It makes the noise when the engine is warm, not so much when it's cold. Could it need a valve adjustment? The other audio file is what she sounds like when cold. Not sure if its the right noise or not, but that's the way she sounds. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. I don't know anyone with another Venture, nor have I ever road one before. I always owned in-line 4's. So I'm asking... are these bikes suppose to sound like a v-twin? That's how mine sounds. It starts right up(min. choke), idle's good, but when you take off, it luggs(not boggs) a bit. It seems to have good power and speed, but lower rpm, it sounds like a v-twin... and luggs a bit, at slower speeds.
  14. Went to start the bike this morning, hit the switch, turned over a couple of times, then a loud clunk... like something broke inside. I hit the button again and it started right up, no problem, no sounds. What the heck could that have been? Took it down the street... nothing. It ran fine. Anyone have this happen to them before?
  15. His name is Tony and he has a nice blue 1st gen MK2. I told him about the site and he will most likely become a member. Also mentioned some of the upcoming M&E's and he sounds interested...
  16. Quick question. Where do you guys buy basic parts such as air filters ? ('99 RSV) Just the OEM will be fine. Having a little trouble finding them here in Aust. & sounds like a fair wait for them so may as well order them from overseas myself. Tony
  17. HI Guys just bought a 08 venture 40,000k PROBLEM is during acceleration or going up hills in cruise it stumbles vibrates and chugs in 4 or 5th 80- 100k/when i crack the throttle with out going to 3rd not much power! Sounds and feels terrible vibration is this carb syncing???I have bubs which i repacked sounds wicked thanks for reading this ANY help would be great! thanks RUSSLightwing
  18. As some of you know, I bought a new HD Road Glide in feb. Its ship date from the factory is April 29th. I have checked in on it a few times. Today I get a call from the dealer telling me to come get it. Boy was that a surprise, I just talked to the parts guy yesterday about an add on that I wanted. He didnt say that my bike was there. I suppose he thought I already knew it. So hopefully on saturday I can make the trip to get it. Party sunny with low 50's for temps and north winds at 10 to 15 sounds ok to me. Hopefully I can get things all lined up to get it then. Next week is more rain, like today and tomorrow. So I guess I should get a little more aggressive on getting rid of my Tour Deluxe. Maybe deep down I still kinda like the thing......
  19. Just put the collector back on the bike last night from the repair, just had to fire it up without the mufflers....... it was 11:30 PM, inside the garage.......thought I had my sons small block Camaro in there with headers only! Skip 12 hours till today, was getting ready to re-hang the mufflers when I decided to run up and get gas first. WHAT AN EYE-OPENER! First , the local neighborhood Harley guys are now EXTREMELY jealous! You know, the ones who run straight pipes and think their stuff sounds good. Let me tell you, they don't hold a candle to a Yammy V4 with the open collector! As far as performance, lets just say that my clutches are tight, but not with this puppy opened up! Any amount of hard throttle would bust them right loose, kinda glad 'cause I didn't want the front end off the ground with the wind we have blowing right now. She sounds really good anywhere from 4-6 grand, you really don't notice you're running those higher RPM's it sounds soooooo good! Might just have to build a set of straight pipes like CTraylor did and let the wife get used to it......... Really don't want to put them back on..........
  20. I have the common chirp, now I have a new sound at or above 70 it sounds like an old ford truck rear noise or a cement mixer . The dealer said it was the rear greased and realigned shafts. Noise a bit better but still there it actually sounds as if it from the front but hard to tell. On a curve when leaning it is louder . Can anyone provide any suggestions, is this common and is it safe ? 2006 rstd with 9000 miles . Thanks for any info you can provide.
  21. Well the lates in my aging royal star woes... it refuses to start. Key in ignition, lights go on...seems good... Hit starter... sounds like a swarm of bees below and in front of the seat. removed seat, repeat procedure... still sounds just in front of the battery compartment... like a old school joy buzzer... put a b attery assis on it, and still the same sound...don't thins it is the battery. could the starter have gone bad... how hard ($$) to fix? internet diagnosis assistance please!
  22. Hi, I have a new to me 96 RSTC with 4x4 exhaust... i know it has the baffles in there but dang is she loud! each beat sounds like the Hammer of Thor ... BOOM BOOM BOOM... and when i "get on it" sounds like a small block w open headers....... is this normal? im only concerned with getting a ticket... other than that i love it... she did pass inspection in PA with no problems
  23. I think I blew out my final drive on my 99rsv.We were out for the weekend,riding around the fingerlakes when after about 150 miles and several hour we made a pit stop.While rolling through the parking lot at slow speed I heard a god awful grinding, clanking,clicking noise coming from the final drive.Luckly since we were riding around the lakes we were only 25 mile from home.So we ended our weekend trip and headed straight home. got home ok,can't hear the noise at highway speed,but if sounds like it's coming apart when i roll the bike back and forth.Put it up on the jack,spun the rear wheel and it sounds really bad. Draned the oil, it was dark gray and smelled burnt.It was just changed out a couple weeks ago,I used mobil 1 gear oil. something has let go inside.But she still got us home.Anyway I'm looking for a new to me final drive,anyone do a trike kit that wants to sell there's.I contacted someone here on the classifieds but no answer yet.Probably out riding
  24. I'm leaving for a trip Sat. morning and I don't trust my HID light any more, so I'm puting the old Silverstar back in. Well, I took the HID lightbulb out, and I can't find the power cord for the headlight to reinstall the Silverstar. I thought I just left hanging when I put the HID in. I know this sounds crazy, but I can't see it anywhere. Where would the cord be coming from? I will be greatful for any help? Thanks
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