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Found 20 results

  1. My Yamaha Stryker before modifications and after. and the Venture on the day I bought it. Wife and I decided we needed a Tourer so we picked up the Venture and the Stryker will be getting another face lift and become a solo bike for shows and my therapy time alone.
  2. Does anyone take spare fuel on a long trip? Im thinking about taking spare fuel on my cross country trip, since i am riding solo. Does anyone know a good source for containers?
  3. Does anybody have an 05 to 08 RSTD Stock Solo Seat they want to sell ?? I need one to send to " Russell " for conversion to a " Russell Day Long " Thanks ( 425 466 4094 )
  4. After 19 years of rideing my 89, finally decided its time to get a new bike . Not getting any younger, so decided, to get one now and most likly will last me till its time to " Hang it Up " as they say !! ( Whoever they are ? ) Anyway, as of yesterday I'm the proud new owner of a " New" 08 RSTD " ( Blue/Black ) . Purchased at Enumclaw, Wa. Yamaha. What to do with the 89 ?? Hmmmm ?? not sure, the Darn thing is still " running like a Swiss Watch " !!! OK, down to business, Modifications !!!! ???? --- Will be setting it up for " Solo " traveling. I'm removeing the Passenger seat, and will need a Solo, Luggage Fender Rack. Started searching last night, but not much luck ???? Anybody know who carries a Fender, Solo, Rack for the RSTD ??? I'm all ears !! And one more thing !!! Its still Cold, and Raining in Seattle this week !!!!! Also: Whats the source for that Niffty little Hand Pump, for Airing up the Shocks ??? Can't locate that information. I remember a few years ago, sombody mentioning the " Preferred " hand pump to carry on the bike And just to " Stir the Pot " After, about 30 miles on the new bike, I " Love the Handling " Very different world from rideing the 1st Gen !!! Not better, Not worse, Just different !!!!
  5. The old chrome tubular solo rack, pn STR-4NK51-20-00, has been discontinued and there are none for sale on ebay...I have a saved search there though. Couldn't find any on Phat or CustomCruiser Wondering if anyone knows of a part similar for sale? I see some flat steel, eagles and such, but really want the chrome tube fender rack. Looking for the Solo seat rail too....just like these: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67598
  6. Art708

    Valk Pics

    Here are the pics of my Valkyrie that I promised. This is after I set it up solo...it still needs some stuff but at least I can ride.
  7. Anyone have a RSTD that they soloed out? Do you have pictures. Where did you get the rack for the back fender.
  8. Anyone riding back into Loozeeanner after this hoedown is done with? Boomer.....who's not keen on doing a solo 900+mile ride with a bunch of disgruntled pygmies.
  9. I have a 2000 Venture. Just added a sidecar. Steers like a bear but do not want to change front sit up. My sidecar has its own brake so I can take it off easy for solo. Read some where that putting the same size rear tire on front will help with turning. Any suggestions? Thanks, labill
  10. Man i'm a bit pissed off at Yamaha ! Just went to their site to look at the 2010 RSV and the only thing that it looks like they changed is the color I was so hoping that they would increase the engine output and go to FI. They need to catch up our they may lose the market share they've got now! I wanted to turn my 06 RSTD to a solo ride and purchase the RSV for when my better half rides with me. Oh well, maybe next year Deacon 2006 Midnight RSTD
  11. If you have made your RSTD a solo bike and don't need your back rest anymore........well I do! Does anyone have one collecting dust they want to sell? Studded would be great! PM me if you do. Thanks
  12. A couple of weeks ago I posted about how proud I am of our oldest son. Since he was a little boy he has wanted to get his pilots license and he finally started taking lessons. My grandpa was a pilot, my father is one and I just have to show him off. This was taken yesterday after his first solo flight!! Man, I'm proud to be that boy's mamma!! 5.6 hours of instructional flight and they sent him up alone!!! Life is great!
  13. I have a 93 venture royale in need of a new rear shock progressive tells me I have to remove the CLASS and remote rebound dampening systems. I sacraficed the CLASS lines to the front forks and don't regrett it at all. but the rear is another story I could be 2 up luggage or solo and carvin' corners. is there an aftermarket upgrade or should I stick with a N.O.S. shock? any comments welcome. THANX
  14. Found this this evening. Damn, that looks like my 2004 going for a solo ride. Is this a Venture? http://www.toxicjunction.com/get.asp?i=V3651
  15. will a gen 2 solo seat fit the 06 Royal Star TD?
  16. Is there any way to move, extend or modify the passenger floorboards? I'm fine riding solo but when my wife is on and we come to a stop i'm getting whacked in the back of my calves with her boots. She's tried sitting pigeon toed and the foot boards still make contact. Any sugestions other than riding solo?
  17. I apologize if this should have been under accessories but it seems to be a typical RSTD/RSTC question. I have a 98 Royal Star Classic where the previous owner added a Silverado windshield, hard bags and a sissybar with pad. I plan to do a lot of solo traveling, so I want to do the following: 1) replace the stock driver seat with my Corbin seat as a solo seat, remove the passenger seat and put a rack in place of that (I believe there was an OEM rack for the tour classic) 2) I want to keep the sissybar in place to attach a Riggpack to but would also like to add a luggage rack to the sissybar. I know it sounds redundant, but the idea is to ride solo (I weigh 314 lbs), have the Riggpack hanging over where the passenger seat was (but sitiing on the rack that replaced it) and still a sissybar luggage rack available for light items. Does anyone know where I can get (or have for sale), the solo rack and a luggage rack for a ten year old RSTC? You guys are such a wealth of info and thank you for all the other things you have helped me with already. Thanx
  18. Hey Guys! Spring is here and it's time to put the finishing touches on my new trailer set-up. The next step is to install a nice cooler rack. I found one which looks like a good at: http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com/new_cooler_rack.html So far, this looks like the best deal. However, it's always a good idea to check lots of options and see what other people recommend. I had one idea that I don't know exactly how practical it is, but I think that it's do-able. I would like to figure out a way to be able to set-up the cooler rack so that I can use it with my trailer, or remove it and use it solo as just a hitch attachment. If this can't be done, then I would just like to get one to install on the trailer arm. Then, maybe I'll get another one to use solo. So, what do you suggest? What do you like? I don't want to spend crazy money on this, but I want to be satisfied. Are there any special considerations I should be aware of, or is it just a simple matter of attaching it and that's it? Thanks for the help! Pete.
  19. I'm wondering if any of you are riding on the factory solo seat? Does it work well enuff for longhaulin? Or just cool for bar hoppin?
  20. I've got a couple of 1" cracks in my trunk and need to do something with them before they spread. Has anybody had any sucess doing this? The material appears to be ABS plastic. By the way, my trunk rattles and shakes like crazy when I'm riding solo. That's probably why it cracked. It's so loud that when I hit small bumps in the road I'm sure that passers-by must hear it. Is there any way to stop this before it drives me nuts?
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