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Found 14 results

  1. I Want to put a nice LOUD set of slip-on Pipes to my 1997 RSTD and have NO IDEA where to begin. Seems that all the nice pipes are for Harley models and you need to make a special bracket to put them on a Royal Star Tour Deluxe. SO, does it matter what brand or type of pipe I choose if it is a Harley model? Does anyone have any good suggestions for brackets or alternative modes to attache Harley pipes? Are Crusher pipes good pipes? Thank you for any help you can provide!
  2. I'm having trouble deciding between the Bub slip-ons or the Barons slip-ons. I like the looks of the Barons more, but am afraid they might be too loud. Does anyone know which on is louder (baffles in) ? I've listened to the sound clips, but couldn't tell. Also, it seems to be quite the task to pull the Bub baffles, with cutting welds & drilling rivets, etc. How easy is it to pull the baffles on the Barons:confused24:? These are the two questions I need info. on. Thanks a bunch.
  3. I've got an 06 RSTD & would like to get some slip-on's for it. I ordered a set from J&P. Bub slip-ons recommended by my Yamaha mechanic, but they are on backorder until maybe September. Any ideas or anybody have some used slip-ons for sale. I want a little noise on my day bike I ride to work. Thanks, Graderman46
  4. I just traded a VTX 1300 for a 2006 Midnight Venture and this bike is awesome! The bike has bub slip-on but the previous owner removed the baffles and it is a little loud, for me anyway. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction! Maybe if someone has baffles that are not being used or I would be willing to trade these slip-ons for factory pipes... any sollutions would be greatly appreciated! The chrome on the tips are flaking off, fyi. I live in the Fort Worth, Tx area. Thanks.
  5. I looked at older posts trying to find someone who knew where I can find clamps for RK slip-ons for '07 RSTD. Anyone who has any please contact me...318-268-4882 or kevinandmona@hotmail.com THANKS
  6. I have a set of Bub Slip-ons (on for one year), they slipped on but do not slip off, in fact they do not even pound off. I have split a few 2x4's trying to the get them off. Looked like it was slipping off but in fact the whole exhaust was slipping off. Pentrating oil did not help. I was able to get the tire on but I would really like to get that exhaust apart. I have access to a torch but not here. Is that going to be my only option? or does someone have any other tricks. ? Brad
  7. Just had my oil changed and went with synthetic (Mobile1 20-40). After 200 miles the whine is noticeably worse. I thought that the syn might actually help quiet the clutch basket (I assume that's where the whine originates?), but it seems the opposite has happened. Has this happened to anyone else? My new slip-ons don't begin to compensate for the increase in whine. Any ideas? Is my only choice to go back to Dino? Thanks!
  8. I've sync'd the carbs, plugged both the AIS's, and now changed the exhaust with slip-ons. Still have afterburn pops on decel. The slip-ons went well past the split ends on the exhaust before clamping. Any chance the splits in the sip-ons have to be completely covered with clamps? What else do I need to do to stop (slow down) the pops on decel? Thanks for any help!
  9. Is there anyone near the Sacramento ca. area that I might be able to meet up with or talk to on this subject? I have cut my air boxes, bub slip-ons, dynatec 3000 set at curve 3. The bike has good power but cant get away from the ping and down shift on the hills. HELP!
  10. Just in case anyone was wondering if this could be done, Yes you can put other HD pipes on your RSV once you put the "adapter" brackets on. I bought my 2000 RSV used, in 2005. It had BUB slip-ons on it at the time. The chrome on the end caps had deteriorated to the point where they needed to be replaced. However, I did not want to pay the $200 that new end caps were going to cost. Plus, they were too loud for me (I think the previous owner removed the baffles). I then bought the HD muffler brackets sold on VR, and put on a set of drilled out RK mufflers. I liked them, but was looking for just a little more sound. Recently, I got a set of brand new HD touring BUB slip-ons off EBAY for $80 (Yes, $80!), and they fit right on the "adapter" brackets. They're still pretty loud, though, so I don't know if I'll keep them. If I decide to sell them, I'll post 'em here first to see if anybody wants them. If not, I'll put 'em back on EBAY. Anway, just in case anyone was wondering...
  11. SilvrT

    Kaw Nomad

    Went and road tested a couple Kawasaki Vulcan Nomads on Sat. First one was a '08 .... not a bad price either ( $11,700) brand new. Second one was a '06 for $8,800 ... had 19k km's on it...very clean and the only extras were Vance & Hines slip-on's and nicer hand grips. I like the looks of these scoots and have been toying with the idea of getting one. They were quite comfortable to ride... even Nina was impressed...we both thought they would be considerably rougher. She liked the rumble of the V-twin and the V&H slip-ons. I did find them considerably under powered tho...a lot less than I expected for a 1600cc V-twin and no match... not even close to my VR. Am wondering what improvements can be done power wise... I know I could get a power commander or something like that. Anyone have any thoughts on this. Was also wondering why these bikes which are fuel injected have a manual choke???
  12. On youtube I just saw a guy demonstrate a set of basic vance & hines slip-ons on an RSV. They sure did look and sound good. I didn't know Vance & Hines made these for the RSV. Anybody know what gives? I have the Bubs on mine now, but I sure like the looks of the V&H more. Anyone have these V&H slip-ons on their bike? If so, do you know what model they are. I'd certainly appreciate any info. Thanks.
  13. I have Roadhouse 65's slip-ons on my V-Star. About 4 inches behind the clamp where the pipe slides onto the stoch head pipe, there is a 2 inch wide brown/yellow blotch. the head pipe is not blued. Is this normal? Any way to clean it? Have not talked to Roadhouse yet. Was going to call them, but don't have the number and their web site is down right now.
  14. Will I need to re-jet an '05 RSV if I install a set Bub Sleeper slip-ons?
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