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  1. Bought a 12 Volt power adapter from Cycle Gear for 10 bucks and I think I will buy a couple more. I took the handle bar mount off and made the hole for the acc socket below the seat just a little bigger. For power I cut the factory plug off the acc wire, soldered them together and it works great. http://www.cyclegear.com/_static/webupload/730/2_web1007420_3.jpg http://www.cyclegear.com/eng/product/12_volt_power_adapter/web1007420#pr-header-web1007420
  2. went to NAPA this morning to get a spark plug socket to change my plugs(none of mine fit the NGK). Was advised by buddy up there that it is 18mm and they don't carry a spark plug socket to fit it....OK here comes stupid question,WHAT DO YOU GUYS USE TO CHANGE YOUR PLUGS WITH? Just a regular 18mm deep socket? or do I have to get one from the Yamaha dealer.OR??????????
  3. I love listening to my tunes on my Android phone plugged into the Aux socket. When the right channel went dead, I checked all the connections and the head phones. Tried the radio... STEREO! Checked the plug and lead. DAMMIT! The end piece of the plug had broken off. Found it! Inside the socket on the bike. Any suggestions on how to get that little sucker out of there? (2008 Venture.)
  4. I need to replace the rear brake pads so thought I may as well pull the wheel and grease the bearings and splines as well. Can't get a socket on the muffler clamp. Tried an 11mm, 12mm and 13mm but none will go on properly. Does it need a thin socket? I have a regular Craftsman set.
  5. I have an MKII. 1) I just like to know if the MKI has a 17mm nut where the black plastic cover goes over the nut at the bent. 2) Also what is the biggest socket that will fit into that same opening ignoring the 17mm nut. On my MKII a Craftsman 19mm socket is the biggest socket that fits into that hole. Appreciate someone providing that information.
  6. Greetings all. I have acquired and fitted a Voyager outrider to my 2004 RSV. It is fully wired but now I need to hook it up to the bike. Has a flat 7-pin plug ready to go into a 7-pin socket, the latter needing to be wired to the bike. I had a look at this post by Don http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=503 but it didn't really help me. I've trawled through the site looking for an answer prior to coming up here with my query. Don (and others) is it best to just tap in to the plethora of bullet connectors in the tail light support housing, of would you suggest that I run all the way back to the battery and associated connectors? I'm figuring that given the fact that I need tail light, brake light and both indicators - it's going to make sense to tap into the area of the tail light, where all those things are found. Sorry for being a nuisance, but I'm ready to do the job and just want to be sure. I have the socket, miles of three-strand, five-strand and seven-strand cable - as well as a bucket load of connectors of all shapes and sizes. Love to hear your collective thoughts and/or advice. Cheers. Spear
  7. Trying to change plugs on my '88 VR but can't get the socket into left front and right rear heads. The coolant line clips are creating just enough interference were I can't get the socket to go in straight (zero tolerence ) . Tried to move the clips, got them broken loose but won't slide up the hose. any ideas? thnx Markus
  8. I'm trying to find out the socket size needed for the rear wheel axle nut on a 2nd gen. In the tech library I read a thread on removing the rear wheel that stated the size was 1 1/6 inch. Is this correct? With the front axle socket being a metric size (22mm) it seems the rear would be metric too. Just wanted to confirm before I go out and purchase the socket.
  9. Anyone currently drive or used to own an Olds Silhouette, Chevy Venture or the like? I have an 03 Olds Silhouette that the left front turn signal bulb went out. Thought easy enough to change out (and it normally is). Well the bulb actually melted into the signal housing. If you look at the hole the bulb goes through, the entire circle is bubbling like the bulb gets too hot for the plastic housing. Looked at the right side and same thing with the bubbling. The issue is on the left side the socket the bulb plugs into got so hot it has what looks like burn marks around the socket and became brittle. So what happened is part of the socket broke in pieces so it was no longer held in place. So the bulb touched the side of the housing and melted to the side. Found replacement parts for the socket and housing. Even found led bulbs that I wonder if that would be cooler. Just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues?
  10. I have been wanting to change the spark plugs on my VR. Discovered my 18 mm deep socket would not fit in the hole. Spent most of the day browsing through the local tool shops looking for a thin walled socket without success. At the end of it all went to the dealer to see what they had with interesting results. Found out the plug socket only came with the original tool kit. Yamaha wanted... wait for the drum roll... $539.00 ... Whoo-Hoo On the other hand, they did have a Honda plug wrench for sale as a stand alone tool. Went out to see if it would fit and while rummaging around for a screwdriver to remove the side grill found that I had the OEM plug wrench already, just didn't know it. The Honda plug wrench did fit. Perhaps unfortunately, in my excitement I forgot to get the price of the Honda tool. It likely was not very expensive as it was zinc plated and not chromed like my POSH Royale tool. Thought I would pass that along just in case anyone else really was stuck without a way to remove their plugs.
  11. Has anyone replaced front turn signal sockets? My 06 RSV has the "unique" socket requiring 3 pins on the lamp base. I would like to convert to a standard 1157 socket. Would love some help on this one. Thanks.
  12. Water pump drain bolt. If you have a Method other than loosening pipes pardon for the redundancy. I cut a 17mm socket down to an inch and cut the head off of a an old 2 stroke plug wrench, good steel, 1/8" thick, 6" long, welded the flat metal to the top of the socket and it works like a charm. bf
  13. While attepmting to remove the headlight bulb tonight, the socket (where the bulb plugs into the wireing) broke. I am guessing this socket, fixture, plug, or whatchamacallit, is part of the wiring harness. Is there anything a person could use to replace this? Other than a new harness? I think that I will get this fixed and then hire someone to do things for me. Fix one thing and another breaks. :confused::confused24: Might give up completely, go into debt, and buy a Can-Am Spder. At least then it would be warranty work. Thanks, Dave
  14. The plug that one would plug the headset in located on the gas tank is waring out from being connected so many times. Babbits wants $50 some bucks for it and the Yama dealer wants $80. Anyone now of repairing or installing a new 5 pin socket or a less expensive place to buy the part, J& M would need a part # which it don't have. Any suggestions?
  15. Hello all, I have a 2000 MM Venture with various electrical issues and looking for some advice. I have a repair manual but can't find the answers in the book. 1) rear left turn signal- Do you know where the signal bulb socket ties in with the first connector? Is it behind the license plate? Assume it doesnt connect all the way to the fuse box. 2) Right front turn signal- Do you know where the signal bulb socket ties in with the first connector? Same issue as above. 3) Riding lights- Where should those tie into the electrical system? When should they be on? Appreciate your help? Bob
  16. Changing coolant tonight, reviewing the coolant change tips etc. (Thanks for those). Did the complete drain including water pump, but did not want to remove the exhaust, Just not a fan of that. So started looking at it and what I had in my tool box and Bam! Serpentine belt tool. If you happen to have the one I have, its a Lisle if I remember correctly, and it comes with a set of three different size very shallow sockets and the end of the socket has a hex that fits into the flat bar for the serpentine belt. And yes it fits in from the side without removing the exhaust. Total depth of everything is less than an inch. One caveat is my particular set only comes with an 18mm socket (3/4" equivalent). It is a six point and fits well enough to remove the drain bolt. If you have an older bike with some miles or the coolant has never been changed in years and you suspect the drain bolt might be stuck ( after all its a steel bolt into aluminum), This might not work.My bike at 4 1/2 ears old and 16,000 miles, the bolt broke loose easily. I'll check and see if Lisle has a 17mm that fits my Serpentine belt tool. The tool comes with a drive adapter too so I could grind down a 17 mm socket to get it shallow enough to work in the future. I'll try and post a picture tomorrow. Getting too late. Having said all that, when I saw what came out of the water pump drain bolt, even having the ability to remove it easily, I probably wouldn't bother pulling it again. But for those who like to get out every last drop, but don't want to pull the exhaust, here's one way to do it. RSTDdog
  17. What is the size socket needed for the front axle?
  18. OK guys. I screwed my courage to the sticking point and with a good buddy we are taking the tires off the 87. Following Freebirds pictures and a bit of native intelligence we did OK - except - for that daggone rear wheel brake caliper retaining bolt - the rear bolt that attaches to the bracket. It just won't come off. It is damaged as well. and the socket wont fit on it any more. How the heck do we get it off? The bolt head is chewed up something awful. Any ideas out there in Venture Land?
  19. went for my 1st post op today...doc says everything looks good and is mending correctly. took some new x-rays and it was a nasty break in my forearm, but i got a nice new piece of chrome holding it together...now i wait on the bill. i still have a brace on my left elbow to keep it in socket, and one on my right wrist doing the same. all in all i am doing pretty well and thank each of you for your continued prayers and support. can't wait for the VA M&E on April 17th!!! Ben
  20. I need to remove the headlight assemblies on my 2009 Silverado. I found the 2 screws on top but don't know if there's a hidden screw or a slip socket. The bottom outside corner seems to have something holding it - too expensive to start ripping too hard. thanks - - - -
  21. I can not seem to find a socket to fit. First socket was not deep enough, then bought a new socket, and it was too thick. Now I am scratching my head. The socket fits on the plug, but cant reach the plug. The outer wall of the socket is stopping it from reaching the plug. Any help?
  22. In a few months, I'll be taking off my rear tire for replacement. Now I also have to think about greasing the splines, etc. What parts should I have on hand, before I tackle the job: 1) J&H Jack - on hand 2) Carbon One with Legs - on hand 3) Bolt to remove the axle bolt - What size do I need for this? Socket? 4) Shaft Drive Seal part - (need 2) - part # 93108-43013-00 - will order soon. 5) Honda Moly60 Tube - will order soon. 6) Rear End Gear Oil - on hand 7) ??? 8) ???
  23. Pardon my ignorance if this sounds like a dumb question. The piece in question is number 4 in the picture. The bike only has one on the left side and it makes taking off the seat a hassle because it's doesn't allow full access for my socket wrench. Granted I could always get a socket that doesn't requre a step down adapter. I took it off to make it easier to remove the seat. How important is this piece and am I supposed to have one on the right side too? http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk86/jason1gp/random/cylinderhead.jpg
  24. I am in the process of changing all my blinker to clear linses and new amber bulbs and I can't get the old bulbs out. The first one twisted off in my hand leaving the base in the socket. I am assuming I have to push the bulb in and turn counterclockwise like the manual states. Mine is '99 RSV and I doubt the bulbs have ever been changed. I have never seen a socket quite like this one. It has a metal strip across the base. Should I remove that strip before trying to remove the bulb? I tried this but when I rotated the bulb the whole socket moved. Someone please set me straight on this. I have one rear bulb broken and do not want to try another one until I am clear as what to do.
  25. One of my turn signal seals was letting some water in. Popped a bulb. The water that got in seems to have rusted the bulb in place. Tried some gentler persuasion - then a bit less gentle with some needle nose pliers after the bulb glass broke. Anyone got suggestions on how to loosen this up to get it out without damaging the socket??
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