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  1. I was wondering how much air pressure I should be running in my forks. The guy I bought the bike from ran them with no pressure but I think that is too soft.
  2. Since it will be wet and the ground possibly soft. I will bring a supply of polished Stainless steel pads to put under your side stand (a pair also works well under the center stand) so we do not have to pick up to many bikes that might want to take a nap in the nice soft wet grass. It will be first come first serve.
  3. I know most of the discussions on here are regarding WARM gloves, but I bought a pair of gloves about 6 years ago at a rally. They are short soft leather gloves...and I love the gloves. But I have tried to find them online to no avail. I went to one of my local bike shops (Drasco Trading Post) and found a pair almost like the ones that I bought 6 years prior. They are Deerskin Gloves made by the NAPA Glove Co. These gloves are very well made and have a soft inner liner. They are very soft and extremely comfortable gloves, and I just wanted to take the time to recommend them to anyone that is looking for a LIGHTWEIGHT, SOFT LEATHER glove...you won't be disappointed with these (or the price). Here's a link... http://ridefashion.com/pgroup_detail/30641_Napa_Driver_Style_Deerskin_Motorcycle_Glove Just an FYI, I don't like the fingerless gloves....if and when I wear gloves, I prefer to glove the entire hand. Wally
  4. I noticed that the rubber hoses that connects the YICS to the engine are quite soft! They really flexes a lot on idle. Is it a good idea to replace then with stiffer new hoses?
  5. About a month ago dusty1300 offered up a couple of hardcase trunk bags for sale. He had a nice Castle that was good sized and I took it off his hands. I had a soft trunk bag for a few years and it was not very big and a pain when it was empty. His Castle was designed for a sissy bar type mount so I was able to use the frame of that to attach my smaller soft bag to the rear of the Castle. The weight of the soft bag lays on the passenger backrest so it supports itself pretty well. And I can simply tip my backrest forward to still open the trunk for access without removing anything. Still have room under the soft bag for my small bedroll. Still need to make a set of straps to tie it all on so I won't need the bungies but winter is coming and I have time to mess with it. But I took it out for a ride tonight and it sits well and stable. So thanks Tom for letting go of the Castle. Makes my traveling a little easier. Mike
  6. These started out all black and my brother Rich fixed them for me. The finished product is much brighter. Is ther anything I can put on them to protect them because the aluminum is very soft.
  7. Was wondering if i can wipe out hard drive in a dell and put in macbook soft ware to run like a macbook?? Anyone know if this is possiable?
  8. Just installed motolights on front caliper now have no front brakes. Lever is extremely soft. Brake lights do work. Any ideas? Steve
  9. Was there ever any type of soft bag designed to fit inside the hard side bags? Does anyone use something like this? If so what do you use?
  10. I just got my 83 a few weeks ago....after not riding for about 20 years....and I have already had an "experience" (sigh) I was in the middle of no-where going to do a job at a clinet's cottage ...puttin' along at VERY low speed on their laneway...turned a sharp corner and the front wheel washed right out on me...turns out it was soft sand under the grass! Thanks to soft sand and crash bars there was no damage (except my pride). ANYWAY....2 questions 1)is it possible for the clutch fluid to have leaked out while it was on it's side? It was on more than 45-50 degree angle for about 20 min (until I could get it up...is there viagra for heavy bikes?) After I got it upright, the clutch wasn't disengaging properly...checked the fluid when I got home and it was almost empty! Had to refill and bleed the system. 2) there is an oily residue on just one of the carbs, (I think on the intake side) is that an indication of blow by or something major? (rings, valve seals??)
  11. Let me begin by saying that, like most men, I visit the doctor as seldom as possible. That being said, one beautiful day last July, while riding the 07 RSV that I have grown to love, I was within my fence leading to my house. Our land is southwest of San Antonio and anyone familiar with the area knows that the one thing in abundance is SAND. Because I was waiting for the gate to close to ensure the dogs did not go out, I was stopped. I was in very soft sand…and…a very stupid negligence on my behalf; I did not ensure I was in first gear. As I revved up the engine and released the clutch, the front wheel, in the soft sand, turned. Being in the incorrect gear I did not have the power to get moving forward and the bike started falling. My reaction was, of course, to attempt to hold it up. I am 5’ 7” and weight 175 lbs…so you know the outcome. While attempting to right the bike as it was going down, I hurt my right wrist. After trying to cope with the injury, I finally gave up and made the doctor’s appointment. While visiting the doc, he noticed it had been a while since I had been in to see him…therefore, he asked me to get the usual tests done that should be accomplished every year…especially for a 60+ yr old man. Well, the tests revealed a problem with the ole PSA, which most men know is a possible indication of prostate problems. After two biopsies revealing “atypical cells” the third one confirmed prostate cancer. I am scheduled for surgery on the 16th of January to remove the prostate. Although I am nervous about the whole thing, I am very happy to have this situation found early enough to be alleviated…thus avoiding any further, more significant, conditions. Guys, don’t be foolish like I had been and avoid the doctor…had this not been caught (had I not had the bike incident)…the condition would have continued to worsen and, well, who knows what may have been in my future…assuming I would have had one. If my posting helps but one of you to have the same good fortune as I have experienced, it will be worthwhile. Knowing that my health is in good hands will enable me to have a great Christmas…I wish you all the same.
  12. What are the symptoms of carbs with the slider springs (under the cap on the top of the carb, pushes the needle down) too soft? Does it cause any adverse running problems? Thanks in advance.
  13. Does anyone know where I may find a new seat for an 87VR ? I am a big guy and the seat is a little light. I want a big thick soft seat. Any ideas? Should I take it and have it re- upholstered? Thanks for any help!!!
  14. July 24, 4pm, I got distracted looking at the scenery. At about 50 mph I came up behind a car stopped for a left turner way too late, locked up both wheels on my 03 Midnight Venture, and was able to slow to about 35 mph before deciding to take the (very soft) berm on the right. Witnesses said the bike flipped 4 times in the air, landing on its left side, while I plowed shoulder first into the dirt. I remember seeing the bike in the air over me, and feeling relieved that it missed me--you know how everything goes into slow motion. A state trooper gave me a ticket for "lane control failure" in the ER. I'm home from the hospital, but still on oxygen because it hurts too much to get a deep breath. I have a broken collar bone, a broken rib, three broken cervical vertabrae, massive bruising, and a dead right arm. They say my arm will probably return, but it may take up to 2 years. My Shoei helmet absolutely saved me. The dealer has the bike and says it is probably totalled, but won't know for sure until later this week. I've been riding for 45 years, and would not have believed you could get this much damage at that speed, without hitting anything but soft dirt. This was entirely my fault, and I consider myself very lucky. Now I need some advice. I've never filed a damage claim in all my 59 years. I suspect the insurance company will be looking out for their own interests, but what should I do to protect mine? Thanks in advance, Ken Stewart
  15. I see that somebody just posted in the classifieds that they bought a '99 that somebody has put the pillow top seat on. He doesn't like it and is looking for a regular seat. Might be a good chance for one of you who are wanting the pillow top to make a deal. I agree with him though, the pillow top is WAY soft for me. I know that some of you really like them though.
  16. Folks, I am by no means a prude...... And I enjoy a good joke as much as anyone, and I know I have told more than my fair share of "blue" jokes in my yound life. But, please remember that it is our intent to try and maintain this as a PG rated site. That being said, I have done a soft delete on one of the jokes and will have the other moderators review it. If they feel it is appropriate, it will be reactivated. And I will stand corrected and will personaly apologize to the member that posted it. Thanks you.
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