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  1. This is what my sons are dealing with in Kuwait right now. Sandstorms....geesh.
  2. D. H. Lawrence's book. Not a bike related problem but I guess you are my only hope as I have tried every other avenue I can think of. I know how you get things sorted for our Ventures, so... Here goes: During the late 1970's and early 1980's the village I live in was used to film a four part mini series based on the book 'Sons and Lovers' by D.H. Lawrence. It was only ever shown in the UK once and that was shortly after completion, the rights etc were then passed over to Masterpiece Theatre over in the States and has been shown several times over there by them. Our village and people (including dogs) were used for the series and there are several local stories about the film, it is part of the fokelore of the area. But there is not a copy available in the UK. Just wondered if you good people out there knew where I could get hold of a copy of the series if indeed it exists.. Many thanks. Old Miner. Hope I have not put it in the wrong place. There are other versions, there is a film starring Vanessa Redgrave, and a more recent one starring Sarah Lancashire. There are other versions, most are readily available. Mini series of four episodes a joint venture between the BBC and Masterpiece Theatre: Sons and Lovers (D.H. Lawrence). 1981 15 May 1983 (USA) First Shown Trevor Griffiths adaptation. Starring: Eileen Atkins Tom Bell
  3. Had a line on parts bike in Toronto area(no motor--front forks)(don't need them anyways -just need all fairing parts) e-mailed the guy at least 8 times sinse July and only recieve 2 back. Have called phone # and got his sons home which they have no clue about it (they said they would get him to call but nothing yet--been a few days)and tried other and only get answering machine.Any help??
  4. Took some of the things I learned and transferred them to my sons truck. We have been trying to get rid of my sons 98 Ranger and had no luck do to a number of things wrong with it the biggest being my son told me the clutch was bad. So most would not look at it but one did and when I went for a test drive the brakes were grinding so after the guy left I took it home to change the front pads and while I was under there I saw the bleeder on the clutch slave so I opened it nothing happened so I got out a large syringe like you would inject a turkey with and put some suction on it and it started to fill with black sludge filled the clutch did it again saw a bubble in the sludge then it came clear put it back together and it was good as new. The next guy bought it even though it won't hold power steering fluid and the ball joint are falling apart. Thanks again for the lesson:big-grin-emoticon:
  5. As many of you know, I'm a computer tech....been in the biz for 22 years and last night and this morning have been the worst experience I've ever had ... thought I'd share it coz no matter how bad something is... there's bound to be humour in it. Sunday my son brings his computer over to me to fix. It boots up with the "Blue Screen of Death" with the message UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. No biggie...been there, done that and I had it fixed in 20 minutes. Last night I planned to take it over to his house... me and Nina would go for a ride on the scoot. I set the computer on the trunk rack...looks pretty stable... then walked away to grab some bungee cords and......OMG!!! it's sliding off!!! and before I could do anything it crashed to the floor breaking the case open, plastic front panel smashed to pieces... OH NO!!!... Take it upstairs and plug it all in.... nothing! ... nada... zip ... it has power but nothing comes up on the monitor..nothing at all. Neither the monitor light or the CPU light turn green like they normally do and the hard drive just clicks once but doesn't spin up. No bout a doubt it...the motherboard is shot! Ok, so I bring his hard drive in to work this morning to test it out on one of the PC's here... I open up one of the computers here and unplug the hard drive...then plug the hard drive from my son's machine in and set the hard drive on top of the corner of the open CPU box.. then I reach back to plug the power cord in and bump the hard drive, knocking it off and onto the motherboard. (&^$#@!!!&*... and more *&!!!@##) So I pick it up and set it back on the edge and power up the computer... nothing...nada ... no workie ... just like my son's. Ok, so I plug the hard drive back in that was in the system to begin with... same thing... nothing... Crap!!... so I open up another computer (both were working before I started this) and take the hard drive out of it and plug it into the first machine...same thing... nothing. I then test all the hard drives (including my son's) in the second machine and all are working. So, it looks like I've CRASHED 2 computers in the last 18 hours!! .... WHAT NEXT??? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH :crying: Unfortunately, the PC at work is now off warranty to boot! Oh well, it's good for parts and at least my son's hard drive is still working so he hasn't lost everything.
  6. We are going with friends to Savannah in October and were wanting to know if there is anywhere reasonable to stay in the Historic District. We would love to be close to the water. Any helpful suggestions on where to stay and what to do and see would be most welcome. The Lady and Sons is a must, that I know. Thanks for helping.
  7. Anyone have a lower cord from intercom to helmet they dont need anymore? The one on my sons helmet is shorting out.
  8. No, its not a motorcycle, or a new car, or a new house, but we got us a brand new Grandson..............Remy Austin Cramer, 6lbs even 19 inches............this is the happy family...My sons first child..........that makes 3 grandsons, still waiting on the grandaughter.
  9. Went to Arthur's (ADC) sons wedding today. Some of you met him at Vogel the year Arthur broke his ankle. He's a good kid and he and his new wife are really cute. I've had the pleasure of getting to know both of them. Thought I'd share a few pics I got. The last pic is of the flower girl she was adorable and chatted away during the ceremony. Very entertaining. Margaret
  10. hi all the ins co totaled my sons 03 thay told him thay will give him $10700.00 i thought thay would try to low ball him at first hoping he would take it but that a goo offer when he asked if he could buy it back thay told him 4600.00 i thought that was to high kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
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