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  1. I have a 2000 royal star venture and the clutch is slipping in 4th and 5th gear. When you get on the gas real hard. Changed clutch fluid. And it's still slipping. I have about 65,000 on the bike. Don't ride that hard. And no passenger (she rides her own) Where should I start with the spring plate or clutch disc. thanks Michael
  2. I've noticed my clutch slipping when I shift down to pass a car and get on to it in 3rd gear it seems to slip a little bit and then kicks in. Is this unusual for a bike with 28k. I have towed a trailer for some of that. I don't really notice any other time.
  3. I am just throwing this out there. My clutch seems to be slipping just a little bit. Now it is too late for ordering and replacing at this stage before we begin our journey east. I was wondering if I somehow got a hold of one if I could get it changed out at the International and would there be anyone willing to help? Can this be done there? I do pull a camper so I expect that if its slipping a little now it may become alot worse by the time our trip is done. Feed back is greatly appreciated!
  4. Well, I think it's time I address the slipping clutch. If I ride the bike normally the clutch does not slip at all. If I dump clutch it or rev it up to 6500 and speed shift you can feel it slipping. I don't want to race the bike but I don't want to have the clutch slip if I am in a situation where it would prove bad. Is there anything I should be looking for outside of the clutch (i.e. worn slave cylinder or faulty master cylinder)?
  5. has anyone replaced a clutch on a Venture around the year 2002, how hard is it? I have 53,000 miles on my bike and now the clutch has started slipping when i hammer down on it in fifth gear, the hotter it is the more the slip!
  6. I've recently purchased a 07 RSTD with just a bit over 40,000 miles. I've read about some having to replace the CLUTCH BASKET and it being under warranty. I've recently changed the oil just to know it had been changed and what was in it. I replaced the oil with Full Synthetic Mobil 10-40 High Mileage formula (non energy conserving) I had noticed the slipping feeling before the oil change but do not know what oil was in it) The reason I ask is I have experienced what feels like a clutch slipping under hard acceleration. I am not sure if this is a idiosyncrasy of this bike or if it is actually slipping and/or will need replacing in the future. My wife's HD Fatboy has the same feeling too when I run it hard and it only has 8,000. miles on it. I had always attributed the feeling to its belt drive stretching. At 8000 miles I doubt it is slipping, and it runs out really well but he HP and Torque #'s are no where near the TD's or Valkyrie's. (all work on it has been done by a dealer.) Since the TD is a shaft drive I would expect it to feel like my Valkyrie which once engaged in a gear it stays no slipping under hard acceleration at all. Just lots of torque. Both the TD and the Valkyrie have hydraulic clutches, the TD is a much lighter feel than the Valkyrie so is it safe to assume the clutch springs on the Valk are heaver to deal with the extra torque? 2ND ??? What are the symptoms of the CLUTCH BASKET needing to be replaced and HOW CAN I TELL IF IT HAS BEEN DONE OR WHCH BASKET IS IN MY BIKE? Thanks for all the help, Tom
  7. what is typically the problem when the idle increases? I am looking at purchasing a 1083. The current owner indicates that is has something with the set screws slipping, but then says he isn't familiar with it. Any advise is much appreciated!
  8. I have a set of Bub Slip-ons (on for one year), they slipped on but do not slip off, in fact they do not even pound off. I have split a few 2x4's trying to the get them off. Looked like it was slipping off but in fact the whole exhaust was slipping off. Pentrating oil did not help. I was able to get the tire on but I would really like to get that exhaust apart. I have access to a torch but not here. Is that going to be my only option? or does someone have any other tricks. ? Brad
  9. :dancefool:Sorry guys i know there are a ton of threads on this but man fishing through them all you end up more confused lol. Ok so i have about 78000 miles on the ol girl and the clutch has been slipping since oh about 15000 miles ago. I won a new Barnett clutch plate set and have never put them in. Should i use these or just try to replace the spring with heavier duty spring? If i use these do i need anything else along with it? Never done a clutch before but i know it is not that hard i just want to make sure i have everything to do it the day i tear it down as i hate to be with out it. New baby due next month so have to make sure i have the bike for my sanity. Thanks for the help.
  10. I just finished installing a new spring in my 1986 VR, using the kit from Sky Doc. First off, let me tell you that Sky Doc backs his stuff up with patience and understanding at a very high level. He put up with my nonsense (a result of not knowing what the H**L I was doing!) and more or less held my hand until the fog cleared and I saw what I was supposed to do! Now my VR hooks up like a VENTURE...a new one, that is! I was having slipping problems in higher gears and then after the first installation, I managed to have it in EVERY gear (Does that tell you how little I know about motorcycle mechanics?) But after Sky Doc and I talked quite a few times, he finally got through to my thick head and now the bike runs like it should. Other problems still exist, but it is nice to know when someone really follows through with his products like Sky Doc!!!!
  11. I just got this 1984 xvz12, and after about 300 miles the cluth start slipping. Is there any adjustment on it? This bike has just turned over to 16,000 miles I dont think the clutch is wore out yet I hope. I thought about new clutch springs, looking for some ideas!!! thanks Larry
  12. I have an 07 Venture with 20k miles on it. Last Fall, I noiced the clutch starting to slip when I 'roll on' the throttle. I just lived with it with plans to take care of it during the Winter. Well here it is Spring, and I haven't delt with it yet. I suspect that I could go to the dealer and have it fixed under warranty, but I would probably just end up with the same problem in another 20k miles or worse yet, get a noisey whining clutch. How long can I go with it slipping like this? I would think that it should be changed ASAP. So, I am thinking about an aftermarket clutch and doing it myself. There are several threads about this, but I was unable to find a consensus as to which way to go. Are they difficult to change? - I did this as a teenager in the 70s, I'm guessing it isn't much different. Which aftermarket is the best to go with? craigr
  13. So, after the stealership went through the carbs, the bike runs OUTSTANDING once again... I took it home, went for a ride... Rode to work, and sure enough... The clutch is slipping. The clutch holds fine when I ride it like a Harley, but when I open it up to where she belongs, that's when the slippage occurs. I never pull a trailer, and don't carry much of a load. We do ride 2-Up, but the wife isn't even 120lbs. I've read through all of the forums on the PCW Clutch kit, I believe that's the 'way to go' with the VMax springs (correct me if I'm wrong) and from what I gather the kit is under $100. Well, with the recently acquired Vet bills, spending anywhere near $100 is a No-Go, at least until next month, and with this weekend forecast sitting at 76 degrees & sunny, I'll be hard pressed to take the cage anywhere. Not to sound like an idiot, but is it safe to assume there's not 'adjustment' to the clutch, and if I keep riding while it's slipping, it'll cause more problems for later? If anyone HAS a clutch kit that'll work in my 97 RSTC and needs some computer work done, maybe we can work something out? Then again, I'm sure a clutch kit isn't something that people have just laying around. Err. ***See how sad Murphy looks when Daddy can't go riding?
  14. So I have only 15300 miles on my 03 SV and I have noticed the clutch is slipping. when I reall get into it and also when I in it hard and shift gears. I have owned several Honda VTX1800's a GW and a HD RoadKing and all have had more miles than my RSV and never had any clutch slipping problems. Anyone out the have any good advice for me? Thanks
  15. On the way back from the Havasu Biker Rodeo I was following an 18 wheeler at about 75MPH. When I decided to pass him, I moved to the left lane, turned the throttle all the way and heard the RPMs go up but the bike didn't speed up until I let off the throttle a bit and then twisted a bit slower. To me that means my clutch was slipping. That the was the first time that has ever happend. Is it time for a new clutch or what? The bike is an 06 with about 28,000 miles.
  16. I went to pick my son up from school today on my 1999 rsv and the clutch was slipping when I would get the rpm's up high. It was slipping in about every gear. I parked it for about 15 minutes at the school. When I got back on it and started home it wouldn't slip for nothing. I tried everything to get it to slip, but it ran fine. Anyone know what my problem might be? Thanks hairman
  17. I have a '98 Royal Star 1300, 20k miles, lightly driven, no synthetic oil ever used, clutch slips intermittently, replaced clutch spring and fibers, steeles were mint, still slipped, started looking at clutch master cylinder, I flushed and bled the clutch fluid. I ran it hard with no slipping for 15 minutes then it started slipping again, any ideas? I'm stumped guys. Thanks for any input!
  18. I have a '98 Royal Star 1300, 20k miles, lightly driven, no synthetic oil ever used, clutch slips intermittently, replaced clutch spring and fibers, steeles were mint, still slipped, started looking at clutch master cylinder, I flushed and bled the clutch fluid. I ran it hard with no slipping for 15 minutes then it started slipping again, any ideas? I'm stumped guys. Thanks for any input!
  19. My 83 venture seems to have the famed slipping in 2nd gear. I knew this when I bought it, but it was a great price and worth the aggrivation for getting it for very little cash. I heard that when the 2nd gear was fixed the dealers made a mark on the case near the VIn number. When I had the bike apart yesterday to sync the carbs I decided to clean up the engine and tranny case and noticed what looks like someoen took a punch and make a large DOT right next to the Vin number on the textured part that holds the number. Is it possible the bike had the fix done? I am getting slipping if I accelerate hard in 2nd. but I can accelerate like a madman in 1st and 3rd and not feel any slipping. Reason I ask, I was reading the threads about the clutch and how the springs or 20 year old discs can cause slipping, and that the bike will slip in 2nd.
  20. I want to say thanks to all replys to my clutch slipping problem. It turns out that there was too much fluid in the resevoir and was slipping when it got heated up. But I also just changed oil the day befor, I dont think that was my problem after checking the fluid level. Im going to bleed it untill it runs clear and not fill it to the top, it is so full could get one more drop in it if I wanted to. And only slips when its warmed up. From what I see asking this next question is a hot topic on here but i would hear what you guys say about it. I want to run good oil in this bike (84 xvz12 with 16000 miles) and yes its the real miles on ths bike! I want to run the best oil I can for this. I love mobile 1 full syn. does anyone run this and what wt. do you run. If it does not do good in this bike, I would like to know, so I dont waste my time and money. Thanks for every ones help, this is a great site and so glad I found it. I love my bike and dont know mch about it. I have alway had a bike and did my own work, but this thing is a beast and so different than most bikes!! Thanks again Larry
  21. OK guys I know this is not about bikes but I need some help. I have a 96 F150 that I bought with 70,000 miles on it could not find out about trans service done ever. So now it has 154,000 and i have been told for years not to service tranny because it could start slipping, And I had a 78 diesel F250 That I changed thefluid in the same circumstance ,and it started slipping. So I'm in a quandary on what to do. Any thoughts?.....Fred
  22. I know some of you can help me with this. Clutch started acting up on a ride Saturday. When I left town all was well, but as time went on, the play in the clutch lever steadily increased. It got to the point that it would disengage about 1/4" from the handgrip. Fearing it would get worse I returned home and topped off the reservoir. This morning while is was cool it seemed a little better. On the way home after work, I had almost no release left. I actually needed to blip the throttle to help it shift up or down. It's not slipping at all, just not releasing soon enough for comfort. Could it be air has gotten into the line somehow. It hasn't been dropped, but it was completely service recently. I would have expected any problems from the servicing to show up immediately though. All help is needed and appreciated. Jim
  23. My 1985 Venture Royale has slipping clutch in 4th and 5th gears. Was going to repalce with Barnett SR 2 Pressure plate and clutches. Was told this does not fit 1985 .. So what have others done to correct slipping clutch on 1985... How good are EBC clutches and springs.. Thank You Joe in NJ
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