I was looking for a left midnight saddle bag, and stumbled onto this auction selling both on ebay. Some outfit tried to snipe it at the end, but I ended up with them. Here is a LINK
A while back a rider behind me took off before me at a light, and climbed up the left rear of the bike, pushing me over on the right side. All cosmetic damage to paint and chrome pieces, and his insurance cut me a check for all new parts, about $3200. I ordered the parts from Yamaha dealer and one of the saddle bags arrived with scratches, so they sent it back and ordered another. It arrived and they called me and said it looked like a conveyor belt or something chewed the box up, so sending it back. I then cancelled that bag. I've been keeping an eye on used parts, when I saw this auction pop up. Since saddlebags are around $1000 new a piece, I'm pretty sure even if I have the two I won custom painted, I will come out ahead.
Shipping is a tad high, but as my momma would say... I stoled that.....