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  1. When my 89 is cold the starter cranks just fine. After it is warm the starter turns over very slow, pauses, and then the engine fires and starts. It has been this way ever since I got the bike 7 years ago. I lost the stator on a road trip last year (thanks freebird for the replacement procedure, worked great) so now things like this are getting more of my attention. I would like to pull the starter to test it, can it be done without removing the radiator? Any ideas on why it starts the way it does when it is warm? The battery was new last year and the stator is working fine now. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
  2. 05 Venture with 93K on the odo. Some extras like lights and Gps. I have a batt indicator light that after a few days of sitting showed the batt was low. Batt was over a year old so replaced it and now it still shows low after a few days. Bike will crank with yellow light have not let it get to red yet. So it looks like I have a slow batt drain somewhere or possible my light is defective but don't think so. I have done no troubleshooting so far was just wondering if someone knows a weak part on this bike for me to take a first look at?
  3. My first gen starts every time quick but cranks slow like a bad battery. Battery checks good, cables are clean. Is there a common problem to look at first? Battery is not new.
  4. Now of course, I am referring to motorcycling. I personally have thought it quite a few times, especially at night riding out in the country. I really do not think I have actually told him to though as yet. And if you told him to slow down, would he do it, or just be mad at you. Yama Mama
  5. It does happen, well it seems to anyways,,, and it's not the first time she went and did this,,,can't blame me really, I mean I was trying everything and I really wasn't looking forward to do any straining or hard work. Ya I know, I should have been more cautious out there in the farmers' field doing a slow turn, but crap happens and it happened again yesterday. And then the smoke started coming out of the wires,,, oh no, that means I might have to walk home,,, not a good thing either,,, but hey, all is well that ends well,,, right???? Now the story. Went for a nice ride yesterday to Wainfleet ONT to enjoy the times of yesteryear. Lots to see and do. Followed our fearless leader over hill and vale, around curves and corners, dodged pot holes and road kill and finally ended up at our destination, but alas there was limited parking for kickstand bikes, but if we did a u-turn in a field we could park on some gravel... good thought,,,,, until,,,,,,,,,,,,, well that's where it happened, doing a slow turn, unable to give much throttle, through pasture, the front wheel decided to head further left than it was designed and Scamper did a slow roll over. All seemed to be ok, except for Marca who decided not to stay put,(can't say as I blame her) and put her foot out and promptly fell over and hurt her shoulder, (it's ok now). She says she knows better, we have been down before and she stayed put with absolutely no damage at all,,, interesting to see that,,,, bike on it's side and Marca sitting there yet like it's going somewhere, but not this time. Got help from Wayne and Steve to set Scamper back up and view any damage. Not much really, a broken air wing, a mirror facing the wrong way, hiway peg not in the right spot and just a little smoke coming out of a wire,,, life was good, could have been serious. Turns out, the smoke was coming out of the running light wire, right where it attached to the fuse block,,,was a loose connection, but rode home with the 4 ways on until I could get it fixed,,,, ready to ride again,,,, 10 am Monday. Freebird will want to keep me as a member,,, I pay well.
  6. What size battery should I use in NY 1983 venture? I found a 10 ah battery in there. Doesn't seem to be big enough. Was thinking to getting a 22 ah Did the cable upgrade. Still has a slow turnover. Draws down to the yellow on meter when chanking.
  7. Don spoke to Patti today at Diamond R Accessories. She asked us to let you all know that her father passed away yesterday. Some of you may have met him at the Intl Rally at the Hub 3 years ago. She was there with him. she also wanted you all to know that orders might be going out kind of slow for a week or so while they work thru this tough time. Please keep her and Allen in your prayers.
  8. For the last couple of days, this site has been giving me the error message that A SCRIPT IN INTERNET EXPLORER IS RUNNING TOO SLOW, DO YOU WANT TO STOP RUNNING THAT SCRIPT? (YES or NO). Just before this comes up, my computer freezes for about 10 seconds. This happens every time I open a new page. Is anybody else having this problem? Frank D.
  9. I am looking to purchase another bike and after a lot of looking and research I have pretty much decided to go with a Yamaha Road Star or Stratololiner. I am leaning toward the Stratoliner but I can purchase a new 2010 Road Star S for $12,000 and it is tempting. The Venture was just too hard to handle at slow speed. I might add I like to tour and I just turned 71 if that is a factor. I appreciate any and all advise. Thanks
  10. Got it all back together. As I took the VR off the center stand the front forks did not seem to collapse a bit. Sat on the VR and tried to rock the VR with the front break held. Forks still did not collapse. Took it for a slow spin on my private street with a speed bump. Did some quick stops. Still did not seem to collapse. The ride also seemed a but bumpy. I'm 5 ft 8 inch about 173lb. Is this how Progressive Springs are supposed to act at really slow speeds. I will be taking it out for a lenghy spin today. Would appreciate some input just incase I should not take it for a spin yet.
  11. Ok, so while we are no strangers to wind in Oklahoma (although not the tumbleweed state some people think) we regularly get several days of constant 45-50 mph gust (like today), swirling, from sides, head on, tail wind, you name it. How do you take on these winds? slow down? lay down? Speed up? I know there are hundreds of thousands of miles logged by riders on this site. And while I know you all can't have the tainted "texas" winds from the Gulf we get here, what is your method? I have mine, but am eager to learn........ lets hear it! p.s. I dont care if you ride a "first Gen" and they cut the wind like a knife.....:whistling:: :stirthepot:
  12. I just bought a 1999 venture has 37K on it I'm having an issue with the front end being VERY heavy in turns, I actually push the opposite way because of the weight it's like I'm fighting it . it also SEEMS to wobble slightly whe turning sharp at very slow speeds It's hard to explain. Does not seem to be anything loose on the axle etc...rubber is Avon with plenty of tread and looks fine HELP!!!!!!!!!please!!!!!!!
  13. Greetings! I am starting preps to get the wife ready for Riding Season. My first big ride is going to be from Halifax down to Rolling Thunder, then points South. I don't think my '08 Venture has ever had a coolant flush, and I am thinking about all that slow riding in the parade and lots of stopping in the warm Wx. What is the easiest method to do it myself?
  14. My bike has been in the shop since I think 11/16/11 had to have a water leak fixed a couple of speakers replaced and the cassette deck replaced . Everything has been done for a couple of weeks EXCEPT for getting the new tape deck back from Clarion haven't been able to ride but I'm ready to have my baby back in the stable are they always this slow dealer says he is just waiting on them. Anyway to light a fire under there A**.
  15. I made some leveling links per freebirds instructions and installed them Sunday. It's hard to believe such a small change can make such a huge differance, but it does. The one area I have been disapointed in with the RSV is the slow speed handeling. It has been a real chore in some instances. Well no more! The bike is more nimble and acually feels lighter while doing slow speed manuvers. I went from strugling to do a U-turn to being able to ride tight circles and figure 8s in tight quarters with little effort. I'm sure this will mean better handling in the twisties. I'll test the twisties this weekend. If you havent done this mod, DO IT!
  16. I have been reading a lot of the threads on leveling links some like them some don't and I can make my own. The problem I'm having at slow speeds an coming to a stop is if I let the front end much past center more like halfway between center and the stop it tries to pull itself all the way over to the stop. This is when i really notice the weight of the bike and what I think nearly caused me to drop it the other day. Took the bike to the dealer right after i bought it an had the front yoke bearings packed an adjusted and asked to have them a little tighter service manger told me he could only tighten them to specs. and explained how over tightening would cause irregular wear on the bearings and it made sense to me. All of this said is this the problem that leveling links will correct or something I have to get use to. In reading some of the other threads V7 Goose had replied that he had a thread on the subject of leveling links but cant find it or figure out the advanced search works to find it.
  17. My daughters Gateway laptop I bought her for college graduation about 18 months ago has issues. It's running windows 7 64 bit with 4Meg of Ram. Recently everything runs extremely slow and sometime freezes up. Last weekend I managed to run a malware bytes scan no problems and a reg clean program. AVG antivirus still freezes before completing a scan. I did manage to check scandisk,defrag,cleanup junk files,etc. The computer takes about 10 minutes to boot up. I went in and done a clean boot. disabled all non essential statup up programs and disable services everything except windows essentials. this fixed the slow boot issue but still runs programs slow and internet. I'm thinking about doing a complete restoration but this would destroy all her files and pictures. Also trying to do a restore to an earlier point will usually do it but this computer says there are no earlier restore points. I have tryed to move her files to a usb jump drive but even that transfer rate is extremly slow. It says moving about 5 gig of data will take over 1 day to a usb jump drive Holy Cow.Anyway getting ready to make new pot of coffee and hit it again.Her system still shows 4 meg of ram what the H is going on?
  18. Well, I think my starter is getting tired. I get a slow hot crank mostly and I sometimes get a slow cold crank, but def. slower when hot. I read somewhere that the ventures have a two brush starter and the vmax has a 4 brush starter. I guess I could take mine apart and clean it but it would probably just be easier go get another used one, tune it up and throw it in and keep spares.
  19. Delivered the old 96 up to Blind River, ON Friday, was an awesome ride. Stopped at Tony's in Birch Run for breakfast, still eating bacon. It was very, very windy crossing the mighty Mack, had to take my time going across, a wee bit scary with some big gusts pushing me around. Going to miss the bike, but prepping the sailboat for the winter helped to ease tha pain. It's going to be a long winter..... No bites on the Venture yet, will have better luck in the spring I'm thinking. Been following Ponch's recovery....albeit slow but sure. Keep it up David, slay the Goliath that is taking you on, you can beat him! In the meantime, heading up to Elliot Lake, ON today to visit family, then it's off to do the circle route around Superior, down the east shore of Lake Michigan to home and back to work Monday. Just a quick update..... gunk:shock3:
  20. My Compaq Presario lap top has gotten real slow. I did the disc cleanup and defragged and restored to an earlier point and it is still slow. I went on to cccleaner and did a scan and it did the usual 3,000+ problems found and it said it had a free download. But when I installed it to do the scan and it found problems, it requires me to purchase to do the fix. Is the free download just for the scan? Any other suggestions? RandyA
  21. I haven't dug into the new 88VR yet...(took my wife for a ride today and she likes the ride better than the 83 or 84. One thing I have noticed....when the bike is hot I have NO ISSUES with slow starter syndrome that plagued both the older bikes. Is this probably because the PO fixed something (4 brush starter or 4 gu wire or better ground ala dingy's mod) Or Did they make some changes and improvements to correct the problem at the factory?
  22. or or better yet, when will it arrive? I'm talking about SUMMER! (our forecast for the next few days...) [ATTACH]58675[/ATTACH] This kinda weather is happening all over. The cherry crops in the Okanagan are at least 2 weeks late and they're saying it will be a slow harvest lasting into mid Aug. I sure hope we hit some good weather by the end of next week when we head for CODY!!! (and that is stays for a while)
  23. Back in my yoot I used to work part time in a discount membership store in the sporting goods dept. Kinda like White Front.. K-Mart.. Fedco.. etc. Anyway we used to sell firearms and one of the rifles we stocked was a Mannlicher Schonauer. I fell in love with that rifle. Just married, kid on the way, and working two jobs 80 hours a week to make ends meet, and I just couldn't afford one. Slow forward 50 years... In the last few years I'd run into one or two at auction, but they went for big bucks. Finally nailed one down last week. She's a beauty and I can't wait to get'r home.... It's in DOJ limbo for another 7 days. Next monday..
  24. Getting ready to head out to Greensboro this morning and noticed a discoloration on my radiator nothing wet on the floor and the radiator did not feel wet, however I did not want to get 5 hours away and it fail. I rode around the local area for a couple hours still looks the same but no visible leak. So did I just hit big bug or do I have a very slow leak?
  25. Here's some roads that just scream for a slow and easy ride... http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/routes.pps
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