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  1. As I scan the "watering hole", I keep seeing threads for things such as large and improved polished fork "wind" deflectors and keeping the "wind" off your knees deflectors and windshield squabbles on height to stop the "wind" and more! I just wonder, Whatever happened to the idea that on a motorcycle the whole experience is "to be in the wind" to smell the fresh air when you pass a pond or lake, to smell the fresh tilled fields and burning autumn leaves. Fresh cut hay and fields of clover are ever so pleasant. There's something to be said for the breeze on your skin,,,in your face.... It seems a shame to hide behind full face helmets a windshield, knee guards and fork deflectors all trussed up in designer "wind and water repellent" riding suits!,,,crap,,,if I wanted to be so isolated from the "wind" I guess I'd just as well cage it, but then,,,,I'd miss that unmistakable "sound" ! OH YEA I LOVE "THAT SOUND",,,,,,,,and,,,,,,,,,,"THE WIND" ,,,,, (It sings if you listen)! Renne:backinmyday:
  2. Well it's only been a couple of days, but those awful jokes in Christmas crackers have mercifully faded from the memory fairly quickly. One or two are still lodged in my mind though.... What game do ghosts play at parties ?............................ haunt and seek. What do ducks do before Christmas dinner ? ................... they pull quackers. What do you sing for a snowman on his birthday ?............ freeze a jolly good fellow. What did one snowman say to another ? ......................... can you smell carrots ? Two cannibals were eating a clown, one said ..................... does this smell funny to you ? There are thousands of these blooming jokes and hardly any are funny, but that's the point I suppose - so everyone groans, or pretends to find them funny when the children read them, and no-one gets to sound too clever. Do you have these too ?
  3. Ok looking for suggestions. When I take out my '84 for a ride & then park her (in the garage) I get a gasoline/exhauset smell. I vent the garage but it comes back. Within 4 hours or so it stops. Bike runs fine & I get great mileage MPG. So far I have changed Fuel lines Vent lines Fuel filter all clamps Air filter PCV vent in air filter IS attached petcock is in good shape nothing is leaking, weaping or stuck Originally the bike smelled ALL the time but replacement of all lines fixed that. It's like she is running rich. I have narowed it down to the carbs & the floats are ok but is there anything ELSE on the carbs (washers fittings set screws etc) that anyone can suggest may be the problem? It's not a huge problem but more of an irritation. Any suggestions?
  4. So I know it is somewhat of a common problem on our 1st Gens. They are just so dang fast the gas fumes in the tank cannot keep up with the bikes. My bike has developed the “gas smell in the garage” syndrome. It seems to be getting worse. I have checked the diaphragms, checked for overflow from the carbs. Adjusted the idle screws. Trying to decide the next step. So, what are the solutions that you guys have found ? What is the next couple of steps I should try ?
  5. I took the air cleaner off today looking for a gas smell. The seal on #1 carb is not leaking (another thread covers epoxy sealing a small carb leak) and I found no gas anywhere. Started the Beast and watched for anything. #1 and #2 carbs want to puff a little white smoke (vapor?) when the throttle is twisted moderately hard from idle. All four slides are slightly open (1/4") when the engine is not running (is this normal?). There is wet oil on the tops of #1 and #2 carbs. I can see where it is coming out of the air breather and working its way through the air cleaner boots. I put a small air filter (see photo) inside the air box to try and slow this down. OK all you experts . . . Why does my VR smell like gas?
  6. OK I've never been bashfull about letting my 1st Gens see Redline. Question is I play with "Brown Sugar" now just sitting in the garage and if I bring her to redline I get gas smoke and smell. And my MPG has dropped a lot this year?? Everyone knows I'm a firm believer in the nectar of the Gods (Sea-Foam) Other than that and syncing them I don't mess with them if running good. Have never that I can remember (don't mean I haven't) messed with the air screws on her. Just this smoke and smell are unusual for her. She seems to run as strong as ever. Right Brown Angel??? Maybe off a tad. Should I be concerned?? I'm not sure if she is doing this under a load. Haven't noticed it. Its just I haven't recieved my 12 bucks worth yet this month or is that just once a year??:rotfl:
  7. I figured I'd post here as I'm sure someone has the experience to guide me. For the last 2 days I have been getting a pungent sewer gas smell from a cabinet in my kitchen. This cabinet is not under the sink, but it is against the wall where I believe the main vent runs. It has been raining pretty bad for 2 or 3 days as well. I noticed a few things: 1 The smell (not as strong) is present in the cabinets of all bathroom sinks 2. I don't smell anything from the drain openings 3. The smell was almost gone then the wife ran the dishwasher & it got bad again! Am I correct in assuming that there must be a clog in a vent pipe? All the drains flow quickly. Could there be a clog at the main sewer trap outside the house which could cause the smell? I have never had this issue in the 5 years we've lived here. The house was built in 1993 so I know all the fixtures have P-traps and no modifications to the plumbing have been made. It is on a slab foundation. My plan is to go to the roof & snake the vents (& run some water in them) to see if it clears this out. Should I open & check the sewer main trap outside, or is that not needed since all the drains flow quickly? And to think I thought the gas smell from my gen one was annoying:bang head:
  8. Ok I'm going to tangent this problem which came up in my other thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=645718&postcount=23 The gas smell went away after 24 hours. I did not restart the bike. I reopened the petcock and the smell resurfaced within 20 min. Nothing is weeping or leaking, yet there the smell of gas is strongest right at the petcock. Anybody encounter this before? I want to avoid pulling the tank if possble, but if the lines need replacing so be it.
  9. Well about 1000 miles into Venture ownership and I have really fallen in love with this bike and this type of bike (Always ridden BMW and Moto Guzzi's). Last couple of times I have gotten back from a ride I notice the smell of gas in my garage. Happens with tank low or just filled up. Can anyone give me any ideas of what to check? Thanks.
  10. Hi all, New to this site, not new to riding, or old bikes, or turning wrenches. Currently I have a 76 KZ900, 85 V65 and the couch, which is what I call my 86 Venture. I'm not satisfied with the way she's running. I sync'ed the carbs last nite with good results however she seems to idle rich (smell gas in exhaust). I've been through many carbs over the years, both motorcycle and car but I'll admit, the CV carbs are a different breed. My question; are there mixture adjustment screws on these and if so, where the heck are they?
  11. ‎14,000 acres burning in/around Austin, zero percent contained. Lost 300 homes with 100 more in imminent damger. All fire personell within 200 miles to report. National guard has been activated. I can smell smoke in the air and see the glow in the sky from my front yard. Worried - hell yes!
  12. If I crack the throttle wide open quickly while at highway speed, I smell gas, the smell goes away as I resume normal speeds , all carbs appear dry externally, thoughts oh wise ones?
  13. Yesterday when returning from a short ride and ten minutes after parking the bike in the garage, I notice an awful smell of gasoline, I check and to my surprise I saw the oil window level and IT IS COMPLETELY FULL. I have not touch the fuel cock for quite some time now, last time I did I broke the plastic handler so I just left it alone. Do anyone know what can cause this problem?, I don’t want to move the bike until at least I replace the oil, which I think is mixed with gasoline. All input will be so much appreciated Rudy
  14. Finally took the trailer out for the first time..I notice there is more noise from the exhaust bouncing back off of the trailer. I expected that. But the wife and I also noticed that we could smell the exhaust more. It's hard to tell in the photo but it looks like the exhaust exists the pipes below the trailer so I thought the smell would go right back under the trailer. I wouldn't mind except I'm a little concerned about breathing too much of it in if we get stuck in stop and go traffic...should I be worried or is it fine? Is there an alternative? I see these aren't the stock pipes. Would it help if they were stock? Are the pipes or sleeves you slip on the ends of the pipes that curve outward so the exhaust is shot out to the side instead of the back? And if so, would that help anything? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm new to pulling a trailer on the bike...
  15. Well as of yesterday I have had my 83 on the road. I have a few problems that need adressed. The first is the @#$% brakes. They stink. I went through and rebled them and now they are worse. I know I am missing something here but when you cant stop 900 lbs rolling down the road you have a problem. The second is the cooling fan, why does it wait until the gauge is at the red before it will come on? Third is it is running rich, smells like gas when you start it and as long as it idles you can smell it. After you ride for a while it clears up, why? Fourth is there a taller windshield for the early MK1's? The top edge is right at eye level. Other than the brakes these are minor problems. Thank you for all the help. Shaun
  16. I think a one of your pygmies attached themselves to my bike at MD last year...must have hidden in my saddlebags....Have been having a string of bad luck with the house.....well, I decieded to set a few traps for it...WELL ......CAUGHT ONE THIS MORNING.....they are nasty little cusses when caught in a trap. Dang thing nearly chewed thru it own leg to get out.....and smell....whew....well, an old Lewieville slugger took care of that one...hope it was the only one that hitched a ride home with me....your gonna have to check your bike more careful before you leave for Freebirds this year.....or park far, far, away from everyone else..
  17. Yamaha Tenere
  18. Ok, maybe not exactly "stink" but the wife is complaining and don't want to do no riding. I wanted to know if anyone else has had problems with what I can only discribe at en exhaust leak?? I can't seem to see any smoke exactly, but you can "smell" exhaust fumes coming from the area of the Y-pipe. Any advice would be great, becuase like I said, the wife doesn't like to ride now because she says the smell bothers her.
  19. let me explain: Was coming back on the interstate yesterday on a new to me bike, enjoying the scenery at 70 mph. Kept detecting a burning smell. OK, on a new used bike, so I checked it out but could not see anything and nothing was malfunctioning and the smell went away. I chalked it up to someone burning brush on the sides. Later, I kept getting whiffs of the smell, but I didn't put smell and smell together....Then: BANG Big explosion thumped my chest and scared the whatever out of me, and cars in front had brake lights and were scattering as I started seeing bits of tire all over the road, then bits of sheet metal all twisted, then a cargo trailer that I remembered passing me being pulled by a pickup. Construction material and pipe all in and over the trailer. Now the right fender was torn and mostly gone and at least one of the tires was coming at me! None of the cars around me would let me change lanes to get out of the debris, so I slowed way down and weaved around it. Truck/trailer pulled over, a few cars stopped (probably had debris damage) and I moved on. So if you get a whiff of something burning on the road, "listen" to it and see what might be about to explode in front of you!
  20. You guys using regular or premium? I always get a gas smell in my garage after coming back from a ride, what's up with that?
  21. I have just finished rebuilding the clutch slave cylinder, new O ring, pin and compression spring on the nautral safety switch, all new exhaust gaskets and silencers., but still getting this coolant smell. Looks like the light smoke is coming from the exhaust chamber and rising up. There isn't any oil in the coolant and no coolant in the oil. While I had the exhause off, I did a good cleaning of the bottom of the engine and all parts I had off. I did all of the fore mentioned to find this burning coolant smell problem. What lead me to tearing the exhaust off is I thought I had a coolant leak, but never any puddles. Before doing all this along with the burning coolant smell, there was also water coming out of the exhaust mufflers,(still is). This is a 1989 XVZ1300 I bought about a year and a half ago and only ridden maybe 7 or 8 miles,(been trying to get things done to get a sidecar on it). I noticed it at first and the previous owner had told me he had just spilt some coolant when filling it, I think he knew better and that's why he sold it. But my problem now and need to get it taken care of so I can finish it. Any help would be great.
  22. hi venture owners.i have 1983 venture and i road it for the first time in two weeks.i road around town i and i kept smelling gas.i got down on the throttle and it felt like it was bogging down.i was in 3rd gear i think.i parked it and didnt see any gas on the ground.my wife went to work last night and she woke me up saying she smell gas,i didnt see any gas.can anyone tell me what might be the problem.i tried to get under the seat but i dont know how to take it off
  23. My dog ( House Dog ) got introduced to the wrong end of a skunk this morning... my wife gave him a bath, now he smells like a wet skunk... what is there that I can wash him with to mello wonderfull smell out???? K
  24. I have noticed a gas smell on my 84 Venture Royale and couldn;t figure out where it was coming from. I did notice that under the seat it looked like four overflow tubes? and while the bike was in idle gas was dripping from one of them? ANy ideas what could be causing that? I would sure appreciate any insight. thanks Rick
  25. So I have a smell after I have been riding for a while not sure what is is maybe fumes from the carbs. It is not a raw gas smell but it is a smell like exhaust. I know this is not much to go on but its all I can say. The pipes look good when I look at them it is not running rich.
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