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Found 16 results

  1. This one might be fun. RandyA [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLtMh20qIp8&feature=plcp]SmartHAYABUSA - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Anybody ever have or raise a rat terrier? This may be one of the greatest challenges I have ever taken on. Full of energy and smart as a whip. I am a labrador type guy. I like easy dogs to train. This one aint easy. This one has a tendancy to nip. Not a bite yet. The growl comes before the nip. 8 months old. I never hit a dog. the voice should command the dog. This one must have missed that day in school. Here is some history on the devil spawn. We got him at 8 weeks from the APL. His tail was docked. He chewed on me from the get go. He is chewing less from verbal repercussions. I think he got pulled from mom too early. He is so smart. Just bad. This pup will be a challenge.
  3. Well we all went off and jumped off the deep end and took advantage of the black friday sale at metro pcs. So we all three go trapsing down there and buy us each one of those there so called smart alec phones. You could have fooled me it don't seem so smart to me . All weekend we have all three been holed up in different rooms trying to get aquainted with our new smart alec phones. None of us must be very smart alec phone savy cause we can't seem to be able to make any of them do right. Every once in a while one of us will let out a stream of them cursing words followed by threats to hurl them out the window. I'm about tempted to go down the street and find me a twelve year old to hire to show us how to work these dang things.
  4. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150256834712897&set=a.10150244873087897.327123.98011147896&type=1I saw this photo online and was not sure what it was at first. This biker must really like grilling. Of course, he was not very smart either. Yama Mama
  5. What's wrong with this Photo......Dah!!!!! The Venture is Longer Than That mercedes Smart Car:rotfl:
  6. Check out the 2010 Ride Around Texas. 3100 mile in 70 hours. I don't think Im able. But they have a 85 hour one I may just try! Google it I ain't smart enough to post a link.
  7. I am a proud new owner of a leesurlite tent trailer http://www.leesurelite.com/ here are a couple pics of my new road accomodations Sorry I can't figure out how to attach the photos. Who said you have to be smart to ride a bike or type on a computer. I'll try again when I have more time.
  8. Please.... step by step. My exwife told me I was not very smart, so make it simple please. Cb
  9. NO SMART REMARKS!!!!! I don't have the little plastic dip stick for the rearend oil. Can somebody at least give me a measurement off of there's so I can make my own? I would very much appreciate it.
  10. Buyer beware. I think they are secretly trying to get rid of half the population. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8F0PFi24VI]YouTube - Smart Car Crash Test[/ame]
  11. up in the mountains. Won't be able to join you in person, but will be with you in spirit. So, for all that are able to make the run, ride smart, have a great time, and take lots of pics so us less fortunates can continue to live vicariously.
  12. A PUZZLE FOR SMART PEOPLE.... I am sending this only to my smart friends. I could not figure it out and had to look at the answer. See if you can figure out what these words have in common. Banana Dresser Grammar Potato Revive Uneven Assess Are you peeking or have you already given up? Give it another try. Look at each word carefully. (You'll kick yourself when you discover the answer.) Answer: In all of the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word.
  13. I want to give a big thanks to Condor (Jack) for coming by today and taking Tom E.'s parts bike away for me. I stole two big, long hugs from Jack and thought of you all and the love that flows through you to the 'family' when were hurting and going through loss. He was kinda enough to listen to me ramble and babble. (and MAN is he TALL! ) Thanks for what you did for me, Jack. It is appreciated more than you can know. There are some really intelligent and smart folk here on this site and I picked up on that when talking to Jack...he is one of the bright ones. He has a nice son, too, who came to help him load the piece. Thanks again, Jack. Your the bomb.
  14. Somebody posted this at Touring Hogs and I thought I would put it out here also. I hadn't heard anything about Harley releasing a new factory trike but that's exactly what they have done. I think it's a very smart move. Even available with an optional reverse. I'm really surprised that Honda, Yamaha and other major manufacturers haven't done this also. http://www.harley-davidson.com/wcm/Content/Pages/HD_News/triglide_pr_popup.jsp?locale=en_US
  15. I picked up a new battery for the 84 this evening on the way home from work. I filled the cells with the supplied acid to the top level mark and started a 2 amp charge with my Black & Decker Smart Charger I bought 3 years ago. After about 1 hour the charger full charge lamp came on. I said no way this should take 12-16 hours so I reset the charger and tried again. After 5 minutes the charger kicked out and showed full again. This time I replaced it with my heavy duty Napa charger and set it for 2 amps automatic. So far its still charging and some time tomorrow I should get a fully charged indication. I noticed over the winter months that Smart Charger would kick out and show a fault indication on a low battery in my scoots. I guess it's cooked.
  16. As some of you already know, and if you don't, you will now know, I did second gear on my 85. Well, in order to do that job I found out that you need to pull the whole motor out of the bike and then turn it upside down. I figured that it would be a smart thing to first drain out the oil, so out comes the drain plug and off comes the filter. Now the drain plug is an easy one to loose so I was really smart and put it back ASAP. The filter housing on the other hand is a messy business so after taking it off, I neatly put it upside down in the garbage can to drain out, to be retrieved and cleaned at a later date. Well that date was today, and nowhere can I find that housing or the filter itself. I have a new filter but it's somewhat useless without the cover, so now where did the old one end up??????? The best guess I've got at this point, is that seeing as I like things to be as clean as possible and that the garbage was gettiing full, I neatly put a garbage bag over the can, turned it upside down, tied it up and sent it off to never never land where they are building a big heap of other leftovers. Yep my filter cover is gone, gone, gone. Now I need another, but where to find such a thing, I thinking maybe there be someone around who would quietly send me one so that the whole world won't find out how smart I can sometimes be.
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